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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In vitro pharmacological properties and composition of leaf essential oils and extracts of selected indigenous pelargonium (geraniaceae) species

Lalli, Yvette, Jacqueline, Yolande 14 November 2006 (has links)
Faculty of Health Sciences School of pharmacy 0002280t jacquilalli@yahoo.co.uk / Despite commercial interest and ethnobotanical data, the chemical composition and pharmacological activities of a number of indigenous Pelargonium species remain unexplored. Twenty-one Pelargonium species, from the section Pelargonium, were included in this study. The volatile compounds of 13 species were extracted by hydrodistillation and their chemical compositions determined by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The essential oil data was chemotaxonomically informative confirming taxonomic relationships between P. graveolens and P. radens; P. papilionaceum and P. vitifolium and between P. panduriforme and P. quercifolium. New chemical affinities were established among P. betulinum, P. hispidum and P. scabrum; P. capitatum (provenance WSBG), P. glutinosum and P. quercifolium (provenance SBG) and among P. graveolens, P. radens and P. tomentosum. The non-volatile compounds were extracted with acetone and the extracts were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The representative flavonoid patterns of the Pelargonium species indicated that P. betulinum, P. capitatum, P. graveolens, P. hispidum, P. panduriforme and P. vitifolium have numerous similarities in their chemical profiles. Pelargonium scabrum and P. sublignosum share definite chemical patterns. The HPLC fingerprints of P. papilionaceum and P. vitifolium were chemically diverse. A microdilution bioassay was performed on the acetone extracts and the essential oils to assess their antimicrobial (both bacterial and fungal) potential. The essential oils and extracts were more selective for the Gram-positive test pathogens than for the Gram-negative bacterium. The crude extracts of P. glutinosum (provenance SBG), P. pseudoglutinosum, P. scabrum and P. sublignosum exhibited considerable antimicrobial activity against the Gram-positive bacteria (B. cereus and S. aureus) with P. pseudoglutinosum exerting the highest activity (MIC = 0.039 mg/ml). The essential oils showed reduced antimicrobial activity compared to the plant extracts. Using the DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay, exceptional anti-oxidant activity was observed for the crude extracts of P. betulinum and P. crispum (IC50 values of 4.13 μg/ml and 4.49 μg/ml, respectively, compared to ascorbic acid, IC50 = 4.72 μg/ml). The essential oils of P. quercifolium showed the greatest inhibition of 5-lipoxygenase activity (IC50 = 33.24 μg/ml v - 38.67 μg/ml). The antimalarial activity of the non-volatile extracts was evaluated against the choloroquine-resistant Gambian FCR-3 strain of Plasmodium falciparum using the hypoxanthine incorporation assay. Pelargonium panduriforme (provenance SBG) exerted the greatest activity (IC50 = 1.34 ± 0.29 μg/ml). Other species possessing similarly potent antimalarial activity included P. citronellum (provenance NBG), P. citronellum (provenance SBG), P. quercifolium (provenance SBG) and P. radens. A microculture tetrazolium salt reduction (MTT) assay was used to determine the cellular toxicity of the acetone extracts and essential oils against transformed human kidney epithelium (Graham) cells. The acetone extracts of P. sublignosum and P. citronellum (provenance NBG) displayed the highest toxicities (IC50 = 11.89 ± 1.54 μg/ml and 19.14 ± 0.98 μg/ml, respectively). Pelargonium vitifolium (IC50 = 178.48 ± 5.44 μg/ml) and P. tomentosum (provenance SBG) (IC50 = 195.13 ± 7.90 μg/ml) appeared to be non-toxic. The Pelargonium essential oils proved to be considerably toxic (IC50 ≤0.10 μg/ml - 30.30 ± 1.81 μg/ml). The flavonoid derivatives detected in the Pelargonium acetone extracts may have contributed to their positive biological activities. The results from the MTT assay suggested that the antimicrobial and antimalarial activity of the extracts may be ascribed to general cytotoxic effects. The pharmacological properties manifested by the extracts and essential oils of certain Pelargonium species substantiates their use in traditional medicines and validates their commercial exploitation in the perfumery, cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries; however, their toxicity profiles must be considered

Safety and Visual Outcomes of Novel Abexterno Akreos® Single Pass Method of Transscleral Sutured Posterior Chamber IOL Implantation for Scleral Fixation of IOL

Wallman, Andrew 20 April 2016 (has links)
A Thesis submitted to The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine. / We present the safety and efficacy of a novel transscleral sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens (TSSPCIOL) implantation approach utilizing 25 gauge vitrectomy and a foldable posterior chamber intraocular lens implant (AKREOS AO60, Bausch & Lomb). 80 consecutive eyes that underwent single surgeon TSSPCIOL implantation between October 2008 and July 2012 at a referral‐based retina institution were analyzed for best spectacle‐corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and safety indicators. Postoperative complications included retinal detachment in 2 eyes (2.5%), Irvine‐Gass cystoid macular edema in 3 eyes (3.75%), with 2 of those cases occurring late, persistent postoperative corneal edema in 1 eye (1.25%), hyphema in 2 eyes (2.5%) and 1 case of postoperative vitreous hemorrhage with spontaneous clearing. The modified external approach with AKREOS® TSSPCIOL placement with 25 gauge vitrectomy has relatively few complications, improves visual acuity in patients requiring TSSPCIOL, and offers several advantages over traditional anterior chamber or conventional scleral sutured techniques.

Supply Chain Learning: A Grounded Theory Analysis

Morgan, Thomas V. 08 1900 (has links)
Under the unifying theme of supply chain learning, this three essay dissertation extends scholarship by investigating these multi-tier relationships. Theory is emerged, grounded in data, gathered from functioning supply chains in an effort to provide scholars and practitioners with an increased understanding of the SCL phenomena. Essay 1, entitled "Supply Chain Learning: An Exploratory Literature Review" examines the current literature in an attempt to address the shortcomings and emerge areas that have been less explored and less understood. By exposing these areas of research opportunities using a grounded theory methodology, a framework was emerged allowing identification of the limitations of extant literature and providing a springboard for future research. This framework also allowed further investigation into the SCL processes and expansion of the current understanding by providing academia with a comprehensive review of the literature and revealing the shortcomings that exist related to SCL. Using the framework emerged in Essay 1, Essay 2 entitled "Toward Supply Chain Learning: A Focus on the Customers of Logistics Service Providers" explores the rationalization and cognitive processes of senior level executives of firms utilizing national or global supply chains. These respondents are directly engaged in creating, establishing and operating relationships with third party logistics (3PL) providers within a functioning supply chain. By examining the relationships and processes from the point of view of customers of third party logistics providers, a unique perspective provides insight into these relationships. Using semi-structured interviews with these executives, grounded theory was once again used to emerge theory explaining the phenomena of SCL. In particular, this research examines the elements studied from the perspective of customers of third party logistics providers as they seek to develop new processes and solutions in hopes of obtaining a competitive advantage by adaptive learning with the help of their providers and trading partners. In addition, this research increases our understanding of SCL by examining a relationship between customers and 3PL providers, their experiences and outcomes. Essay 3, entitled "Practical Application of Supply Chain Learning" focuses on the implications of the learning relationship and its impact on the practitioner. By providing the findings of the research in a context relatable to practitioners, this culmination of findings allows practitioners to relate the findings directly to their existing supply chains. Realizing that many supply chains are relationship driven, this research focuses on the findings of previous research to provide a more holistic view of the learning relationship process as it exists in multiple tiers of their existing supply chain. Providing a step-by-step explanation of the SCL process as emerged from previous research, executives are provided a tool to better identify, analyze and understand these processes as relatable in their existing environment. As a methodical analysis of the IOL process, these essays provide the foundation for understanding the relationship process that exists between learning partners in a supply chain. Essay 1 provides basis for theory development by examining current literature and exposing the shortcomings while also emerging a preliminary framework on which to build future research. Essay 2 follows up on these deficiencies and attempts to saturate understanding of the IOL process, particularly from the point of view of 3PL customers in an existing supply chain. Essay 3 delivers these findings to executives in a relatable format, providing a holistic understanding of the phenomena. In summation, this dissertation provides theory emerged from data, explaining the learning relationship from the point of view of the customers of 3PL services, the cognitive dimensions and outcomes of these decisions as they relate to learning in the supply chain.

IO-Link Wireless : Industrial communication protocol

von Hacht, Wilhelm, Solid, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
This thesis investigates two aspects of the protocol IO-Link Wireless (IOL-W), a wireless derivative of the widely established network protocol for industry automation IO-Link (IOL). There is an increasing interest in using wireless solutions within the automation industry. The IOL-W protocol is developed to meet the needs of a wireless protocol that can meet the stringent reliability requirements of industrial applications. The first investigated aspect is whether it is feasible to port existing IOL stacks to IOL-W. The second aspect investigates the possibility to establish IOL-W communication using a generic hardware board supporting Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and IEEE 802.15.4, specifically the nRF architecture manufactured by Nordic Semiconductor. The properties and mechanisms of the physical layer of IOL-W are thoroughly researched. Afterward, two open-source IOL stacks are examined as potential candidates for protocol porting. From that examination, the main conclusion is that for a commercial project, it is more feasible to invest in a native IOL-W stack. Porting an IOL stack to IOL-W would be immensely time-consuming since it is not enough only to replace the code responsible for handling the physical layer. One would also need to modify the system management module embedded within every hardware layer. Lastly, the nRF hardware is examined, focusing on its radio capabilities. Several problems arose with the radio configuration and the CRC capability of the nRF boards from the subsequent investigation and experiments; therefore, it is concluded that this particular hardware is inappropriate for implementing IOL-W. / Den här uppsatsen granskar två aspekter av protokollet IO-Link Wireless (IOL-W), en trådlös version av det etablerade protokollet IO-Link (IOL). Det finns ett ökat intresse för trådlösa lösningar i Automationsindustrin och IOL-W protokollet är utvecklat för att bemöta det ökade behovet av pålitlig trådlös industriell kommunikation. Den första aspekten granskar huruvida det är möjligt att konvertera en IOL stack till en IOL-W stack. Den andra aspekten utreder om det är möjligt att etablera IOL-W kommunikation med hårdvara designad för Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) och IEEE 802.15.4, mer specifikt, nRF arkitekturen tillverkad av Nordic Semiconductor. Egenskaperna och mekanismerna av "physical layer" av IOL-W är grundligt undersökt. Två IOL stackar har granskats och det har undersökts huruvida det med rimlig arbetsinsats går att konvertera någon av dem till IOL-W stackar. Undersökningen kommer att huvudsakligen konstatera att, för ett kommersiellt projekt är det bästa alternativet att investera i en färdig IOL-W stack. Att konvertera en IOL stack till en IOL-W stack är en tidskonsumerande uppgift och kräver grundlig kännedom i både IOL och IOL-W, att ersätta dom nedre lagren av en IOL stack är inte en rekommenderad lösning, eftersom System management modulen kommer att behövas modifieras, då den är inbyggd i varje lager av abstraktions modellen. Till sist, kommer nRF hårdvaran att examineras, fokus kommer att ligga på radions förmåga och kompabilitet. Under projektet gång dök ett flertal problem upp med radio konfigurationen samt CRC förmågan, detta kommer att presenteras med flertalet granskningar och experiment. Slutsatsen av undersökningen blir att nRF hårdvaran inte är lämplig att använda som bas för en implementation av IOL-W.

Die operative Versorgung der kindlichen Katarakt. Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse über 25 Jahre / Surgical care of infantile cataract. A retrospective data analysis over 25 years

Messer, Jan Moritz 19 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The effect of ion-orbit-loss on the distribution of ion, energy and momentum from the edge plasma into the scrape-off layer in tokamaks

Schumann, Matthew Thomas 08 June 2015 (has links)
Some of the outflowing ions in the plasma edge have sufficient energy to access orbits which allow them to free-stream out of the confined plasma region and be lost to the wall or divertor. The effects of this ion-orbit-loss (IOL) on the poloidal distribution of ion, energy and momentum fluxes from the plasma edge into the tokamak scrape-off layer (SOL) are analyzed for a representative DIII-D H-mode discharge. IOL yields large fluxes of particle, energy and momentum, distributed poloidally over the SOL, but predominantly into the outboard SOL, significantly changing the fluxes due to transport processes for confined ions within the edge plasma. An intrinsic co-current rotation in the edge of the plasma is produced by the preferential loss of counter-current ions

Minskar blåljus-filtrerande intraokulära linser risken att utveckla åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration (AMD)?

Taoube, Jasmine, Sayadi, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Background: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of visualimpairment in the world. AMD is a retinal degenerative condition that affects themacular area of the retina and thus the central vision. Ocular exposure to the bluelight can cause the retina to start produce reactive oxygen species (ROS), whichcauses damage to the retina and can thus increase the risk of developing AMD. Withage, the crystalline lens of the eye becomes more yellow and less transparent. Thetransmittance of the blue light is thus reduced because the lens shows naturalfiltering properties for the blue light. In cataract surgery, the crystalline lens isremoved and usually replaced by a clear intraocular lens (IOL). Blue light-filteringintraocular lenses (BLF-IOLs) have, among other things, been developed with theaim of reducing the risk of developing retinal dysfunction and AMD. Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate whether blue light filteringintraocular lenses (BLF-IOL) could help minimize the risk of developingage-related macular degeneration (AMD). Material and method: This review was based on four studies obtained from thedatabases PubMed and Web of Science. When searching for data, the publicationdates were limited to a period between 2018-2022 and the articles had to beavailable in "free full text". The search terms used were "Blue light IOL and AMD"and "Cataract and IOL and AMD". Articles that were excluded were judged not tobe relevant to the study as they did not include BLF-IOL and AMD. To answer thequestion, we compared studies where patients who received BLF-IOLs and patientswho received conventional IOLs implanted after cataract surgery were analyzed. Results: Three of the studies indicate that there was no significant differencebetween BLF-IOLs and non-BLF-IOLs regarding the risk of developing AMD. Inone of the studies, it was concluded that oxidative stress was reduced in the presenceof BLF-IOL. Conclusion: The question of whether blue-light-filtering intraocular lenses reducethe risk of developing age-related macular degeneration still remains since enoughevidence has not been found that it works. / Bakgrund: Åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration (AMD) är en ledande orsak tillsynnedsättning i världen. AMD är ett retinalt degenerativt tillstånd som påverkarnäthinnans makulära område och således det centrala seendet. Okulär exponering avdet blå ljuset kan leda till att näthinnan börjar producera reaktiva syrearter (ROS),vilket orsakar skador i näthinnan och kan på så vis ge ökad risk för utveckling avAMD. Ögats kristallina lins gulnar och blir mindre transparent med åren.Transmittansen av det blå ljuset minskar därmed eftersom ögats lins visar naturligafiltreringsegenskaper för det blå ljuset. Vid en kataraktoperation avlägsnas denkristallina linsen och ersätts oftast av en klar intraokulär lins (IOL).Blåljus-filtrerande intraokulära linser (BLF-IOL) har bland annat tagits fram i syfteatt minska risken för att utveckla retinal dysfunktion och AMD. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka om blåljus-filtrerandeintraokulära linser (BLF-IOL) kunde minska risken att utveckla åldersrelateradmakuladegeneration (AMD). Material och metod: Denna litteraturstudie baserades på fyra studier som erhöllsfrån databaserna PubMed och Web of Science. Vid sökning av data avgränsadespubliceringsdatumen till en period mellan 2018- 2022 samt att artiklarna skulle varatillgängliga i “free full text”. Sökorden som användes var "Blue light IOL andAMD” och “Cataract and IOL and AMD”. Artiklar som exkluderades bedömdesinte vara av relevans till studien då de inte omfattade BLF-IOL och AMD. För attbesvara frågeställningen analyserades studier där man jämfört patienter som fåttBLF-IOL med patienter som fått konventionella IOL implanterat efter enkataraktoperation. Resultat: Tre av studierna visade att ingen signifikant skillnad fanns mellan BLF-IOL och icke-BLF-IOL vad gäller risken att utveckla AMD. I en av studiernakom man fram till att oxidativ stress minskades vid närvaro av BLF-IOL. Slutsats: Frågan huruvida blåljus-filtrerande intraokulära linser minskar risken föratt utveckla åldersrelaterad makuladegeneration kvarstår fortfarande eftersom manännu inte funnit tillräckligt med bevis på att det fungerar.

Soemmerring’s Rings Developed around IOLs, in Human Donor Eyes, Can Present Internal Transparent Areas

D’Antin, Justin Christopher, Tresserra, Francesc, Barraquer, Rafael I., Michael, Ralph 25 June 2024 (has links)
Soemmerring’s rings consist of a ring of lens epithelial derived cells that grow along the periphery of an aphakic lens capsule, or around an intraocular lens. These rings when visualized frontally, appear opaque, however, in some cases the cells that compose these rings are organized in the same fashion as those in normal transparent adult lenses. Thus, our purpose was to test whether any part of the adult Soemmerring’s ring could be transparent and how this related to morphological factors. To study this, 16 Soemmerring’s rings were extracted from donor eye globes. After imaging, they were thickly sectioned sagittally in order to analyze the degrees of transparency of different areas. All samples were also histologically analyzed using alpha smooth muscle actin, Vimentin, wheat germ agglutinin and DAPI. Our results showed that many samples had some transparent areas, mostly towards the center of their cross-section. Of the factors that we analyzed, only lens fiber organization at the bow region and an increased area of mature lens fiber cells had a significant relation to the degree of transparency at the center. Thus, we can conclude that as Soemmerring’s rings mature, they can develop organized and transparent areas of lens cells.

Biomechanics of the human forearm in health and disease

Malone, Paul January 2012 (has links)
Introduction: The forearm is a complex biological unit, which has allowed man's evolution. This PhD commenced with an analysis of the normal biomechanical functioning of the key components of the forearm: notably the distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ), interosseous ligament (IOL) and proximal radioulnar joint (PRUJ). Understanding normal forearm physiology, a clinical study followed to delineate the pathophysiology of a new clinical entity, related to DRUJ dysfunction. Methods: Biomechanical Study: A biomechanical testing jig was developed to facilitate collection of data about normal functioning of the DRUJ, IOL and PRUJ in both unloaded and loaded states. This permitted testing throughout the range of forearm pronosupination. Thawed fresh frozen cadaveric upperlimbs were mounted into the jig. Using Microstrain® strain gauges and Tekscan™ pressure sensors, the functional anatomy of the key components of the forearm was delineated, both with the forearm flexed at 90° and maximally extended at the elbow. Clinical Study: A series of 3-Tesla MRI scans was undertaken on patients symptomatic of an intermittent ulnar neuropathy. The causative pathophysiology was determined using 3D qualitative and quantitative analyses. Results: Biomechanical Study: Reproducible patterns of force transmitted and joint contact area have been determined for the DRUJ, and for the first time, the PRUJ. With the exception of PMax and P60 for the PRUJ, application of load increases contact areas and transmitted forces across the joints (P<0.05). The converse is true for PMax and P60 in the PRUJ. The IOL is lax during pronation, strain gradually increasing as the arm moves to neutral. In neutral the middle-portion of the IOL (m-IOL) demonstrates most strain, this decreasing again in supination, whilst the distal and proximal portions (d- & p-IOL) exhibit more strain (P<0.05). Axial loading consistently increases strain in all ligaments (P<0.05). Observed behaviour patterns across the joints and in the ligaments alter with elbow extension (P<0.05). Clinical Study: Salient symptoms of the new syndrome were described. Displacement of the ulnar nerve from its normal course was seen with compression/distraction in the distal forearm and Guyon’s canal. This was considered causative of the syndrome. As a by-product of the research, a new clinical device was also developed, which improves the patient pathway when investigating DRUJ dysfunction. Conclusions and Outcomes: This research has analysed normal forearm biomechanics determining that the PRUJ is a load-bearing joint, interrelated with the DRUJ and IOL. Elbow extension has been shown to alter the normal biomechanics of the forearm. A clinical entity of a dysfunctional forearm has been defined, called subluxation-related ulnar neuropathy or SUN syndrome. Finally, a new clinical device has been developed, which it is anticipated will translate into visible improvements in patient care.

Intraocular lenses with surfaces functionalized by biomolecules in relation with lens epithelial cell adhesion / Fonctionnalisation de lentilles intraoculaires acryliques par greffage de biomolécules limitant la cataracte secondaire

Huang, Yi-Shiang 08 December 2014 (has links)
L’Opacification Capsulaire Postérieure (OCP) est la fibrose de la capsule développée sur la lentille intraoculaire implantée (LIO) suite à la dé-différenciation de cellules épithéliales cristalliniennes (LECs) subissant une transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse (EMT). La littérature a montré que l'incidence de l’OCP est multifactorielle, dont l'âge ou la maladie du patient, la technique de chirurgie, le design et le matériau de la LIO. La comparaison des LIOs en acryliques hydrophiles et hydrophobes montre que les premières ont une OCP plus sévère, médiée par la transition EMT. En outre, il est également démontré que l'adhérence des LECs est favorisée sur des matériaux hydrophobes par rapport à ceux hydrophiles. Une stratégie biomimétique destinée à promouvoir l’adhérence des LECs sans dé-différenciation en vue de réduire le risque de développement de l’OCP est proposée. Dans cette étude, les peptides RGD, ainsi que les méthodes de greffage et de quantification sur un polymère acrylique hydrophile ont été étudiés. La surface fonctionnalisée des LIOs favorisant l'adhérence des LECs via les récepteurs de type intégrine peut être utilisée pour reconstituer la structure capsule-LEC-LIO en sandwich, ce qui est considéré dans la littérature comme un moyen de limiter la formation de l‘OCP. Les résultats montrent que le biomatériau innovant améliore l'adhérence des LEC, et présente également les propriétés optiques (transmission de la lumière , banc optique) similaires et mécaniques (force haptique de compression, force d'injection de la LIO) comparables à la matière de départ. En outre, par rapport au matériau hydrophobe IOL, ce biomatériau bioactif présente des capacités similaires vis à vis de l’adhérence des LECs, le maintien de la morphologie, et l'expression de biomarqueurs de l’EMT. Les essais in vitro suggèrent que ce biomatériau a le potentiel de réduire certains facteurs de risque de développement de l’OCP. / Posterior Capsular Opacification (PCO) is the capsule fibrosis developed onto the implanted IntraOcular Lens (IOL) by the de-differentiation of Lens Epithelial Cells (LEC) undergoing Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT). Literature has shown that the incidence of PCO is multifactorial including patient’s age or disease, surgical technique, and IOL design and material. Reports comparing hydrophilic and hydrophobic acrylic IOLs show the former has more severe PCO after EMT transition. Additionally, the LEC adhesion is favored onto the hydrophobic materials compared to the hydrophilic ones. A biomimetic strategy to promote LEC adhesion without de-differentiation to reduce PCO development risk is proposed. RGD peptides, as well as their grafting and quantification methods on a hydrophilic acrylic polymer were investigated. The surface functionalized IOL promoting LEC adhesion via integrin receptors can be used to reconstitute the capsule-LEC-IOL sandwich structure, which is considered to prevent PCO formation in literature. The results show the innovative biomaterial improves LEC adhesion, and also exhibits similar optical (light transmittance, optical bench) and mechanical (haptic compression force, IOL injection force) properties comparing to the starting material. In addition, comparing to the hydrophobic IOL material, this bioactive biomaterial exhibits similar abilities in LEC adhesion, morphology maintenance, and EMT biomarker expression. The in vitro assays suggest this biomaterial has the potential to reduce some risk factors of PCO development.

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