Spelling suggestions: "subject:"info:entrepo/classification/ddc/516"" "subject:"info:restrepo/classification/ddc/516""
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On a formula of Coll-Gerstenhaber-GiaquintoGräbe, Hans-Gert, Vlassov, A.T. 25 January 2019 (has links)
Given a bialgebra B we present a unifying approach to deformations of associative algebras A with a left B-module algebra structure. Special deformations of the comultiplication of B yield universal deformation formulas, i.e. define deformations of the multiplicative structure for all B-module algebras A. This allows to derive known formulas of Moyal-Vey (1949) and Coll-Gerstenhaber-Giaquinto (1989) from a more general point of view.
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Curve shortening and the three geodesics theoremSewerin, Sebastian 05 December 2017 (has links)
The three geodesics theorem of Lusternik and Schnirelmann asserts that for every Riemannian metric on the 2-sphere, there exist at least three embedded closed geodesics. In the process of determining the geodesics as critical points of the energy or length functional, a suitable method of curve shortening is needed. It has been suggested to use the so-called curve shortening flow as it continuously deforms smooth embedded curves while naturally preserving their embeddedness. In the 1980s, the investigation of the curve shortening flow began and a proof of the Lusternik-Schnirelmann theorem using the flow was sketched. We build upon these results. After introducing the curve shortening flow, we prove the well-known result that the geodesic curvature of a smooth embedded closed curve on a smooth closed two-dimensional Riemannian manifold decreases smoothly to zero, provided the curve evolves forever under the flow. From this, we prove subconvergence to an embedded closed geodesic, using mainly local arguments. After introducing, in the form of Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory, the topological machinery employed in the process of determining critical points of certain functions, we turn to the three geodesics theorem which we prove under a few assumptions. For the round metric on the 2-sphere, we deformation retract a suitable space of unparametrized curves onto a simpler space of which we determine the homology groups relative to a subspace which deformation retracts onto the subspace of point curves. As this yields three subordinate homology classes, proving the validity of Lusternik-Schnirelmann theory for the curve shortening flow and the length functional on our space of curves completes the proof.
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Towards Discretization by Piecewise Pseudoholomorphic CurvesBauer, David 04 December 2013 (has links)
This thesis comprises the study of two moduli spaces of piecewise J-holomorphic curves. The main scheme is to consider a subdivision of the 2-sphere into a collection of small domains and to study collections of J-holomorphic maps into a symplectic manifold. These maps are coupled by Lagrangian boundary conditions. The work can be seen as finding a 2-dimensional analogue of the finite-dimensional path space approximation by piecewise geodesics on a Riemannian manifold (Q,g).
For a nice class of target manifolds we consider tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds and symplectizations of unit tangent bundles. Via polarization they provide a rich set of Lagrangians which can be used to define appropriate boundary value problems for the J-holomorphic pieces. The work focuses on existence theory as a pre-stage to global questions such as combinatorial refinement and the quality of the approximation.
The first moduli space of lifted type is defined on a triangulation of the 2-sphere and consists of disks in the tangent bundle whose boundary projects onto geodesic triangles. The second moduli space of punctured type is defined on a circle packing domain and consists of boundary punctured disks in the symplectization of the unit tangent bundle. Their boundary components map into single fibers and at punctures the disks converge to geodesics. The coupling boundary conditions are chosen such that the piecewise problem always is Fredholm of index zero and both moduli spaces only depend on discrete data.
For both spaces existence results are established for the J-holomorphic pieces which hold true on a small scale. Each proof employs a version of the implicit function theorem in a different setting. Here the argument for the moduli space of punctured type is more subtle. It rests on a connection to tropical geometry discovered by T. Ekholm for 1-jet spaces. The boundary punctured disks are constructed in the vicinity of explicit Morse flow trees which correspond to the limiting objects under degeneration of the boundary condition.
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The Chern character of theta-summable Cq-Fredholm modulesMiehe, Jonas Philipp 25 April 2024 (has links)
In this thesis, we develop a framework that generalizes the previously known notions of theta-summable Fredholm modules to the setting of locally convex dg algebras. By introducing an additional action of the Clifford algebra, we may treat the even and odd cases simultaneously. In particular, we recover the theory developed by Güneysu/Ludewig and extend the definition of odd theta-summable Fredholm modules to the differential graded category. We then construct a Chern character, which serves as a differential graded refinement of the JLO cocycle, and prove that it has all the expected analytical and homological properties. As an application, we prove an odd noncommutative index theorem relating the spectral flow of a theta-summable Fredholm module to the pairing of the Chern character with the odd Bismut-Chern character in entire (differential graded) cyclic homology, thereby extending results obtained by Güneysu/Cacciatori and Getzler.
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Metrical Problems in Minkowski GeometryFankhänel, Andreas 07 June 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation we study basic metrical properties of 2-dimensional normed linear spaces, so-called (Minkowski or) normed planes.
In the first chapter we introduce a notion of angular measure, and we investigate under what conditions certain angular measures in a Minkowski plane exist. We show that only the Euclidean angular measure has the property that in an isosceles triangle the base angles are of equal size. However, angular measures with the property that the angle between orthogonal vectors has a value of pi/2, i.e, a quarter of the full circle, exist in a wider variety of normed planes, depending on the type of orthogonality. Due to this we have a closer look at isosceles and Birkhoff orthogonality. Finally, we present results concerning angular bisectors.
In the second chapter we pay attention to convex quadrilaterals. We give definitions of different types of rectangles and rhombi and analyse under what conditions they coincide. Combinations of defining properties of rectangles and rhombi will yield squares, and we will see that any two types of squares are equal if and only if the plane is Euclidean. Additionally, we define a ``new\'\' type of quadrilaterals, the so-called codises. Since codises and rectangles coincide in Radon planes, we will explain why it makes sense to distinguish these two notions. For this purpose we introduce the concept of associated parallelograms.
Finally we will deal with metrically defined conics, i.e., with analogues of conic sections in normed planes. We define metric ellipses (hyperbolas) as loci of points that have constant sum (difference) of distances to two given points, the so-called foci. Also we define metric parabolas as loci of points whose distance to a given point equals the distance to a fixed line. We present connections between the shape of the unit ball B and the shape of conics. More precisely, we will see that straight segments and corner points of B cause, under certain conditions, that conics have straight segments and corner points, too. Afterwards we consider intersecting ellipses and hyperbolas with identical foci. We prove that in special Minkowski planes, namely in the subfamily of polygonal planes, confocal ellipses and hyperbolas intersect in a way called Birkhoff orthogonal, whenever the respective ellipse is large enough.:1 Introduction
2 On angular measures
3 Types of convex quadrilaterals
4 On conic sections
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A Framework for Modeling Irreversible Processes Based on the Casimir Companion: Time-Optimal Equilibration of a Collection of Harmonic Oscillators: A Geometrical Approach Illustrating the FrameworkBoldt, Frank 11 June 2014 (has links)
Thermodynamic processes in finite time are in general irreversible. But there are chances to avoid irreversibility. For instance, there are canonical ensembles of special quantum systems with a given probability distribution describing the likelihood to find the system at time t=0 in a particular state with energy E_i(0), which can be controlled in a specific way, such that the initial probability distribution is recovered at the end of the process (t=T), but the state energies did change, hence E_i(0) is not equal to E_i(T). This allows to change thermodynamic quantities (expectation values) adiabatically, reversibly and in finite time. Such special processes are called Shortcuts to Adiabaticity. The presented thesis analyzes the origin of these shortcuts utilizing special Hamiltonian systems with dynamical algebra. Their main feature is to provide canonical invariance, which means a canonical ensemble stays canonical under Hamiltonian dynamics. This invariance carried by the dynamical algebra will be discussed using Lie group theory. In addition, the persistence of the dynamical algebra with respect to calculating expectation values will be deduced. This allows to benefit from all intrinsic symmetries within the discussion of ensemble trajectories. In consequence, these trajectories will evolve under Hamiltonian dynamics on a specific manifold given by the so-called Casimir companion. In addition, the deformation of this manifold due to non-Hamiltonian (dissipative) dynamics will be discussed, which allows to present a framework for modeling irreversible processes based on Hamiltonian systems with dynamical algebra. An application of this framework based on the parametric harmonic oscillator will be presented by determining time-optimal controls for transitions between two equilibrium as well as between non-equilibrium and equilibrium states. The latter one will lead to time-optimal equilibration strategies for a statistical ensemble of parametric harmonic oscillators. / Thermodynamische Prozesse in endlicher Zeit sind im Allgemeinen irreversibel. Es gibt jedoch Möglichkeiten, diese Irreversibilität zu umgehen. Ein kanonisches Ensemble eines speziellen quantenmechanischen Systems kann zum Beispiel auf eine ganz spezielle Art und Weise gesteuert werden, sodass nach endlicher Zeit T wieder eine kanonische Besetzungverteilung hergestellt ist, sich aber dennoch die Energie des Systems geändert hat (E(0) ungleich E(T)). Solche Prozesse erlauben das Ändern thermodynamischer Größen (Ensemblemittelwerte) der erwähnten speziellen Systeme in endlicher Zeit und auf eine adiabatische und reversible Art. Man nennt diese Art von speziellen Prozessen Shortcuts to Adiabaticity und die speziellen Systeme hamiltonsche Systeme mit dynamischer Algebra. Die vorliegende Dissertation hat zum Ziel den Ursprung dieser Shortcuts to Adiabaticity zu analysieren und eine Methodik zu entwickeln, die es erlaubt irreversible thermodynamische Prozesse adequat mittels dieser speziellen Systeme zu modellieren. Dazu wird deren besondere Eigenschaft ausgenutzt, die kanonische Invarianz, d.h. ein kanonisches Ensemble bleibt kanonisch bezüglich hamiltonscher Dynamik. Der Ursprung dieser Invarianz liegt in der dynamischen Algebra, die mit Hilfe der Theorie der Lie-Gruppen näher betrachtet wird. Dies erlaubt, eine weitere besondere Eigenschaft abzuleiten: Die Ensemblemittelwerte unterliegen ebenfalls den Symmetrien, die die dynamische Algebra widerspiegelt. Bei näherer Betrachtung befinden sich alle Trajektorien der Ensemblemittelwerte auf einer Mannigfaltigkeit, die durch den sogenannten Casimir Companion beschrieben wird. Darüber hinaus wird nicht-hamiltonsche/dissipative Dynamik betrachtet, welche zu einer Deformation der Mannigfaltigkeit führt. Abschließend wird eine Zusammenfassung der grundlegenden Methodik zur Modellierung irreversibler Prozesse mittels hamiltonscher Systeme mit dynamischer Algebra gegeben. Zum besseren Verständnis wird ein ausführliches Anwendungsbeispiel dieser Methodik präsentiert, in dem die zeitoptimale Steuerung eines Ensembles des harmonischen Oszillators zwischen zwei Gleichgewichtszuständen sowie zwischen Gleichgewichts- und Nichtgleichgewichtszuständen abgeleitet wird.
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