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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model-based Testing of Operating System-Level Security Mechanisms / test à base de modèles formels pour les mécanismes de sécurité dans les systèmes d’exploitation

Nemouchi, Yakoub 30 March 2016 (has links)
Le test à base de modèle, en particulier test basé sur des assistants à la preuve, réduit de façon transparente l'écart entre la théorie, le modèle formel, et l’implémentation d'un système informatique. Actuellement, les techniques de tests offrent une possibilité d'interagir directement avec de "vrais" systèmes : via différentes propriétés formelles, les tests peuvent être dérivés et exécutés sur le système sous test. Convenablement, l'ensemble du processus peut être entièrement automatisé. Le but de cette thèse est de créer un environnement de test de séquence à base de modèle pour les programmes séquentiels et concurrents. Tout d'abord une théorie générique sur les monades est présentée, qui est indépendante de tout programme ou système informatique. Il se trouve que notre théorie basée sur les monades est assez expressive pour couvrir tous les comportements et les concepts de tests. En particulier, nous considérons ici : les exécutions séquentielles, les exécutions concurrentes, les exécutions synchronisées, les exécutions avec interruptions. Sur le plan conceptuel, la théorie apporte des notions comme la notion raffinement de test, les cas de tests abstraits, les cas de test concrets, les oracles de test, les scénarios de test, les données de tests, les pilotes de tests, les relations de conformités et les critères de couverture dans un cadre théorique et pratique. Dans ce cadre, des règles de raffinement de comportements et d'exécution symbolique sont élaborées pour le cas générique, puis affinées et utilisées pour des systèmes complexes spécifique. Comme application pour notre théorie, nous allons instancier notre environnement par un modèle séquentiel d'un microprocesseur appelé VAMP développé au cours du projet Verisoft. Pour le cas d'étude sur la concurrence, nous allons utiliser notre environnement pour modéliser et tester l'API IPC d'un système d'exploitation industriel appelé PikeOS.Notre environnement est implémenté en Isabelle / HOL. Ainsi, notre approche bénéficie directement des modèles, des outils et des preuves formelles de ce système. / Formal methods can be understood as the art of applying mathematical reasoningto the modeling, analysis and verification of computer systems. Three mainverification approaches can be distinguished: verification based on deductive proofs,model checking and model-based testing.Model-based testing, in particular in its radical form of theorem proving-based testingcite{brucker.ea:2012},bridges seamlessly the gap between the theory, the formal model, and the implementationof a system. Actually,theorem proving based testing techniques offer a possibility to directly interactwith "real" systems: via differentformal properties, tests can be derived and executed on the system under test.Suitably supported, the entire process can fully automated.The purpose of this thesis is to create a model-based sequence testing environmentfor both sequential and concurrent programs. First a generic testing theory basedon monads is presented, which is independent of any concrete program or computersystem. It turns out that it is still expressive enough to cover all common systembehaviours and testing concepts. In particular, we consider here: sequential executions,concurrent executions, synchronised executions, executions with abort.On the conceptual side, it brings notions like test refinements,abstract test cases, concrete test cases,test oracles, test scenarios, test data, test drivers, conformance relations andcoverage criteria into one theoretical and practical framework.In this framework, both behavioural refinement rules and symbolic executionrules are developed for the generic case and then refined and used for specificcomplex systems. As an application, we will instantiate our framework by an existingsequential model of a microprocessor called VAMP developed during the Verisoft-Project.For the concurrent case, we will use our framework to model and test the IPC API of areal industrial operating system called PikeOS.Our framework is implemented in Isabelle/HOL. Thus, our approach directly benefitsfrom the existing models, tools, and formal proofs in this system.

Constructing Semantically Sound Object-Logics for UML/OCL Based Domain-Specific Languages / Construction de Logiques-Objet Sémantiquement Correct pour des Langages à Domaines Spécifiques Basés sur UML/OCL

Tuong, Frédéric 06 April 2016 (has links)
Les langages de spécifications basés et orientés objets (comme UML/OCL, JML, Spec#, ou Eiffel) permettent la création et destruction, la conversion et tests de types dynamiques d'objets statiquement typés. Par dessus, les invariants de classes et les opérations de contrat peuvent y être exprimés; ces derniers représentent les éléments clés des spécifications orientées objets. Une sémantique formelle des structures de données orientées objets est complexe : des descriptions imprécises mènent souvent à différentes interprétations dans les outils qui en résultent. Dans cette thèse, nous démontrons comment dériver un environnement de preuves moderne comme un méta-outil pour la définition et l'analyse de sémantique formelle de langages de spécifications orientés objets. Étant donné une représentation d'un langage particulier plongé en Isabelle/HOL, nous construisons pour ce langage un environnement étendu d'Isabelle, à travers une méthode de génération de code particulière, qui implique notamment plusieurs variantes de génération de code. Le résultat supporte l'édition asynchrone, la vérification de types, et les activités de déduction formelle, tous "hérités" d'Isabelle. En application de cette méthode, nous obtenons un outil de modélisation orienté objet pour du UML/OCL textuel. Nous intégrons également des idiomes non nécessairement présent dans UML/OCL --- en d'autres termes, nous développons un support pour des dialectes d'UML/OCL à domaine spécifique. En tant que construction méta, nous définissons un méta-modèle d'une partie d'UML/OCL en HOL, un méta-modèle d'une partie de l'API d'Isabelle en HOL, et une fonction de traduction entre eux en HOL. Le méta-outil va alors exploiter deux procédés de générations de code pour produire soit du code raisonnablement efficace, soit du code raisonnablement lisible. Cela fournit donc deux modes d'animations pour inspecter plus en détail la sémantique d'un langage venant d'être plongé : en chargeant à vitesse réelle sa sémantique, ou simplement en retardant à un autre niveau "méta" l'expérimentation précédente pour un futur instant de typage en Isabelle, que ce soit pour des raisons de performances, de tests ou de prototypages. Remarquons que la génération de "code raisonnablement efficace", et de "code raisonnablement lisible" incluent la génération de code tactiques qui prouvent une collection de théorèmes formant une théorie de types de données orientés objets d'un modèle dénotationnel : étant donné un modèle de classe UML/OCL, les preuves des propriétés pertinentes aux conversions, tests de types, constructeurs et sélecteurs sont traitées automatiquement. Cette fonctionnalité est similaire aux paquets de théories de types de données présents au sein d'autres prouveurs de la famille HOL, à l'exception que certaines motivations ont conduit ce travail présent à programmer des tactiques haut-niveaux en HOL lui-même. Ce travail prend en compte les plus récentes avancées du standard d'UML/OCL 2.5. Par conséquent, tous les types UML/OCL ainsi que les types logiques distinguent deux éléments d'exception différents : invalid (exception) et null (élément non-existant). Cela entraîne des conséquences sur les propriétés aussi bien logiques qu'algébriques des structures orientées objets résultant des modèles de classes. Étant donné que notre construction est réduite à une séquence d'extension conservative de théorie, notre approche peut garantir la correction logique du langage entier considéré, et fournit une méthodologie pour étendre formellement des langages à domaine spécifique. / Object-based and object-oriented specification languages (likeUML/OCL, JML, Spec#, or Eiffel) allow for the creation and destruction, casting and test for dynamic types of statically typed objects. On this basis, class invariants and operation contracts can be expressed; the latter represent the key elements of object-oriented specifications. A formal semantics of object-oriented data structures is complex: imprecise descriptions can often imply different interpretations in resulting tools. In this thesis we demonstrate how to turn a modern proof environment into a meta-tool for definition and analysis of formal semantics of object-oriented specification languages. Given a representation of a particular language embedded in Isabelle/HOL, we build for this language an extended Isabelle environment by using a particular method of code generation, which actually involves several variants of code generation. The result supports the asynchronous editing, type-checking, and formal deduction activities, all "inherited" from Isabelle. Following this method, we obtain an object-oriented modelling tool for textual UML/OCL. We also integrate certain idioms not necessarily present in UML/OCL --- in other words, we develop support for domain-specific dialects of UML/OCL. As a meta construction, we define a meta-model of a part of UML/OCL in HOL, a meta-model of a part of the Isabelle API in HOL, and a translation function between both in HOL. The meta-tool will then exploit two kinds of code generation to produce either fairly efficient code, or fairly readable code. Thus, this provides two animation modes to inspect in more detail the semantics of a language being embedded: by loading at a native speed its semantics, or just delay at another "meta"-level the previous experimentation for another type-checking time in Isabelle, be it for performance, testing or prototyping reasons. Note that generating "fairly efficient code", and "fairly readable code" include the generation of tactic code that proves a collection of theorems forming an object-oriented datatype theory from a denotational model: given a UML/OCL class model, the proof of the relevant properties for casts, type-tests, constructors and selectors are automatically processed. This functionality is similar to the datatype theory packages in other provers of the HOL family, except that some motivations have conducted the present work to program high-level tactics in HOL itself. This work takes into account the most recent developments of the UML/OCL 2.5 standard. Therefore, all UML/OCL types including the logic types distinguish two different exception elements: invalid (exception) and null (non-existing element). This has far-reaching consequences on both the logical and algebraic properties of object-oriented data structures resulting from class models. Since our construction is reduced to a sequence of conservative theory extensions, the approach can guarantee logical soundness for the entire considered language, and provides a methodology to soundly extend domain-specific languages.

Test generation and animation based on object-oriented specifications / Génération de tests et animation à partir de spécifications orientées objet

Krieger, Matthias 09 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'assistance à la génération de tests et à l'animation de spécifications orientées objet. Nous cherchons en particulier à profiter de l'état de l'art des techniques de résolution de satisfaisabilité en utilisant une représentation appropriée des données orientées objet. Alors que la génération automatique de cas de tests recherche un large ensemble de valeurs à fournir en entrée d'une application, l’animation de spécifications effectue les calculs qui sont conformes à une spécification à partir de valeurs fournies par l'utilisateur. L'animation est une technique importante pour la validation des spécifications.Comme fondement de ce travail, nous présentons des clarifications et une formalisation partielle du langage de spécification OCL (Object Constraint Language) ainsi que quelques extensions, afin de permettre la génération de tests et l'animation à partir de spécifications OCL.Pour la génération de tests, nous avons implémenté plusieurs améliorations à HOL-TestGen, outil basé sur le démonstrateur de théorème Isabelle, qui engendre des tests à partir de spécifications en Logique d’Ordre Supérieure (Higher-Order Logic ou HOL). Nous montrons comment des solveurs SMT peuvent être utilisés pour résoudre différents types de contraintes en HOL et nous présentons une approche modulaire de raisonnement par cas pour dériver des cas de tests. Cette dernière approche facilite l'introduction de règles de decomposition par cas qui sont adaptées aux spécifications orientées objet.Pour l'animation de spécifications, nous avons développé OCLexec, outil d'animation de spécifications en OCL. A partir de contrats de fonctions OCLexec produit les implémentations Java correspondantes qui appellent un solveur de contraintes SMT lors de leur exécution. / The goal of this thesis is the development of support for test generation and animation based on object-oriented specifications. We aim particularly to take advantage of state-of-the-art satisfiability solving techniques by using an appropriate representation of object-oriented data. While automated test generation seeks a large set of data to execute an implementation on, animation performs computations that comply with a specification based on user-provided input data. Animation is a valuable technique for validating specifications.As a foundation of this work, we present clarifications and a partial formalization of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) as well as some extensions in order to allow for test generation and animation based on OCL specifications.For test generation, we have implemented several enhancements to HOL-TestGen, a tool built on top of the Isabelle theorem proving system that generates tests from specifications in Higher-Order Logic (HOL). We show how SMT solvers can be used to solve various types of constraints in HOL and present a modular approach to case splitting for deriving test cases. The latter facilitates the introduction of splitting rules that are tailored to object-oriented specifications.For animation, we implemented the tool OCLexec for animating OCL specifications. OCLexec generates from operation contracts corresponding Java implementations that call an SMT-based constraint solver at runtime.

Towards justifying computer algebra algorithms in Isabelle/HOL

Li, Wenda January 2019 (has links)
As verification efforts using interactive theorem proving grow, we are in need of certified algorithms in computer algebra to tackle problems over the real numbers. This is important because uncertified procedures can drastically increase the size of the trust base and under- mine the overall confidence established by interactive theorem provers, which usually rely on a small kernel to ensure the soundness of derived results. This thesis describes an ongoing effort using the Isabelle theorem prover to certify the cylindrical algebraic decomposition (CAD) algorithm, which has been widely implemented to solve non-linear problems in various engineering and mathematical fields. Because of the sophistication of this algorithm, people are in doubt of the correctness of its implementation when deploying it to safety-critical verification projects, and such doubts motivate this thesis. In particular, this thesis proposes a library of real algebraic numbers, whose distinguishing features include a modular architecture and a sign determination algorithm requiring only rational arithmetic. With this library, an Isabelle tactic based on univariate CAD has been built in a certificate-based way: external, untrusted code delivers solutions in the form of certificates that are checked within Isabelle. To lay the foundation for the multivariate case, I have formalised various analytical results including Cauchy's residue theorem and the bivariate case of the projection theorem of CAD. During this process, I have also built a tactic to evaluate winding numbers through Cauchy indices and verified procedures to count complex roots in some domains. The formalisation effort in this thesis can be considered as the first step towards a certified computer algebra system inside a theorem prover, so that various engineering projections and mathematical calculations can be carried out in a high-confidence framework.

Test generation and animation based on object-oriented specifications.

Krieger, Matthias 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The goal of this thesis is the development of support for test generation and animation based on object-oriented specifications. We aim particularly to take advantage of state-of-the-art satisfiability solving techniques by using an appropriate representation of object-oriented data. While automated test generation seeks a large set of data to execute an implementation on, animation performs computations that comply with a specification based on user-provided input data. Animation is a valuable technique for validating specifications.As a foundation of this work, we present clarifications and a partial formalization of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) as well as some extensions in order to allow for test generation and animation based on OCL specifications.For test generation, we have implemented several enhancements to HOL-TestGen, a tool built on top of the Isabelle theorem proving system that generates tests from specifications in Higher-Order Logic (HOL). We show how SMT solvers can be used to solve various types of constraints in HOL and present a modular approach to case splitting for deriving test cases. The latter facilitates the introduction of splitting rules that are tailored to object-oriented specifications.For animation, we implemented the tool OCLexec for animating OCL specifications. OCLexec generates from operation contracts corresponding Java implementations that call an SMT-based constraint solver at runtime.

Reasoning Using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in a Higher-Order Logic Proof Environment: Improvements to Hybrid and a Case Study

Martin, Alan J. 24 January 2011 (has links)
We present a series of improvements to the Hybrid system, a formal theory implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support specifying and reasoning about formal systems using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). We modify Hybrid's type of terms, which is built definitionally in terms of de Bruijn indices, to exclude at the type level terms with `dangling' indices. We strengthen the injectivity property for Hybrid's variable-binding operator, and develop rules for compositional proof of its side condition, avoiding conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn indices. We prove representational adequacy of Hybrid (with these improvements) for a lambda-calculus-like subset of Isabelle/HOL syntax, at the level of set-theoretic semantics and without unfolding Hybrid's definition in terms of de Bruijn indices. In further work, we prove an induction principle that maintains some of the benefits of HOAS even for open terms. We also present a case study of the formalization in Hybrid of a small programming language, Mini-ML with mutable references, including its operational semantics and a type-safety property. This is the largest case study in Hybrid to date, and the first to formalize a language with mutable references. We compare four variants of this formalization based on the two-level approach adopted by Felty and Momigliano in other recent work on Hybrid, with various specification logics (SLs), including substructural logics, formalized in Isabelle/HOL and used in turn to encode judgments of the object language. We also compare these with a variant that does not use an intermediate SL layer. In the course of the case study, we explore and develop new proof techniques, particularly in connection with context invariants and induction on SL statements.

Reasoning Using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in a Higher-Order Logic Proof Environment: Improvements to Hybrid and a Case Study

Martin, Alan J. 24 January 2011 (has links)
We present a series of improvements to the Hybrid system, a formal theory implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support specifying and reasoning about formal systems using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). We modify Hybrid's type of terms, which is built definitionally in terms of de Bruijn indices, to exclude at the type level terms with `dangling' indices. We strengthen the injectivity property for Hybrid's variable-binding operator, and develop rules for compositional proof of its side condition, avoiding conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn indices. We prove representational adequacy of Hybrid (with these improvements) for a lambda-calculus-like subset of Isabelle/HOL syntax, at the level of set-theoretic semantics and without unfolding Hybrid's definition in terms of de Bruijn indices. In further work, we prove an induction principle that maintains some of the benefits of HOAS even for open terms. We also present a case study of the formalization in Hybrid of a small programming language, Mini-ML with mutable references, including its operational semantics and a type-safety property. This is the largest case study in Hybrid to date, and the first to formalize a language with mutable references. We compare four variants of this formalization based on the two-level approach adopted by Felty and Momigliano in other recent work on Hybrid, with various specification logics (SLs), including substructural logics, formalized in Isabelle/HOL and used in turn to encode judgments of the object language. We also compare these with a variant that does not use an intermediate SL layer. In the course of the case study, we explore and develop new proof techniques, particularly in connection with context invariants and induction on SL statements.

Reasoning Using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in a Higher-Order Logic Proof Environment: Improvements to Hybrid and a Case Study

Martin, Alan J. 24 January 2011 (has links)
We present a series of improvements to the Hybrid system, a formal theory implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support specifying and reasoning about formal systems using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). We modify Hybrid's type of terms, which is built definitionally in terms of de Bruijn indices, to exclude at the type level terms with `dangling' indices. We strengthen the injectivity property for Hybrid's variable-binding operator, and develop rules for compositional proof of its side condition, avoiding conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn indices. We prove representational adequacy of Hybrid (with these improvements) for a lambda-calculus-like subset of Isabelle/HOL syntax, at the level of set-theoretic semantics and without unfolding Hybrid's definition in terms of de Bruijn indices. In further work, we prove an induction principle that maintains some of the benefits of HOAS even for open terms. We also present a case study of the formalization in Hybrid of a small programming language, Mini-ML with mutable references, including its operational semantics and a type-safety property. This is the largest case study in Hybrid to date, and the first to formalize a language with mutable references. We compare four variants of this formalization based on the two-level approach adopted by Felty and Momigliano in other recent work on Hybrid, with various specification logics (SLs), including substructural logics, formalized in Isabelle/HOL and used in turn to encode judgments of the object language. We also compare these with a variant that does not use an intermediate SL layer. In the course of the case study, we explore and develop new proof techniques, particularly in connection with context invariants and induction on SL statements.

Reasoning Using Higher-Order Abstract Syntax in a Higher-Order Logic Proof Environment: Improvements to Hybrid and a Case Study

Martin, Alan J. January 2010 (has links)
We present a series of improvements to the Hybrid system, a formal theory implemented in Isabelle/HOL to support specifying and reasoning about formal systems using higher-order abstract syntax (HOAS). We modify Hybrid's type of terms, which is built definitionally in terms of de Bruijn indices, to exclude at the type level terms with `dangling' indices. We strengthen the injectivity property for Hybrid's variable-binding operator, and develop rules for compositional proof of its side condition, avoiding conversion from HOAS to de Bruijn indices. We prove representational adequacy of Hybrid (with these improvements) for a lambda-calculus-like subset of Isabelle/HOL syntax, at the level of set-theoretic semantics and without unfolding Hybrid's definition in terms of de Bruijn indices. In further work, we prove an induction principle that maintains some of the benefits of HOAS even for open terms. We also present a case study of the formalization in Hybrid of a small programming language, Mini-ML with mutable references, including its operational semantics and a type-safety property. This is the largest case study in Hybrid to date, and the first to formalize a language with mutable references. We compare four variants of this formalization based on the two-level approach adopted by Felty and Momigliano in other recent work on Hybrid, with various specification logics (SLs), including substructural logics, formalized in Isabelle/HOL and used in turn to encode judgments of the object language. We also compare these with a variant that does not use an intermediate SL layer. In the course of the case study, we explore and develop new proof techniques, particularly in connection with context invariants and induction on SL statements.

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