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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IPv6 : en nulägesstudie

Florin Snöarve, Jonathan, Nilsson, Filip January 2016 (has links)
IPv4-adresser är begränsat när det gäller antalet det finns att dela ut, ett framtida problem är att dessa adresser med största sannolikhet kommer att ta slut. Vårt arbete har således fokuserat på att inhämta information som bidrar till en klarare bild av hur dagsläget ser ut kopplat mot implementeringen av IPv6 som sker i Europa och Sverige. För att kunna förklara denna implementering på ett bra sätt finns det delar i arbetet som beskriver de tekniska hinder och möjligheter som bidrar till införandet av detta protokoll. Huvuddelen av tiden har spenderats med att inhämta information och fakta som ger en fördjupad kunskap i ämnet, med avsikten att skriva en gedigen bas som utredningsdelen i arbetet utger. Intervjuer har också varit en del, denna del finns i syfte att ge en bild över hur internetleverantörer arbetar med införandet av IPv6. De organisationer som finns och arbetar med införandet av IPv6 har alla en bra pool med fakta som beskriver hur situationen ser ut i dagsläget. RIPE NCCs databas visar klart och tydligt de organisationer som finns med i arbetet med implementeringen av IPv6. Denna databas samt information tagen från genomförda intervjuer ger oss en uppfattning om att införandet än så länge inte har kommit särskilt långt, detta i relation till bristen av IPv4 adresser som råder. I Sverige jobbar PTS mycket mot att hjälpa organisationer med en eventuell övergång till IPv6, deras arbete är ordentligt men problematiken där är istället att organisationer idag inte är i behov av denna information. Det positiva är således att informationen finns där, hos PTS, att hämta vid behov.Trots att de sista IPv4-blocken är utdelade finns det egentligen inget behov av att implementera IPv6 i dagsläget. Ett IPv4-nätverk med fungerande NAT fungerar och kommer med största sannolikhet fungera ett bra tag framöver.

Migrating to IPv6

Kintu, Zephernia January 2012 (has links)
Today hundreds of millions of users are interconnected by communication channels allowing them to communicate and to share information. These users and the devices that interconnect them are what constitute the Internet. The Internet is a network of networks with a myriad of computer devices, including smartphones, game consoles (handheld/stationary), IP televisions, tablet computers, laptop computers, desktop computers, palmtop computers, etc. This network of computers flourishes because of careful planning and maintenance by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), backbone network operators, and others. An additional factor that enables the Internet to operate is the four logical layers of abstraction in the TCP/IP protocol stack. One of these layers is the layer responsible for the transfer of datagrams/packets from one host to another. This layer is known as the Internet Protocol (IP) layer. However, as originally conceived a 32 bit address was thought to be more than enough. The space of IP addresses was distributed among different regions rather disproportionately, driven largely by the numbers of addresses that were requested (ordered in time). Today after a series of inventions in the field (such as the world wide web) and a rapid growth in the number of devices that wish to connect to the Internet the available unassigned address space has largely been depleted. Regions with large populations, but with few assigned blocks of IP addresses have begun to exhaust all their assigned addresses, while other regions face the same fate in a few months. The need for a larger address space was predicted years ago and the next generation addressing scheme was devised as part of the development of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). Countries such as China and India had few IPv4 addresses and they have been forced to transition to IPv6 rather quickly. Today a significant number of the users in these countries are unable to communicate over IPv4 networks. The purpose of this thesis project is to discuss the transition to IPv6 and the transition to this new addressing scheme. IPv6 provides a much larger address space, along with a number of additional improvements in comparison to the previous version of IP (i.e., IPv4). Despite the advantages of adopting IPv6, the incentive to transition is low amongst well established businesses, especially those in regions that received a considerable number of IPv4 addresses initially. Instead different techniques have been employed in these places to mitigate the problem of IPv4 address exhaustion. It is also probable that this reluctance is a way to keep competing businesses out of the market for a while longer. This thesis aims to facilitate the transition from IPv4 to IPv6. / Miljontals användare är idag sammankopplade genom kommunikationskanaler som tillåter utbyte av information. Datornätet Internet utgörs av dessa användare och de enheter som sammanbinder dem. Internet är ett nätverk av nätverk med en myriad av olika datorutrustning såsom; spelkonsoler, smartphones, bärbara datorer, stationära datorer, handdatorer, även IPTV, kylskåp, tvättmaskiner, osv. Detta nätverk blomstrar på grund av noggrann planering och underhåll av internetleverantörer, nätoperatörer och andra. En ytterligare faktor som gör det möjligt för Internet att fungera är de fyra logiska skikt av abstaktion i TCP/IP-protokollstacken, en standard för datakommunikation. Ett av dessa skikt ansvarar för överföring av datapaket från en ändpunkt till en annan. Detta skikt är kallad Internet Protocol(IP) layer. Ursprungligen ansågs en 32-bitars adress vara mer än tillräcklig. Dessa IP-adresser delades ut till olika regioner rätt så oproportionerligt till stor del beroende på antalet adresser en region begärt. Idag efter en rad uppfinningar inom området(såsom webben/world wide web) och en snabb tillväxt i antal enheter som önskar ansluta sig till Internet är det tillgängliga adressutrymmet i stort sett slut. Regioner med stor befolkning men med få tilldelade block av IP-addresser har börjat göra slut på sina tilldelade adresser medan andra regioner står inför samma öde inom några månader. Behovet av ett större adressrymd sågs flera år sedan och nästa generations addresseringsschema utformades som en del av utveckligen, Internet Protocol version 6(IPv6). Länder som Kina och Indien hade ett fåtal IPv4-adresser och de har varit tvungna att övergå till IPv6 ganska snabbt. Idag kan inte ett stort antal användare i dessa länder kommunicera över IPv4-nätverk. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att diskutera övergången till IPv6 samt övergången till detta nya adresseringsschema. IPv6 ger en mycket större adressrymd samt en rad ytterligare förbättringar i jämförelse med den tidigare versionen av IP(dvs IPv4). Trots fördelarna med att övergå till IPv6 är viljan låg bland väletablerade företag, särskilt i regioner som mottagit ett stort antal IPv4-adresser från början. Dessa regioner tillämpar istället olika tekniker för att bromsa utmattningen av IPv4-adresser. Det är också troligt att denna motvija är ett sätt att hålla konkurrerande företag från marknaden ett tag till. Detta examensarbete syftar till att underlätta övergången från IPv4 till IPv6.

Struktury budoucích směrovacích tabulek pro IPv6 / Future Structure of IPv6 Routing Tables

Kšica, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is focused on structure of future IPv6 routing tables. It contains basic information about IPv6 addresses , description of hierarchy address allocation, multihoming , strategy of IPv4/IPv6 address allocation, statistics of structure properties at routing tables and forecast of future space for address IPv6 protocol. Other part of this thesis is implementation of IPv6 address generator which generates addresses according given configuration. This thesis simultaneously includes investigation of strategy IPv6 address allocation at region of RIPE NCC organization.

Dritter Deutscher IPv6 Gipfel 2010

January 2010 (has links)
Am 24. und 25. Juni 2010 fand am Hasso-Plattner-Institut für Softwaresystemtechnik GmbH in Potsdam der 3. Deutsche IPv6 Gipfel 2010 statt, dessen Dokumentation der vorliegende technische Report dient. Als nationaler Arm des weltweiten IPv6-Forums fördert der Deutsche IPv6-Rat den Übergangsprozess zur neuen Internetgeneration und brachte in diesem Rahmen nationale und internationale Experten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung zusammen, um Awareness für das Zukunftsthema IPv6 zu schaffen und um ein Resumé über die bislang erzielten Fortschritte zu ziehen. Die Grenzen des alten Internetprotokolls IPv4 sind in den vergangenen zwei Jahren deutlicher denn je zutage getreten. Waren im vergangenen Jahr anlässlich des 2. IPv6 Gipfels noch 11% aller zu vergebenden IPv4 Adressen verfügbar, ist diese Zahl mittlerweile auf nur noch 6% geschrumpft. Ehrengast war in diesem Jahr der „europäische Vater“ des Internets, Prof. Peter T. Kirstein vom University College London, dessen Hauptvortrag von weiteren Beiträgen hochrangiger Vertretern aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft ergänzt wurde. / This technical report is summarizing the talks and presentations of the 3rd German IPv6 Summit 2010 at the Hasso Plattner Institute for Software System Engineering in Potsdam on June 24./25 2010. The goal of this summit is to present current developments concerning the implementation of the new IPv6 technology from political and economic perspectives, as well as from a technological point of view. The limits of the old Internet Protocol IPv6 have become obvious lately. While, last year at the 2nd German IPv6 Summit 2009, 11% of the available IPv4 internet addresses had been still available, this stock has shrunk to almost only 6%. This year's guest of honor was Peter T. Kirstein, the 'European Father of the Internet', who established the very first ARPANET node outside the USA in the early 1970s. Besides him, the conference was complemented by talks and presentations of high-ranking representatives from industry, government, and research.

Routing policies and real paths in the Internet / Routing policies and real paths in the Internet

Hlaváček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Routing policies are now represented by RPSL and by its evolutionary extension called RPSLng. These languages can be used for describing unique routing policy of each autonomous system. Experience shows that even though there are translation tools from RPSL and RPSLng to configuration formats of commonly used routers, the actual network configuration is rarely generated from RPSL sources and routing policy is then perceived as marginal paperwork, which often does not reflect the real network settings. There will be most likely a need for RPSL format change in order to remedy the discrepancies. To support this I present long-term measurements of inaccuracies in routing policies compared to real paths in the Internet. I also present a list of the most frequent problems, and I offer suggestions, how to reform RPSL to improve situation in the long term. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Routing policies and real paths in the Internet / Routing policies and real paths in the Internet

Hlaváček, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Routing policies are now represented by RPSL and by its evolutionary extension called RPSLng. These languages can be used for describing unique routing policy of each autonomous system. Experience shows that even though there are translation tools from RPSL and RPSLng to configuration formats of commonly used routers, the actual network configuration is rarely generated from RPSL sources and routing policy is then perceived as marginal paperwork, which often does not reflect the real network settings. There will be most likely a need for RPSL format change in order to remedy the discrepancies. To support this I present long-term measurements of inaccuracies in routing policies compared to real paths in the Internet. I also present a list of the most frequent problems, and I offer suggestions, how to reform RPSL to improve situation in the long term. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Optimalizace síťových úloh / Network Tasks Optimalization

Dražil, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Nowdays, when we are running out of public IPv4 addresses, we rely on techniques that at least postpone their complete exhaustion. One of these techniques is a network address translation (NAT). Internet providers require the highest possible bandwidth from devices that perform this task. This thesis compares NAT DPDK, built on top of DPDK framework, with freely available alternatives. This work also extends NAT DPDK with Application-Level Gateway support.


Kibru Shomoro, Abenezer January 2014 (has links)
Findings of this research work provide clear understanding of why organizationaltechnology(Network technology) adoption decision makers decide to recommend or notrecommend an Internet Protocol migration(adoption of the latest protocol), or a migrationfrom Ipv4 to IPv6/ or adoption of IPv6, to their organizations. A meticulous review ofliterature on the practice of various organizations technology adoption process served as abase for developing relevant research questions and corresponding hypothesis. The researchhypothesis was developed to examine organization‟s technology (Network technology)adoption decision maker‟s perception of IPv6: quality of service, auto configurationcapability, security, mobility, address abundance and cost effectiveness and its effect on theirdecision.The study result indicated that network expert‟s decision to recommend a new networktechnology adoption, specifically, internet protocol migration from IPv4 to IPv6 is highlyinfluenced by their perception of the factors listed in the previous paragraph, thereforenetwork expert‟s perception of the aforementioned factors are instrumental for their decisionof recommending whether to encourage the internet protocol migration. It is also implied thatmanagers at top level can make a technology adoption or migration decision based on therecommendation from the experts already knowing that their decision is highly influenced bytheir perception of capabilities and functionality of the new IP (IPv6). In addition to theapparent contribution of this study to organizations that fall in to the category of organization,where this study was conducted, the result of this study also helps different organizationsengaged in other kinds of business activity, such as: network infrastructure manufacturersand application developers by providing essential information regarding which functionalitiesand capabilities are playing a major role for organization‟s choice for a certain networkinfrastructure. / Program: Masterutbildning i Informatik

Windows, RedHat och IPv6 : ett test!

Nilsson, Ulrick, Holmström, Rickard, Jarbe, Mats January 2002 (has links)
With the huge amount of computers connected to the Internet the IP-addresses are starting to run out. The Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, have decided that it is about time to exchange the old 32 bits Internet protocol, Ipv4, to a more modern 128 bits protocol called Ipv6. This thesis explores the possibility to install Ipv6 in different operating systems. By testing various operating systems and by set up criteria compare them to each other we give the reader a picture of how the installation is done. We also show which operating systems to prefer if you want to use IPv6. The chosen operating systems are different Windows versions and Linux RedHat versions. The result of our testing reveals that it does not really matter which of the more recent versions of the operating systems, Windows XP or Linux RedHat 7.2, you use since they have come quite far ahead in their Ipv6 development.

Performance Evaluation of Real–Time Applications over DiffServ/MPLS in IPv4/IPv6 Networks / Utvärdering av prestanda för realtidsapplikationer över DiffServ / MPLS i IPv4/IPv6 Networks

Aziz, Md. Tariq, Islam, Mohammad Saiful January 2011 (has links)
Over the last years, we have witnessed a rapid deployment of real-time applications on the Internet as well as many research works about Quality of Service (QoS) in particularly IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4). The inevitable exhaustion of the remaining IPv4 address pool has become progressively evident. As the evolution of Internet Protocol (IP) continues, the deployment of IPv6 QoS is underway. Today, there is limited experience in the deployment of QoS for IPv6 traffic in MPLS backbone networks in conjunction with DiffServ (Differentiated Services) support. DiffServ itself does not have the ability to control the traffic which has been taken for end-to-end path while a number of links of the path are congested. In contrast, MPLS Traffic Engineering (TE) is accomplished to control the traffic and can set up end-to-end routing path before data has been forwarded. From the evolution of IPv4 QoS solutions, we know that the integration of DiffServ and MPLS TE satisfies the guaranteed QoS requirement for real-time applications. This thesis presents a QoS performance study of real-time applications such as voice and video conferencing over DiffServ with or without MPLS TE in IPv4/IPv6 networks using Optimized Network Engineering Tool (OPNET). This thesis also studies the interaction of Expedited Forwarding (EF), Assured Forwarding (AF) traffic aggregation, link congestion, as well as the effect of various performance metrics such as packet end-to-end delay, packet delay variation, queuing delay, throughput and packet loss. The effectiveness of DiffServ and MPLS TE integration in IPv4/IPv6 network is illustrated and analyzed. The thesis shows that IPv6 experiences more delay and loss performance than their IPv4 counterparts. / Author (1): Md. Tariq Aziz Address: C/O: Murshed Gularm, Nykarleby Gatan 134, 16474 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden Author (2): Mohammad Saiful Islam Address: Minnervavägen 22B, 371 43 Karlskrona, Sweden

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