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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The determination of lithology from core physical properties measurements

Clark, Paula Ann 16 August 2006 (has links)
I performed statistical analysis of shipboard physical properties data from the Ocean Drilling Program to investigate relationships between the physical properties data and the lithology of deep ocean cores. The use of non-invasive experiments on deep-sea core samples offers a near real-time view of sediments and requires little user interaction or interpretation. The speed, density, and accuracy of these experiments make efficient use of limited space and expensive ship time. The fact that these experiments are noninvasive also allows for further post-cruise studies. For the study I chose Leg 162 (July-September 1995 in the North Atlantic) for the density of data, the experiments performed, the quantity and quality of post-cruise publications and the influence of different, yet dominant, environments. Combining similar lithologies across a Leg increased sample size and offered a more statistically normalized sample. Interpolation of the physical properties data matched the intervals used for the lithological determinations. Statistical methods included univariate and multivariate correlation matrices, mean and standard deviations, the significance of the correlations, and a model equation for each lithology and the Leg as a whole. By looking at the physical properties, one can estimate the lithology. This research is important because sedimentological and geophysical approaches can be merged to offer a more accurate, more detailed view of the depositional history of oceanic cores. Through statistical analysis of geophysical data, the findings duplicate the findings of the sedimentologists without the painstaking examinations typical of this type of research. Performing experiments and analysis quickly and accurately with minimal operator error allows for immediate discussions and results. Use of this research as a data verification tool provides the ability to distinguish data acquisition problems and misidentifications. This application has proven invaluable for allowing a non-sedimentologist quantitative insight into the lithology.

Shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of oceanic gabbros at ODP Hole 1256D: implications for magmatic processes

Trela, Jarek 01 May 2013 (has links)
The magmatic processes involved in building the plutonic section of the oceanic crust at fast-spreading centers remain debated. At this stage, no intact section of this important lithospheric layer, known as seismic layer 3, has been drilled. Yet, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1256D, located on the eastern flank of the East Pacific Rise, provides unparalleled opportunities to investigate the mode of emplacement and fabric development of the two uppermost gabbro bodies in this crust. Although inferences made from a drill core remain limited due to the intrinsically linear nature of observations, the samples recently recovered hold potential clues on fabric-forming processes and the magma convection in such small intrusions. Gabbro 1 forms a 52 m-thick body intruded in the texturally granoblastic altered zone of the sheeted dike complex. Gabbro 2, situated below gabbro 1, is only 24 m-thick. Both gabbro bodies lack a macroscopically visible fabric and were, until this study, considered structurally isotropic. We use digital image analysis of petrographic thin-sections and the intercept method (Launeau and Robin, 1996) to determine the shape-preferred orientation of plagioclase phenocrysts in 3-D. Thirty-three sets of three mutually perpendicular thin-sections were prepared and analyzed in this manner. The mode of plagioclase grains ranges from 15 to 20% in the upper interval of gabbro 1, 13 to 36% in the lower interval of gabbro 1, and 9 to 28% in gabbro 2. These values refer to the mode of euhedral to subhedral grains only and do not reflect the total mode of plagioclase in the rock. The two gabbros display a weakly anisotropic shape-preferred orientation characterized by an average shape ratio > 1.050. The aspect ratio indicates plagioclase fabric strength deviation from a perfectly anisotropic distributed population. The aspect ratio in the upper interval of gabbro 1 ranges from 1.068 to 1.153. The aspect ratio in the lower interval of gabbro 1 ranges from 1.074 to 1.183. The aspect ratio in gabbro 2 ranges from 1.056 to 1.220. The fabric of these gabbros also displays broad consistency between nearby specimens. Lineation plunges in the upper interval of Gabbro 1 range from 1° to 36°. Lineations plunge in the lower interval of gabbro 1 range from 0° to 44°. Lineations in gabbro 2 plunge from 6° to 69°. In general, the symmetry of plutonic fabrics provides clues on the nature of magmatic fabric-forming processes. Prolate fabrics support magmatic flow while oblate fabrics rather suggest gravitational settling of crystals. Fabrics in gabbro 1 and gabbro 2 are both prolate and oblate. Fabric in the upper interval of gabbro 1 is more prolate than oblate whereas the lower interval of gabbro 1 and gabbro 2 have even distributions of fabric ellipsoids. Detailed observations of petrographic thin-sections reveal several microstructures suggestive of brittle and plastic deformation in plagioclase grains. Microstructures indicative of plastic deformation include kink-banding, mechanical twinning, and undulose extinction. Microstructures indicative of brittle deformation include submagmatically-fractured laths. These subtle features appear in at least one crystal per thin-section analyzed. With the exception of mechanical twins, shipboard scientists of Expeditions 312 and 335 have not documented these microstructures. Numerical calculations reveal that for both gabbro bodies the Rayleigh Number ranges between 1015 and 1018, depending primarily on the kinematic viscosity of the magmas and temperature change across the intrusions. These values indicate that turbulent flow (Rayleigh number > 106) occurred during emplacement. This type of flow may provide an explanation for the variability of aspect ratio and the variability in linear crystal fabric.

Paleomagnetism of Igenous Rocks from Shatsky Rise

Pueringer, Margaret 03 October 2013 (has links)
Shatsky Rise is oceanic plateau in the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean, and the formation of Shatsky Rise is poorly known. To get a better understanding of the formation Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 324 drilled five sites: Sites U1347 and U1348 on Tamu Massif, Site U1349 and U1350 on Ori Massif, and Site U1346. Paleomagnetic measurements of the basaltic flows recovered can give insight into the timing and paleolatitude of each site. Relating the change in principle component inclination over depth at each site to the paleosecular variation of the geomagnetic field can better constrain the timing of the eruptions. Measurements were carried out by different sources during IODP Expedition 324 and after. This study is an amalgamation of the results from Sites U1346, U1347, U1349, and U1350. Samples from each site were divided into half and demagnetized using alternating field (AF) demagnetization and thermal (TH) demagnetization. After the drilling overprint was removed most samples displayed univectorial decay in the orthogonal vector plot. AF demagnetized samples displayed a low median destructive field (MDF) behavior, <10 mT, and a moderate MDF behavior, >10-20 mT. Thermal demagnetized samples displayed three behaviors: a rapid decline in magnetic intensity after moderate temperature steps behavior, a linear decline in magnetic intensity behavior, and some samples displayed a small segment of self-reversal at 300°-350°. Using the Cox and Gordon (1984) method Sites U1346, U1347, and U1349 displayed very little variation in principal component inclinations over depth, implying a relatively rapid lava emplacement of 10^2-10^3 years. Site U1350 display more variation, implying a longer eruptive time frame of 10^4-10^5years. With the assumption of a normal polarity the paleolatitude estimates are -11.0° +22.2°/-21.4° for Site U1346, 11.3° 27.4°/-28.5° for Site U1347, -5.0° +20.8°/-20.6° for Site U1349 and 1.6° ±7.7 ° for Site U1350. The site paleolatitudes imply that Ori Massif (Sites U1350 and U1349) formed at the equator and Tamu Massif (Site U1347) and Shirshov Massif (Site U1346) formed slightly north and south of the equator respectively. All results are consistent with the interpretation that Shatsky Rise formed near the equator.

Ch4- IODP Exp 341 U-Pb Detrital Zircon Results

Wai Kehadeezbah Allen (14671736) 17 May 2024 (has links)
<p>This dataset includes a summary excel file that details all the datatables for each detrital zircon sample and their location relative to each site and depth collected.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In addition to this summary, raw datasets for each individual analyses is included that have detailed information regarding the laser settings used for analyses.</p> <p><br></p> <p>All datasets were analyzed at the University of Arizona LaserChron Center (NSF-EAR 1649254)</p>

Transport de magma et processus d’assimilation-précipitation dans la croute océanique inférieure hétérogène : contraintes microstructurales et pétro-géochimiques de forages océaniques / Melt transport and assimilation-precipitation processes through the heterogeneous lower oceanic crust : microstructural and petro-geochemical constraints from drill cores

Ferrando, Carlotta 06 December 2017 (has links)
La croute océanique formée aux dorsales lentes a une composition hétérogène. Pour expliquer sa formation, il est nécessaire d’invoquer des processus d’interactions magma-roche. Afin de contraindre la contribution des processus de cristallisation et d’interaction magma-roche sur le budget géochimique et l’architecture de la croute océanique hétérogène, j’ai étudié deux séquences gabbroiques échantillonnées in situ à l’Atlantis Massif (AM, 30°N, Dorsale Médio-Atlantique, MAR) et l’Atlantis Bank (AB, 57°E, Dorsale Sud-Ouest Indienne, SWIR). J’ai effectué (i) une étude multi-échelle pétro-structurale et géochimique, combinée à une modélisation numérique, de gabbros primitifs forés à l’AM, et (ii) une étude pétrographique et géochimique de gabbros à olivines forés à l’AB. La croute océanique inférieure hétérogène échantillonnée au Site U1309 (AM) présente des troctolites riches en olivines (Ol-T). Elles se distinguent par des olivines partiellement dissoutes, relativement riches en Fo et en Ni, ainsi que par la co-précipitation de clinopyroxènes riches en Mg et de plagioclases. Ces caractéristiques suggèrent que les Ol-T sont le résultat de l’imprégnation d’un protolithe riche en olivines par un magma sous-saturé en olivine. Les profils géochimiques plats entre les minéraux adjacents suggèrent que la composition du protolithe a été modifiée par le magma entrant. Pourtant, le Ni, Li et Co montrent des compositions extrêmement variables à Mg# de l’olivine constant, ce qui suggère qu’ils préservent la signature géochimique du protolithe. La modélisation géochimique indique que ces variations sont héritées d’une hétérogénéité dans les harzburgites U1309. Les expériences en laboratoire ont démontré que la distribution de magma en milieux poreux est contrôlée par la composition modale de la roche percolée. La distribution hétérogène d’orthopyroxène dans le protolithe mantellique contrôle la quantité de magma entrant, et ainsi la quantité d’olivine dissoute, comme indiqué par les variations modales et compositionnelles observées dans les Ol-T à l’AM. La modélisation géochimique indique que la formation des Ol-T peut être expliquée par la percolation de magma et l’assimilation de 5% de protolithe mantellique. Une conséquence de ce processus de réaction est le décalage des compositions du magma à l’AM vers de cristallisation fractionnée apparentes à haute pression. Pourtant, aucune signature géochimique de haute pression n’est observée dans les MORBs à l’AM, alors qu’elles sont observées dans les MORBs d’une portion amagmatique de la SWIR (61°-67°E). La croute océanique à l’AB est faite de gabbros à olivines (75%) et de gabbros à oxides (20%), et par endroits intensément déformée. Les études préliminaires ont mis en évidence des textures indiquant l’assimilation de plagioclase par un magma d’imprégnation, ainsi que la cristallisation de clinopyroxène. Les gabbros à olivines montrent des compositions relativement évoluées. Des études précédentes des gabbros à olivines de l’AB ont montré que leur formation peut être attribuée à l’assimilation de la croute océanique par un magma saturé en clinopyroxène. Les études de l’AM et de l’AB révèlent des processus d’interactions magma-roche associés au transport de magma dans la croute océanique inférieure. Des caractéristiques texturales et géochimiques similaires ont été documentées à Kane (24°N, MAR) et dans les ophiolites Alpines-Apennines. Elles indiquent que les interactions magma-roche sont omniprésentes et contribuent à façonner la croute océanique inférieure aux dorsales lentes. L’étude de roches gabbroiques forées à Hess Deep suggèrent que les interactions magma-roche interviennent également aux dorsales rapides. Le transport réactif de magma dans la croute océanique joue un rôle majeur dans le processus de formation de la croute océanique dans son ensemble. Leur contribution dans la composition des MORBs est probablement contrôlée par la production de magma durant la remontée mantellique. / At slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges the lower oceanic crust is extremely heterogeneous, and its formation must be related to some extents of melt-rock interactions. To constrain the relative contribution of crystallization processes and melt-rock interactions on the geochemical budget and architecture of the slow-spread oceanic crust, I investigated two gabbroic sequences sampled in situ at the Atlantis Massif (AM, 30°N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, MAR) and the Atlantis Bank (AB, 32°S, 57°E, Southwest Indian Ridge, SWIR), where gabbros are exposed by long-lived detachment faults. I performed (i) a multi-scale petro-structural, geochemical and numerical modeling study of primitive gabbroic rocks drilled at the AM, and (ii) a petrographic and geochemical study of olivine gabbros recovered at the AB. AM was drilled during IODP Expeditions 304/305. The heterogeneous lower oceanic crust recovered at Site U1309 presents discrete intervals of olivine-rich troctolites (Ol-T). They are distinguished by partially dissolved olivines with relatively high Fo (86) and Ni contents (>2000 ppm), and they are characterized by the co-precipitation of high Mg# (86-88) clinopyroxene and plagioclase. These characteristics suggest that Ol-T result from impregnation of an olivine-rich protolith by a melt undersaturated in olivine. The flat geochemical profiles across olivine and adjacent minerals suggest that the composition of the protolith was modified by this impregnating melt. Yet, Ni, Li and Co display extremely variable compositions at constant olivine Mg#, suggesting that they retain the signature of the precursor material. Modeling indicates that these chemical variations are likely inherited from the U1309D harzburgites. Experiments show that the melt distribution and paths in a porous media is controlled by the mineral modes of the host rock. The heterogeneous distribution of orthopyroxene in the precursor harzburgitic mantle locally drives the abundance of impregnating melt, leading to different extents of olivine dissolution, as evidenced by variations in mineral modes and chemistry of the AM Ol-T. Geochemical modeling indicates that the melt percolation and assimilation of about 5% of a mantle protolith can explain the formation of the Ol-T. One consequence of this reactive process in Hole U1309D is the shift of melt compositions toward apparent high pressure fractionation. However, no high pressure chemical signature is observed in MORBs from the AM, while it is recorded in MORBs from the nearly amagmatic region along the SWIR (61°-67°E). AB was drilled during IODP Expedition 360. The recovered lower oceanic crust is dominated by olivine gabbros (75%) and oxide gabbros (20%). The section is in places intensively deformed. Shipboard studies have documented textures of plagioclase assimilation by an invading melt crystallizing clinopyroxene. Compositions of olivine gabbros reach relatively evolved signature (Yb = 3-10 x C1-chondrite; MORB Yb = 19). Previous studies on olivine gabbros from AB showed that their formation can be ascribed to assimilation of an oceanic crust by clinopyroxene-saturated trace element enriched melts. The study of AM and AB reveals melt-rock interactions and mineral assimilation associated to melt transport through the accreting lower oceanic crust. Similar textural and chemical features are observed at Kane (24°N, MAR) and in ophiolite complexes (e.g., Alpine and Appennine ophiolites). These evidences indicate that melt-rock interactions are probably ubiquitous, and contribute to shaping the slow-spread lower oceanic crust. The characterization of gabbroic rocks drilled at Hess Deep suggests that melt-rock interactions may take place also at fast-spreading ridge. Melt transport and associated mineral assimilation processes likely play a major role in the building of the oceanic crust overall. Their contribution to the formation of MORB is likely controlled by melt productivity in the upwelling mantle.

Core-seismic correlation and sequence stratigraphy at IODP Expedition 317 drillsites, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand

Polat, Faik Ozcan 26 April 2013 (has links)
High rates of Neogene sediment influx to the offshore Canterbury Basin resulted in preservation of a high-resolution record of seismically resolvable sequences (~0.1-0.54 my periods). Subsequent sequence development was strongly influenced by submarine currents. This study focuses on correlating seismically interpreted sequence boundaries and sediment drifts architectures beneath the modern shelf and slope with sediment facies observed in cores from shelf Site U1351 and slope Site U1352 drilled by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 317. A traveltime-depth conversion was created using sonic and density logs and is compared with two previous traveltime-depth conversions for the sites. Eleven large elongate drifts were interpreted prior to drilling. Two new small-scale plastered slope drifts in the vicinity of the IODP sites, together with sediment waves drilled at Site U1352, have been interpreted as part of this study. Lithologic discontinuity surfaces and transitions together with associated sediment packages form the basis of identifying sequences and sequence boundaries in the cores. Contacts and facies were characterized using shipboard core descriptions, emphasizing grain-size contrasts and the natures of the lower and upper contacts of sediment packages. Lithologic surfaces in cores from sites U1351- (surfaces S1-S8) and U1352- (surfaces S1-S6) correlate with early Pleistocene to recent seismic sequence boundaries U12-U19 and U14-U19, respectively. The limited depths achieved by downhole logging, in particular sonic and density logs, together with poor recovery in the deeper section did not allow correlation of older lithologic surfaces. Slope Site U1352 experienced a complex interplay of along-strike and downslope depositional processes and cores provide information about the principal facies forming sediment waves. The general facies are fine-grained mud rich sediment interbedded decimeter-centimeter thick sand and sandy mud. Core evidence for current activity is reinforced at larger scale by seismic interpretations of sediment waves and drifts. / text


Wang, Jiasheng, Chen, Qi, Wei, Qing, Wang, Xiaoqin, Li, Qing, Gao, Yuya 07 1900 (has links)
In order to understand the response of authigenic minerals to the gas hydrate geo-system, various authigenic pyrites were picked out under Zeiss Microscope and their S isotopes were analyzed later from 652 sediments samples at intervals of about 1.5m recovered from all 5 sites of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 311 on Cascadia Margin, northeastern Pacific. SEM photos of picked pyrites exhibit various aggregation features mainly in forms of strawberry, pillar/rod and dumbbell in sizes from 200 m to 1000m. Typical cubic pyrite crystals could be seen under smaller scale SEM photos. Most δ34S values in Site U1325 at the west deeper water location of IODP 311 show negative values low to -33.964‰ CDT, distinctly contrasted to the δ34S in Site U1329 at the east shallower location having much more positive values up to 28.29‰ CDT. At the cold venting position assigned as Site U1328 the δ34S values show strong negative values in the upper part of sediments column above 135 mbsf (meter below sea floor), increasing gradually with the depth from -35.83‰ CDT to -1.32‰ CDT, and then display many positive excursions up to 32.49‰ CDT below 135 mbsf, which is significantly distinguished from the values in nearby non-cold venting Site U1327 having much less positive excursions in the lower part of column below 110 mbsf. In all sites a general negative δ34S excursion occur in the upper part of sediments columns above 30~35 mbsf except in Site U1328 having more depth, indicating the potential current sulfate methane interface (SMI) activity zones. Distinct positive δ34S excursions up to the highest δ34S value 53.65‰ CDT from strawberry pyrites aggregations might indicate that sulfide products by AOM probably inherit completely the sulfate having high δ34S value and no sulfate was left after AOM at a high methane flux under gas hydrate geological background.

Sediment Supply to the South China Sea as Recorded by Sand Composition at IODP Expedition 367/368 Sites U1499 and U1500

Robinson, Caroline Mae January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ch4- IODP EXP 341 U-Pb Zircon Results for Lonestones

Wai Kehadeezbah Allen (14671736) 17 May 2024 (has links)
<p>This dataset includes U-Pb zircon summary excel file with datatables for all lonestones analyzed.This file also sorts data to include information of Rim and Core analyses were appropriate.</p> <p><br></p> <p>In addition, raw data for each individual sample are included that have detailed information regarding parameters during each analytical session. </p> <p><br></p> <p>All samples were analyzed at the University of Arizona Laserchron Center (NSF-EAR 1649254)</p> <p><br></p> <p>High Resolition Scanning Electron Microscopy Images are also included that were imaged at the University of Arizona Laserchron Center</p> <p><br></p>

Cenozoic history of North Atlantic deep sea carbonate preservation

Länje, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
Carbonate preservation in the oceans occurs at a depth called the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). The CCD is where the input rate of carbonate from the surface of the ocean is balanced by the dissolution rate. Factors controlling the CCD are the CO2 in the atmosphere, weathering, and productivity in the surface water, the depth of the lysocline and deep water currents (and their ocean circulation). Two previous studies have investigated the variation of the CCD through geologic time, one in the equatorial Pacific (Pälike et al., 2012) and the other compiled results from the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans (Van Andel, 1975). The project consisted of compiling a database of sediment lithologies for many more sites in the Atlantic since the compilation by Van Andel, 1975, and together with a subsidence model of the ocean crust the systematic variations of CCD could be investigated. The results show that the CCD varies both spatially and temporally in accordance with previous studies. The reconstruction of the CCD needs further analysis, and possibly data from the oldest drilling program, the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). One result that is very important is that this study includes a total of 91 sites in the Atlantic Ocean, far more than in any of the other two studies. Future work can build upon the already started database of sediment lithologies.

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