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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Snow Interception Measurements using Impulse Radar / Snöinterceptionsmätningar med impulsradar

Magnusson, Jan January 2006 (has links)
<p>Interception av snö eller regn på trädkronor är en viktig del av det hydrologiska kretsloppet. Upp till en tredjedel av all snö som faller över skogsområden når aldrig marken på grund av stora avdunstningsförluster av interceptionsförrådet, vilket minskar vårflöden i älvar. Goda prognoser av dessa flöden är viktiga för vattenkraftsindustrin. För att kunna förbättra modeller, i vilka interceptions-avdunstningsprocessen ingår, krävs lämpliga mätmetoder för interceptionförrådet av snö. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om impulsradarutrustning kan användas för att mäta interceptionsförrådet av snö på barrträd. Metoden bygger på att mäta hastigheten och utsläckningen hos en elektromagnetisk impulsvåg, vilken skickas från en sändarantenn genom ett avsnitt skog till en mottagarantenn. Både utsläckningen och hastigheten påverkas av snö och vatten på trädens kronor, och kan med så kallade blandningsformler relateras till mängd vatten. Blandningsformler beskriver de elektromagnetiska egenskaperna hos heterogena material. Laboratorietester visade att interception av flytande vatten på små trädkronor gav upphov till förändringar av impulsvågens hastighet och utsläckning mätbara med radarutrustningen. Uppskattningar av mängden intercepterat vatten från radarmätningarna gav en överskattning jämfört med oberoende referensmätningar, däremot stämde relativa variationer väl överens mellan mätningarna. Tydliga samband mellan impulsvågens utsläckning och mängden intercepterat vatten kunde inte bestämmas från experimenten. Utsläckningsresultaten var svårtolkade och lämpliga blandningsformler hittades inte i litteraturen. Metoden testades även en vecka i fält i norra Sverige. Trots att installationen inte var den bästa visade resultaten ändå god överensstämmelse mellan uppskattade förändringar av interceptionsförrådet från radarmätningarna, och observerade väderförändringar samt oberoende referensmätningar med en trädvågsanordning. Resultaten tyder på att metoden kan ge goda uppskattningar av interceptionsförrådet, då en väl fungerande installation av utrustningen används och efter att vidare kalibreringsförsök genomförts.</p> / <p>Interception of rain or snow in forest canopies is an important component of the hydrological cycle. Up to one third of the total winter precipitation never reaches the ground in forest areas due to evaporation losses of intercepted snow, which reduces spring-time water flow in rivers. Accurate spring flow predictions are important for the hydro-power industry. Appropriate measurement methods of intercepted snow are needed in order to improve models involving the interception evaporation process. The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities of an impulse radar system to measure the snow interception storage on coniferous trees. The method is based on measurements of the velocity and attenuation of an electromagnetic impulse wave, generated in a transmitting antenna and sent through a forest section and detected by a receiving antenna. The attenuation and velocity is affected by ice and water in the canopy air space, and can be related to amounts of water using so-called mixing formulas that describe the average electromagnetic properties of heterogeneous materials. Controlled laboratory measurements on small canopies showed that interception of liquid water was well above the detectable limits of the radar system, with respect to both attenuation and velocity changes. Estimations of the mass of intercepted water based on velocity changes overestimated the reference measurements, but relative variations were well captured. No clear relation could be found between amount of water on canopies and impulse wave attenuation from the experiments. The attenuation results were difficult to interpret, and appropriate mixing formulas were not found in the literature. The method was further tested for one week under field conditions in northern Sweden. In spite of a non-optimal equipment installation results of estimated changes of the interception storage showed a good agreement with observed weather variations and reference measurements using a tree weighing device. The method can have good conditions to give correct estimations of the snow interception storage, using appropriate installation and further calibration measurements.</p>

Efeito da expectativa na reorganização das dimensões espacial e temporal em ações interceptativas / Effect of expectancy on reorganization of the spatial and temporal dimensions in interceptive actions

Azevedo Neto, Raymundo Machado de 20 March 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da expectativa na reorganização de aspectos espaciais e temporais em ações interceptativas. O estudo foi conduzido em dois experimentos, nos quais os participantes interceptaram manualmente um alvo móvel virtual em situações com diferentes probabilidades de mudança de trajetória/velocidade de deslocamento do alvo. Em ambos os experimentos foi realizada a comparação entre um grupo que recebeu informação verbal sobre a probabilidade de mudança de trajetória/velocidade (PR), e outro que não recebeu informação (SI) sobre as características probabilísticas da tarefa. Os resultados do experimento com mudança de trajetória indicaram que, além da reorganização na dimensão espacial ocorrer de maneira gradativa, as ações interceptativas parecem ter sido controladas por um mecanismo preditivo que é atualizado ao longo do tempo por informação visual. Em ambos os experimentos foi mostrado que a probabilidade do contexto influenciou as características espaciais e temporais da reorganização do movimento. Contudo, essa influência ocorreu somente no fim de uma série de tentativas. Este resultado, em conjunto com a ausência de diferença em aspectos cinemáticos e de desempenho entre os grupos experimentais, sugere que a expectativa de deslocamento futuro do alvo foi criada em função das tentativas iniciais de uma série e não pela informação verbal / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of expectancy on reorganization of spatial and temporal dimensions in interceptive actions. The study was conducted through two experiments in which participants were to manually intercept a virtual moving target with different probabilities of target trajectory/velocity shift. Comparison between a group that received verbal information concerning probability of target trajectory/velocity shift (PR), and another group that did not receive that information (SI) was made in both experiments. Results of the experiment on target trajectory shift showed that, in addition to gradual movement reorganization in the spatial dimension, interceptive actions were controlled by a predictive mechanism which seemed to be continuously updated by visual information. Of main interest, it was shown that in both experiments probability of target trajectory/velocity change influenced the spatial and temporal characteristics of movement reorganization. However, this influence occurred only at the end of a series of trials. The same effect was observed in the experiment on target velocity shift. This result, adjoined with the absence of difference in kinematic and performance aspects between experimental groups, suggests that expectancy about future target displacement was created by the initial trials of a series and not by verbal information on probability of target trajectory/velocity shift

A interceptação das comunicações telemáticas no processo penal / The interception of electronic communications at criminal procedure law

Silva, Ricardo Sidi Machado da 05 June 2014 (has links)
A Constituição brasileira de 1988 estabeleceu o direito à inviolabilidade da intimidade, da vida privada e do sigilo das comunicações, apresentando-se os dois primeiros como princípios e o último como regra. A regra da inviolabilidade do sigilo das comunicações se fez acompanhar de cláusula de exceção pela qual o constituinte admitiu hipóteses de restrição a esse direito, notadamente para fins de investigação criminal ou instrução processual penal, nas hipóteses e na forma que a lei estabelecer. Uma das formas de restrição vem a ser a interceptação das comunicações telemáticas, que o trabalho se propõe a analisar, de modo a verificar os limites da atuação estatal no uso desse método de investigação. Em tal análise, de modo a definir o âmbito de proteção dos direitos acima citados, o autor considera, além dos dispositivos da Constituição e legislação brasileiras, convenções internacionais de direitos humanos e a interpretação que lhes é dada por cortes regionais de direitos humanos e adota, como critérios e métodos, o princípio da proporcionalidade, os padrões doutrinariamente concebidos para a construção de um processo penal que se aproxime de uma meta de eficiência e garantismo e as experiências de outros países pesquisados. / The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 established the rights to inviolability of intimacy, privacy and confidentiality of communications, presenting the first two as principles and the last one as a rule. The rule of the inviolability of the secrecy of communications was followed by an exception clause which specifies the hypotheses in which such right may be restricted, notably for purposes of criminal investigation or criminal procedure, in the cases and in the form provided by statutory law. One of the possibilities of such restriction is the interception of electronic communications, which this paper aims to analyze in order to verify the limits for state action in the use of such criminal investigation method. In such analysis, in order to define the scope of protection of the abovementioned right, the author considers, in addition to the provisions set forth in the Brazilian Constitution and law, international human rights conventions and their interpretation given and adopted by regional human rights courts, and, as criteria and methods, the principle of proportionality, the doctrinally conceived standards for the construction of a criminal procedure system closer to an objective of efficiency and fundamental individual rights protection, as well as the experiences of other researched countries.

A interceptação das comunicações telemáticas no processo penal / The interception of electronic communications at criminal procedure law

Ricardo Sidi Machado da Silva 05 June 2014 (has links)
A Constituição brasileira de 1988 estabeleceu o direito à inviolabilidade da intimidade, da vida privada e do sigilo das comunicações, apresentando-se os dois primeiros como princípios e o último como regra. A regra da inviolabilidade do sigilo das comunicações se fez acompanhar de cláusula de exceção pela qual o constituinte admitiu hipóteses de restrição a esse direito, notadamente para fins de investigação criminal ou instrução processual penal, nas hipóteses e na forma que a lei estabelecer. Uma das formas de restrição vem a ser a interceptação das comunicações telemáticas, que o trabalho se propõe a analisar, de modo a verificar os limites da atuação estatal no uso desse método de investigação. Em tal análise, de modo a definir o âmbito de proteção dos direitos acima citados, o autor considera, além dos dispositivos da Constituição e legislação brasileiras, convenções internacionais de direitos humanos e a interpretação que lhes é dada por cortes regionais de direitos humanos e adota, como critérios e métodos, o princípio da proporcionalidade, os padrões doutrinariamente concebidos para a construção de um processo penal que se aproxime de uma meta de eficiência e garantismo e as experiências de outros países pesquisados. / The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 established the rights to inviolability of intimacy, privacy and confidentiality of communications, presenting the first two as principles and the last one as a rule. The rule of the inviolability of the secrecy of communications was followed by an exception clause which specifies the hypotheses in which such right may be restricted, notably for purposes of criminal investigation or criminal procedure, in the cases and in the form provided by statutory law. One of the possibilities of such restriction is the interception of electronic communications, which this paper aims to analyze in order to verify the limits for state action in the use of such criminal investigation method. In such analysis, in order to define the scope of protection of the abovementioned right, the author considers, in addition to the provisions set forth in the Brazilian Constitution and law, international human rights conventions and their interpretation given and adopted by regional human rights courts, and, as criteria and methods, the principle of proportionality, the doctrinally conceived standards for the construction of a criminal procedure system closer to an objective of efficiency and fundamental individual rights protection, as well as the experiences of other researched countries.

The interception of civil aircraft over the high seas in the global war on terror /

Williams, Andrew S. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Water budgets and cave recharge on juniper rangelands in the Edwards Plateau

Gregory, Lucas Frank 16 August 2006 (has links)
Increasing demand for water supplies in semi-arid regions, such as San Antonio, has sparked an interest in potential recharge management through brush control. Two shallow caves under woody plant cover in northern Bexar County, Texas were chosen as study sites where a detailed water budget would be developed. The Headquarters Cave site measures natural rainfall and cave recharge while the Bunny Hole site is instrumented to measure throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff, and cave recharge. Large scale rainfall simulation was used at Bunny Hole to apply water directly above the cave footprint allowing us to determine how recharge differs between natural and simulated rainfall events. Under natural conditions, Headquarters Cave recharged 15.05% of the annual rainfall while Bunny Hole received 4.28%. Natural canopy throughfall measured 59.96% of the water budget; stemflow accounted for 0.48% and canopy interception was 39.56%; no surface runoff was measured. Rainfall simulations conducted at Bunny Hole resulted in an average of 74.5% throughfall, 5.3% stemflow, 20.2% canopy interception, 2.8% surface runoff, and 6.9% cave recharge; simulation intensities were typically higher than natural event intensities. General water budgets across the Edwards Plateau have concluded that evapotranspiration represents 65% of total annual rainfall while percolation and storage accounts for 30% and the remaining 5% is runoff. These studies have been focused on broad water budget parameters while this study looks at more detailed components. No other study to date has been able to combine throughfall, stemflow, surface runoff, and vertical recharge monitoring to quantify the water budget in the Edwards Plateau; these parameters are instrumental in determining a detailed water budget in juniper rangelands. Results from this study illustrate the significance of all aspects of the water budget and are the first to yield a firm measurement of actual upland recharge.

The theory and practice analysis of domestic legal system of communication protection and interception

Chen, Jia-hong 21 August 2009 (has links)
Article 12 of Constitution of Republic of China, ¡§ people have the freedom of secret communication¡¨, protecting basic human rights aims to prevent people¡¦s communications from any arbitrary interference by others in the country except for evidence collection and crime investigation. For ensuring national security and maintaining social order, it is necessary to actually implement the communication interception. In order to balance the relationship between human rights of freedom and public interest, most of the democratic and advanced countries have set the rules of communication interception, which regulate the element of legal interception and punishment of illegal one to prevent the violations in rights of people from interception caused by abuse of power. July 14, 1999, the law of communication protection and interception was published and implemented to stipulate the operating procedure related to communication interception conducted by judiciary, procuratorial organ, executive bodies, building authorities, telecommunication corporations, and so on. This significantly symbolized that the execution of national communication interception was formally working forward to legal system, and finished the history of designated communication interception violating the constitution in the past decades. July 11, 2007, communication interception book was replaced with the provisions in the significant amendment issued by judge, and further created a new record of implementing the provision¡§people¡¦s freedoms of secret communication¡¨ secured by constitution, and formally connected with the trend of global democracy. It was undeniable that the design of this regulation still allowed much room of improvement and the circumstance of illegal wiretapping on the street stalls was definitely not restrained by the implementation of communication security law. Moreover, police units seldom dealt with the related reports or impeachments, and actively worked on the wiretapping cases. For most general public, it significantly pointed out that the effects of education did not come to the original expectation leading people to be aware of the importance of freedom of secret communication and privacy. This surely was the great defect and regret after the implementation of the relevant law. Based on the principles in the area of administrative law, the led five main structures (basic principles, framework, permission use, relief channel and monitoring mechanism,) in this research mainly analyzed and explored the current rules of communication protection and interception step by step, and further evaluated the potential deficiency and the matter of essential improvement through the modes of theory interpretation and practice review. The mentioned suggestions in this study were available to make the communication protection and interception mechanism with much better functions.

The interception of civil aircraft over the high seas in the global war on terror /

Williams, Andrew S. January 2006 (has links)
This study addresses a narrow but important facet of the war on terror: the interception of civil aircraft over the high seas without the consent of the state of registry, when such aircraft are suspected of transporting weapons of mass destruction or terrorists. It introduces the contemporary legal regime over the high seas, in particular the customary norms relating to freedom of overflight, jurisdiction over aircraft, and the 'Rules of the Air' adopted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). The study also examines the legal status of military aircraft in international law as a symbol of a state's sovereignty. It explores the justifications for lawful interceptions as well as the legal obligation of states to show 'due regard' for the safety of civil air navigation. The ICAO standards for the interception of civil aircraft and their applicability to state aircraft are also discussed. In conclusion the remedies an aggrieved state may pursue for alleged violations of international law are addressed.

An observational study of the factors that influence interception loss in boreal and temperate forests

Toba, T., Ohta, T. 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Efeito da expectativa na reorganização das dimensões espacial e temporal em ações interceptativas / Effect of expectancy on reorganization of the spatial and temporal dimensions in interceptive actions

Raymundo Machado de Azevedo Neto 20 March 2012 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da expectativa na reorganização de aspectos espaciais e temporais em ações interceptativas. O estudo foi conduzido em dois experimentos, nos quais os participantes interceptaram manualmente um alvo móvel virtual em situações com diferentes probabilidades de mudança de trajetória/velocidade de deslocamento do alvo. Em ambos os experimentos foi realizada a comparação entre um grupo que recebeu informação verbal sobre a probabilidade de mudança de trajetória/velocidade (PR), e outro que não recebeu informação (SI) sobre as características probabilísticas da tarefa. Os resultados do experimento com mudança de trajetória indicaram que, além da reorganização na dimensão espacial ocorrer de maneira gradativa, as ações interceptativas parecem ter sido controladas por um mecanismo preditivo que é atualizado ao longo do tempo por informação visual. Em ambos os experimentos foi mostrado que a probabilidade do contexto influenciou as características espaciais e temporais da reorganização do movimento. Contudo, essa influência ocorreu somente no fim de uma série de tentativas. Este resultado, em conjunto com a ausência de diferença em aspectos cinemáticos e de desempenho entre os grupos experimentais, sugere que a expectativa de deslocamento futuro do alvo foi criada em função das tentativas iniciais de uma série e não pela informação verbal / The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of expectancy on reorganization of spatial and temporal dimensions in interceptive actions. The study was conducted through two experiments in which participants were to manually intercept a virtual moving target with different probabilities of target trajectory/velocity shift. Comparison between a group that received verbal information concerning probability of target trajectory/velocity shift (PR), and another group that did not receive that information (SI) was made in both experiments. Results of the experiment on target trajectory shift showed that, in addition to gradual movement reorganization in the spatial dimension, interceptive actions were controlled by a predictive mechanism which seemed to be continuously updated by visual information. Of main interest, it was shown that in both experiments probability of target trajectory/velocity change influenced the spatial and temporal characteristics of movement reorganization. However, this influence occurred only at the end of a series of trials. The same effect was observed in the experiment on target velocity shift. This result, adjoined with the absence of difference in kinematic and performance aspects between experimental groups, suggests that expectancy about future target displacement was created by the initial trials of a series and not by verbal information on probability of target trajectory/velocity shift

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