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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model osiguranja useva od rizika suše / Crop insurance model for managing drought risk

Popović Ljiljana 18 January 2018 (has links)
<p>Predmet ovog istraživanja je suša i model osiguranja useva od rizika suše na teritoriji Vojvodine. Na osnovu detaljnog istraživanja vremenskih klimatoloških uslova na ispitivanom području, cilj ove disertacije je da se identifikuju meteorološki parametari i indikatori pogodni za indeksno osiguranje, potom da se identifikovani indeksi (padavine, SPI i SPEI indeksi suše) testiraju i odredi koji od njih najviše pogoduje osiguranju useva od rizika suše u Vojvodini.</p> / <p>The subject of this research is drought phenomena and crop insurance model for managing drought risk, on the territory of Vojvodina Province. After detailed research of weather and climate conditions of research area, themain purpose of this dissertation is to identify meteorological parameters and indicators suitable for index based insurance. Then,to test them (rainfall, SPI and SPEI drought indices) in order to determine index that is most suitable for crop insurance in Vojvodina.</p>

Titanic : Ur ett modernt försäkringsperspektiv

Al Kamsie, Samer, Klevsäter, Lars-Peter January 2019 (has links)
Sjöförsäkring är ett samlingsnamn för en massa försäkringar ett rederi måste ha för att bedriva sjöfartsverksamhet. De två vanligaste som berör själva fartyget och dess framdrift är kasko och P&amp;I. Genom att använda RMS TITANIC fallet ämnar studien att faställa om försäkringstagaren till fartyget har rätt till försäkringsersättning eller inte enligt modern svensk sjöförsäkring. Undersökningen ämnar titta närmare på hur försäkringsbolag tillämpar villkoren för identifikation samt vad som skiljer vårdslöshet från grov vårdslöshet, för att kunna konstatera om ersättning skall betalas ut till ägaren av RMS TITANIC. Studien använder en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer samt litteraturstudie. Resultatet visar att svenska försäkringsbolag tillämpar identifikation i ringa utsträckning som möjliggör att försäkringsskyddet för fartygsägare inte påverkas om en besättningsman agerar vårdslöst ombord men detsamma gäller inte om handlingen var grovt vårdslös. Det innebär att försäkringstagaren till RMS TITANIC har rätt till ersättning enligt modern sjöförsäkring. / Maritime insurance is a collective name for a multiple insurances a shipping company must have in order to conduct maritime operations. The two most common ones that affect the ship itself and its operation are Kasko and P&amp;I. Using the RMS TITANIC case, the study intends to determine whether the policyholder of the vessel is entitled to insurance compensation or not according to modern Swedish maritime insurance. The study looks more closely at how insurance companies apply the terms for identification and what differentiates negligence from gross negligence, in order to determine whether compensation should be paid to the owner of RMS TITANIC. The study uses a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews and literature study. The result shows that Swedish insurance companies apply identification to a small extent, which allows insurance coverage for shipowners not to be affected if a crew acts carelessly on board, but the same does not apply if the act was grossly negligent. This means that the policyholder of RMS TITANIC is entitled to compensation according to modern maritime insurance.

Optimizacija funkcije štete u cilju procene rizika osiguranja / Damage Function Optimization in Order to Assess Insurance Risk

Novaković Tanja 16 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Predmet ovog istraživanja su direktne materijalne posledice realizacije prirodnih nepogoda (direktna materijalna šteta) i procena štete na teritoriji AP Vojvodine. U prvom delu istraživanja analizirana je prostorna distribucija prirodnih nepogoda karakterističnih za područje AP Vojvodine sa ciljem utvrđivanja izloženosti populacije rizicima od prirodnih nepogoda. U drugom delu istraživanja, primenom kvantitativnih metoda koje uključuju parametarske i neparametarske statističke metode i regresiono modeliranje utvrđen je optimalni analitički izraz procene štete nastale usled realizacije rizika od oluje kao prirodne nepogode za koju je ustanovljena povećana izloženost populacije AP Vojvodine.</p> / <p>The subject of this research is the direct material consequences of the realization of natural disasters (direct material damage) and the assessment of damage in the territory of Vojvodina. In the first part of the research, the spatial distribution of natural disasters characteristic for the region of Vojvodina was analyzed in order to determine the population&#39;s exposure to natural hazards. In the second part of the research, the optimal analytical expression of damage estimation was determined by applying quantitative methods including parametric and non-parametric statistical methods and regression modeling. The optimal analytical expression of damage estimation has been identified for the risk of a storm as a natural disaster which has created increased exposure of the population of Vojvodina.</p>

La particularité de l'application du droit de la concurrence dans le secteur des assurances / Particularity of the application of competition law in the insurance sector

Barazi, Mervan 10 March 2017 (has links)
Le secteur des assurances est protéiforme : il comprend plusieurs opérateurs dont l’intégration dans le paysage économique et juridique s’est accentuée ces dernières années et ne cesse de s’imposer. Les compagnies d'assurance déploient elles-mêmes des activités d’assurance multiples. Depuis les années cinquante les différents régimes d’assurances maladie, vieillesse, chômage – obligatoires, complémentaires – sont exploités par certains organismes assureurs (mutuelles et institutions de prévoyance). Ces organismes développent leurs activités sur des marchés dont le caractère économique n’est pas toujours évident. Si les assurances vie par exemple, ne soulèvent guère de difficulté d’insertion sur un marché concurrentiel, peut-on en revanche considérer que les régimes complémentaires et légaux d’assurance maladie opèrent sur un marché économique ? Cette question conduit à s’interroger sur la soumission du secteur des assurances au droit de la concurrence et son éventuelle unicité de régime. Deux points sont étudiés, en premier lieu, il s’agit de confronter le secteur des assurances à la vision extensive des autorités européenne et nationale sur les critères d’applicabilité du droit de la concurrence. Cette approche est vérifiée auprès de tous les opérateurs proposant des produits et services qualifiés d'assurance. En second lieu, sont examinées l'application du droit de la concurrence au secteur des assurances et leurs exemptions spécifiques. Cette étude prend en compte l’ensemble du droit de la concurrence : pratiques anticoncurrentielles, droit des concentrations économiques et aides d’État. Elle s’appuie essentiellement sur le droit européen et français de la concurrence. / The insurance industry is protean : it includes several operators whose integration into the economic and legal landscape has intensified in recent years and continues to impose itself. Insurance companies themselves deploy multiple insurance activities. Since the 1950s, some insurers have exploited differents insurance schemes such as, health, old age, unemployment (whether compulsory or complementary). These organizations develop their activities in markets whose economic character is not always the most obvious. If life insurance, for example, does not present any difficulty in entering a competitive market, can we also consider that the supplementary and statutory health insurance schemes operate similarly in an economic market ? This question leads up to wonder about the submission of the insurance sector to competition law and its possible uniqueness of regime. Two points are studied, firstly, the question of confronting the insurance sector with the extensive vision of the European and national authorities. Secondly, an examination of the application of competition law to the insurance sector and the justification for different treatment. This study takes into account the whole of competition law : antitrust practices, economic concentrations and state aids. It is essentially based on European and French competition law.

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