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Critical successful factors for infrastructure financing in South Africa: enhancing the role of the new development bankNcube, Thulani 16 February 2021 (has links)
The study investigated the critical success factors of funding infrastructure development in South Africa and how they can be used by the BRICS' New Development Bank (NDB) to develop strategies for funding infrastructure development in the country. The quantitative research methodology was used in the investigation. The study used IDC and DBSA employees as the population and simple random sampling was used to select 20 employees from the two Development Finance Institutions (DFIs). Data was collected through questionnaires sent to 20 employees and descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and ranking analysis were then utilised to analyse the collected data. The results indicate that (DFIs) are the preferred source of funds for infrastructure development in South Africa and the appropriate strategy is the Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs). Critical success factors to successful infrastructure development funding were found to include project attributes, financing attributes, government attributes, the borrower or implementing agency attributes, and political and economic attributes. Factors that were found to have the highest impact on infrastructure development funding include economic viability of the project, the risk profile of borrower or implementing agency, availability of funding, strong financial instruments, financial risk, political and economic stability, political support and the social and economic benefits of the project. The first recommendation for the study is that it is suitable for the NDB to fund infrastructure development in the country and secondly that the NDB should employ PPPs to fund infrastructure development in the country. Furthermore, the DFI should only fund economically viable projects, projects that are accepted by the community and projects for borrowers or implementing agencies with a low-risk profile. Finally, the NDB ought to lobby the government for support and creation of conducive political and legal environments to guarantee successful funding of the infrastructure projects.
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An evaluation of the relationship between water infrastructure financing and water provision in South AfricaBapela, Lerato Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Administration Development Planning and Management)) -- University of LImpopo, 2017 / Whilst previous research has largely blamed inadequate finance as the cause of insufficient water provision and concomitant development implications such as poverty and food production; this thesis, took a slightly different turn and engaged on a critical deconstruction of the relationship between water infrastructure financing and water provision in South Africa.
Archival data on South Africa between 1994 and 2014 were collected on water provision, water-asset finance, governance effectiveness, corruption, violence, accountancy and voice. Data were analysed using the OLS regression fixed effect. Findings from the analysis showed that against popular belief, there was lack of significant relationship between water asset finance and water provision.
However, nonfinancial variables namely corruption, social violence, accountability and voice of citizens in development decisions showed a significant relationship with water provision. In addition, the analysis showed that water provision is significantly related to cereal production and incidence of poverty. Therefore, the thesis emphasized that rural development could be enhanced through an improved effort on water provision, which would increase cereal production and reduce the incidence of poverty. It stressed however, that provision of water asset finance without attention and control of nonfinancial variables might have the tendency to derail water provision initiatives in South Africa.
The thesis made an original contribution by proposing a conceptual framework for employing and researching the catalyst for water provision in South Africa. It also developed three novel research models for future research.
Key words: Infrastructure financing, water infrastructure, water provision, water and development, governance, accountability, poverty reduction
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Management und Investitionen - Infrastrukturprojekte neu denkenKratzmann, Alexander, Redlich, Matthias 04 April 2017 (has links)
Seit einigen Jahren besteht in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ein massiver Nachholbedarf im Hinblick auf Investitionen in öffentliche Infrastruktur. Ein erheblicher Teil dieses Rück-stands ist dabei auf der kommunalen Ebene zu verorten. Neben der allgemein angespann-ten Finanzlage der Kommunen konnten vor allem Steuerungs- und Managementprobleme im Investitionsprozess als entscheidende Treiber dieser Entwicklung ausgemacht werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurde im Jahr 2014 die unabhängige Expertenkommission „Stär-kung von Investitionen in Deutschland“ vom damaligen Bundeswirtschaftsminister Sigmar Gabriel beauftragt, Lösungsansätze für die bestehenden Probleme zu erarbeiten. Heraus-gekommen sind Vorschläge, die die Ursachen des Investitionsrückstands berücksichtigen, allerdings hinsichtlich der konkreten Ausgestaltung der sog. Infrastrukturgesellschaften in weiten Teilen vage bleiben. Insbesondere wird nicht geklärt, ob und inwieweit bzw. unter welchen organisatorischen Rahmenbedingungen sich die Vorschläge auf die kommunale Ebene übertragen lassen. Im Rahmen dieser Analyse werden die Vorschläge der Expertenkommission einer kritischen Betrachtung unterzogen. Dazu werden im ersten Schritt aus den Vorschlägen der Exper-tenkommission Grundkonzeptionen abgeleitet. Die Aufgabenbereiche der Infrastrukturge-sellschaften umfassen so die Bereitstellung von Beratungsleistungen, die Projektrealisierung sowie die Projektfinanzierung. Im zweiten Schritt werden dafür vorhandene Anwendungs-beispiele identifiziert und analysiert. Zusammenfassend ist dabei festzustellen: Überregionale Beratungseinrichtungen bieten eine Möglichkeit, den Investitionsprozess für Kommunen transparenter zu gestalten und ihnen spezifisches Know-how zur Verfügung zu stellen. Eine über die Beratung hinausge-hende Gesellschaft, die zusätzlich eigenständig Aufgaben des Projektmanagement und der -steuerung oder den gesamten Realisierungsprozess sowie ggf. auch die Bewirtschaf-tung der Infrastruktureinrichtung übernehmen kann, erscheint ebenfalls sinnvoll. In der Praxis ist dies für die kommunale Ebene allerdings schwer umsetzbar. Zweckverbände, die den Infrastrukturbetrieb für Kommunen gebündelt wahrnehmen, können als erster Zwi-schenschritt gesehen werden, der schon heute in einigen Bereichen vorzufinden ist. Angesichts der Herausforderungen des demographischen Wandels sowie der allgemein angespannten Finanzsituation vieler Kommunen muss in der Zukunft aber verstärkt über den Ausbau solcher Arrangements und praktikable Alternativen nachgedacht werden. Die Implementierung von Infrastrukturfonds, die finanzschwachen Kommunen zusätzliches Kapital für Investitionen zur Verfügung stellen sollen, lohnt sich für die Kommunen nur dann, wenn tatsächlich eine finanzielle Entlastung stattfindet. Hierzu könnte die Bündelung einer Vielzahl ähnlicher kommunaler Projekte innerhalb eines Fonds beitragen, allerdings existiert ein derartiges Modell derzeit noch nicht.
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Public assets financing in Nigeria : the imperatives for legal reforms to unlock domestic financial resources and foreign capital for infrastructure developmentSoyeju, Olufemi Olugbemiga 22 January 2013 (has links)
Infrastructure is one of the main parameters of economic growth and a country‘s competitiveness depends on the provision and maintenance of efficient and productive infrastructure assets. However, Nigeria, like most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest quantity and poorest quality of stocks of infrastructure assets in the world and this phenomenally poor infrastructure has remained an impediment to development in the country. Decades of sub-optimal investment, poor maintenance culture and the fact that the required infrastructure investments could not be accommodated within the available fiscal space as a result of budgetary constraints have all contributed to the Nigeria‘s infrastructure deficit. The immediate outcome of this however is that the available infrastructure assets across the Nigerian landscape are in decrepit state and absurdly inadequate. Besides, the present demand for basic infrastructure services has grown astronomically out-stripping the supply capacity of the existing ones. Closing the infrastructure financing gap will however require increased investment by private investors through creative financing in an enabling legal and financial environment. Outside the budgetary constraints, the absence of efficient maintenance and management of infrastructure assets and quality service delivery by the public sector are some of the reasons why procurement of public infrastructure stocks by government through the traditional approach is no longer plausible and hence, the general appeal of the public-private partnership framework. However, despite all the potentials, the public private partnership technique in Nigeria has not made an appreciable impact in closing the infrastructure gaps due to lack of access to long-term financing. It is against this back-drop that this study has sought to investigate how reforms of the legal and financial infrastructure could widen access to financing through innovative financial resource mobilization in scaling-up infrastructure development and service delivery to the teeming Nigeria population. Therefore, the central thesis of this study is that the inadequacy of appropriate laws and inefficient financial system are partly responsible for the huge financing gaps in the Nigeria‘s infrastructure market and with the legal and financial reforms, an enabling legal and financial environment that would open up space for resource mobilization through innovative financing techniques and sources will be created thereby widening access to long-term financing and increasing the appetite for private investment in the nation‘s public infrastructure assets and services. So, the overarching objective of this thesis is to explore how legal and financial system reforms can facilitate the development of financial models and instruments that can help mobilize financial resources to fund infrastructure and bridge the huge infrastructure financing gaps in Nigeria in a sustainable fashion. Given the infrastructure poverty that constrains economic growth and development in Nigeria, the outcomes of this proposed study would help inform the need for the legal and financial system reforms to unlock resources in addressing the problems of financing gaps in infrastructure projects development in Nigeria. Besides, such outcomes based on the Nigerian experience in infrastructure financing and development may be turned into valuable knowledge for policy –making and further research in Nigeria. Copyright / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Centre for Human Rights / unrestricted
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Public-private partnership in the case of huge infrastructure projects. The example of High-Speed Railway Moscow - Kazan / Partenariat public-privé dans la mise en œuvre de grands projets d'infrastructure sur l'exemple de la construction de LGV Moscou - KazanLavrinenko, Petr 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les tendances mondiales dans le financement de grands projets d'infrastructure dans le secteur des transports, en identifiant les caractéristiques distinctives du financement dans les pays développés et en développement. Un nouveau mécanisme de financement est proposé dans le contexte de contraintes budgétaires strictes grâce à l'utilisation d'un certain nombre d'effets économiques indirects découlant de l'amélioration de l'accessibilité des différents territoires en matière de transport. Comme le sujet de l'analyse, il y avait un projet de la construction d'un chemin de fer à grande vitesse en Russie Moscou-Kazan. / This paper analyzes global trends in financing large infrastructure projects in the transport sector, identifying the distinctive features of financing in developed and developing countries. A new financing mechanism is proposed in the context of strict budgetary constraints through the use of a number of indirect economic effects arising from improved transport accessibility of individual territories. As the subject of the analysis, there was a project of the construction of a high-speed railway in Russia Moscow-Kazan.
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