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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relevance of knowledge management in the public sector : the measure of knowledge management in government /

La Grange, M. E. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / On title page: Master of Philosophy (Information and Knowledge Management). Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Impact of brand equity on the purchasing of consumer durables

Wells, David Michael 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the importance of brand equity in the purchase of consumer durable goods, specifically heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.

An investigation into the impact of revising the accounting treatment of intangible assets on information technology value perception

Van Rooyen, Nathan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact possible revisions to the international accounting standard (IAS) for intangible assets, under international financial reporting standards (IFRS), could have on the perception of value of information technology. Furthermore, the study discusses the fact that value of IT is still a debate and asks the question why. The use of the term information technology capability in IT research is used in many different contexts. The study also tested a framework that could possibly be used to view IT capability as, and used this framework to ascertain how accounting treatment of IT capability is happening in practice. The study is exploratory in nature since the impact of the possible revisions on IT capability is a current event. The revisions are in a second round of discussion and as such this study could provide insight to the discussion regarding the possible influence on IT capability. The revisions primarily focus on the recognition and measurement of internally generated intangible assets. It is currently being proposed that internally generated intangible assets be recognised as it would during a business combination at any point and also that fair value be considered as an alternative to the cost basis during initial recognition. While those are the most significant revisions, the discussion paper makes minor proposals regarding the identification of intangible assets and makes no suggestions regarding disclosure. A number of CIO’s and CFO’s or their direct delegates were interviewed to determine from a practitioner perspective what the impact of the revisions could be from both a financial perspective and IT management perspective. The participants were engaged through a semi-structured interview and the collective responses analysed for common themes. The study found that while the debate around IT value still exists, from the participant’s perspective, it centres on the fact that in the absence of appropriate performance measurement of businesses, it is difficult at best to reflect how IT contributes value to the organisation. The participants do not see the currently proposed revisions as being able to improve the perception of value of IT. This is primarily due to the fact that the financial reports are not for consumption of internal business stakeholders to whom CIO’s need to communicate the value contribution. Secondly, the cost focus of the financial reports is acknowledged and as well as the fact that increasing the uncertainty of values in financial reports due to subjective valuation of IT capability, will detract from the integrity of the financial accounting and reporting. Lastly, participants also recognised that it would be a significant revision if internally generated assets are recognised in the same way as during business combinations and that the use of fair value during initial recognition is allowed. As such the participants felt that it would be a long time before the revisions move onto the next stage. This pragmatic response indicated that the focus should rather be on ensuring business performance is measured and IT capability measured through business measures. The study is limited by focusing on organisations that do not create IT capability for resale. Also, the focus is on internally generated IT capability, and excludes the process of acquiring IT capability through merger and acquisition activity. Lastly, the focus has been limited to the impact of the revision on IT value perception. Practically, given the fact that the revisions are not seen to create an opportunity for IT value to be reported, practitioners are advised to focus on using benchmarking to report IT value for the business-as-usual IT capability, in business terms. Furthermore, in terms of ensuring the value of investment in IT capability is articulated, the upfront business case and investment decision process must articulate the business benefits clearly and thereafter ensure benefits tracking is done to measure the performance and value of the constituent parts that deliver the benefits can be measured. This study has value since these particular concepts have not been analysed in this way before. Previous studies have focused on certain elements of IT capability, or organisations that create IT capability for resale, not internal use, amongst others. The originality stems from linking accounting treatment to the definition of IT capability and investigating the impact it has on how the value of IT is perceived. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel wat die impak van moontlike hersienings van die internasionale boekhoudingstandaard (IAS) vir ontasbare bates, volgens internasionale finansiële verslagdoeningstandaarde (IFRS), sal wees op die persepsie van inligtingstegnologie (IT) se waarde. Voorts bespreek die studie die feit dat die waarde van IT steeds 'n voortgaande debat is en vra waarom dit die geval is. Die term inligtingstegnologievermoë in IT-navorsing word in verskillende kontekste gebruik. Die studie het ook 'n raamwerk getoets wat moontlik gebruik kan word om IT-vermoë holisties te bekyk. Die studie is verkennend van aard aangesien die impak van moontlike hersienings op IT-vermoë 'n gebeurtenis is wat tans plaasvind. Die hersienings is tans in die tweede ronde van bespreking en die studie sou insig kon verskaf oor die moontlike invloed van die bespreking op IT-vermoë. Die hersienings fokus primêr op die erkenning en meting van intern gegenereerde ontasbare bates. Tans word voorgestel dat intern gegenereerde ontasbare bates erken moet word soos dit in 'n besigheidskombinasie op enige punt erken sou word, en ook dat billike waarde oorweeg moet word as 'n alternatief tot die kostebasis gedurende aanvanklike of inisiële erkenning. Terwyl hierdie die mees belangrike hersienings is, sluit die besprekingsdokument kleiner voorstelle in oor die identifisering van ontasbare bates, maar verskaf geen voorstelle oor die bekendmaking van ontasbare bates nie. 'n Aantal hoof inligtingsbeamptes en hoof finansiële beamptes of hulle direkte gedelegeerdes, is ondervra om vas te stel, vanuit 'n praktisyn se oogpunt, wat die impak van die hersienings sou kon wees – gesien uit beide 'n finansiële en 'n IT-bestuursperspektief. Die deelnemers is betrek deur 'n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud en die kollektiewe response is geanaliseer vir gemeenskaplike temas. Die studie het bevind dat, hoewel die debat rondom ITvermoë steeds bestaan, vanuit die deelnemers se perspektief, die debat sentreer rondom die feit dat in die afwesigheid van toepaslike prestasiemeting van besighede, dit op sy beste moeilik is om te besin oor hoe IT waarde bydra tot die organisasie. Die deelnemers sien nie in dat die voorgestelde hersienings by magte sal wees om die persepsie oor die waarde van IT te verbeter nie. Dit is primêr as gevolg van die feit dat die finansiële verslae nie beskikbaar is vir interne besigheidsbelanghebbers nie aan wie hoof inligtingsbeamptes die waardebydrae moet kommunikeer. Tweedens word die kostefokus van finansiële verslae erken, asook die feit dat om die onsekerheid van waardes in finansiële verslae te verhoog weens die subjektiewe waardasie van IT-vermoë, die integriteit van die finansiële boekhouding en verslagdoening sal benadeel. Laastens het deelnemers ook erken dat dit 'n belangrike hersiening sal wees indien intern gegeneerde bates op dieselfde manier erken word as gedurende besigheidskombinasies en dat die gebruik van billike waarde gedurende aanvanklike erkenning toegelaat word. As sodanig was die deelnemers van mening dat dit nog lang sal duur voordat die hersienings na die volgende fase sal beweeg.

The development of a business model for the national intellectual property management office

Sifunda, Pindiwe 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many countries recognise the importance of realising economic growth through the exploitation of research outputs culminating from publicly financed institutions. At the forefront of these countries is the United States of America which has seen increased commercialisation efforts made by its universities since the passing of its Intellectual Property (IP) legislation, the Bayh-Dole Act in the 1980s. The Act assigned IP rights to public institutions. Most countries have since followed suit and SA is likewise in the process of adopting similar legislation, namely the Intellectual Property Rights Bill (IPR Bill). The Department of Science and Technology (DST), which is responsible for growing the knowledge base of the country, guided by the National R&D Strategy adopted in 2002, has developed a framework for IP rights emanating from publicly financed research. This will form the basis for IPR legislation, which is currently under review by Parliament. The legislation is similar to that adopted in the USA, with due consideration for local content. It also assigns IP rights emanating from publicly financed research to the recipient entities, that is, public institutions and small businesses. The legislation aims to stimulate inter alia a culture of patenting by public institutions. This has the potential to increase the commercialisation of these research outputs, as evidenced in other countries. The abovementioned legislation refers to the establishment of a national agency, the National IP Management Office (NIPMO), which will have the responsibility of undertaking the administrative function set out in the legislation. This paper investigates a business model, as well as an institutional framework for NIPMO, taking into account the challenges of IP management in SA and abroad. Desktop research was carried out for a better understanding of the status quo in the IP management landscape, both locally and abroad. This was followed by primary research by means of interviews in order to gain insight into the nature of local IP management offices, the challenges they are faced with and also the expectations of the planned National IP Management Office. The literature survey indicated that many countries have come to realise the importance of developing their economies through exploitation of publicly financed research outputs. Most countries have since adopted IPR legislation to enable public research institutions to manage their IP, and commercialise their research outputs. There are still challenges faced by this system, which are similar across countries. These range from the financing required for the management and running of these office, limited capacity, and also traditional mindsets of researchers in putting greater value on publications than on patents. Exploiting the information gathered, an environmental analysis in the form of SWOT and stakeholder analyses was carried out, which culminated in the development of a business model and a governance model. Some of the key recommendations that have been made in this study include the following:  NIPMO should follow the proposed business model which outlines the different number of expertise and services that should be provided to ensure the sustainable administering of the IPR legislation.  In order to be able to provide a much needed service and be accessible to the institutional technology transfer offices (TTOs), NIPMO should set up provincial offices to better assist the under-capacitated TTOs, as well as institutions without TTOs.  As skills are being developed in the area of IP Management, it should be considered to roll-out these regional offices incrementally, starting with areas that are in most need of these services, namely Kwa-Zulu Natal and the Eastern Cape.  NIPMO should play a major role in monitoring and evaluating the implementation and the impact of the new legislation on the innovativeness of the country’s research environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie lande besef die belangrikheid van die verwesenliking van ekonomiese groei deur die benutting van navorsingsuitsette wat van staatsgefinansierde instellings afkomstig is. Die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA) is aan die voorpunt van hierdie lande, met toenemende kommersialisering deur hierdie land se universiteite sedert die wetgewing oor Intellektuele Eiendom (IE) by wyse van die Bayh-Dole-wet in die 1980’s goedgekeur is. Hierdie wet het IE-regte aan regeringsinstellings toegeken. Die meeste lande het hierdie voorbeeld gevolg, en ook Suid-Afrika is tans besig om soortgelyke wetgewing goed te keur, naamlik die Wetsontwerp op Intellektuele Eiendomsregte (IER-wetsontwerp). Die Departement van Wetenskap en Tegnologie (DWT), wat verantwoordelik is vir die uitbreiding van die land se kennisbasis en deur die Nasionale Navorsings- en Ontwikkelingstrategie wat in 2002 goedgekeur is, gerig word, het ’n raamwerk vir IE-regte wat uit staatsgefinansierde navorsing afkomstig is, ontwikkel. Dít sal die grondslag vorm van IER-wetgewing en die IER-wetsontwerp, wat tans deur die Parlement in hersiening geneem word. Die wetgewing stem ooreen met dít wat in die VSA goedgekeur is, en skenk behoorlike oorweging aan plaaslike inhoud. Dit ken ook IE-regte wat uit staatsgefinansierde navorsing afkomstig is, aan die ontvangerentiteite, naamlik staatsinstellings en klein besighede, toe. Die wetgewing is daarop gemik om onder andere ’n kultuur van patentering deur staatsinstellings te stimuleer. Dit bied die moontlikheid van verhoogde kommersialisering van hierdie navorsingsuitsette, soos in ander lande aangetoon. Die bogenoemde wetgewing verwys na die stigting van ’n nasionale agentskap, die Nasionale IE-bestuurskantoor (NIMPO), wat daarvoor verantwoordelik sal wees om die administratiewe funksie, soos in die wetgewing gestipuleer, uit te voer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek ’n sakemodel asook ’n institusionele raamwerk vir NIPMO, wat die uitdagings van IE-bestuur in Suid-Afrika en in die buiteland in aanmerking neem. Literatuur oor die onderwerp is ondersoek om beter begrip van die status quo in die terrein van IE-bestuur, sowel plaaslik as in die buiteland, te verkry. Hierna het primêre navorsing deur middel van onderhoude gevolg, ten einde insig in die aard van plaaslike IE-bestuurskantore, die uitdagings waarvoor hulle te staan kom en ook die verwagtinge van die beplande NIMPO te verkry. Die literatuuroorsig het getoon dat baie lande die belangrikheid van die ontwikkeling van hul ekonomieë deur die benutting van staatsgefinansierde navorsingsuitsette besef. Die meeste lande het intussen IER-wetgewing goedgekeur ten einde staatsnavorsingsinstellings in staat te stel om hul IE te bestuur, en om hul navorsingsuitsette te kommersialiseer. Hierdie stelsel kom steeds voor uitdagings te staan, soos ook die geval in ander lande. Hierdie uitdagings wissel van die finansiering wat nodig is vir die bestuur en werking van hierdie kantore en beperkte kapasiteit tot ’n tradisionele ingesteldheid van navorsers om groter waarde op publikasies as op patente te plaas. Op grond van die inligting wat ingesamel is, is ’n omgewingsontleding in die vorm van SWOT- en belanghebberontledings uitgevoer, wat tot die ontwikkeling van ’n sake- en ’n beheermodel gelei het. Op grond van die ontledings is belangrike aanbevelings gemaak, wat die volgende insluit:  NIPMO moet die voorgestelde sakemodel volg, wat die hoeveelheid kundigheid en dienste stipuleer wat nodig is om die volhoubare uitvoering van die IER-wetgewing te verseker.  Ten einde in staat te wees om ’n uiters noodsaaklike diens te verskaf en vir die institusionele tegnologie-oordragkantore (TOK’s) toeganklik te wees, moet NIPMO provinsiale kantore stig om TOK’s met ’n lae kapasiteit asook instellings sonder TOK’s beter te kan bystaan.  Aangesien vaardighede in die veld van EI-bestuur nog ontwikkel word, moet oorweging daaraan geskenk word om hierdie streekskantore toenemend van stapel te laat loop deur te begin by gebiede wat hierdie dienste die nodigste het, soos Kwa-Zulu Natal en die Oos-Kaap.  NIPMO moet ’n belangrike rol in die monitering en evaluering van die implementering en die impak van die nuwe wetgewing op die vernuwende aard van die land se navorsingsomgewing speel.

Značka jako nehmotné aktivum firmy / Trademark as an Intangible Asset of a Firm

Kucírková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with a trademark as an intangible property of the company and it is divided into two parts. The theoretical part attends to an intangible property classification and a usage of a trademark. Further there are presented theoretical aspects of brand management and possible methods of trademark evaluation as an intangible property of the company. The practical part introduces the selected company where a brand research and an analysis of an internal and external environment of a company were conducted. After finishing a financial analysis follows an evaluation of a marketing communication mix and particular brand elements. The second half of the practical part focuses on the alternative trademark evaluation with adequate methods and a proposal of the trademark inscription to the Register of trademarks.

Contribui????o ao estudo da avalia????o e contabiliza????o do Goodwill

Cotrim, Celso Lucas 01 June 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Celso_Lucas_Cotrim.pdf: 614830 bytes, checksum: 07658b0de6f1c452404bd8d7ef6bdc5b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-06-01 / This study approaches the form of evaluation of the acquired goodwill and make other considerations on the goodwill developed internally in the companies, as well examine as the subsequent treatment to his evaluation. In the first chapter, it is make the introduction of the present study, where is made the historical considerations on the goodwill. Still in the first chapter it is exposed the context, the problem, the hypotheses, the objectives, the delimitation of the study, the justifications, the contributions and the research methodology used for the elaboration of this study. Being considering the goodwill an Intangible Assets, it is make soon afterwards an approach about the definition of Active Intangible, as well as his importance in the life of the companies. In the chapter III are examined some definitions of goodwill, as well the factors that do with that it exists, it is approached still some classifications attributed to the goodwill. In the chapter IV it is approached the form of evaluation of the goodwill when bought and some forms of evaluation of the goodwill when no bought, being included calculations exemplify. In the chapter V it is verified the relationship between the profit of a company and the existence of the goodwill. Soon afterwards are presented the forms of recognition accounting of the goodwill, as well as some comparative international practices. In the denominated chapter THE AGIO IN BRAZIL, are treated the registration forms and maintenance of the agio as active in the brazilian ambient, when in the study examples of her accountancy are included. Concluding the present study, are presented the conclusions on the theme / This study approaches the form of evaluation of the acquired goodwill and make other considerations on the goodwill developed internally in the companies, as well examine as the subsequent treatment to his evaluation. In the first chapter, it is make the introduction of the present study, where is made the historical considerations on the goodwill. Still in the first chapter it is exposed the context, the problem, the hypotheses, the objectives, the delimitation of the study, the justifications, the contributions and the research methodology used for the elaboration of this study. Being considering the goodwill an Intangible Assets, it is make soon afterwards an approach about the definition of Active Intangible, as well as his importance in the life of the companies. In the chapter III are examined some definitions of goodwill, as well the factors that do with that it exists, it is approached still some classifications attributed to the goodwill. In the chapter IV it is approached the form of evaluation of the goodwill when bought and some forms of evaluation of the goodwill when no bought, being included calculations exemplify. In the chapter V it is verified the relationship between the profit of a company and the existence of the goodwill. Soon afterwards are presented the forms of recognition accounting of the goodwill, as well as some comparative international practices. In the denominated chapter THE AGIO IN BRAZIL, are treated the registration forms and maintenance of the agio as active in the brazilian ambient, when in the study examples of her accountancy are included. Concluding the present study, are presented the conclusions on the theme / Este estudo aborda a forma de avalia????o do goodwill adquirido e faz outras considera????es sobre o goodwill desenvolvido internamente nas empresas, bem como examina o tratamento subseq??ente ?? sua mensura????o. No primeiro cap??tulo, faz-se a introdu????o do presente estudo, quando s??o feitas as considera????es hist??ricas sobre o goodwill. Ainda, no primeiro cap??tulo, exp??e-se o contexto, o problema, as hip??teses, os objetivos, a delimita????o do estudo, as justificativas, as contribui????es e a metodologia de pesquisa utilizada para a elabora????o deste estudo. Sendo considerando o goodwill um Ativo Intang??vel, faz-se em seguida uma abordagem sobre a defini????o de Ativo Intang??vel, bem como sua import??ncia na vida das empresas. No cap??tulo III s??o examinadas algumas defini????es de goodwill, bem como elencados fatores que fazem que ele exista. Exp??e-se, ainda, algumas classifica????es atribu??das ao goodwill. No capitulo IV aponta-se a forma de avalia????o do goodwill quando comprado e algumas formas de avalia????o do goodwill quando n??o comprado, incluindo-se c??lculos exemplificativos. No cap??tulo V verifica-se a rela????o entre o lucro de uma empresa e a exist??ncia do goodwill. Em seguida, s??o apresentadas as formas de reconhecimento cont??bil do goodwill, bem como algumas pr??ticas internacionais comparativas. No cap??tulo denominado O ??GIO NO BRASIL, s??o tratadas as formas de registro e manuten????o do ??gio como ativo no ambiente brasileiro, quando no estudo, s??o inclu??dos exemplos de sua contabiliza????o. Finalizando o presente estudo, s??o apresentadas as conclus??es sobre o tema.

The Concept of Commensurate with Income : Retroactive adjustments and the arm's length standard

Borgström, Ingrid, Andersson, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the transfer pricing of intangibles and focuses on the U.S. standard commensurate with income. This standard has been accused of being incompatible with the overriding principle of transfer pricing, the arm’s length standard, and is not endorsed by the OECD. Recent developments on the topic include the introduction of a similar provision in Germany. The purpose is to evaluate the standard’s compatibility with the arm’s length standard and to establish the current position of the concept of commensurate with income. To meet this purpose the thesis first describes the inherent problems surrounding transfer pricing of intangibles as well as provides a background to transfer pricing in the U.S. The focus then shifts towards the history, application and criticism of the commensurate with income standard. The thesis also gives an account of the OECD’s and Germany’s positions on the matter. In the final analysis the compatibility with the arm’s length standard is examined from two angles; the commensurate with income standard’s valuation approach on one hand and its use of hindsight on the other. The commensurate with income standard uses an income approach to valuation of transfers of intangibles instead of the market approach recommended by the OECD. This may lead to overvaluation of intangibles and is not strictly in line with the arm’s length standard. The German commensurate with income provision is more in line with the market approach and is therefore more compatible with the arm’s length standard in this aspect. The commensurate with income standard allows adjustments to transfer prices with the benefit of hindsight. The actual income from a transferred intangible is thus used as evidence as to whether or not the original transfer price was set reasonably. The OECD is of the opinion that only information known at the time of the transfer should be used, but makes an exception for the particular situation when a tax authority can prove that unrelated parties would have adjusted transfer prices retroactively. The point made here is that the commensurate with income standard places the burden of proof on the taxpayer, while the OECD places it on the tax authority. This allows the OECD to stay true to the arm’s length standard, while the U.S. and Germany deviates somewhat from it. However, there is no exact manner in which to define the arm’s length standard, and even the OECD deviates from it more or less. The commensurate with income standard may be one step further away from the purest definition of it but not a complete deviation. The German version of commensurate with income manages to target the same problem while staying closer to the arm’s length standard. Germany has thereby found a middle way and might hold the solution to finding a consensus between the OECD and the U.S.

Intangible Property : Defining Intangible Property for Transfer Pricing Purposes and Exploring the Concept of Economic Ownership

Eriksson, Emma January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis the definition of intangible property contained in the Transfer Pricing Guidelines is analysed with the aim of exploring whether it is satisfactory or not. Furthermore, the need to have a definition of intangible property for transfer pricing purposes at all is explored. To properly allocate income and expenditure relating to intangible property one needs to first establish who is the owner of the property. In the light of this the economic ownership is explored as well. Two countries, the United States and the United Kingdom, are chosen for a comparative analysis to see how their national legislation is designed and what advantages or disadvantages they might have. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has defined intangible property by giving examples of assets that shall be considered as intangible. As regards the ownership issue the guidance is scarce and questions such as what constitutes economic ownership and who will have a right in the future return of an intangible asset still remain. The United States and the United Kingdom, both members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, have defined intangible property and handled the issue of ownership in two different ways. Ways that do not always coincide with the Transfer Pricing Guidelines. The conclusions of this thesis are mainly that the current definition of intangible property contained in the Transfer Pricing Guidelines is not satisfactory and that it needs to been changed. The author recommends that more focus is put on the third party's willingness to pay for the property in question. Although the definition is found to be unsatisfactory the author's conclusion is that a uniform definition of intangible property is necessary to achieve harmonisation and certainty. Furthermore the concept of economic ownership needs to be clarified.

The Concept of Commensurate with Income : Retroactive adjustments and the arm's length standard

Borgström, Ingrid, Andersson, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis deals with the transfer pricing of intangibles and focuses on the U.S. standard commensurate with income. This standard has been accused of being incompatible with the overriding principle of transfer pricing, the arm’s length standard, and is not endorsed by the OECD. Recent developments on the topic include the introduction of a similar provision in Germany. The purpose is to evaluate the standard’s compatibility with the arm’s length standard and to establish the current position of the concept of commensurate with income.</p><p>To meet this purpose the thesis first describes the inherent problems surrounding transfer pricing of intangibles as well as provides a background to transfer pricing in the U.S. The focus then shifts towards the history, application and criticism of the commensurate with income standard. The thesis also gives an account of the OECD’s and Germany’s positions on the matter. In the final analysis the compatibility with the arm’s length standard is examined from two angles; the commensurate with income standard’s valuation approach on one hand and its use of hindsight on the other.</p><p>The commensurate with income standard uses an income approach to valuation of transfers of intangibles instead of the market approach recommended by the OECD. This may lead to overvaluation of intangibles and is not strictly in line with the arm’s length standard. The German commensurate with income provision is more in line with the market approach and is therefore more compatible with the arm’s length standard in this aspect.</p><p>The commensurate with income standard allows adjustments to transfer prices with the benefit of hindsight. The actual income from a transferred intangible is thus used as evidence as to whether or not the original transfer price was set reasonably. The OECD is of the opinion that only information known at the time of the transfer should be used, but makes an exception for the particular situation when a tax authority can prove that unrelated parties would have adjusted transfer prices retroactively. The point made here is that the commensurate with income standard places the burden of proof on the taxpayer, while the OECD places it on the tax authority. This allows the OECD to stay true to the arm’s length standard, while the U.S. and Germany deviates somewhat from it.</p><p>However, there is no exact manner in which to define the arm’s length standard, and even the OECD deviates from it more or less. The commensurate with income standard may be one step further away from the purest definition of it but not a complete deviation. The German version of commensurate with income manages to target the same problem while staying closer to the arm’s length standard. Germany has thereby found a middle way and might hold the solution to finding a consensus between the OECD and the U.S.</p>

Immaterielle Vermögenswerte in Konzernbilanzen nach international anerkannten Rechnungslegungsgrundsätzen /

Backsmann, Till. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Münster (Westf.), 2003.

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