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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IKT som pedagogiskt verktyg : - en studie om lärares användning av IKT i undervisningen

Wänegård, Annica, Nordén, Olof January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude to and experience of information and communication technology (ICT) in teachers teaching and what motivates them.</p><p> </p><p>The study is qualitative and its research material is based on interviews. There are eight interviews and they where carried out at one school with a stated IT profile and at another school without a stated IT profile. The two schools are located in different municipalities, but both are secondary schools.</p><p> </p><p>The result shows that there are differences in attitude between the two schools. The school with a stated IT profile seems to have a more open mind of using ICT when teaching, but both schools sees the lack of availability as one of the main hindrance for using it. None of the participating teachers saw themselves as controlled to use ICT in their teaching. Neither did the guiding principles from The National Agency for Education about using ICT affect their teaching.</p> / <p>Studiens syfte är att undersöka lärares förhållningssätt till och erfarenhet av användningen av informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) i sin egen undervisning och att förstå vad det är som styr dem. Studien är kvalitativ, med intervjuer som forskningsmaterial. Intervjuerna är åtta till antalet och har genomförts på en kommunal skola med uttalad IT-profil samt på en kommunal skola utan uttalad profil i två skilda kommuner. Båda skolorna är skolor för grundskolans senare åldrar. Resultatet visar hur attityden till IKT skiljer sig mellan de båda skolorna. Den skolan med uttalad IT-profil verkar ha ett öppnare förhållningssätt till IKT som pedagogiskt verktyg, men båda skolorna ser bristande tillgänglighet till att använda det som ett av de stora hindren. Det var heller ingen av informanterna som såg sig styrda att använda IKT i den egna undervisningen. Inte heller någon av dem sa sig tolka in styrdokumenten när det gäller att få med IKT i undervisningen.</p>

A Triple Helix of Learning Processes - How to cultivate learning, communication and collaboration among distance-education learners

Rydberg Fåhraeus, Eva January 2003 (has links)
<p>This work focuses on collaborative learning and how it canbe applied and supported in distance education. Previous workindi-cates that distance learners experience more loneliness,technical problems and lack of stimulation than face-to-facelearners do. Collaboration with peers may improve the feelingof connectedness and engagement. However, collaborativelearning is not the answer to all problems in distanceeducation--and it creates new problems. The present workexplores problems, opportunities and processes whencollaborative learning is introduced in distance education--andsuggests solutions.</p><p>Related research on distance education andcomputer-supported collaborative learning is reviewed andrelated to own research. The different roles of information andcommunication technology in these areas are described.</p><p>Six own research papers are reviewed and integrated. Threeof them explore university courses on computer use in society.Learners interacted mainly through a forum system, i.e. asystem for text-based, asynchronous electronic conferences anddiscussions. The special character offorum communication hadan impact on communication and collaboration processes. Onepaper summarizes these results and deduces a first list of tipsto teachers and systems designers, aiming to reduce problemsand take advantage of collabo-rative-learningopportunities.</p><p>One paper, a report to the Swedish School Board, provides anoverview of research on distance education, withrecommendations for use in secondary schools.</p><p>To get a broader picture of distance-education learners andtheir special situation and interests, a study was conducted inAustralia. Most of the learners were secondary-school students,living far away from towns. Communication was normallyrestricted to mail, radio and telephone. Opportunities forcollaboration between peers were rare, and correspondencetraditions and the lack of technological infrastructure weredelaying changes. However, a development towards morecollaborative learning had started.</p><p>Empirical data were gathered ethnographically in naturalcourse settings. Results were analysed using 'activity theory'as a framework.</p><p>The main contribution of this work is a description of howthree groups of learning processes develop and interact: (a) ofcontent, (b) of communication, and (c) of collaboration. Theyform the spiralling model of a<b>"Triple Helix"</b>. Finally, detailed advice is given aschecklists to organisations, teachers, learners and systemdesigners.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Distance education, Collaborative learning,Computer-supported collaborative learning, Information andcommuni-cation technology, ICT, Forum system, Learningprocesses.</p>

Conditions of connectivity : the Internet and the time-space of distance education in Indonesia /

Rye, Ståle Angen. January 2008 (has links)
Doctoral dissertation. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

Kulturella skillnader mellan hemsidor och deras inverkan på internationell marknadsföring /

Mulahusic, Amira. January 2008 (has links)
Bachelor's thesis. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

The perspectives of technology implementers about informaton communication technology deployment to rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal.

Jere, Ntabeni. January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the deployment of Information Communication Tech-nology to rural communities of KwaZulu-Natal from the perspective of the State Information Technology Agency (SITA), the technology implementers of government. SITA‘s regional of-fice in KwaZulu-Natal is relatively small, with a total of 52 employees who have a direct and indirect role to play with regards to ICT deployment. A quantitative research methodology was utilised in this study. Data was gathered with the aid of a questionnaire. Fifty-two questionnaires were sent out to the targeted employees of SITA and forty-seven responses were received. The response rate was ninety percent. The results of the survey revealed that sixty percent of respondents felt that rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal were not prepared to participate in e-government. When asked to indicate the importance of Information Communication Technology policy and regulatory frameworks that specifically address technology deployment to rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal, sixty per-cent of respondents acknowledged the importance. Over two thirds of respondents indicated that lack of infrastructure was a hindrance to technology deployment while less than one third did not know if this was a hindrance. The study also revealed that the main motivation for ICT de-ployment was social inclusion and to improve digital inclusiveness. Based on the empirical evidence, the researcher recommends that government take these per-spectives of the technology implementers into consideration when formulating Information Communication Technology policies and legislative frameworks that will be used as a basis for technology deployment to these rural communities. It is also recommended that government do more in terms of training and sensitizing technology implementers and end users, and developing support infrastructure, such as the electrification of rural communities in KwaZulu-Natal, in order to create an enabling environment for new ICT initiative deployment and to enable com-munity members to be adequately prepared to participate in ICT initiatives such as e-governance, which was identified as a priority area. Due to the limitations of this study, particu-larly the fact that it is based on one province, KwaZulu-Natal, it is recommended that further research be carried out into deployment of ICT to rural communities. / Thesis (M.Comm.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.

The potential of a learning management system to enhance self-directed learning / Chantelle Tredoux

Tredoux, Chantelle January 2012 (has links)
The use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in higher education institutions is not a new tendency. Although this is an innovative way of implementing e-learning in the educational process, there are a few problems concerning these systems. Educators tend to apply traditional classroom ideas and pedagogy in computer-supported e-learning environments, assuming that because these environments allow the interaction that we see in the classroom, traditional pedagogy can be used. Although most of the pedagogical principles that apply to the traditional classroom-delivery method also apply to e-learning, the e-environment supports such interactions in a different manner. Traditional pedagogical principles should be adapted to accommodate the e-learning environment and should form the very basis for inclusion of features in LMSs. These principles should be integrated into the LMS where every feature included is accompanied by explicit guidelines on how to use the feature in such a way that it will effect pedagogically sound instruction. The aim of this study is to determine how an LMS could be used in order to enhance self-directed learning. In order to reach this aim a brief history of SDL was given and a number of SDL models were discussed. These models were analyzed in order to compile a list of guidelines to foster SDL. The first set of guidelines didn’t focus on any specific learning environment and it was necessary to refine these guidelines for an online environment. To be able to refine the guidelines for an online environment, LMSs in general were discussed and a few models for SDL in an online environment were reviewed. The SDL guidelines were further refined for implementation in eFundiTM. eFundiTM is the LMS used at the North-West University, Potchefstroom campus, South Africa. The nature of the AGLE 121 module (a literacy module for all first year students) and the specific functionalities of eFundiTM were discussed and taken in consideration when the final set of guidelines was compiled. The researcher did an empirical study to gather valid and reliable data. A mixed methods inquiry approach was used to obtain reliable evidence. The population consisted of all the students that were enrolled for the AGLE modules over 2 years. These students were divided into 2 groups, the AGLE 121 in 2010 (237 students) and the AGLE 121 (287 students) in 2011. The questionnaire that was used for the quantitative research in this study was based on the Fisher, King and Taque (2001) SDL readiness scale for nursing education. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven participants from each group in order get a better understanding of the data collected from the quantitative research, and to elaborate further on the students’ development of SDL. Findings indicated that the students from the second year of the study did not necessarily improve their SDL-skills. Most of the results from the quantitative data showed small practical significant differences. However, the qualitative data indicated that the SDL skills of the students improved in two of the three factors after they used the newly developed eFundiTM site, in the second year of the study and therefore the researcher is of opinion that the intervention had a positive impact on the students’ SDL skills. / Thesis (MEd (Computer Science Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Configuration management data base in an information and communication technology environment / T.J. Medupe.

Medupe, Tsietsi Jacob January 2009 (has links)
There are more requirements for business to be able to run its operations successfully in terms of legal compliance and revenue streams optimisations. Businesses are placing high demands on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to adapt to changing conditions. However, ICT organisations tasked with providing increased service levels at lower costs do not have the resources to reinvent itself with every technological or regulatory change. Without frameworks in place to leverage automation and best practices, these ICT, organisations are consumed with the day-to-day operations of ICT with little time and few resources left to develop new services that add value to the business. There is, therefore, a definite requirement for a central repository system in order to enhance ICT service delivery and strategy for continuing to improve service, lowering per-service delivery costs and enabling ICT organisations to bring new services that support competitive advantages. The company of choice in the study is Sentech, which has recently adopted some of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes; these are service desk, incident management, and change management. The company is still in the middle of deciding on whether to implement the configuration management process which will eventually lead to Configuration Management Database (CMDB). This study attempted to indicate the role and the importance of running the CMDB together with the rest of other ITI L processes. The study also indicated how the other processes cannot function effectively without a proper CMDB platform. The primary objective of the study was to identify the importance and the role of CMDB in an ICT environment. The organisation implemented a number of processes such as configuration and change management. To be successful with using the ITIL change management process, it is important that the people, processes, and technologies work together in a coordinated manner to overcome the political roadblocks that usually inhibit cooperation between groups in the same organisation. The study has indicated that the current ITIL processes, such as change management are not achieving the required results due to a lack of proper CMDB. General recommendations on the implementation of the CMOB based on the study were: •Get executive and Board of Directors' support on the implementation of CMOB. •The organisation needs to redefine the role of the General Manager - ICT to a more appropriate role of Chief Information Officer reporting directly to the board. •The organisation must define detailed business processes and procedures. •The organisation must set a clear scope of the CMOB. •The relevant stakeholders on the CMOB must be identified . •A full state of the current ICT processes must be determined. •The business case on the CMOS must be formulated and documented. •Set goals on what the CMOB will have to achieve. •The organisation must create a plan on the implementation of the CMOB. •Identify responsibilities on maintaining the CMOS. •Create awareness within the organisation around CMOB. •Training on CMOB must be offered to the personnel. •The organisation must baseline all ICT assets. •Plan for ongoing management of the CMOB. It is believed that the objective of the study has been met. From the investigation, it has been clear that there is a dire need for an implementation of a central repository system like the CMOS to support other service delivery and support processes. If the recommendations are implemented within Sentech, the company will secure a more effective and efficient service delivery on the ICT platform. Furthermore, Sentech can become an ICT leader and gain a competitive advantage over its fellow competitors. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

Configuration management data base in an information and communication technology environment / T.J. Medupe.

Medupe, Tsietsi Jacob January 2009 (has links)
There are more requirements for business to be able to run its operations successfully in terms of legal compliance and revenue streams optimisations. Businesses are placing high demands on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to adapt to changing conditions. However, ICT organisations tasked with providing increased service levels at lower costs do not have the resources to reinvent itself with every technological or regulatory change. Without frameworks in place to leverage automation and best practices, these ICT, organisations are consumed with the day-to-day operations of ICT with little time and few resources left to develop new services that add value to the business. There is, therefore, a definite requirement for a central repository system in order to enhance ICT service delivery and strategy for continuing to improve service, lowering per-service delivery costs and enabling ICT organisations to bring new services that support competitive advantages. The company of choice in the study is Sentech, which has recently adopted some of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) processes; these are service desk, incident management, and change management. The company is still in the middle of deciding on whether to implement the configuration management process which will eventually lead to Configuration Management Database (CMDB). This study attempted to indicate the role and the importance of running the CMDB together with the rest of other ITI L processes. The study also indicated how the other processes cannot function effectively without a proper CMDB platform. The primary objective of the study was to identify the importance and the role of CMDB in an ICT environment. The organisation implemented a number of processes such as configuration and change management. To be successful with using the ITIL change management process, it is important that the people, processes, and technologies work together in a coordinated manner to overcome the political roadblocks that usually inhibit cooperation between groups in the same organisation. The study has indicated that the current ITIL processes, such as change management are not achieving the required results due to a lack of proper CMDB. General recommendations on the implementation of the CMOB based on the study were: •Get executive and Board of Directors' support on the implementation of CMOB. •The organisation needs to redefine the role of the General Manager - ICT to a more appropriate role of Chief Information Officer reporting directly to the board. •The organisation must define detailed business processes and procedures. •The organisation must set a clear scope of the CMOB. •The relevant stakeholders on the CMOB must be identified . •A full state of the current ICT processes must be determined. •The business case on the CMOS must be formulated and documented. •Set goals on what the CMOB will have to achieve. •The organisation must create a plan on the implementation of the CMOB. •Identify responsibilities on maintaining the CMOS. •Create awareness within the organisation around CMOB. •Training on CMOB must be offered to the personnel. •The organisation must baseline all ICT assets. •Plan for ongoing management of the CMOB. It is believed that the objective of the study has been met. From the investigation, it has been clear that there is a dire need for an implementation of a central repository system like the CMOS to support other service delivery and support processes. If the recommendations are implemented within Sentech, the company will secure a more effective and efficient service delivery on the ICT platform. Furthermore, Sentech can become an ICT leader and gain a competitive advantage over its fellow competitors. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2010.

The potential of a learning management system to enhance self-directed learning / Chantelle Tredoux

Tredoux, Chantelle January 2012 (has links)
The use of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) in higher education institutions is not a new tendency. Although this is an innovative way of implementing e-learning in the educational process, there are a few problems concerning these systems. Educators tend to apply traditional classroom ideas and pedagogy in computer-supported e-learning environments, assuming that because these environments allow the interaction that we see in the classroom, traditional pedagogy can be used. Although most of the pedagogical principles that apply to the traditional classroom-delivery method also apply to e-learning, the e-environment supports such interactions in a different manner. Traditional pedagogical principles should be adapted to accommodate the e-learning environment and should form the very basis for inclusion of features in LMSs. These principles should be integrated into the LMS where every feature included is accompanied by explicit guidelines on how to use the feature in such a way that it will effect pedagogically sound instruction. The aim of this study is to determine how an LMS could be used in order to enhance self-directed learning. In order to reach this aim a brief history of SDL was given and a number of SDL models were discussed. These models were analyzed in order to compile a list of guidelines to foster SDL. The first set of guidelines didn’t focus on any specific learning environment and it was necessary to refine these guidelines for an online environment. To be able to refine the guidelines for an online environment, LMSs in general were discussed and a few models for SDL in an online environment were reviewed. The SDL guidelines were further refined for implementation in eFundiTM. eFundiTM is the LMS used at the North-West University, Potchefstroom campus, South Africa. The nature of the AGLE 121 module (a literacy module for all first year students) and the specific functionalities of eFundiTM were discussed and taken in consideration when the final set of guidelines was compiled. The researcher did an empirical study to gather valid and reliable data. A mixed methods inquiry approach was used to obtain reliable evidence. The population consisted of all the students that were enrolled for the AGLE modules over 2 years. These students were divided into 2 groups, the AGLE 121 in 2010 (237 students) and the AGLE 121 (287 students) in 2011. The questionnaire that was used for the quantitative research in this study was based on the Fisher, King and Taque (2001) SDL readiness scale for nursing education. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven participants from each group in order get a better understanding of the data collected from the quantitative research, and to elaborate further on the students’ development of SDL. Findings indicated that the students from the second year of the study did not necessarily improve their SDL-skills. Most of the results from the quantitative data showed small practical significant differences. However, the qualitative data indicated that the SDL skills of the students improved in two of the three factors after they used the newly developed eFundiTM site, in the second year of the study and therefore the researcher is of opinion that the intervention had a positive impact on the students’ SDL skills. / Thesis (MEd (Computer Science Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Elektroninės sveikatos paslaugų naudojimas, poreikis bei veiklos pokyčių vertinimas / The use of e-health, demand and performance evoluation of chages

Tylienė, Jūratė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas Išanalizuoti ir įvertinti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų nuomonę apie įstaigoje diegiamos elektroninės sveikatos poreikį bei įtaką ambulatorinės asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų veiklos pokyčiams. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti sveikatos priežiūros specialistų nuomonę apie e sveikatos įdiegimą gydymo įstaigose ir naudojimąsi e. sveikatos paslaugomis. 2. Įvertinti e. sveikatos paslaugų ambulatorinėje medicinos priežiūroje poreikį medicinos darbuotojų požiūriu. 3. Išanalizuoti ir palyginti poliklinikų sveikatos priežiūros specialistų nuomonę apie įdiegtų informacinių technologijų veiklos pokyčių poveikį sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų teikimui ir naudojimui. Darbo metodika: Kiekybinis momentinis tyrimas atliktas 2013 gruodžio - 2014 sausio mėn. Tiriamųjų imtį sudarė medikai, administracijos ir statistikosdarbuotojai, dirbantys Kėdainių miesto poliklinikose. Atlikta anoniminė anketinė apklausa (N = 154). Rezultatai: Didžioji dalis apklaustų respondentų (73 proc.) teigė,kad kompiuteris jų darbo vietoje yra reikalingas, o geriau vertinantiems savo kompiuterinį raštingumą kompiuteris jų darbo vietoje būtinas.63 proc. gydytojų savo kompiuterinį raštingumą vertina, kaip vidutinį ar blogą.Pagrindine įstaigos informacine sistema naudojasi93,1 proc. Kėdainių PSPC ir 59,7 proc. (p<0,05). Konsultacinės poliklinikos darbuotojų. Elektroninio nedarbingumo sistema reikšmingai dažniau naudojasi gydytojai (92,6 proc.).Reikšmingai (p<0,05) skiriasi PSPC ir poliklinikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study. To analyse and evaluate the opinions of health care specialists about the demand of eHealth and its impact on performance changes of outpatient health care institutions. The tasks of the study.1. To analyse the opinions of health care specialists about eHealth implementation in medical institutions and the use of eHealth services. 2. To evaluate the demand of eHealth servicesinoutpatient health care according to health care specialists. 3. To analyse and compare the opinions of health care specialists in polyclinics about the influence of implemented information technology on health care services. Study methods. The survey was conducted in December2013 – January 2014. Anonymous questionnaires (N=154) were distributed to health care specialists, administration staffand employees of statistics department in polyclinics of town Kedainiai. Results.The major part (73%) of the respondents reported that a computer is required in their workplace, and the ones who considered their computer literacy skills as highclaimed it as necessity. 63% of doctors self-evaluated their computer literacy skills as intermediate or poor. The main IT system of the institution is used by 93,1 % of employees of Kedainiai PHCC and 59,7% of employees of Consultants Polyclinic. Electronic sick-list system is mainly (92,6%) used by doctors. There is a significant difference (p<0,05)in the opinions of the employees of PHCC and the employees of the polyclinic about important factors... [to full text]

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