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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att samverka innovativt vid uppbyggnad av nätverk : En fall studie om Högvarv det växande varumärket i samverkan

Kilincaslan, Nalan, Karim, Saida Nargis January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som är viktiga att tänka på och hur de kan genomföras på ett innovativt sätt vid uppbyggnad av nätverk? Högvarv är en företagsmässa som arrangeras för att minska glappet mellan studenterna vid Mälardalens högskola och näringslivet. Författarna anser att små förändringar kan gynna organisationen, genom att låta förändringen träda i kraft får man möjlighet att se verkligheten ur en annan synvinkel eftersom allt förändras kan människan se på problem med andra ögon och ge individen en ny grund att stå på och ett nytt sätt att uppträda på. För att organisationen ska kunna utvecklas fullt ut bör organisationen lyckas med att motivera sina deltagare. Det är betydelsefullt för varje framgångsrik organisation att ha syften om att hitta medverkande krafter som gör det möjligt för de deltagande att bli motiverade i sin aktivitet. Efter en analys av organisationen med en koppling mellan teori och empiri tycks det att man börjar med en god och bestämd information redan inom ledningen så att kommunikationen utvecklas inom organisationen som sedan förmedlas på ett tydligt sätt ut till aktörerna<strong>.</strong></p>

Machine Monitoring - A Market Study with Application of Business Model Innovation Theory

Fernandez, Rajan January 2013 (has links)
Condition monitoring business has been of interest to Sulzer since the 1990s when the Sulzer Diagnostic System (SUDIS) was developed. However, since the invention of SUDIS, Sulzer has had limited commercial success with condition monitoring products and services. Several recent investigations at Sulzer have explored possibilities for new machine monitoring business, with the most recent being the condition monitoring equipment survey of Nyitray. This report leads on from the work of Nyitray to evaluate the attractiveness of current machine monitoring markets and the strength of current and concept control and monitoring business models. Sales and customer support services (CSS) staff in all business segments and areas were surveyed for information regarding customer demand for machine monitoring solutions. The results of the survey lacked a unified view on customer needs, indicating that customer needs vary significantly with industry and region. Results also indicated that Sulzer sales and CSS staff currently have very little contact with customers regarding machine monitoring issues, which was expected since Sulzer currently has very limited machine monitoring offers. Overall customer interest in machine monitoring for cost saving purposes is high. Moreover, some customers expect equipment manufactures like Sulzer to support their equipment with machine monitoring offers. Business model environmental factors for each Sulzer Pumps focus market were identified allowing the most attractive markets for machine monitoring business to be selected. A survey of Sulzer Pumps business segment heads also contributed to the market selection process. This evaluation concluded that the water and power generation industries had favourable markets for machine monitoring business, mainly because Sulzer has a good competitive position in these markets. Unfortunately pumps in the electricity generation industry are relatively reliable compared to other machinery such as electrical generators. Hence, opportunities identified in the electricity generation industry seemed to be more appropriate for Sulzer Turbo Services than Sulzer Pumps. However, cross-divisional collaboration of Sulzer Pumps and Sulzer Turbo services would allow Sulzer to offer solutions for entire drivetrains. Other opportunities suitable for Sulzer Pumps were identified in the district heating and water industries, with energy monitoring being a common theme. An evaluation of the oil pipeline industry yielded that there is significant market demand for machine and pipeline monitoring. However, Sulzer currently does not have the experience or resources to provide the demanded monitoring services independently. Hence searching for key partners or acquisition targets was acknowledged as an essential activity for Sulzer Pumps to enter this market. Another means of market entry would be to develop novel technology or integrate emerging technologies (e.g. online viscosity sensors) into new pipeline monitoring solutions, i.e. to create a novel value proposition. Subsequent feedback from Sulzer alliance managers concluded that oil pipeline customer acquisition may be difficult since many pipeline companies already have monitoring solutions which they are satisfied with. Hence the oil pipeline market is not recommended for new machine monitoring business ventures. ABS pump control and monitoring solutions are currently the only machine monitoring solutions offered by Sulzer Pumps. In this study the business model behind these solutions was analysed to evaluate its strength and identify areas for improvement. Although the ABS control and monitoring business model is profitable, sales figures are below their potential. Recommendations to improve the business models effectiveness mainly focused on improving channels through which Sulzer connects with its customers. These included improving Sulzer digital marketing material, improving product selection tools, increasing complementary advertising and quotation contents to connect Sulzer control and monitoring products with pump equipment products, and most importantly increasing the amount of sales and CSS staff training.

An analysis of factors that influence adoption of improved agricultural practices among Iraqi farmers

Al-Duleimi, Saadoon J. F. January 1990 (has links)
No description available.

Privatising research : intellectual property and the construction of the 'public' and the 'private'

Rappert, Brian January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Essays in growth theory

Boone, Jan January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Innovative capabilities in the Italian take-off : the electrical and chemical industries (1880-1914)

Vasta, Michelangelo January 1996 (has links)
No description available.

CareEagle - Det unika hjälpmedlet för ambulanssjukvården : CareEagle – The unique stand-by for the pre-hospital medical care

Bondéus, Emilia, Ellmarker, Josefin January 2016 (has links)
Every year SOS Alarm receives 3.5 million emergency calls via 112 and an ambulance is needed in one million of these situations. Working as a paramedic is very physically demanding and the profession is over-represented, in terms of attritional wear on the lower back and the shoulders. Every day the paramedics need to perform many heavy lifts and the deadlift is one of the most demanding. They perform a deadlift when a patient should be lifted from the ground up to height of the haunch. When the deadlift is completed, the paramedics transport the patient to the ambulance. Work below the knees and over the shoulders should not occur by ergonomic recommendations. When the paramedics perform a deadlift it’s always start below their knees which means that the start position is not advantageous and there is a high risk to be injured. There are many factors that can affect the lifting situation in a negative way for example uneven surfaces, tight spaces and worried patients. In this project a unique product has been developed to replace the deadlift which is a huge problem that no one else has solved before. By using the product, the deadlift can now be done with minimal use of human power. The product significantly simplifies the care of the patients and will reduce work-related injuries in the pre-hospital medical care.

Strategic agility in the semiconductor industry in Malaysia and Singapore

Beh, Kok Khim January 2007 (has links)
This study aims to explore the agility development from strategic perspectives in the Malaysian and Singaporean semiconductor industries. Firstly, it assesses the needs of agility in the region semiconductor industry. Secondly, it explores informal practices that are associated with agility could bring alternative competitive success; and finally, it argues that the systematic development of agility through formulation, implementation and evaluation could bring competitive advantage to Malaysian and Singaporean semiconductor industries. Using mixed-method research method, this study provided a grounded and exploratory approach, where 101 questionnaires and 4 case companies were used as empirical data which collected in Malaysia and Singapore between Jan 2004 to March 2004. SPSS was used to analyse descriptive and inferential quantitative data from survey questionnaires, while cross-case analysis was carried out to analyse qualitative data in four case companies. Using data integration, this study revealed ten major findings. It concludes that agility is a multi-dimensional approach that encompasses a wide variety of best practices and agility should be built on the foundation of world class manufacturing methods, coupled with an organisation that is technologically and managerially established for rapid and unpredictable change. This study also concludes that informal practices associated with agility need to be embodied in an organisation that attempts to develop agility. Finally, the development of agility does not happen overnight, as it requires a change agent or company-wide transformation to take place in order to develop agility properly. This study identifies the major needs for developing agility strategy in the Malaysian and Singaporean semiconductor industries. A conceptual and systematic framework for developing agility was proposed through strategic formulation, implementation and evaluation that provided valuable evidence to create new strands of agility theory development in other industry within the region, especially those newly industrialised counties. These contributions enable academic researchers to expand the topic into longitude empirical studies and discuss the topic insightfully.

Introducering av 3D-skrivare i byggproduktionen / Introducing 3D-printers to the construction industry

Hummelblad, Jonas, Antonsson, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: 3D-skrivartekniken har etablerat sig inom flera stora industrier och nu talas det om en introducering i byggbranschen. Branschen är känd för att vara konservativ, men en rad fördelar ses med den nya tekniken; kortare byggtider, mindre materialspill och arbetsplatser som är hälsosammare och mer säkra. Därför är det av intresse att se hur tekniken kan användas inom byggbranschen samt att se vad ett första steg skulle kunna vara. Realistiskt sett är det också viktigt att se till vilka hinder som finns för 3D-skrivarens etablering. Målet med arbetet är att konkretisera på vilka sätt 3D-skrivare kan användas inom husproduktion i byggbranschen. Metod: För att nå målet med studien används litteraturstudie för att ta del av tidigare forskning kring ämnet och i växelverkan utförs kvalitativa intervjuer för att få en god inblick i byggbranschens syn på 3D-skrivartekniken och dess implementering i husproduktionsstadiet. Totalt 9 personer som arbetar inom byggbranschen intervjuas. Resultat: 3D-skrivartekniken används i dagsläget till komplicerade gjutformar till exempelvis fasadutsmyckningar. Tekniken öppnar upp möjligheter för arkitekter. Möjligheter som på traditionellt byggnadssätt hade blivit för dyrt, för komplicerat eller helt enkelt omöjligt. Tekniken har stor potential och när tekniken kommit längre finns möjlighet att använda den i fler led inom byggproduktionen. Många fördelar ses vid användning av tekniken i prefabindustrin. Där är miljön kontrollerad och det behöver inte oroas över hur 3D-skrivare skulle klara arbetsplatsens klimat. Konsekvenser: Byggbranschen kommer att använda sig mer och mer av digitala verktyg och automatisering i framtiden. En rekommendation författarna har är att uppmana företag eller personer att ta del av tekniken och ligga i framkant då tekniken sprider sig i byggbranschen för att genom denna investering kunna tjäna pengar och även bidra till utveckling inom den allmänt känt konservativa byggbranschen. Begränsningar: Examensarbetet behandlar 3D-skrivare som skriver ut enskilda byggnadselement som sedan monteras på traditionellt vis och fokuserar på användning i den svenska byggbranschen. Intervjustudien begränsas till att intervjua en person från följande yrkesroller: affärschef, arbetschef, arbetsledare, arkitekt, forsknings och utvecklingschef, kundcenterchef, produktionschef, utvecklingschef och VD.

LABKEY - a strategic management model for the scientific analytical services industry

Berryman, Paul January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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