Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interlaced"" "subject:"interlacing""
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Ecos do entrelace do contrato social com o contrato sexual: indivíduos, sexualidades e famílias contemporâneasPereira, Marlene Brito de Jesus 26 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Carla Almeida (ana.almeida@ucsal.br) on 2016-11-16T14:57:58Z
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TESE DE DOUTORADO DE MARLENE BRITO DE JESUS PEREIRA.pdf: 2309580 bytes, checksum: aa0dc424e95833bae58ed12e7774ff0e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rosemary Magalhães (rosemary.magalhaes@ucsal.br) on 2017-01-13T18:16:57Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE DE DOUTORADO DE MARLENE BRITO DE JESUS PEREIRA.pdf: 2309580 bytes, checksum: aa0dc424e95833bae58ed12e7774ff0e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-13T18:16:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
TESE DE DOUTORADO DE MARLENE BRITO DE JESUS PEREIRA.pdf: 2309580 bytes, checksum: aa0dc424e95833bae58ed12e7774ff0e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-11-26 / A partir das conjecturas provocativas da obra O Contrato Sexual, às teorias do contrato social, a tese tem por objetivo apresentar e discutir o entrelace do contrato social com o contrato sexual. Consiste em uma estratégia argumentativa que apresenta a interdependência entre a ideia de indivíduos, sexualidades e famílias na contemporaneidade. O referencial teórico interdisciplinar ampara-se na Psicologia Social e nas Ciências Sociais não neutras quanto ao gênero. As questões geradoras convocam: O que é ser indivíduo? E o que resulta na contemporaneidade a convicção dessa nomeação? De que sexualidade se fala? O que é família? Um desenho metodológico qualitativo com a técnica dos estudos de casos múltiplos destaca as representações sociais de três (03) famílias participantes, residentes na cidade de Salvador/BA: a família Sigma, constituída por pai mãe e duas filhas, a família Delta, por padrasto, mãe e filha. E a família Gama, constituída por mãe e filho. São seis mulheres e três homens em idades entre 27 e 64 anos, escolarizados e pertencentes ao segmento social médio urbano. A história de vida foi a técnica que recolhi os dados principais, analisados pela técnica da análise de discurso. A tese apresenta a proposta do entrelace entre os contratos e acrescenta o conhecimento sobre indivíduos, sexualidades e famílias, com as representações e histórias de vida de mães, pais, filho e filhas, suas experiências na infância, juventude, namoro, relacionamentos afetivos, sexuais, casamento e recasamento. Os resultados indicam que na contemporaneidade os ‘indivíduos contratantes’ estão fragmentados. Há sexualidades conflitantes nomeadas por perspectivas históricas e sexualidades roteirizadas. A ideia de sexualidade e famílias são chanceladas pelo entrelace dos contratos. O entrelace do contrato social com o sexual amplia a compreensão sobre as diferentes formas que se apresentam indivíduos, sexualidades e famílias. Há ecos do entrelace dos contratos, em regras e normatizações que envolvem a construção de vínculos, afetos e parece criar uma espécie de liga nas relações entre os sexos. Em termos teóricos é minha sugestão que os ecos do entrelace do contrato social com o sexual estão nas relações de gênero entre indivíduos, sexualidades e famílias. As famílias Sigma, Delta e Gama parecem muito próximas do entrelace e desenlace dos contratos. Mas não significa que os indivíduos sociais estão entrelaçados por completo. Sua ação talvez seja de entrar e sair desse entrelace, minando sua hegemonia, fazendo surgir o estranhamento, a denúncia de uma condição assimétrica de convivência social. / From provocative conjectures of the work The Sexual Contract, the theories of the social contract, the thesis aims to present and discuss the intertwining of social contract with the sexual contract. It consists of an argumentative strategy that shows the interdependence between the idea of individuals, families and sexualities in contemporary times. The interdisciplinary theoretical framework to seek refuge in Social Psychology and the Social Sciences not neutral in terms of gender. Generating questions summon: What is to be individual? And which results in contemporary conviction that appointment? That sexuality is spoken? What is family? A qualitative methodological design with the technique of multiple case studies highlights the social representations of three (03) participants families residing in the city of Salvador,BA: Sigma family consisting of father mother and two daughters, the Delta family, stepfather, mother and daughter. And the Gama family, consisting of mother and child. There are six women and three men aged between 27 and 64 years old, educated and belong to the urban middle social segment. The life story was the technique that took the main data, analyzed by the technique of discourse analysis. The thesis presents the proposal of the intertwining between contracts and adds the knowledge of individuals, families and sexualities, with representations and life stories of mothers, fathers, son and daughters, their experiences in childhood, youth, dating, romantic relationships, sexual, marriage and remarriage.The results indicate that nowadays the 'contracting individuals' are fragmented.There are conflicting sexualities named for historical perspectives and scripted sexualities. The idea of sexuality and families are chanceladas by interlace of contracts.The intertwining of the social contract with sexual widen understanding of the different ways that present individuals, families and sexualities. There interlace echoes of contracts in rules and regulations that involve building links, feelings, and seems to create a kind of league in the relations between the sexes. Theoretically it is my suggestion that interlace the echoes of the social contract with the sexual are in gender relations among individuals, families and sexualities. The Sigma families, Delta and Gamma seem very close to interlace and outcome of contracts. But does not mean that social individuals are completely intertwined. Its action may be in and out of that intertwine, undermining its hegemony, giving rise to the problem, the complaint of an asymmetric condition of social life.
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Digital Image Processing Algorithms Research Based on FPGAXu, Haifeng January 2011 (has links)
As we can find through the development of TV systems in America, the digital TV related digital broadcasting is just the road we would walk into. Nowadays digital television is prevailing in China, and the government is promoting the popularity of digital television. However, because of the economic development, analog television will still take its place in the TV market during a long period. But the broadcasting system has not been reformed, as a result, we should not only take use of the traditional analog system we already have, but also improve the quality of the pictures of analog system. With the high-speed development of high-end television, the research and application of digital television technique, the flaws caused by interlaced scan in traditional analog television, such as color-crawling, flicker and fast-moved object's boundary blur and zigzag, are more and more obvious. Therefore the conversion of interlaced scan to progressing scan, which is de-interlacing, is an important part of current television production. At present there are many kinds of TV sets appearing in the market. They are based on digital processing technology and use various digital methods to process the interlaced, low-field rate video data, including the de-interlacing and field rate conversion. The digital process chip of television is the heart of the new-fashioned TV set, and is the reason of visual quality improvement. As a requirement of real time television signal processing, most of these chips has developed novel hardware architecture or data processing algorithm. So far, the most quality effective algorithm is based on motion compensation, in which motion detection and motion estimation will be inevitably involved, in despite of the high computation cost. in video processing chips, the performance and complexity of motion estimation algorithm have a direct impact on speed area and power consumption of chips. Also, motion estimation determined the efficiency of the coding algorithms in video compression. This thesis proposes a Down-sampled Diamond NTSS algorithm (DSD-NTSS) based on New Three Step Search (NTSS) algorithm, taking both performance and complexity of motion estimation algorithms into consideration. The proposed DSD-NTSS algorithm makes use of the similarity of neighboring pixels in the same image and down-samples pixels in the reference blocks with the decussate pattern to reduce the computation cost. Experiment results show that DSD-NTSS is a better tradeoff in the terms of performance and complexity. The proposed DSD-NTSS reduces the computation cost by half compared with NTSS when having the equivalent image quality. Further compared with Four Step Search(FSS) Diamond Search(DS)、Three Step Search(TSS) and some other fast searching algorithms, the proposed DSD-NTSS generally surpasses in performance and complexity. This thesis focuses on a novel computation-release motion estimation algorithm in video post-processing system and researches the FPGA design of the system.
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Ray Cast/Dose Superposition algorithm for proton grid therapyMarusic, Tibor January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: To develop a Ray Cast/Dose Superposition (RC/DS) algorithm for proton grid therapy. Its functionality needed to include automatic positioning of small proton pencil beams in a grid-pattern and superimposing thin beam Monte Carlo (MC) dose distribution data on a Computer Tomography (CT) density volume. The purpose was to calculate and store un-weighted volumetric dose distributions of individual proton energies for subsequent optimization. Materials & Methods: Using the programming language Python 3.6, CT and Volume Of Interest (VOI) data of various patients and phantoms were imported. The target VOI was projected to either two or four planes, corresponding to the number of used gantry positions. Rays were then traced through the CT voxels, which were converted from Hounseld Units to density using a look up table, to calculate Water Equivalent Distance and proton energy needed to reach the proximal and distal edge of the target volume. With automated grid-pattern beam positioning, thin beam MC calculated depth dose distribution files were interpolated, scaled and superimposed on the CT volume for all beamlet positions. The algorithm reliability was tested on several CT image sets, the proton range estimation compared to a commercial TPS and the depth dose interpolation analyzed using MC simulations. Results: The RC/DS algorithm computation time was on average around 6 hours and 30 minutes for each CT set. The dose distribution output visually conformed to target locations and maintained a grid pattern for all tested CT sets. It gave unwanted dose artifacts in situations when rays outside the beamlet center passed a significant length of low/high density regions compared to the center, which yielded dose distributions of unlikely shape. Interpolating MC dose distribution values showed comparability to true MC references of same energy, yielding results with 0.5% difference in relative range and dose. Conclusions: The developed algorithm provides unweighted dose distributions specific for small beam proton grid therapy and has been shown to work for various setups and CT data. Un-optimized code caused longer computation times then intended but was presumed faster than MC simulations of the same setup. Efficiency and accuracy improvements are planed for in future work. / Proton grid therapy group
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