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Une approche très efficace pour l'analyse du délaminage des plaques stratifiées infiniment longues / A very efficient approach for the analysis of delamination in infinitely long multilayered platesSaeedi, Navid 18 December 2012 (has links)
L'analyse des phénomènes locaux comme les effets de bord libre et le délaminage dans les structures multicouches nécessite des théories fines qui donnent une bonne description de la réponse locale. Étant donné que les approches tridimensionnelles sont, en général, très coûteuses en temps de calcul et en mémoire, des approches bidimensionnelles de type layerwise sont souvent utilisées. Dans ce travail de doctorat, un modèle layerwise en contrainte, appelé LS1, est appliqué au problème du multi-délaminage dans les plaques stratifiées invariantes dans le sens longitudinal. L'invariance dans la direction de la longueur nous permet d'aborder le problème analytiquement. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons une méthode analytique pour l'analyse des plaques multicouches multi-délaminées soumises à la traction uniaxiale. La singularité des contraintes interlaminaires aux bords libres et l'initiation du délaminage en mode III sont étudiées. Un modèle raffiné, nommé LS1 raffiné, est proposé pour améliorer les approximations dans les zones de singularités telles que les bords libres et les pointes de fissure. Les résultats du modèle raffiné sont validés en les comparant avec ceux obtenus par éléments finis tridimensionnels. Dans un deuxième temps, l'approche analytique proposée est étendue à la flexion cylindrique des plaques multicouches. La propagation du délaminage en modes I et II est étudiée et les approximations du modèle LS1 sont validées. À la fin, nous généralisons la méthode analytique proposée afin de prendre en considération tous les chargements invariants dans le sens longitudinal. L'approche finale permet d'analyser les plaques multicouches rectangulaires soumises à des charges invariantes sur les faces supérieure et inférieure, les forces ou les déplacements imposés sur les bords latéraux ainsi que quatre types de chargement sur les extrémités longitudinales: traction uniaxiale, flexion hors plan, torsion et flexion dans le plan. La solution analytique du modèle LS1 est obtenue pour une plaque stratifiée soumise à tous les chargements mentionnés ci-dessus. L'approche est validée en comparant avec la méthode des éléments finis tridimensionnels pour plusieurs types de chargement / The analysis of local phenomena such as free-edge effects and delamination in multilayered structures requires the accurate theories which can provide a good description of the local response. Since the three-dimensional approaches are generally very expensive in computational time and memory, the layerwise two-dimensional approaches are widely used. In this Ph.D. thesis, a stress layerwise model, called LS1, is applied to the multi-delamination problem in longitudinally invariant multilayered plates. The invariance in the longitudinal direction allows us to solve the problem analytically. At first, we propose an analytical method for the analysis of multi-delaminated multilayered plates subjected to the uniaxial traction. The free-edge interlaminaire stress singularities and the mode III delamination onset are investigated. A refined model, called Refined LS1, is proposed in order to improve the approximations in singularity zones such as free edges and crack tips. The results of the refined model are validated by comparing them with those obtained by a three-dimensional finite element model. Afterwards, the proposed analytical approach is extended to the cylindrical bending of the multilayered plates. The propagation of delamination in modes I and II is studied and the approximations of the LS1 model are validated. At last, we generalize the proposed analytical method to take into account all invariant loads in the longitudinal direction. The final approach allows us to analyze the rectangular multilayered plates subjected to invariant loads on the top and bottom surfaces, imposed displacements or forces at the lateral edges, and also four types of loading at the longitudinal ends: uniaxial traction, out-of-plane bending, torsion and in-plane bending. The analytical solution of the LS1 model is obtained for a laminated plate subjected to all the loads mentioned above. The approach is validated by comparison with the three-dimensional finite element method for various types of loading
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Inter-laminar Stresses In Composite Sandwich Panels Using Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM)Rao, M V Peereswara 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In aerospace applications, use of laminates made of composite materials as face sheets in sandwich panels are on the rise. These composite laminates have low transverse shear and transverse normal moduli compared to the in-plane moduli. It is also seen that the corresponding transverse strength values are very low compared to the in-plane strength leading to delaminations. Further, in sandwich structures, the core is subjected to significant transverse shear stresses. Therefore the interlaminar stresses (i.e., transverse shear and normal) can govern the design of sandwich structures. As a consequence, the first step in achieving efficient designs is to develop the ability to reliably estimate interlaminar stresses.
Stress analysis of the composite sandwich structures can be carried out using 3-D finite elements for each layer. Owing to the enormous computational time and resource requirements for such a model, this process of analysis is rendered inefficient. On the other hand, existing plate/shell finite elements, when appropriately chosen, can help quickly predict the 2-D displacements with reasonable accuracy. However, their ability to calculate the thickness-wise distributions of interlaminar shear and normal stresses and 3-D displacements remains as a research goal. Frequently, incremental refinements are offered over existing solutions. In this scenario, an asymptotically correct dimensional reduction from 3-D to 2-D, if possible, would serve to benchmark any ongoing research. The employment of a mathematical technique called the Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) ensures the asymptotical correctness for this purpose.
In plates and sandwich structures, it is typically possible to identify (purely from the defined material distributions and geometry) certain parameters as small compared to others. These characteristics are invoked by VAM to derive an asymptotically correct theory. Hence, the 3-D problem of plates is automatically decomposed into two separate problems (namely 1-D+2-D), which then exchange relevant information between each other in both ways. The through-the-thickness analysis of the plate, which is a 1-D analysis, provides asymptotic closed form solutions for the 2-D stiffness as well as the recovery relations (3-D warping field and displacements in terms of standard plate variables). This is followed by a 2-D plate analysis using the results of the 1-D analysis. Finally, the recovery relations regenerate all the required 3-D results. Thus, this method of developing reduced models involves neither ad hoc kinematic assumptions nor any need for shear correction factors as post-processing or curve-fitting measures. The results are most general and can be made as accurate as desired, while the procedure is computationally efficient.
In the present work, an asymptotically correct plate theory is formulated for composite sandwich structures. In developing this theory, in addition to the small parameters (such as small strains, small thickness-to-wavelength ratios etc.,) pertaining to the general plate theory, additional small parameters characterizing (and specific to) sandwich structures (viz., smallness of the thickness of facial layers com-pared to that of the core and smallness of elastic material stiffness of the core in relation to that of the facesheets) are used in the formulation. The present approach also satisfies the interlaminar displacement continuity and transverse equilibrium requirements as demanded by the exact 3-D formulation. Based on the derived theory, numerical codes are developed in-house. The results are obtained for a typical sandwich panel subjected to mechanical loading. The 3-D displacements, inter-laminar normal and shear stress distributions are obtained. The results are compared with 3-D elasticity solutions as well as with the results obtained using 3-D finite elements in MSC NASTRAN®. The results show good agreement in spite of the major reduction in computational effort. The formulation is then extended for thermo-elastic deformations of a sandwich panel.
This thesis is organized chronologically in terms of the objectives accomplished during the current research. The thesis is organized into six chapters. A brief organization of the thesis is presented below.
Chapter-1 briefly reviews the motivation for the stress analysis of sandwich structures with composite facesheets. It provides a literature survey on the stress analysis of composite laminates and sandwich plate structures. The drawbacks of the existing anlaytical approaches as opposed to that of the VAM are brought out. Finally, it concludes by listing the main contributions of this research.
Chapter-2 is dedicated to an overview of the 3-D elasticity formulation of composite sandwich structures. It starts with the 3-D description of a material point on a structural plate in the undeformed and deformed configurations. Further, the development of the associated 3-D strain field is also described. It ends with the formulation of the potential energy of the sandwich plate structure.
Chapter-3 develops the asymptotically correct theory for composite sandwich plate structure. The mathematical description of VAM and the procedure involved in developing the dimensionally reduciable structural models from 3-D elasticity functional is first described. The 1-D through-the-thickness analysis procedure followed in developing the 2-D plate model of the composite sandwich structure is then presented. Finally, the recovery relations (which are one of the important results from 1-D through-the-thickness analysis) to extract 3-D responses of the structure are obtained.
The developed formulation is applied to various problems listed in chapter
4. The first section of this chapter presents the validation study of the present formulation with available 3-D elasticity solutions. Here, composite sandwich plates for various length to depth ratios are correlated with available 3-D elasticity solutions as given in [23]. Lastly, the distributions of 3-D strains, stresses and displacements along the thickness for various loadings of a typical sandwich plate structure are correlated with corresponding solutions using well established 3-D finite elements of MSC NASTRAN® commerical FE software.
The developed and validated formulation of composite sandwich structure for mechanical loading is extended for thermo-elastic deformations. The first sections of this chapter describes the seamless inclusion of thermo-elastic strains into the 3-D elasticity formulation. This is followed by the 1-D through-the-thickness analysis in developing the 2-D plate model. Finally, it concludes with the validation of the present formulation for a very general thermal loading (having variation in all the three co-ordinate axes) by correlating the results from the present theory with that of the corresponding solutions of 3-D finite elements of MSC NASTRAN® FE commercial software.
Chapter-6 summarises the conclusions of this thesis and recommendations for future work.
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Integrated Sinc Method for Composite and Hybrid StructuresSlemp, Wesley Campbell Hop 07 July 2010 (has links)
Composite materials and hybrid materials such as fiber-metal laminates, and functionally graded materials are increasingly common in application in aerospace structures. However, adhesive bonding of dissimilar materials makes these materials susceptible to delamination. The use of integrated Sinc methods for predicting interlaminar failure in laminated composites and hybrid material systems was examined. Because the Sinc methods first approximate the highest-order derivative in the governing equation, the in-plane derivatives of in-plane strain needed to obtain interlaminar stresses by integration of the equilibrium equations of 3D elasticity are known without post-processing. Interlaminar stresses obtained with the Sinc method based on Interpolation of Highest derivative were compared for the first-order and third-order shear deformable theories, the refined zigzag beam theory and the higher-order shear and normal deformable beam theory. The results indicate that the interlaminar stresses by the zigzag theory compare well with those obtained by a 3D finite element analysis, while the traditional equivalent single layer theories perform well for some laminates.
The philosophy of the Sinc method based on Interpolation of Highest Derivative was extended to create a novel weak form based approach called the Integrated Local Petrov-Galerkin Sinc Method. The Integrated Local Petrov-Galerkin Sinc Method is easily utilized for boundary-value problem on non-rectangular domains as demonstrated for analysis of elastic and elastic-plastic plane-stress panels with elliptical notches. The numerical results showed excellent accuracy compared to similar results obtained with the finite element method.
The Integrated Local Petrov-Galerkin Sinc Method was used to analyze interlaminar debonding of composite and fiber-metal laminated beams. A double-cantilever beam and a fixed-ratio mixed mode beam were analyzed using the Integrated Local Petrov-Galerkin Sinc Method and the results were shown to correlate well with those by the finite element method. An adaptive Sinc point distribution technique was implemented for the delamination analysis which significantly improved the methods accuracy for the present problem. Delamination of a GLARE, plane-strain specimen was also analyzed using the Integrated Local Petrov-Galerkin Sinc Method. The results correlate well with 2D, plane-strain analysis by the finite element method, including interlaminar stresses obtained by through-the-thickness integration of the equilibrium equations of 3D elasticity. / Ph. D.
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Super-Convergent Finite Elements For Analysis Of Higher Order Laminated Composite BeamsMurthy, MVVS 01 1900 (has links)
Advances in the design and manufacturing technologies have greatly enhanced the utility of fiber reinforced composite materials in aircraft, helicopter and space-
craft structural components. The special characteristics of composites such as high
strength and stiffness, light-weight corrosion resistance make them suitable sub-
stitute for metals/metallic alloys. However, composites are very sensitive to the anomalies induced during their fabrication and service life. Also, they are suscepti-
ble to the impact and high frequency loading conditions because the epoxy matrix is
at-least an order of magnitude weaker than the embedded reinforced carbon fibers.
On the other hand, the carbon based matrix posses high electrical conductivity which
is often undesirable. Subsequently, the metal matrix produces high brittleness. Var-
ious forms of damage in composite laminates can be identified as indentation, fiber
breakage, matrix cracking, fiber-matrix debonding and interply disbonding (delam-
ination). Among all the damage modes mentioned above, delamination has been
found to be serious for all cases of loading. They are caused by excessive interlaminar shear and normal stresses. The interlaminar stresses that arise in the case of composite materials due to the mismatch in the elastic constants across the plies.
Delamination in composites reduce it’s tensile and compressive strengths by consid-
erable margins. Hence the knowledge of these stresses is the most important aspect to be looked into. Basic theories like the Euler-Bernoulli’s theory and Timoshenko beam theory are based on many assumptions which poses limitation to determine these stresses accurately. Hence the determination of these interlaminar stresses accurately requires higher order theories to be considered.
Most of the conventional methods of determination of the stresses are through
the solutions, involving the trigonometric series, which are available only to small
and simple problems. The most common method of solution is by Finite Element (FE) Method. There are only few elements existing in the literature and very few in the commercially available finite element software to determine the interlaminar
stresses accurately in the composite laminates. Accuracy of finite element solution depends on the choice of functions to be used as interpolating polynomials for the field variable. In-appropriate choice will manifest in the form of delayed convergence. This delayed convergence and accuracy in predicting these stresses necessiates a formulation of elements with a completely new concept. The delayed convergence is sometimes attributed to the shear locking phenomena, which exist in most finite element formulation based on shear deformation theories. The present work aims
in developing finite elements based on higher order theories, that alleviates the slow convergence and achieves the solutions at a faster rate without compromising on the
accuracy. The accuracy primarily depends on the theory used to model the problem. Thus the basic theories (such as Elementary Beam theory and Timoshenko Beam theory) does not suffice the condition to accuratley determine the interlaminar stresses through the thickness, which is the primary cause for delamination in composites. Two different elements developed on the principle of super-convergence has been presented in this work. These elements are subjected to several numerical experiments and their performance is assessed by comparing the solutions with those available in literature.
Spacecraft and aircraft structures are light in weight and are also lightly damped because of low internal damping of the material of construction. This increased exibility may allow large amplitude vibration, which might cause structural instability. In addition, they are susceptible to impact loads of very short
duration, which excites many structural modes. Hence, structural dynamics and wave propagation study becomes a necessity. The wave based techniques have found appreciation in many real world problems such as in Structural Health Monitoring
(SHM). Wave propagation problems are characterized by high frequency loads, that
sets up stress waves to propagate through the medium. At high frequency, the wave
lengths are small and from the finite element point of view, the element sizes should be of the same order as the wave lengths to prevent free edges of the element to act as a free boundary and start reflecting the stress waves. Also longer element size makes the mass distribution approximate. Hence for wave propagation problems, very large finite element mesh is an absolute necessity. However, the finite element problems size can be drastically reduced if we characterize the stiffness of the structure accurately. This can accelerate the convergence of the dynamic solution significantly. This can be acheived by the super-convergent formulation. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the new approach in both the cases of dynamic studies viz., the free vibration study and the wave propagation study.
The thesis is organised into five chapters. A brief organization of the thesis is
presented below,
Chapter-1 gives the introduction on composite material and its constitutive law. The details of shear locking phenomena and the interlaminar stress distribution across
the thickness is brought out and the present methods to avoid shear locking has been presented.
Chapter-2 presents the different displacement based higher order shear deformation theories existing in the literature their advantages and limitations.
Chapter-3 presents the formulation of a super-convergent finite element formulation,
where the effect of lateral contraction is neglected. For this element static and
free vibration studies are performed and the results are validated with the solution
available in the open literature.
Chapter-4 presents yet another super-convergent finite element formulation, wherein the higher order effects due to lateral contraction is included in the model. In addition to static and free vibration studies, wave propagation problems are solved to demonstrate its effectiveness. In all numerical examples, the super-convergent property is emphasized.
Chapter-5 gives a brief summary of the total research work performed and presents further scope of research based on the current research.
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