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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Integrated Density of States for Operators on Groups

Schwarzenberger, Fabian 06 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the study of operators on discrete structures. The operators are supposed to be self-adjoint and obey a certain translation invariance property. The discrete structures are given as Cayley graphs via finitely generated groups. Here, sofic groups and amenable groups are in the center of our considerations. Note that every finitely generated amenable group is sofic. We investigate the spectrum of a discrete self-adjoint operator by studying a sequence of finite dimensional analogues of these operators. In the setting of amenable groups we obtain these approximating operators by restricting the operator in question to finite subsets Qn , n ∈ N. These finite dimensional operators are self-adjoint and therefore admit a well-defined normalized eigenvalue counting function. The limit of the normalized eigenvalue counting functions when |Qn | → ∞ (if it exists) is called the integrated density of states (IDS). It is a distribution function of a probability measure encoding the distribution of the spectrum of the operator in question on the real axis. In this thesis, we prove the existence of the IDS in various geometric settings and for different types of operators. The models we consider include deterministic as well as random situations. Depending on the specific setting, we prove existence of the IDS as a weak limit of distribution functions or even as a uniform limit. Moreover, in certain situations we are able to express the IDS via a semi-explicit formula using the trace of the spectral projection of the original operator. This is sometimes referred to as the validity of the Pastur-Shubin trace formula. In the most general geometric setting we study, the operators are defined on Cayley graphs of sofic groups. Here we prove weak convergence of the eigenvalue counting functions and verify the validity of the Pastur-Shubin trace formula for random and non-random operators . These results apply to operators which not necessarily bounded or of finite hopping range. The methods are based on resolvent techniques. This theory is established without having an ergodic theorem for sofic groups at hand. Note that ergodic theory is the usual tool used in the proof of convergence results of this type. Specifying to operators on amenable groups we are able to prove stronger results. In the discrete case, we show that the IDS exists uniformly for a certain class of finite hopping range operators. This is obtained by using a Banach space-valued ergodic theorem. We show that this applies to eigenvalue counting functions, which implies their convergence with respect to the Banach space norm, in this case the supremum norm. Thus, the heart of this theory is the verification of the Banach space-valued ergodic theorem. Proceeding in two steps we first prove this result for so-called ST-amenable groups. Then, using results from the theory of ε-quasi tilings, we prove a version of the Banach space-valued ergodic theorem which is valid for all amenable groups. Focusing on random operators on amenable groups, we prove uniform existence of the IDS without the assumption that the operator needs to be of finite hopping range or bounded. Moreover, we verify the Pastur-Shubin trace formula. Here we present different techniques. First we show uniform convergence of the normalized eigenvalue counting functions adapting the technique of the Banach space-valued ergodic theorem from the deterministic setting. In a second approach we use weak convergence of the eigenvalue counting functions and additionally obtain control over the convergence at the jumps of the IDS. These ingredients are applied to verify uniform existence of the IDS. In both situations we employ results from the theory of large deviations, in order to deal with long-range interactions.

The Chern character of theta-summable Cq-Fredholm modules

Miehe, Jonas Philipp 25 April 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop a framework that generalizes the previously known notions of theta-summable Fredholm modules to the setting of locally convex dg algebras. By introducing an additional action of the Clifford algebra, we may treat the even and odd cases simultaneously. In particular, we recover the theory developed by Güneysu/Ludewig and extend the definition of odd theta-summable Fredholm modules to the differential graded category. We then construct a Chern character, which serves as a differential graded refinement of the JLO cocycle, and prove that it has all the expected analytical and homological properties. As an application, we prove an odd noncommutative index theorem relating the spectral flow of a theta-summable Fredholm module to the pairing of the Chern character with the odd Bismut-Chern character in entire (differential graded) cyclic homology, thereby extending results obtained by Güneysu/Cacciatori and Getzler.

Beiträge zur Regularisierung inverser Probleme und zur bedingten Stabilität bei partiellen Differentialgleichungen

Shao, Yuanyuan 14 January 2013 (has links)
Wir betrachten die lineare inverse Probleme mit gestörter rechter Seite und gestörtem Operator in Hilberträumen, die inkorrekt sind. Um die Auswirkung der Inkorrektheit zu verringen, müssen spezielle Lösungsmethode angewendet werden, hier nutzen wir die sogenannte Tikhonov Regularisierungsmethode. Die Regularisierungsparameter wählen wir aus das verallgemeinerte Defektprinzip. Eine typische numerische Methode zur Lösen der nichtlinearen äquivalenten Defektgleichung ist Newtonverfahren. Wir schreiben einen Algorithmus, die global und monoton konvergent für beliebige Startwerte garantiert. Um die Stabilität zu garantieren, benutzen wir die Glattheit der Lösung, dann erhalten wir eine sogenannte bedingte Stabilität. Wir demonstrieren die sogenannte Interpolationsmethode zur Herleitung von bedingten Stabilitätsabschätzungen bei inversen Problemen für partielle Differentialgleichungen.

Optimal Control of Thermoviscoplasticity

Stötzner, Ailyn 09 November 2018 (has links)
This thesis is devoted to the study of optimal control problems governed by a quasistatic, thermoviscoplastic model at small strains with linear kinematic hardening, von Mises yield condition and mixed boundary conditions. Mathematically, the thermoviscoplastic equations are given by nonlinear partial differential equations and a variational inequality of second kind in order to represent the elastic, plastic and thermal effects. Taking into account thermal effects we have to handle numerous mathematical challenges during the analysis of the thermoviscoplastic model, mainly due to the low integrability of the nonlinear terms on the right-hand side of the heat equation. One of our main results is the existence of a unique weak solution, which is proved by means of a fixed-point argument and by employing maximal parabolic regularity theory. Furthermore, we define the related control-to-state mapping and investigate properties of this mapping such as boundedness, weak continuity and local Lipschitz continuity. Another major result is the finding that the mapping is Hadamard differentiable; a main ingredient is the reformulation of the variational inequality, the so called viscoplastic flow rule, as a Banach space-valued ordinary differential equation with non-differentiable right-hand side. Subsequently, we consider an optimal control problem governed by thermoviscoplasticity and show the existence of a minimizer. Finally, close this thesis with numerical examples. / Diese Arbeit ist der Untersuchung von Optimalsteuerproblemen gewidmet, denen ein quasistatisches, thermoviskoplastisches Model mit kleinen Deformationen, mit linearem kinematischen Hardening, von Mises Fließbedingung und gemischten Randbedingungen zu Grunde liegt. Mathematisch werden thermoviskoplastische Systeme durch nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen und eine variationelle Ungleichung der zweiten Art beschrieben, um die elastischen, plastischen und thermischen Effekte abzubilden. Durch die Miteinbeziehung thermischer Effekte, treten verschiedene mathematische Schwierigkeiten während der Analysis des thermoviskoplastischen Systems auf, die ihren Ursprung hauptsächlich in der schlechten Regularität der nichtlinearen Terme auf der rechten Seite der Wärmeleitungsgleichung haben. Eines unserer Hauptresultate ist die Existenz einer eindeutigen schwachen Lösung, welches wir mit Hilfe von einem Fixpunktargument und unter Anwendung von maximaler parabolischer Regularitätstheorie beweisen. Zudem definieren wir die entsprechende Steuerungs-Zustands-Abbildung und untersuchen Eigenschaften dieser Abbildung wie die Beschränktheit, schwache Stetigkeit und lokale Lipschitz Stetigkeit. Ein weiteres wichtiges Resultat ist, dass die Abbildung Hadamard differenzierbar ist; Hauptbestandteil des Beweises ist die Umformulierung der variationellen Ungleichung, der sogenannten viskoplastischen Fließregel, als eine Banachraum-wertige gewöhnliche Differentialgleichung mit nichtdifferenzierbarer rechter Seite. Schließlich runden wir diese Arbeit mit numerischen Beispielen ab.

Studies on two specific inverse problems from imaging and finance

Rückert, Nadja 16 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with regularization parameter selection methods in the context of Tikhonov-type regularization with Poisson distributed data, in particular the reconstruction of images, as well as with the identification of the volatility surface from observed option prices. In Part I we examine the choice of the regularization parameter when reconstructing an image, which is disturbed by Poisson noise, with Tikhonov-type regularization. This type of regularization is a generalization of the classical Tikhonov regularization in the Banach space setting and often called variational regularization. After a general consideration of Tikhonov-type regularization for data corrupted by Poisson noise, we examine the methods for choosing the regularization parameter numerically on the basis of two test images and real PET data. In Part II we consider the estimation of the volatility function from observed call option prices with the explicit formula which has been derived by Dupire using the Black-Scholes partial differential equation. The option prices are only available as discrete noisy observations so that the main difficulty is the ill-posedness of the numerical differentiation. Finite difference schemes, as regularization by discretization of the inverse and ill-posed problem, do not overcome these difficulties when they are used to evaluate the partial derivatives. Therefore we construct an alternative algorithm based on the weak formulation of the dual Black-Scholes partial differential equation and evaluate the performance of the finite difference schemes and the new algorithm for synthetic and real option prices.

Application of the Duality Theory: New Possibilities within the Theory of Risk Measures, Portfolio Optimization and Machine Learning

Lorenz, Nicole 28 June 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present new results concerning duality in scalar optimization. We show how the theory can be applied to optimization problems arising in the theory of risk measures, portfolio optimization and machine learning. First we give some notations and preliminaries we need within the thesis. After that we recall how the well-known Lagrange dual problem can be derived by using the general perturbation theory and give some generalized interior point regularity conditions used in the literature. Using these facts we consider some special scalar optimization problems having a composed objective function and geometric (and cone) constraints. We derive their duals, give strong duality results and optimality condition using some regularity conditions. Thus we complete and/or extend some results in the literature especially by using the mentioned regularity conditions, which are weaker than the classical ones. We further consider a scalar optimization problem having single chance constraints and a convex objective function. We also derive its dual, give a strong duality result and further consider a special case of this problem. Thus we show how the conjugate duality theory can be used for stochastic programming problems and extend some results given in the literature. In the third chapter of this thesis we consider convex risk and deviation measures. We present some more general measures than the ones given in the literature and derive formulas for their conjugate functions. Using these we calculate some dual representation formulas for the risk and deviation measures and correct some formulas in the literature. Finally we proof some subdifferential formulas for measures and risk functions by using the facts above. The generalized deviation measures we introduced in the previous chapter can be used to formulate some portfolio optimization problems we consider in the fourth chapter. Their duals, strong duality results and optimality conditions are derived by using the general theory and the conjugate functions, respectively, given in the second and third chapter. Analogous calculations are done for a portfolio optimization problem having single chance constraints using the general theory given in the second chapter. Thus we give an application of the duality theory in the well-developed field of portfolio optimization. We close this thesis by considering a general Support Vector Machines problem and derive its dual using the conjugate duality theory. We give a strong duality result and necessary as well as sufficient optimality conditions. By considering different cost functions we get problems for Support Vector Regression and Support Vector Classification. We extend the results given in the literature by dropping the assumption of invertibility of the kernel matrix. We use a cost function that generalizes the well-known Vapnik's ε-insensitive loss and consider the optimization problems that arise by using this. We show how the general theory can be applied for a real data set, especially we predict the concrete compressive strength by using a special Support Vector Regression problem.

Contributions to the Simulation and Optimization of the Manufacturing Process and the Mechanical Properties of Short Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Parts

Ospald, Felix 16 December 2019 (has links)
This thesis addresses issues related to the simulation and optimization of the injection molding of short fiber-reinforced plastics (SFRPs). The injection molding process is modeled by a two phase flow problem. The simulation of the two phase flow is accompanied by the solution of the Folgar-Tucker equation (FTE) for the simulation of the moments of fiber orientation densities. The FTE requires the solution of the so called 'closure problem'', i.e. the representation of the 4th order moments in terms of the 2nd order moments. In the absence of fiber-fiber interactions and isotropic initial fiber density, the FTE admits an analytical solution in terms of elliptic integrals. From these elliptic integrals, the closure problem can be solved by a simple numerical inversion. Part of this work derives approximate inverses and analytical inverses for special cases of fiber orientation densities. Furthermore a method is presented to generate rational functions for the computation of arbitrary moments in terms of the 2nd order closure parameters. Another part of this work treats the determination of effective material properties for SFRPs by the use of FFT-based homogenization methods. For these methods a novel discretization scheme, the 'staggered grid'' method, was developed and successfully tested. Furthermore the so called 'composite voxel'' approach was extended to nonlinear elasticity, which improves the approximation of material properties at the interfaces and allows the reduction of the model order by several magnitudes compared to classical approaches. Related the homogenization we investigate optimal experimental designs to robustly determine effective elastic properties of SFRPs with the least number of computer simulations. Finally we deal with the topology optimization of injection molded parts, by extending classical SIMP-based topology optimization with an approximate model for the fiber orientations. Along with the compliance minimization by topology optimization we also present a simple shape optimization method for compensation of part warpage for an black-box production process.:Acknowledgments v Abstract vii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Nomenclature 3 Chapter 2. Numerical simulation of SFRP injection molding 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Injection molding technology 5 2.3 Process simulation 6 2.4 Governing equations 8 2.5 Numerical implementation 18 2.6 Numerical examples 25 2.7 Conclusions and outlook 27 Chapter 3. Numerical and analytical methods for the exact closure of the Folgar-Tucker equation 35 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 The ACG as solution of Jeffery's equation 35 3.3 The exact closure 36 3.4 Carlson-type elliptic integrals 37 3.5 Inversion of R_D-system 40 3.6 Moment tensors of the angular central Gaussian distribution on the n-sphere 49 3.7 Experimental evidence for ACG distribution hypothesis 54 3.8 Conclusions and outlook 60 Chapter 4. Homogenization of SFRP materials 63 4.1 Introduction 63 4.2 Microscopic and macroscopic model of SFRP materials 63 4.3 Effective linear elastic properties 65 4.4 The staggered grid method 68 4.5 Model order reduction by composite voxels 80 4.6 Optimal experimental design for parameter identification 93 Chapter 5. Optimization of parts produced by SFRP injection molding 103 5.1 Topology optimization 103 5.2 Warpage compensation 110 Chapter 6. Conclusions and perspectives 115 Appendix A. Appendix 117 A.1 Evaluation of R_D in Python 117 A.2 Approximate inverse for R_D in Python 117 A.3 Inversion of R_D using Newton's/Halley's method in Python 117 A.4 Inversion of R_D using fixed point method in Python 119 A.5 Moment computation using SymPy 120 A.6 Fiber collision test 122 A.7 OED calculation of the weighting matrix 123 A.8 OED Jacobian of objective and constraints 123 Appendix B. Theses 125 Bibliography 127 / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Fragen der Simulation und Optimierung des Spritzgießens von kurzfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (SFRPs). Der Spritzgussprozess wird durch ein Zweiphasen-Fließproblem modelliert. Die Simulation des Zweiphasenflusses wird von der Lösung der Folgar-Tucker-Gleichung (FTE) zur Simulation der Momente der Faserorientierungsdichten begleitet. Die FTE erfordert die Lösung des sogenannten 'Abschlussproblems'', d. h. die Darstellung der Momente 4. Ordnung in Form der Momente 2. Ordnung. In Abwesenheit von Faser-Faser-Wechselwirkungen und anfänglich isotroper Faserdichte lässt die FTE eine analytische Lösung durch elliptische Integrale zu. Aus diesen elliptischen Integralen kann das Abschlussproblem durch eine einfache numerische Inversion gelöst werden. Ein Teil dieser Arbeit leitet approximative Inverse und analytische Inverse für spezielle Fälle von Faserorientierungsdichten her. Weiterhin wird eine Methode vorgestellt, um rationale Funktionen für die Berechnung beliebiger Momente in Bezug auf die Abschlussparameter 2. Ordnung zu generieren. Ein weiterer Teil dieser Arbeit befasst sich mit der Bestimmung effektiver Materialeigenschaften für SFRPs durch FFT-basierte Homogenisierungsmethoden. Für diese Methoden wurde ein neuartiges Diskretisierungsschema 'staggerd grid'' entwickelt und erfolgreich getestet. Darüber hinaus wurde der sogenannte 'composite voxel''-Ansatz auf die nichtlineare Elastizität ausgedehnt, was die Approximation der Materialeigenschaften an den Grenzflächen verbessert und die Reduzierung der Modellordnung um mehrere Größenordnungen im Vergleich zu klassischen Ansätzen ermöglicht. Im Zusammenhang mit der Homogenisierung untersuchen wir optimale experimentelle Designs, um die effektiven elastischen Eigenschaften von SFRPs mit der geringsten Anzahl von Computersimulationen zuverlässig zu bestimmen. Schließlich beschäftigen wir uns mit der Topologieoptimierung von Spritzgussteilen, indem wir die klassische SIMP-basierte Topologieoptimierung um ein Näherungsmodell für die Faserorientierungen erweitern. Neben der Compliance-Minimierung durch Topologieoptimierung stellen wir eine einfache Formoptimierungsmethode zur Kompensation von Teileverzug für einen Black-Box-Produktionsprozess vor.:Acknowledgments v Abstract vii Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Nomenclature 3 Chapter 2. Numerical simulation of SFRP injection molding 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Injection molding technology 5 2.3 Process simulation 6 2.4 Governing equations 8 2.5 Numerical implementation 18 2.6 Numerical examples 25 2.7 Conclusions and outlook 27 Chapter 3. Numerical and analytical methods for the exact closure of the Folgar-Tucker equation 35 3.1 Introduction 35 3.2 The ACG as solution of Jeffery's equation 35 3.3 The exact closure 36 3.4 Carlson-type elliptic integrals 37 3.5 Inversion of R_D-system 40 3.6 Moment tensors of the angular central Gaussian distribution on the n-sphere 49 3.7 Experimental evidence for ACG distribution hypothesis 54 3.8 Conclusions and outlook 60 Chapter 4. Homogenization of SFRP materials 63 4.1 Introduction 63 4.2 Microscopic and macroscopic model of SFRP materials 63 4.3 Effective linear elastic properties 65 4.4 The staggered grid method 68 4.5 Model order reduction by composite voxels 80 4.6 Optimal experimental design for parameter identification 93 Chapter 5. Optimization of parts produced by SFRP injection molding 103 5.1 Topology optimization 103 5.2 Warpage compensation 110 Chapter 6. Conclusions and perspectives 115 Appendix A. Appendix 117 A.1 Evaluation of R_D in Python 117 A.2 Approximate inverse for R_D in Python 117 A.3 Inversion of R_D using Newton's/Halley's method in Python 117 A.4 Inversion of R_D using fixed point method in Python 119 A.5 Moment computation using SymPy 120 A.6 Fiber collision test 122 A.7 OED calculation of the weighting matrix 123 A.8 OED Jacobian of objective and constraints 123 Appendix B. Theses 125 Bibliography 127

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