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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cyclosporine populational pharmacodynamic studies in dogs

Almeida Lupiano, Henrique Ellrich de 13 May 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent used to treat immune-mediated and inflammatory diseases in dogs. We have developed a pharmacodynamic (PD) assay that measures interleukin-2 (IL-2) produced by activated T cells to measure the immunosuppressive effects of cyclosporine. Hypothesis/objectives: Our retrospective study extracted data from samples submitted to our laboratory to obtain descriptive statistics, to determine whether assay results predicted treatment effectiveness, and to determine whether cyclosporine formulation or breed affected PD responses. Animals: 1,110 samples were analyzed over 4 years. Methods: Extracted data was analyzed to determine whether there was a relationship between assay results and clinical control, and whether either formulation or breed affected results. Results: We found no relationship between assay results and control of signs, and found that breed did not affect results. At comparable doses, proprietary modified cyclosporine was more immunosuppressive than proprietary non-modified cyclosporine, and both proprietary and generic modified formulations had similar efficacy.

Rôle de l'interleukine 2 sur la cellule dendritique / Interleukin 2 on human dendritic cell

Herr, Florence 11 April 2013 (has links)
Le rôle de l'interleukine 2 (IL-2) dans les cellules dendritiques (DC) humaines n’est pas bien défini. Dans ce travail, nous avons exploré les effets de l'IL-2 sur des DC dérivées de monocytes. Nous démontrons une expression constitutive des chaines des β et γ du récepteur de l’IL-2 sur les DC ainsi qu’une une expression inductible de la chaîne α en réponse à des agents ‘maturants’ tels le LPS et le TNFα. L’IL-2 induit la phosphorylation du facteur de transcription STAT5 provoquant l’augmentation de la synthèse d'IFN-γ par les DC sans modifier leur phénotype ou leur survie. En revanche, nous n'avons pas mis en évidence d’activation des autres voies de signalisation du récepteur de l’IL-2. Nous avons également démontré que l'IL-2 augmente les capacités des DC à activer les lymphocytes T CD4+ allogéniques et les lymphocytes T CD8+ indépendamment des lymphocytes T auxilliaires. Nous n’avons pas pu mettre en évidence la sécrétion endogène d'IL-2 par les DC cependant les anticorps anti-CD25 diminuent les capacités allostimulatrices de DC en absence d’IL-2 exogène. Ainsi nos travaux indiquent que l’expression de CD25 par les DC matures est un événement clé menant la DC à un nouvel état d’activation. / Human dendritic cells (DC) express interleukin 2 (IL-2) receptor α-chain (CD25), but the role of IL-2 in DC is poorly understood. In this work, we explored the effects of IL-2 on monocyte-derived DC. First, we demonstrated the constitutional expression of β and γ chain of IL-2R on DC, while the α-chain was inducible by LPS and TNFα. Then we found that IL-2 does not affect DC phenotype and apoptosis but increases IFN-γ synthesis in DC through activation of transcription factor STAT5. Moreover we reported that IL-2 increases the ability of DC to activate allogeneic CD4+ T cells and helpless CD8+ T lymphocytes, most likely because of IL-2–triggered IFN-γ synthesis. We have not been able to demonstrate the endogenous secretion of IL-2 by DC, however anti-CD25 decreased allostimulatory capacity of DC in the absence of exogenous IL-2.In summary, we disclose that IL-2 induces DC functional maturation and activation. Interestingly, our study suggests a direct effect of anti-CD25 monoclonal antibodies on DC and that CD25 expression regulation on human DC could be used to control immune response in vivo.

Modeling the Interleukin 2 gene expression in activated T cells

Benary, Manuela 15 February 2016 (has links)
Interleukin 2 (IL-2) ist ein Zytokin, welches in menschlichen Gedächtnis-T-Helfer-Zellen (Teff Zellen) exprimiert und sekretiert wird und damit die Immunantwort formt. Im Gegensatz dazu wird IL-2 normalerweise nicht in regulatorischen T-Zellen (Treg Zellen) exprimiert, sondern von diesen nur aufgenommen. Durch die Aktivierung des T-Zellrezeptors werden Signalkaskaden induziert, welche zur Aktivierung der Transkriptionsfaktoren AP-1, NFAT, und NF-kB führen. Diese sind entscheidend für die Genexpression von IL-2. Im Rahmen meiner Dissertation habe ich die Regulation der IL-2 Genexpression untersucht. Dabei vergleiche ich die transkriptionelle Regulation in Teff Zellen mit der Regulation in Treg Zellen. Insbesondere konnte ich zeigen, dass die endogene Konzentration der Transkriptionsfaktoren sich auf die Anzahl der IL-2 Produzenten auswirkt, aber nicht auf die Konzentration von IL-2 innerhalb einer Zelle. Deshalb untersuche ich wie sich die Konzentration der Transkriptionsfaktoren auf die Häufigkeit von IL-2 Produzenten auswirkt. Ich nutze die vorhandenen endogenen Konzentrationen und kann damit vorhersagen, dass die Zahl der IL-2 Produzenten entscheidend von der c-fos Konzentration in Teff Zellen abhängt. Mit Hilfe des entwickelten Modells kann ich voraussagen, wie der spezifische Inhibitor U0126 die Häufigkeit von IL-2 Produzenten verringert. Diese Vorhersage wurde durch Experimente belegt. Meine Modelle zeigen weiterhin, dass c-fos und NFATc2 die Häufigkeit der IL-2 Produzenten in Teff Zellen kooperativ regulieren. In Treg-Zellen zeigt meine Analyse, dass alle Transkriptionsfaktoren eine ähnliche sigmoidale Wirkung auf die Häufigkeit der IL-2-Produzenten ausüben. Im Gegensatz zu den Teff Zellen haben alle Transkriptionsfaktor eine ähnliche maximale Wirkung auf Genexpression von IL-2. Mittels eines Inhibitionsmodelles konnte ich zeigen, dass der Treg zellspezifische Transkriptionsfaktor FoxP3 allen aktivierenden Transkriptionsfaktoren entgegenwirkt. / Interleukin 2 (IL-2) is a cytokine expressed in human memory T helper cells (Teff cells) and the secretion of IL-2 shapes the immune response. In contrast, human regulatory T-cells (Treg cells) commonly do not express IL-2. The gene expression of IL-2 is induced by the activation of the T-cell receptor signaling network activating the transcription factors AP-1, NFAT, and NF-kB. These transcription factors are crucial for initiating IL-2 gene expression. Within my thesis I compare the regulation of IL-2 gene expression in Teff cells and Treg cells using experiments and modeling. I demonstrate that the transcription factor concentrations correlate with number of IL-2 producers but do not affect IL-2 concentration per cell. Thus, I investigate how the transcription factor concentration of c-fos, NFATc2, p65, and p-c-jun affects the frequency of IL-2 producing cells as a proxy for the probability of a cell to produce IL-2. Using the endogenous heterogeneity of transcription factor concentrations, I predict that the number of IL-2 producers is critically dependent on the amount of c-fos in Teff cells. I use my model to predict how perturbations of c-fos by the specific inhibitor U0126 decrease the frequency of IL-2 producers in Teff cells. This prediction was than validated by experiments. My models furthermore indicate the cooperative behavior of c-fos and NFATc2 on the level of frequency of IL-2 producers in Teff cells. In Treg cells, I show that all transcription factors exert a similar sigmoidal effect on the frequency of IL-2 producers. In contrast to the effects seen in Teff cells, all transcription factor have a similar maximal effect on the IL-2 gene expression. With an inhibitory model I explore the relation between the Treg cell-specific transcription factor FoxP3 the transcription factors c-fos, NFATc2, p65, and p-c-jun on the frequency of IL-2 producers. This model indicates that FoxP3 counteracts the activating function of NFATc2, AP-1, and also NF-kB.

Die Rolle von Interleukin-2 für die Interaktion von Foxp3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen mit Effektorzellen im Darm

Händel, Norman 26 January 2011 (has links)
Natürlich vorkommende regulatorische T-Zellen spielen eine entscheidende Rolle für die intestinale Immunhomöostase und Limitierung von (Auto)-Immunität. Sie exprimieren den Transkriptionsfaktor Foxp3 und an der Oberfläche die α-Kette des IL-2 Rezeptors (CD25). Im Tiermodell verhindern regulatorische T-Zellen Autoimmunopathien, Transplantatabstoßungen und entzündliche Darmerkrankungen. Da Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen nur äußerst geringe Mengen an Interleukin-2 synthetisieren, sind sie auf eine adäquate Versorgung angewiesen. Konventionelle T-Zellen werden als bedeutende IL-2 Quelle für Treg-Zellen vermutet, doch über die Mechanismen und räumlich-zeitliche Dynamik der Treg-Effektor-Zellinteraktion ist bisher nur wenig bekannt. In dieser Arbeit wurden Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen in Mausgeweben analysiert und Zellinteraktionen mit Effektorzellen im Darm charakterisiert. Es wurde ein theoretisches Modell zur Evaluierung von Zell-Zellkontakten erarbeitet und experimentell überprüft. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in der Akutphase einer T-Zell-induzierten Kolitis und im Kolon von gesunden Wildtyp-Mäusen Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen an Ki-67+ proliferierenden T-Zellen akkumulieren. Diese Zellinteraktionen sind abhängig von Interleukin-2, da IL-2 defiziente Mäuse keine signifikanten Treg-Effektor-Zellakkumulationen aufweisen. Die Analyse der Genexpression konnte zeigen, dass Ki-67+ Zellen Interleukin-2 produzieren. Lokal sezerniertes Interleukin-2 könnte als Sensor für Entzündungsprozesse chemotaktisch auf Foxp3+ regulatorische T-Zellen wirken und die Akkumulation an proliferierenden, IL-2 produzierenden Effektorzellen bedingen. Dieser Mechanismus könnte einerseits zur lokalen Versorgung mit IL-2 dienen und gleichzeitig regulierend auf Effektorzellen in unmittelbarer Umgebung wirken. Dieser Prozess würde zur Erhaltung von regulatorischen T-Zellen in der Peripherie und zur Sicherung der intestinalen Immunbalance beitragen.:Bibliographische Beschreibung Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Charakterisierung von intestinalen Foxp3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen 1.2 Mechanismen der Treg-vermittelten Immunregulation 1.3 Zielstellung der Arbeit 2 Publikation Cell-Cell-Neighborhood Relations in Tissue Sections - A Quantitative Model for Tissue Cytometry 3 Appendix A Herleitung des Modellsystems zur Berechnung der zufälligen Kontaktwahrscheinlichkeit 4 Appendix B Automatische Bildanalyse mit CellProfiler 4.1 Einleitung 4.2 Algorithmus der histologischen Bildanalyse mit CellProfiler 4.3 Validierung der Messdaten 4.4 Zusammenfassung 4.5 Detaillierte Darstellung des CellProfiler-Algorithmus 5 Unpublizierte Experimente Die Rolle von Interleukin-2 für die Akkumulation von Foxp3+ Treg-Zellen an Ki-67+ proliferierenden Effektorzellen im Darm 5.1 Einleitung 5.2 Material und Methoden 5.2.1 Mausgewebe 5.2.2 Immunfluoreszenzfärbung 5.2.3 Laser-Mikrodissektion 5.2.4 RNA Isolation, Reverse Transkription, quantitative Real-Time PCR 5.2.5 Sequenzierung 5.3 Ergebnisse 6 Abschließende Diskussion 7 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit Lebenslauf Danksagung Literaturverzeichnis

Molecular mechanisms of IL-2 mediated BCL10 nuclear localization and the therapeutic role of an anti-CD25 antibody in nasal NK-celllymphoma

Chan, Ka-kui, 陳家駒 January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Pathology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Effect of varying levels of vitamin B-6 intake on lymphocyte mitogenic response and vitamin B-6 concentration in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Kwak, Ho-Kyung 26 July 2001 (has links)
Two studies were conducted to determine the effect of varying vitamin B-6 (B- 6) status on lymphocyte mitogenic response and pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) concentration in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in young women. In the first study, women were fed 1 mg/d for the first week and 1.5, 2.1 and 2.7 mg/d during 2 weeks of each of the subsequent 3 experimental periods. Plasma PLP and urinary 4: pyridoxic acid (4-PA) were increased with increasing B-6 intake. B-6 intake > 2.1 mg significantly enhanced lymphocyte proliferation, and non-significantly increased plasma interleukin-2 concentration. Lymphocyte proliferation was significantly correlated with B-6 intake, erythrocyte aminotransferase activity coefficients and plasma PLP. PBMC PLP tended to increase after 2 weeks of 2.7 mg B-6 intake, and was significantly correlated with plasma PLP. In the second study, women consumed their normal diets whose estimated mean dietary B-6 intake was 0.9 mg for 27 d. For the last 20 d, all subjects were given a multivitamin supplement containing 1.8 mg B- 6, and half of the subjects were given an additional 50 mg of B-6 supplement. Plasma PLP and urinary 4-PA were significantly higher in the group with 50 mg B-6, but lymphocyte proliferation did not significantly differ between the groups. After 10 d of supplementation, lymphocyte proliferation was significantly higher than the other time points. A significant increase in PBMC PLP was observed after 3 days and 20 days following 50 mg and multivitamin supplementation only, respectively. After 20 days of supplementation, there was no significant difference of mean PBMC PLP between the groups. PBMC PLP was significantly correlated with plasma PLP, PL and 4-PA. In both studies, no strong relationship was found between PBMC PLP and lymphocyte proliferation. The findings from these studies demonstrate no further benefit of a higher B-6 intake than 2.1 mg on lymphocyte mitogenic response, once the response was significantly enhanced with B-6 intake 0.8 mg higher than the current recommendation. Finally, results from two studies suggest that the current recommendation of vitamin B-6 for young women may not be adequate to maximize lymphocyte mitogenic response and PLP concentration in PBMC. / Graduation date: 2002

Construção e caracterização in vitro  de um vetor retroviral bicistrônico codificando endostatina e interleucina-2 para utilização em terapia gênica / Construction and chracterization in vitro of a bicistronic retroviral vector coding endostatin and interleukin-2 for use in gene therapy

Calvo, Fernanda Bernardes 09 December 2009 (has links)
A terapia gênica tem sido empregada em estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos, com o intuito de amenizar ou curar uma doença. Vetores retrovirais são uma ferramenta de transferência gênica largamente utilizada. Vetores bicistrônicos são uma alternativa interessante para o tratamento de doenças complexas. Na construção de um vetor bicistrônico pode-se empregar várias estratégias dentre elas a utilização da sequência IRES. A endostatina, fragmento do colágeno XVIII, tem sido muito utilizada na terapia anti-angiogênica devido sua ação inibitória no crescimento de células endoteliais. A imunoterapia tem sido utilizada como tratamento coadjuvante de tumores. Dentre as citocinas utilizadas, a interleucina-2 promovendo a proliferação de linfócitos T, tem sido utilizada em diversos estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos. O objetivo deste projeto foi construir e caracterizar in vitro um vetor retroviral bicistrônico codificando endostatina e interleucina-2 utlizando a sequência IRES. A construção do vetor foi realizada em três etapas, sendo comprovada a construção final por análise de restrição e seqüenciamento. Células de empacotamento foram transfectadas com o vetor, e posteriormente realizada a transdução na célula alvo. A endostatina e a interleucina-2 foram determinadas por Dot blot, seguido de análise da expressão por RT-PCR e ensaio de atividade. O vetor construído apresentou altos níveis de titulação viral, variando de 4.20x105 a 1.53x106UFC/mL. A determinação da endostatina e da interleucina-2 variaram entre 1.08 a 2.08g/106cels.24h e 0.66 a 0.89μg/106cels.24h, respectivamente. A expressão da endostatina no clone NIH3T3-pLend-IRES-IL2SN foi 2 vezes superior á apresentada pelo clone NIH3T3-pLend-IRES-IL2SN. A endostatina produzida promoveu uma inibição da proliferação de 40% das células endoteliais; e a interleucina-2 promoveu uma proliferação de 10.6% de linfócitos CD4 e 8.9% de CD8. Desta forma, a construção obtida neste trabalho representa uma excelente ferramenta para estudos da biologia celular do câncer e novas estratégias terapêuticas. / Gene therapy has been used in preclinical studies and clinical trials in order to alleviate or cure a disease. Retroviral vectors are a tool for gene transfer is widely used. Bicistronic vectors are an attractive alternative for treatment of complex diseases. A variety of options exists to simultaneously express two genes in genetically modified cells. The most common approach relies on bicistronic vectors in which the genes are linked to each other by an internal ribosome entry site allowing co-translational expression of both cistrons. Endostatin, the C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, is a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. At present, ES has been widely used in anti-angiogenic in a variety of experimental tumor models, and clinical trials to test it as an anti-tumor agent are already under way. Immunotherapy has been used as adjuvant treatment for tumors and has been used in several preclinical studies and clinical trials. The objective of this project was to construct and characterize in vitro an IRES-based bicistronic retroviral vector encoding endostatin and intereukin-2. The construction of the vector was performed in three stages, the final construction was analyzed by restriction analysis and sequencing. Packaging cells were prepared. The endostatin and interleukin-2 levels were determined by Dot blot. Monocistronic and bicistronic mRNA expression were analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Bicistronic vector showed high levels of virus trites, ranging from 4.20x105 to 1.53x106UFC/mL. Secreted levels of endostatin and interleukin-2 ranged from 1.08 to 2.08μg/106cells.24h and 0.66 - 0.89g/106cells.24h, respectively. The mRNA expression of ES in the NIH3T3 clone pLend-IRES-IL2SN was 2 times higher than the level presented by the NIH3T3 clone pLendSN. The endostatin promoted inhibition (40%) of endothelial cell proliferation. Interleukin-2 promoted a proliferation of 10.6% lymphocytes CD4 and 8.9% of CD8. We conclude that the IRES bicistronic vector provides a powerful tool for studies of cell biology of cancer and new therapeutic strategies.

Construção e caracterização in vitro  de um vetor retroviral bicistrônico codificando endostatina e interleucina-2 para utilização em terapia gênica / Construction and chracterization in vitro of a bicistronic retroviral vector coding endostatin and interleukin-2 for use in gene therapy

Fernanda Bernardes Calvo 09 December 2009 (has links)
A terapia gênica tem sido empregada em estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos, com o intuito de amenizar ou curar uma doença. Vetores retrovirais são uma ferramenta de transferência gênica largamente utilizada. Vetores bicistrônicos são uma alternativa interessante para o tratamento de doenças complexas. Na construção de um vetor bicistrônico pode-se empregar várias estratégias dentre elas a utilização da sequência IRES. A endostatina, fragmento do colágeno XVIII, tem sido muito utilizada na terapia anti-angiogênica devido sua ação inibitória no crescimento de células endoteliais. A imunoterapia tem sido utilizada como tratamento coadjuvante de tumores. Dentre as citocinas utilizadas, a interleucina-2 promovendo a proliferação de linfócitos T, tem sido utilizada em diversos estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos. O objetivo deste projeto foi construir e caracterizar in vitro um vetor retroviral bicistrônico codificando endostatina e interleucina-2 utlizando a sequência IRES. A construção do vetor foi realizada em três etapas, sendo comprovada a construção final por análise de restrição e seqüenciamento. Células de empacotamento foram transfectadas com o vetor, e posteriormente realizada a transdução na célula alvo. A endostatina e a interleucina-2 foram determinadas por Dot blot, seguido de análise da expressão por RT-PCR e ensaio de atividade. O vetor construído apresentou altos níveis de titulação viral, variando de 4.20x105 a 1.53x106UFC/mL. A determinação da endostatina e da interleucina-2 variaram entre 1.08 a 2.08g/106cels.24h e 0.66 a 0.89μg/106cels.24h, respectivamente. A expressão da endostatina no clone NIH3T3-pLend-IRES-IL2SN foi 2 vezes superior á apresentada pelo clone NIH3T3-pLend-IRES-IL2SN. A endostatina produzida promoveu uma inibição da proliferação de 40% das células endoteliais; e a interleucina-2 promoveu uma proliferação de 10.6% de linfócitos CD4 e 8.9% de CD8. Desta forma, a construção obtida neste trabalho representa uma excelente ferramenta para estudos da biologia celular do câncer e novas estratégias terapêuticas. / Gene therapy has been used in preclinical studies and clinical trials in order to alleviate or cure a disease. Retroviral vectors are a tool for gene transfer is widely used. Bicistronic vectors are an attractive alternative for treatment of complex diseases. A variety of options exists to simultaneously express two genes in genetically modified cells. The most common approach relies on bicistronic vectors in which the genes are linked to each other by an internal ribosome entry site allowing co-translational expression of both cistrons. Endostatin, the C-terminal fragment of collagen XVIII, is a potent angiogenesis inhibitor. At present, ES has been widely used in anti-angiogenic in a variety of experimental tumor models, and clinical trials to test it as an anti-tumor agent are already under way. Immunotherapy has been used as adjuvant treatment for tumors and has been used in several preclinical studies and clinical trials. The objective of this project was to construct and characterize in vitro an IRES-based bicistronic retroviral vector encoding endostatin and intereukin-2. The construction of the vector was performed in three stages, the final construction was analyzed by restriction analysis and sequencing. Packaging cells were prepared. The endostatin and interleukin-2 levels were determined by Dot blot. Monocistronic and bicistronic mRNA expression were analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Bicistronic vector showed high levels of virus trites, ranging from 4.20x105 to 1.53x106UFC/mL. Secreted levels of endostatin and interleukin-2 ranged from 1.08 to 2.08μg/106cells.24h and 0.66 - 0.89g/106cells.24h, respectively. The mRNA expression of ES in the NIH3T3 clone pLend-IRES-IL2SN was 2 times higher than the level presented by the NIH3T3 clone pLendSN. The endostatin promoted inhibition (40%) of endothelial cell proliferation. Interleukin-2 promoted a proliferation of 10.6% lymphocytes CD4 and 8.9% of CD8. We conclude that the IRES bicistronic vector provides a powerful tool for studies of cell biology of cancer and new therapeutic strategies.

Die Rolle regulatorischer T-Zellen bei der Masernviruspathogenese / The role of regulatory T-cells in measles virus pathogenesis

Schwab, Steffen January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Tregs dienen zur Aufrechterhaltung der Balance im Immunsystem. Die Infektion, Aktivierung oder Induktion von Tregs durch Pathogene kann diese Balance empfindlich stören, eine Immunsuppression zur Folge haben und zur Ausbildung von Autoimmunerkrankungen oder Persistenzen beitragen. Das MV verfügt nicht nur über vielfältige Mechanismen der Immunsuppression, während einer MV-Infektion herrschen zudem Bedingungen vor, welche die Zahl und Aktivität von Tregs beeinflussen könnten. Aufgrund der Expression von Reifungsmarkern auf Trn ist zudem eine präferenzielle Infektion dieser Zellpopulation denkbar. MV-Infektionen können sowohl die akute MV-Enzephalitis, eine Autoimmunerkrankung, nach sich ziehen, als auch die Persistenz SSPE ausbilden. Ob diese Komplikationen mit spezifischen Aberrationen in der Menge und Aktivität von Tregs im Zusammenhang stehen, war bisher nicht bekannt. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass auf unstimulierten Trn der Reifungsmarker und MV-Rezeptor CD150 exprimiert wird und es in Folge dessen in vitro zu einer präferentiellen nicht produktiven Infektion und Depletion von Trn kommt. Ex vivo ließ sich ein deutlicher Depletionseffekt während der frühen akuten MV-Enzephalitis nachweisen, der nach Vaczinierung eines gesunden Probanden und Challenge eines immunisierten Affen nicht auftrat. Ob dieser Depletionseffekt ursächlich für die Enzephalitis ist, oder es sich um einen Begleiteffekt handelt ließe sich an Modellorganismen durch mitogene Manipulation der Trn während einer MV-Infektion untersuchen. Auch bei SSPE kann es zu einer Depletion von Trn kommen, dies scheint jedoch nicht mit der Progression dieser Erkrankung im Zusammenhang zu stehen. Wahrscheinlich ist dagegen ein Zusammenhang mit der Induktion von Tregs. In MV-stimulierten Proben von SSPE-Patienten wurde im Mittel signifikant mehr IL-10 exprimiert als in den Kontrollen. In Proben seropositiver gesunder Spender wurde IL-10 in den ersten Stunden nach MV-Stimulation fast ausschließlich von induzierten Tregs exprimiert. Weitere Versuche sind nötig, um die Evidenz zu steigern und zu ermitteln, ob auch in Patientenproben die frühe IL-10 Expression nach MV-Stimulation von induzierten Tregs dominiert wird. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass es sowohl bei der MV-Enzephalitis als auch bei SSPE zu signifikanten Wechselwirkungen mit Tregs kommt. Ob sich eine MV-Enzephalitis auch ohne Depletion von Trn ausbilden kann und ob die Ausbildung von SSPE erhöhte IL-10 Expression voraussetzt, werden weitere Untersuchungen ergründen müssen. / Treg are supposed to keep the balance throughout the immune system. Infection, activation and induction of Treg by pathogens can interrupt with this balance. Immunosuppression autoimmunity and viral persistence can result from this interference. MV does not only cause immunosuppression during infection by multifaceted mechanisms, but also effects circumstances known to interfere with the frequency and activity of Treg. Due to the expression of maturity markers on the surface of Trn a preferential infection of this cell population by MV seems possible. MV-infection can involve both, acute MV-encephalitis, an autoimmune disease, and the virus persistence SSPE. It was not investigated until now, if thous complications are associated to specific aberrations in the frequency and activity of Treg. In this paper it was demonstrated that CD150, which is both a maturity marker and a MV-receptor, is expressed on unstimulated Trn. Due to this expression the Trn are infected preferentially and non productively in vitro leading to apoptosis. Ex vivo a noticeable depletion effect was detected during the early acute MV-encephalitis. This effect did not accure after vaccination of a healthy proband, and the challenge of an immunised monkey. Mitogenic manipulation of Trn in model organisms during MV-infection could give advice, if this depletion effect is causal to MV-Encephalitis or rather a concomitant effect. Depletion of Trn can also arise in the presence of SSPE, but this seems not to interfere with the progression of disease. By contrast there is presumable an interrelation of SSPE with the induction of Tregs. In MV-stimulated probes from SSPE-patients the median IL-10 expression was significantly higher than in controls. Probes from seropositive healthy donators were used to identify the IL-10 expressing cells. During the first hours after MV-stimulation IL-10 was mainly expressed by induced Treg. Subsequent investigations are necessary to enhance the evidence and to determine if induced Treg also dominate the early IL-10 expression after MV-stimulation in patient probes. To give a resume you could claim that there are significant interrelations between MV-encephalitis respectively SSPE and Treg. If a depletion of Trn is necessary for the development of MV-encephalitis and if increased levels of IL-10 expression are required for the formation of SSPE has to be examined in further experiments.

Mathematical modeling and the control of immune processes with application to cancer

Lee, Kwon Soon 23 July 1990 (has links)
A foundation for the control of tumors is presented, based upon the formulation of a realistic, knowledge-based mathematical model of the interaction between tumor cells and the immune system. The parametric control variables relevant to the latest experimental data, e.g., the sigmoidal dose-response relationship and Michaelis-Menten dynamics, are also considered. The model consists of 12 states, each composed of first-order, nonlinear differential equations based on cellular kinetics and each of which can be modeled bilinearly. In recent years a great deal of clinical progress has been achieved in the use of optimal controls to improve cancer therapy patient care. For this study, a cancer immunotherapy problem is investigated in which the aim is to minimize the tumor burden at the end of the treatment period, while penalizing excessive administration of interleukin-2 as a limit of toxicity. The optimal solution developed for this investigation is a mixture of an initially large dose of interleukin-2, followed by a gradually decreased dosage and a continuing infusion to maintain the tumor cell population at its allowable limit. Sensitivity analysis is applied to an investigation of the influences of system parameters. It has been found that the immune system is influenced greatly by several parameters such as macrophage level, tumor killing rate, tumor growth rate, and IL-2 level. The simulation results suggest that parametric control variables are important in the destruction of tumors and that the application of exacerbation theory is a good method of tumor control. / Graduation date: 1991

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