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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consumer eduction in the “New Times”:a critical discourse analysis of a policy for consumer education in Germany (2013)

Wachter, N. (Nikola) 19 May 2014 (has links)
The interest in consumer education by international organizations as well as the German government has dramatically increased throughout the last ten years. At the same time the critical voices regarding the negative implications of consumption as a dominant cultural practice are getting louder. Here, the current economic consumption discourse as well as consumer education is argued to be colored by the neo-liberal ideology that contributes to social and environmental exploitation. As such critical research suggests that there is a need to engage more critically with the current promotion of consumer education that is predominantly educating students to function within the neo-liberal system instead of challenging it for the sake of collective well-being. Specifically for the German context different NGOs (foodwatch, LobbyControl) have pointed out to how the current promotion of consumer education in Germany is colored by economic argumentation. The objective of this qualitative study was to question and challenge the hegemonic ways of thinking about consumption and consumer education and to contribute to a more critical discussion of consumer education and its implications for the society. As social transformations are increasingly manifested through and visible in discourse in the ‘new times’ this study, therefore, analysed a policy for consumer education as a product of the ‘new times’ that was published in 2013 in Germany. The goal was to investigate which discourses the policy is drawing from, how they are worked together in the policy and whether the text is doing ideological work in terms of sustaining the current economization of society. The two main research questions were: 1. What discourses are included into the policy for consumer education and how are they ordered? 2. Does the text do ideological work in terms of working towards the stabilization and spread of neo-liberalism and consumerism? The study was conducted using Fairclough’s approach to Critical Discourse Analysis that draws from postmodern, poststructuralist as well as neo-marxist theories. It combines critical social science with sociolinguisticcs and as such offered a suitable framework for critically studying the policy text. By applying this methodological framework it was possible to combine the analysis of language, discourse and the social environment which are considered to be dialogically related to each other. This research showed that the education policy text draws on the neo-liberal, social-democrat and critical consumption discourse where it could be determined that the neo-liberal discourse is dominant and marginalizes the other discourses. Furthermore, it could be shown how the policy text fosters ideological transformation by partially promoting an education that works towards the spread of neo-liberal ideology. This ideological work is majorly achieved through fostering a lack of imagination and acceptance of current changes instead of offering view-points that also challenge the current transformations in society. As a result the policy fosters a consumer education that educates students to function within the system instead of drawing from the critical pedagogy discourse that calls for emancipation and empowerment for the sake of collective well-being. However, the policy is not entirely dedicated to the neo-liberal project and together with the insights from this research gives space for a more critical interpretation and implementation.

lnterculturalidad. Un desafío. Lima: Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica, 1992; 59 p.

Kocchiu Yi, Esperanza Daysi 10 April 2018 (has links)
Es en los últimos años que se ha planteado desde distintos sectores y especialidades a la INTERCULTURALIDAD como alternativa y desafío, es decir como dimensión a construir en el tejido de las relaciones humanas. En dicho sentido es que el trabajo titulado"INTERCULTURALIDAD. UN DESAFIO" realizado por un equipo interdisciplinar del Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica, formado por tres profesionales de las especialidades de Educación, Filosofía y Derecho, significa un valiosísimo esfuerzo por contribuir desde sus respectivas disciplinas tanto al análisis y esclarecimiento de dicho desafío, como a abrir un diálogo fructífero en tomo a tal reto.

Llamados a convivir en una sociedad intercultural

Valle López, Angela del 10 April 2018 (has links)
No contiene resumen

Comunicación intercultural en proyectos de desarrollo

Mantilla Vera, Lucía 10 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Rol del maestro católica en una educación intercultural

Capella Riera, Jorge 10 April 2018 (has links)
En el presente año, con motivo del V Centenario del Encuentro del Mundo Europeo con el Mundo Americano, se están efectuando diversidad de eventos orientados a revisar las dimensiones que este hecho ha implicado en el desarrollo histórico, social y cultural de los países involucrados. Dentro de ellos, el análisis de la problemática educativa que se ha generado, ha ocupado un lugar menor al que seguramente los educadores hubiésemos deseado, dada la relevancia que la educación ha tenido y tiene en el destino de nuestros pueblos.

Do intercultural ao desenvolvimento da Competência Intercultural na formação de professores de Português Língua Estrangeira / Intercultural concepts on education teaching: the development of the Intercultural Competence on Portuguese Foreign Language teaching

Alessandra Montera Rotta 04 November 2016 (has links)
A presente tese de doutorado insere-se na formação de professores para o ensino do português do Brasil para estrangeiros em contexto de imersão, uma preocupação cada vez mais séria e atual no contexto das universidades brasileiras. Beneficiados por alguns programas governamentais, tais como o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Graduação (PEC-G) e o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC- PG), entre outros, inúmeros estudantes estrangeiros chegam ao país, em sua grande maioria, sem o conhecimento prévio do português do Brasil. Além disso, o Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (CELPE-BRAS) passou a ser exigido pelas universidades brasileiras aos estrangeiros que desejam ingressar em cursos de graduação e em programas de pós-graduação. A partir dessa constatação, esta pesquisa propõe o desenvolvimento da Competência Intercultural (CI) durante a formação inicial de professores. Segundo Byram (1997), devemos preparar os futuros professores para adquirir uma série de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, elementos constituintes da CI, a fim de que eles aprendam a agir e reagir em um contexto intercultural. O ensino e aprendizagem de PLE baseados nessa proposta estimulam o diálogo intercultural, permitem que o contato entre as diferentes culturas resulte em uma abertura de espírito, em uma maior compreensão das representações sociais e dos estereótipos culturais, das crenças e comportamentos em diferentes contextos culturais. A possibilidade de se envolver na cultura do outro, ter empatia por ela e assumir outras perspectivas pode ajudar o futuro professor a expandir sua visão de mundo. A partir da experiência da diversidade e da alteridade, ele reflete sobre sua própria cultura e sobre os valores dela recebidos e, passa a incluir construções relevantes de outras visões de mundo culturais. A principal contribuição desta tese reside na apresentação de uma metodologia que contempla o desenvolvimento da CI para formar não apenas professores de PLE, mas cidadãos mais conscientes de seu papel no mundo plural de hoje. / This doctoral thesis is related to teacher training for teaching Brazilian Portuguese to foreigners in a context of immersion, which is a growing preoccupation in Brazilian Universities. Innumerable foreigners students, benefit from governmental programs such as Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Graduação (PEC-G) and Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG) among others, the majority of whom arrive in the country without any previous knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese. Furthermore, the Certificate of Proficiency in the Portuguese Language for Foreigners (CELPE-BRAS) has become a requirement by Brazilian Universities, for foreign students who wish to undertake undergraduate and graduate programs. Based on this finding, this research proposes the development of the Intercultural Competence over the initial teacher training. According to Byram (1997), we must prepare future teachers to acquire a variety of knowledge, skills and attitudes, constituent elements of the Intercultural Competence, in order to enable them to act and react in an intercultural context. The teaching and learning of Portuguese as a foreign language based on this proposal, stimulates intercultural dialogue, allows for the contact between different cultures to result in broadmindedness and a greater understanding of social representations and cultural stereotypes /beliefs and behaviors in different cultural contexts. The possibility of getting involved in another culture, with emphasis on other perspectives, can help future teachers to expand their worldview. From the experience of diversity and otherness, the teacher can reflect on his own culture and the values therein, and that includes building on other cultural worldviews. The main contribution of this thesis is the presentation of a methodology that includes the development of the Intercultural Competence in order to form not only teachers of Portuguese as a foreign language, but citizens more aware of their role in today\'s pluralistic world.

O (des)encanto do casamento intercultural: brasileiras casadas com muçulmanos estrangeiros / The (dis)enchantment of intercultural marriage: Brazilian women married to foreign Muslims

Flavia Andréa Pasqualin 27 April 2018 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, fundamentada na Psicologia Intercultural e na Antropologia Social, se propôs a compreender quais são as vivências, relacionadas aos aspectos étnicos e religiosos, existentes no casamento entre uma brasileira (muçulmana ou não) e um muçulmano estrangeiro. Para tal foi adotado o método etnográfico, presencial e virtual, tendo como campo empírico presencial uma comunidade turca muçulmana localizada na cidade de São Paulo e uma comunidade muçulmana localizada na cidade de Barretos, interior de São Paulo. Como campo empírico virtual a pesquisa contou com blogs pessoais, comunidades no Facebook e vídeos amadores produzidos por brasileiras casadas com muçulmanos turcos e árabes, uma vez que se entende o espaço cibernético como uma dimensão constitutiva de uma sociedade, onde os sujeitos se constroem e atuam. Os colaboradores desta pesquisa foram brasileiras casadas com muçulmanos turcos ou árabes, tanto do ambiente presencial quanto virtual e membros pertencentes as comunidades especificadas. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, a pesquisa contou com a observação participante da pesquisadora nas comunidades muçulmanas já referidas e em casas de casais interculturais (brasileira casada com muçulmano árabe ou turco) e casais turcos, com as observações feitas em vídeos amadores (disponibilizados no YouTube) produzidos por algumas interlocutoras como também os produzidos por outras brasileiras que se relacionavam ou haviam se casado com um muçulmano turco ou árabe, em notícias jornalísticas ou institucionais viabilizadas na rede, assim como em material televisivo: filmes e novelas. Os registros feitos em caderno de campo também foram utilizados, assim como se utilizou entrevistas abertas realizadas presencialmente e/ou via Skype, WhatsApp ou e-mail. Os dados coletados estão inseridos e analisados por eixos temáticos e encontram-se distribuídos ao longo do texto, simultaneamente à teoria. Com efeito, concluiu-se que os encantos estiveram presentes na aprendizagem de uma nova cultura; músicas, sabores, paisagens e o relacionar-se com um homem que ainda guarda o romantismo perdido de muitos brasileiros. Os desencantos se referiram a novos hábitos alimentares, a aceitação da nova religião (islâmica) pela família brasileira e a vivência em terras em que os papéis de gênero são bem delineados. Contudo, também se encontrou nessa pesquisa, a problemática dos relacionamentos realizados de forma integral no mundo virtual, em que muitas brasileiras são utilizadas como trampolim para esses homens deixarem a crise financeira de seus países, o que acaba por resultar em casamentos interculturais com enfrentamento de altos níveis de dificuldades, incluindo brasileiras vítimas de vários tipos de abusos. / This research, grounded on Intercultural Psychology and Social Anthropology, aimed to understand the experiences related to the ethnic and religious aspects of the marriage between a Brazilian woman (Muslim or not) and a foreign Muslim man. The study used the ethnographic method, using virtual and face-to-face methods to collect empirical data, having a Turkish Muslim community located in the city of São Paulo and a Muslim community located in the city of Barretos, in the interior of São Paulo state, for the face-to-face interactions. In order to collect the virtual empirical data, the researcher accessed personal blogs, Facebook communities and amateur videos produced by Brazilian women married to Turkish and Arab Muslim men, since the cyber space is understood as a constitutive dimension of a society, where the subjects build themselves and act. The collaborators of this research were Brazilian women married to Turkish or Arab Muslims, both from the face-to-face and virtual environments, and members belonging to the specified communities. Research included participant observation of the researcher in the Muslim communities already mentioned and in houses of intercultural and Turkish couples as data collection instrument. Intercultural couples were Brazilian women married to Arab or Turkish Muslim men. Amateur videos produced by some interlocutors, available in YouTube, were used for observation. Videos produced by other Brazilian women who had relationship or had married Turkish or Arab Muslim men, reports or institutional news available on the internet and television material such as movies and soup operas were also sources for participant observation. Other materials used were registers made in the field notebook and open face-to-face, Skype, WhatsApp or e-mail interviews. Collected data were inserted and analyzed by thematic axes, distributed simultaneously with the theoretical concepts throughout the text. It was concluded that charms were present in learning a new culture; music, flavors, landscapes and the relationship with a man who still keeps the lost romanticism of many Brazilians. However, the disenchantment refers to new eating habits, the acceptance of the new (Islamic) religion by the Brazilian family and the experience in lands where the gender roles are well delineated. However, the research also found the issue of relationships fully developed in the virtual world, in which many Brazilian women are used as a springboard for these men to leave the financial crisis of their countries. This ultimately results in intercultural marriages that face several difficulties, including Brazilian women being victim of various types of abuse.

Comparative adult education : issues and challenges, with particular reference to Britain and Germany

Arthur, Eleonore January 2000 (has links)
This thesis begins with my own bicultural experiences in the context of adult education and language teaching and examines current issues in comparative adult education in light of the challenges imposed by increasing globalisation and lifelong learning. The first chapter ends with research questions about the validity of comparative adult education given that hitherto theoretical approaches have, it seems, ceased to be part of scholarly debates in adult continuing education. The following chapter proceeds to explore research methods appropriate to this study, which are based on approaches in phenomenology and constructivism, and which are explored further in chapter 8 in the context of comparative adult education. The study then seeks to challenge the appropriacy of comparing systems of adult education within the positivist paradigm which, it is argued, has stifled debates and not enabled alternative approaches to develop. Furthermore, it is argued that bounded concepts of nation states and national characteristics are no longer relevant in the context of a multicultural and multilingual Europe. Adult educators are increasingly engaged in intercultural activities by taking part in professional networks and EU-sponsored programmes, computer-mediated or not (discussed in chapter 5). These activities demand skills in cross- and intercultural communication and, in comparative terms, an understanding of different cultural communities. Chapter 6, therefore, looks at the role of language and interculturality which, it is argued, are fundamental to comparative adult education. Issues in relation to lifelong learning are explored further in the subsequent chapter with regard to Germany and Britain and the respective historical, structural and cultural contexts. Chapter 8 argues that comparative adult education can only be meaningful if new meaning and knowledge are constructed on the basis of intercultural communication and shared comparative reflection. This chapter also outlines a new theoretical framework, which, it is proposed, is appropriate to comparative adult education in its contemporary post- or late modem context. The questions raised in opening chapter are answered in the final chapter with the conclusion that there is, after all, validity in undertaking research in comparative adult education and that it is an exciting and stimulating field of study.

Ennakkokäsitykset ja käsitteellinen muutos yksinkertaisen virtapiirin kontekstissa

Mäkelä, S. (Suvi), Suronen, M. (Minna) 12 February 2013 (has links)
Tässä pro gradu -tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan ennakkokäsityksiä ja käsitteellistä muutosta teknologiakasvatuksen kontekstissa yksinkertaiseen virtapiiriin liittyen. Tutkimusongelmina ovat ”Miten ennakkokäsitykset muuttuvat opetuksen aikana?” ja ”Miten käsitteet muuttuvat yksinkertaisen virtapiirin opetuksen myötä?”. Teorian pohjalta on luotu empiirisen tutkimuksen viitekehys. Tutkimuksen kannalta on tärkeää perehtyä käsitteen muodostumisen ja käsitteellisen muutoksen teoriaan, koska ennakkokäsitysten muuttuminen on nimenomaan käsitteellistä muutosta. Ennakkokäsitysten muuttumista ei voi tutkia perehtymättä käsitteelliseen muutokseen. Virheellisten ennakkokäsitysten muuttamista pidetään haastavana. Oppilailla olevat ennakkokäsitykset eli arkikäsitykset saattavat sekoittua tieteellisten käsitysten kanssa. Yksinkertaisen virtapiirin yleisimpinä ennakkokäsityksinä on se, että sähkö kuluu. Yleensä sähköpari ymmärretään sähkövirran antajaksi ja komponentit, kuten lamppu, moottori tai summeri, sähkövirran kuluttajiksi. Komponenttien kaksinapaisuutta ei ymmärretä eikä sen vaikutusta virtapiirin toimintaan. Opettajan tulee kiinnittää huomiota oppilaiden ajatteluprosessiin ja pyytää heitä selittämään ajatuksensa. Ennen varsinaisen opetuksen alkua jokaisen oppilaan käsitykset perusterminologiasta tulisi tarkistaa ja tarvittaessa korjata oikeiksi tieteellisiksi käsitteiksi. Tutkimus on toteutettu fenomenografisena tapaustutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin puolistukturoiduilla haastatteluilla, jotka toteutettiin Oulun Normaalikoulun 1.-2.-luokassa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 8 toisen luokan oppilasta. Oppilaat haastateltiin kaksi kertaa kevään 2012 aikana. Haastatteluiden välissä pidettiin osana tutkimusta oleva opetustuokio. Opetustuokion aluksi oppilaiden ennakkokäsitykset kerättiin käsitekartaksi, jota korjattiin ja täydennettiin myöhemmin. Opetus toteutettiin leikin ja konkreettisten sähkösarjan osien avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksena ilmeni, että opetuksen myötä oppilailla tapahtuneet käsitteelliset muutokset johtivat kohti tieteellisesti oikeaa käsitettä. Eniten käsitteellistä muutosta tapahtui komponenttien nimeämisessä ja tunnistamisessa, virtapiirin toimintaperiaatteen ymmärtämisessä sekä sähköparin kaksinapaisuuden ymmärtämisessä. Ennakkokäsitysten tietämisellä näyttää olevan iso merkitys käsitteellisen muutoksen tapahtumiseen. Tapaustutkimuksen pienen otannan vuoksi tutkimuksen tuloksia ei voida yleistää. Aikaisemmat tutkimukset ovat antaneet samankaltaisia tuloksia. Tästä voidaan päätellä, että vastaavanlaisia tuloksia saisi myös isommalla otannalla. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää arkipäivän opettajan työssä.

Kielikoululaisten käsityksiä kaksikielisestä koulutuksesta:fenomenografinen tutkimus entisistä Haaparannan kielikoululaisista

Kinnunen, M. (Maiju) 16 May 2013 (has links)
Tämä pro gradu -tutkimus käsittelee kielikylpypedagogiikkaa, suomalaista kielikoulutusta ja kaksikielisen peruskoulutuksen käyneiden henkilöiden käsityksiä omasta kaksikielisestä koulutuksestaan. Tavoitteena on selvittää kielikylpykoulutuksen teoreettista pohjaa ja soveltaa teoriaa tutkimalla kielikylpypedagogiikan toteutumista käytännössä. Kielikylpypedagogiikkaa on Suomessa toteutettu 80-luvun loppupuolelta lähtien ja sitä on tutkittu paljon muun muassa Vaasan yliopistossa. Kielikylpykouluissa valtakieltä äidinkielenään puhuvat lapset saavat opetusta toisella kielellä, minkä seurauksena kielilylpykouluissa lasten toinen kieli kehittyy kuin huomaamatta muiden ainesisältöjen ohella. Haaparannalla on kaksisuuntaista kielikylpypedagogiikkaa toteuttava peruskoulu, jossa puolet oppilaista tulee Haaparannasta ja puolet Torniosta. Teoriaosuudessa kielikylpypedagogiikkaa peilataan eurooppalaisiin kielipoliittisiin malleihin ja pyritään etsimään yhtäläisyyksiä ja samansuuntaisia tavoitteita niiden väliltä. Teoreettisen osion tavoitteena on selvittää, miten kielikylpypedagogiikka ja kaksikielinen koulutus voivat tukea Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen määrittelemiä linjauksia kielikoulutuksen monipuolistamiseksi. Empiirisessä osiossa pyritään selvittämään kielikylpykoulutuksen vaikutusta käytännön elämään; sen vaikutusta opintopolkuun, työelämään, arkeen, kielten oppimiseen ja äidinkielelliseen kehitykseen. Pyrkimyksenä on selvittää, vaikuttiko kaksikielinen koulutus opiskelupaikan ja työpaikan valintaan ja millainen merkitys ruotsin kielitaidolla on kaksikielisen koulutuksen läpikäyneen arkielämässä. Lisäksi etsitään vastauksia kysymyksiin: onko kaksikielinen koulutus innostanut entisiä kielikoululaisia opiskelemaan muita kieliä ja miten kaksikielinen koulutus on vaikuttanut äidinkielen opiskeluun tai oppimiseen. Kyseessä on fenomenografinen tutkimus ja aineisto on kerätty Haaparannan kielikoulun käyneiltä, vuonna 1989 syntyneiltä henkilöiltä. Aineiston kerääminen tapahtui 2012 loppuvuodesta ja se toteutettiin strukturoidulla verkkokaavakkeella. Fenomenografisella tutkimuksella ei saavuteta lopullista totuutta, vaan sen avulla pystytään kartoittamaan tietyn ihmisryhmän käsityksiä tietystä aiheesta. Näin ollen tulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä, mutta osviittaa ne antavat aiheeseen liittyen. Tuloksina voidaan pitää kuitenkin sitä, että yli puolet aineiston informanteista suhtautui kielikoulutukseensa erittäin positiivisesti tai positiivisesti. Lisäksi aineistosta nousi esille erilaisia teemoja ja niistä tärkeimpinä mainittakoon raja-alueella asuminen, positiivinen diskriminaatio, työllisyys, kielen kehittämisen halu, metalingvistisyys sekä kielten tarjonnan ja valinnan yhteys. Näitä teemoja käsitellään aineiston ja teorian vuoropuheluna.

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