Spelling suggestions: "subject:"japonicus"" "subject:"japonica""
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Determinants of Schistosoma japonicum and soil-transmitted helminth infections, and associated morbidity in Hunan province, China: an epidemiological assessmentJulie Balen Unknown Date (has links)
Introduction Schistosomiasis is one of the most important and widespread diseases of rural poverty. Worldwide, approximately 779 million people are at risk of infection, with 207 million already infected. Infections with Ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms and Trichuris trichiura, collectively known as the soil-transmitted helminths (STHs), are also highly endemic throughout the tropics, particularly in resource-poor settings. An estimated 1 billion people worldwide are estimated to be infected with STHs. Schistosomes and STHs often co-exist in the same epidemiological settings and, given the high prevalence of concurrent multiple species infections (multiparasitism), a combined approach to prevention and control could lead to significant improvements, including reducing costs associated with single-species control programmes. In China, rigorous national schistosomiasis control efforts over the past 60 years have decreased the prevalence by over 90%; however, since 2000 the number of infected individuals has been rising, possibly indicative of a re-emergence. Fishermen, migrant communities and poor households in rural areas may be most at risk of single and multiple-species parasitic infections and the associated morbidity. Objectives This Ph.D. thesis is structured according to four main goals and a number of specific objectives: Firstly, to update estimates of S. japonicum prevalence, intensity and associated morbidity levels in Hunan province, China, according to the third national PES carried out in 2004; Secondly, to investigate existing barriers in access to preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for advanced schistosomiasis; Thirdly, to compare and evaluate direct and proxy methods of measuring household socio-economic position, according to data on income, savings and asset-based estimations of wealth; and Finally, to explore and identify behavioural, demographic, economic, environmental and social risk factors associated with the distribution of S. japonicum, STHs and multiple species infections, in two villages of the Dongting Lake region, Hunan province, China. Methods Firstly, we used data from the third national schistosomiasis periodic epidemiological survey (PES) of 2004. In Hunan province, the PES was carried out in 47 villages of the endemic Dongting lake area. A total of 47144 human serological, 7205 stool, and 3893 clinical examinations were performed. For the reservoir hosts, stools from 874 buffaloes and other domestic animals were examined for schistosomiasis by the miracidial hatching test. Secondly, we conducted an in-depth study involving interviews with 66 schistosomiasis control staff and 79 advanced schistosomiasis patient, and six focus group discussions (FGDs), in the Dongting lake region, between August 2002 and February 2003. Using the Health-Access Livelihood framework we examined availability, accessibility, affordability, adequacy and acceptability of schistosomiasis control in the Dongting lake area. Lastly, we carried out two village-wide parasitological, clinical and questionnaire-based investigations between October and December 2006. Parasitological examinations for the prevalence of S. japonicum and the STHs were performed by the Kato-Katz thick smear method, with repeated sampling of each individual. We took fingerprick blood samples to assess haemoglobin levels, using a B-haemoglobin HemoCue photometer. The household-based questionnaire focused on direct and proxy measurements of household wealth, while the individual-based questionnaire focused on demographic and behavioural factors, treatment history and self-perceived symptoms. Results Human sero-prevalence was 11.9% (range: 1.3-34.9% at village level), and the rate of egg-positive stools was 1.9% (0-10.9%) for the same population. The prevalence of infection among buffaloes was 9.5% (0-66.7%). Extrapolating to the entire population of the Dongting Lake region, an estimated 73225 people and 13973 buffaloes were infected. Most frequently reported symptoms were abdominal pain (6.2%) and bloody stools (2.7%). Accessibility and affordability were major barriers in access to schistosomiasis control. Many of staff interviewed indicated that a majority of patients who develop advanced schistosomiasis resided in mildly-endemic or non-endemic settings. None of the patients interviewed had any form of health insurance, and most of their health expenses were out-of-pocket payments. Exploratory factor analysis generated internally robust proxy wealth indices, however these were not complementary to direct measures of household wealth, as indicated by low correlation co-efficients. We found wide disparities in household ownership of durable assets, utility and sanitation, within both settings. Pooled data from the rural and peri-urban settings highlighted structural differences in socioeconomic position (SEP), more likely a result of localised urbanization and modernization. We found higher infection prevalences in rural settings, than in peri-urban settings, for schistosomiasis (6.3% and 6.7% respectively), ascariasis (8.3% and 2.2%, respectively) and trichuriasis (5.1% and 0.5%, respectively), but lower for hookworms (0.1% and 1.5% respectively). Multiple species infections (2.6% and 0.2%, respectively) were less prevalent than single species infections (14.5% and 10.4%). There were significant disparities in the prevalence of parasitic infections between poorest and least poor quintiles of the cohort population. Anaemia and other symptoms, especially headache, stomach ache and swollen stomach, were common in both rural and peri-urban village settings. Conclusion The studies conducted within the framework of this Ph.D. thesis document the current situation pertaining to schistosomiasis and the STHs in Hunan province, China. Our findings highlight the need for increased surveillance, monitoring and health education, with relation to schistosomiasis and STHs, in non-endemic or post-transmission control settings. Based upon these results, we call for improved diagnostic tools, particularly in the case of low intensity infections and for hookworm, and propose an extension of the use of available infrastructure, human resources, knowledge and technology by integrating prevention and control of schistosomiasis with that of other intestinal helminths, particularly STHs. In the future, our studies may form a base from which to further examine local needs and priorities for parasitic disease control in the area.
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Transkriptionelle Analysen zur Reaktion von Bradyrhizobium japonicum auf Genistein und umweltbedingten StressLang, Kathrin 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Bradyrhizobium japonicum ist ein Bodenbakterium, welches in der Lage ist mit der bedeutenden Agrarpflanze Sojabohne zu interagieren und deren Wachstum zu fördern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Genistein-Stimulon und verschiedenen Stressantworten von B. japonicum mittels Mikroarrayanalyse bestimmt.
101 Gene werden nach Genisteinzugabe induziert. NodW ist der Hauptaktivator der Genistein-induzierbaren Gene, welche zum Großteil kein nod-Box-Motiv in der Promotorregion aufweisen. Einzig acht Gene, wovon sieben für Transportersysteme kodieren, zeigen in der NodW-Mutante 613 nach Genisteinzugabe weiterhin ein erhöhtes Expressionsniveau. In weiterführenden Arbeiten konnte für zumindest ein Transportersystem (Bll4319/Bll4320/Bll4321) neben der Genistein-Abhängigkeit auch eine Regulation durch den Genistein-abhängigen TetR-Regulator FrrA nachgewiesen werden [Günther 2007; Bhandari 2008]. Dies zeigt, dass NodW in weiterführende Regulationskaskaden eingebunden sein muss, wobei diese in der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht näher charakterisiert wurden. Die Mikroarraydaten geben lediglich Hinweise auf mögliche Regulationskaskaden. Anhand der Mikroarraydaten liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Transkriptionsaktivierung des lateralen Flagellenclusters ebenfalls einer indirekten NodW-abhängigen Regulation unterliegt. Durch Pflanzentests war bekannt, dass es B. japonicum 901 möglich ist, den NodW-Defekt bei der Nodulation der Wirtspflanzen zu überwinden [Grob et al. 1993]. Dies beruht auf die Überexpression des 2-Komponentenregulators NwsB. So können Symbiose-relevante Gene wie die nod-Box-assoziierten Gene ähnlich dem Wildtyp nach Genistein-Zugabe induziert werden. NwsB ist aber nicht in der Lage, das Flagellarcluster der lateralen Flagellen (bis auf blr6846) nach Genistein-Zugabe zu induzieren. Dies bedeutet, dass trotz der hohen Ähnlichkeit zwischen den 2-Komponentenregulatoren NodW und NwsB, die Bindestellen in der Promotorregion der Genistein-induzierbaren Genen nicht identisch sind. Die NodD1-Mutante 1267 ist in der Lage, weiterhin Knöllchen mit allen Wirtspflanzen von B. japonicum zu bilden [Göttfert et al. 1992], was wahrscheinlich auf ein funktionelles NodW als Hauptaktivator der nodYABC-Operons zurückzuführen ist. Anhand der Mikroarraydaten ist festzustellen, dass kein weiteres nod-Box-assoziiertes Operon in der NodD1-Mutante 1267 verstärkt exprimiert vorliegt. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass NodW die Transkription von nodD1 und des nodYABC-Operons startet und später durch NodD1 in der Aktivierung der nod-Box-assoziierten Gene unterstützt wird.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Stressantwort von B. japonicum hinsichtlich pH 4, pH 8, 80 mM NaCl, Hitzeschock und Temperaturstress analysiert. Dabei konnten sowohl Aussagen über Gene, welche in die allgemeine als auch in die spezifische Stressantwort eingebunden sind, getroffen werden. Die transkriptionelle Antwort auf pH 8 war mit 1636 differenziell exprimierten Genen die umfangreichste Stressantwort der vorliegenden Arbeit. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass B. japonicum bei pH-Stress besonders Gene der pHi-Homöostase aktiviert. Dies umfasst sowohl Transportergene als auch enzymatische Gene. Interessant waren die differenziell exprimierten Gene, welche bei pH 8 verstärkt und bei pH 4 verringert exprimiert vorlagen. Diese Gene besitzen im Promotorbereich eine RegR-Box und sind in der transkriptionellen Aktivierung von RegR abhängig [Lindemann et al. 2007]. Aufgrund der Homologie des RegSR-Systems von B. japonicum mit dem pH-abhängigen ActSR-System von S. meliloti besteht die Möglichkeit, dass RegSR ebenfalls in die pH-abhängige Regulation dieser Gene eingebunden ist. Neben solch spezifischen Stressantworten konnte auch eine allgemeine Stressantwort ermittelt werden. So weisen fünf Gene ein gleiches Expressionsmuster in den untersuchten Stressanalysen dieser Arbeit auf. blr5264 kodiert hierbei für einen 2-Komponenten-Hybridsensor und -Regulator und könnte als Regulator in die allgemeine Stressantwort von B. japonicum eingebunden sein. Aus diesem Grund wurde Blr5264 in GscR (general stress control regulator) umbenannt. Mittels Mutagenese von gscR wurde B. japonicum D826 erzeugt, dessen Transkriptom bezüglich Salzstress und Hitzeschock verifiziert wurde. Es wurden 87 Gene identifiziert, welche bei Stresseinfluss von GscR abhängig sind. Hierunter sind sieben verringert exprimierte Gene, welche bei Stress im Wildtyp verstärkt exprimiert vorliegen. Diese scheinen demzufolge bei Stress durch GscR transkriptionell aktiviert zu werden. Das interessanteste Gen war hierbei blr7881, welches für einen ArsR-Typ-Regulator kodiert und einen weiteren Schritt in der allgemeinen Stressantwort von B. japonicum sein könnte.
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Otimização da produção e purificação de compostos antimicrobianos de leveduras para desenvolvimento de um novo agente antifúngico / Optimization of production and purification of antimicrobial compounds from yeast for the development of a new antifungal agentSenter, Luciana January 2010 (has links)
Infecções fúngicas em humanos vem aumentando nos últimos anos e acometem principalmente pacientes imunocomprometidos, portadores do vírus HIV, transplantados ou com câncer. Os antifúngicos empregados no tratamento pertencem a poucos grupos de fármacos e o aparecimento de resistência antifúngica em muitos patógenos leva à necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos agentes antifúngicos. As cepas Trichosporon japonicum QU139 e Candida catenulata LV102 apresentam atividade killer sobre diversas leveduras patogênicas, apresentando bom potencial para desenvolvimento de novos agentes antimicrobianos. O objetivo do trabalho foi a otimização das condições para produção e detecção dos compostos antimicrobianos, para seu futuro uso terapêutico, e sua purificação. O efeito killer da cepa T. japonicum QU139 foi avaliado pelo método dos poços contra células sensíveis de Cryptococcus gattii C20 nos meios GYP, YM e Queijo em diferentes pH e temperaturas. A máxima atividade killer foi encontrada no meio GYP, pH 4,5 à 25°C após 24 horas de incubação para T.japonicum QU139 e C. catenulata LV102. Não foi possível isolar o composto antimicrobiano produzido pela levedura T.japonicum QU139 pelos métodos de isolamento de proteína/glicoproteína, corroborando a hipótese de que a toxina seja um glicolipídeo. / Human fungal infections have increased in the last years and affect mainly immunocompromised patients, carriers of HIV vírus, transplanted or with cancer. The antifungal agents used in treatment belong to a few groups of drugs and the increase of antifungal resistance in many pathogens leads to the necessity of developing new antifungal agents. Strains Trichosporon japonicum QU139 and Candida catenulata LV102 showed killer activity against several pathogenic yeasts, having a good potential for the development of new antimicrobial agents. The objective of the work was the optimization of conditions for production and detection of the antimicrobial compounds, aiming their future terapeutic use, and their purification. The killer effect of T. japonicum QU139 strain was evaluated by the well method against sensitive cells of Cryptococcus gattii C20 in media GYP, YM and Cheese in different pH and temperatures. The maximum killer activity was found in media GYP, pH 4.5, 25°C after 24 hours of incubation for T.japonicum QU139 and C. catenulata LV102. The isolation of the antimicrobial compound produced by the yeast T.japonicum QU139 was not possible by the methods for isolation of proteins/glicoproteins, corroborating the hypothesis that the toxin is a glycolipid.
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Otimização da produção e purificação de compostos antimicrobianos de leveduras para desenvolvimento de um novo agente antifúngico / Optimization of production and purification of antimicrobial compounds from yeast for the development of a new antifungal agentSenter, Luciana January 2010 (has links)
Infecções fúngicas em humanos vem aumentando nos últimos anos e acometem principalmente pacientes imunocomprometidos, portadores do vírus HIV, transplantados ou com câncer. Os antifúngicos empregados no tratamento pertencem a poucos grupos de fármacos e o aparecimento de resistência antifúngica em muitos patógenos leva à necessidade de desenvolvimento de novos agentes antifúngicos. As cepas Trichosporon japonicum QU139 e Candida catenulata LV102 apresentam atividade killer sobre diversas leveduras patogênicas, apresentando bom potencial para desenvolvimento de novos agentes antimicrobianos. O objetivo do trabalho foi a otimização das condições para produção e detecção dos compostos antimicrobianos, para seu futuro uso terapêutico, e sua purificação. O efeito killer da cepa T. japonicum QU139 foi avaliado pelo método dos poços contra células sensíveis de Cryptococcus gattii C20 nos meios GYP, YM e Queijo em diferentes pH e temperaturas. A máxima atividade killer foi encontrada no meio GYP, pH 4,5 à 25°C após 24 horas de incubação para T.japonicum QU139 e C. catenulata LV102. Não foi possível isolar o composto antimicrobiano produzido pela levedura T.japonicum QU139 pelos métodos de isolamento de proteína/glicoproteína, corroborando a hipótese de que a toxina seja um glicolipídeo. / Human fungal infections have increased in the last years and affect mainly immunocompromised patients, carriers of HIV vírus, transplanted or with cancer. The antifungal agents used in treatment belong to a few groups of drugs and the increase of antifungal resistance in many pathogens leads to the necessity of developing new antifungal agents. Strains Trichosporon japonicum QU139 and Candida catenulata LV102 showed killer activity against several pathogenic yeasts, having a good potential for the development of new antimicrobial agents. The objective of the work was the optimization of conditions for production and detection of the antimicrobial compounds, aiming their future terapeutic use, and their purification. The killer effect of T. japonicum QU139 strain was evaluated by the well method against sensitive cells of Cryptococcus gattii C20 in media GYP, YM and Cheese in different pH and temperatures. The maximum killer activity was found in media GYP, pH 4.5, 25°C after 24 hours of incubation for T.japonicum QU139 and C. catenulata LV102. The isolation of the antimicrobial compound produced by the yeast T.japonicum QU139 was not possible by the methods for isolation of proteins/glicoproteins, corroborating the hypothesis that the toxin is a glycolipid.
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Otimização da fixação biológica de nitrogênio na soja em função da reinoculação em cobertura sob plantio direto / Optimization of biological nitrogen fixation in soybean inoculation function in coverage under no-tillageSouza, Luiz Gustavo Moretti de [UNESP] 14 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luiz Gustavo Moretti de Souza null (souzamoretti@gmail.com) on 2016-08-12T18:15:48Z
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Dissertação_LuizGustavoMorettideSouza_UNESP-AGRISUS_Projeto1505.15.pdf: 2329991 bytes, checksum: 01526a8579b5a8f61bca11230302583d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-08-15T14:51:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-14 / Agricultura Sustentável (AGRISUS) / Simbioses, da mesma forma que a maioria das interações patogênicas, são caracterizadas pela sua complexidade e especificidade. Esses processos são de enorme importância para a produtividade global na agricultura e fornecem modelos para estudos fundamentais dos sistemas da planta e do microrganismo. O presente trabalho visou avaliar a influência de diferentes palhadas e de inoculações suplementares em cobertura na nodulação por Bradyrhizobium japonicum e Bradyrhizobium elkanii no desenvolvimento e produtividade na cultura da soja. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na FEPE/UNESP, em área irrigada e de sequeiro, em delineamento em blocos casualizados, em um esquema fatorial 3 x 5, com quatro repetições para as avaliações na palhada das culturas antecessoras, ou seja, três culturas (Zea mays, Urochloa ruziziensis e Crotalaria spectabilis) e cinco épocas de coleta da palhada (0; 25; 50; 75 e 100 dias após o manejo). E um esquema fatorial, 3 x 8 x 4, com três repetições, para as avaliações na cultura da soja, ou seja, três culturas antecessoras, e, dois tratamentos controle (testemunha; 200 kg ha-1 N) + seis de inoculação [inoculação via semente (IVS); IVS + V1; IVS + V3; IVS + V6; IVS + R1 e IVS + R3], e avaliação da nodulação em quatro estádios (V4, R2, R4 e R6). Os restos culturais de Z. mays e de U. ruzizensis proporcionam maior cobertura do solo e acúmulo de nitrogênio na palhada em área irrigada, sendo que em área de sequeiro, foi a cultura da C. spectabilis que proporcionou maior matéria seca e acúmulo de nitrogênio na palha. Em ambas as áreas as gramíneas proporcionam maior permanência da palhada em função de suas maiores relações C/N. As inoculações suplementares não interferem no estado nutricional e nos atributos biométricos da soja em nenhuma área experimental de estudo. Os tratamentos em combinação com inoculações suplementares não diferem da inoculação padrão (via semente) para as variáveis analisadas em área de sequeiro, possivelmente pela ausência de lâmina de irrigação ou precipitação, inviabilizando a infecção pela bactéria. A nodulação em área irrigada é beneficiada sob palhada de U. ruziziensis e C. spectabilis, e as inoculações em cobertura nos estádios vegetativos e em reprodutivo (R1), com aplicação de lâmina de 10 mm de irrigação após inoculação em cobertura, proporcionam maior nodulação e produtividade na cultura da soja. Esses resultados indicam que a soja mantém a capacidade de formação de nódulos durante todo o ciclo vegetativo e parte do ciclo reprodutivo, inclusive respondendo à inoculações. / Symbiosis, likewise mostly of the pathogenic interactions, it is characterized by its complexity and specificity. These processes are greatly important to the global productivity in agriculture and provide models for fundamental studies of plant and microorganism systems. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different crop residues as well as supplementary spray inoculations in coverage on the nodulation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bradyrhizobium elkanii and on the soybean development and yield. The experiment was conducted at FEPE / UNESP, in a randomized block design and factorial 3 x 5, with four repetitions for the evaluation on the previous crop stover, that is, three crops (Zea mays, Urochloa ruziziensis in Crotalaria spectabilis) and five straw sampling dates (0; 25; 50; 75 and 100 days after the treatment). Also, a factorial 3 x 8 x 4, with three repetitions for the evaluations on the soybean crop, being three previous crops and two control treatments (control; 200 kg ha-1 N) + six inoculations treatments [seed inoculation (IVS); IVS + V1 stage; IVS + V3 stage; IVS + V6 stage; IVS + R1 stage; IVS + R3 stage] and the nodulation evaluation in four stages (V4, R2, R4 and R6). The crop residue of Z. mays and U. ruziziensis provided greater soil coverage and N accumulation in the straw in irrigated area. However, in the dryland area the crop residue of C. spectabilis was the one that provided more dry matter and N accumulation in the straw. In both areas the grass crops provide greater permanence of the straw in function of its higher C/N relation. The supplementary inoculations do not interfere in the nutritional state and in the crop biometric parameters in none of the experimental areas of this study. The treatments in combination with the supplementary inoculations do not differ from the standard inoculation (seed inoculation) for the variables analysed in the dryland area, possibly due to the absence of the irrigation or rainfall, preventing infection by the bacterium. The nodulation in the irrigated area is benefited under U. ruziziensis and C. spectabilis straw, and the inoculations in coverage at the vegetative and reproductive stages (R1), under irrigation depth of 10 mm after inoculating in coverage, provide greater soybean nodulation and crop yield. These results indicate that soybean maintain its capacity of nodule formation during all the vegetative cycle and part of the reproductive cycle, responding, as well, to supplementary inoculations. / AGRISUS: 1505-15
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Otimização da fixação biológica de nitrogênio na soja em função da reinoculação em cobertura sob plantio direto /Souza, Luiz Gustavo Moretti de. January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Edson Lazarini / Resumo: Simbioses, da mesma forma que a maioria das interações patogênicas, são caracterizadas pela sua complexidade e especificidade. Esses processos são de enorme importância para a produtividade global na agricultura e fornecem modelos para estudos fundamentais dos sistemas da planta e do microrganismo. O presente trabalho visou avaliar a influência de diferentes palhadas e de inoculações suplementares em cobertura na nodulação por Bradyrhizobium japonicum e Bradyrhizobium elkanii no desenvolvimento e produtividade na cultura da soja. Os experimentos foram conduzidos na FEPE/UNESP, em área irrigada e de sequeiro, em delineamento em blocos casualizados, em um esquema fatorial 3 x 5, com quatro repetições para as avaliações na palhada das culturas antecessoras, ou seja, três culturas (Zea mays, Urochloa ruziziensis e Crotalaria spectabilis) e cinco épocas de coleta da palhada (0; 25; 50; 75 e 100 dias após o manejo). E um esquema fatorial, 3 x 8 x 4, com três repetições, para as avaliações na cultura da soja, ou seja, três culturas antecessoras, e, dois tratamentos controle (testemunha; 200 kg ha-1 N) + seis de inoculação [inoculação via semente (IVS); IVS + V1; IVS + V3; IVS + V6; IVS + R1 e IVS + R3], e avaliação da nodulação em quatro estádios (V4, R2, R4 e R6). Os restos culturais de Z. mays e de U. ruzizensis proporcionam maior cobertura do solo e acúmulo de nitrogênio na palhada em área irrigada, sendo que em área de sequeiro, foi a cultura da C. spectabilis que proporciono... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Symbiosis, likewise mostly of the pathogenic interactions, it is characterized by its complexity and specificity. These processes are greatly important to the global productivity in agriculture and provide models for fundamental studies of plant and microorganism systems. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different crop residues as well as supplementary spray inoculations in coverage on the nodulation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Bradyrhizobium elkanii and on the soybean development and yield. The experiment was conducted at FEPE / UNESP, in a randomized block design and factorial 3 x 5, with four repetitions for the evaluation on the previous crop stover, that is, three crops (Zea mays, Urochloa ruziziensis in Crotalaria spectabilis) and five straw sampling dates (0; 25; 50; 75 and 100 days after the treatment). Also, a factorial 3 x 8 x 4, with three repetitions for the evaluations on the soybean crop, being three previous crops and two control treatments (control; 200 kg ha-1 N) + six inoculations treatments [seed inoculation (IVS); IVS + V1 stage; IVS + V3 stage; IVS + V6 stage; IVS + R1 stage; IVS + R3 stage] and the nodulation evaluation in four stages (V4, R2, R4 and R6). The crop residue of Z. mays and U. ruziziensis provided greater soil coverage and N accumulation in the straw in irrigated area. However, in the dryland area the crop residue of C. spectabilis was the one that provided more dry matter and N accumulation in the straw. In both areas the g... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Transkriptionelle Analysen zur Reaktion von Bradyrhizobium japonicum auf Genistein und umweltbedingten StressLang, Kathrin 22 July 2010 (has links)
Bradyrhizobium japonicum ist ein Bodenbakterium, welches in der Lage ist mit der bedeutenden Agrarpflanze Sojabohne zu interagieren und deren Wachstum zu fördern. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das Genistein-Stimulon und verschiedenen Stressantworten von B. japonicum mittels Mikroarrayanalyse bestimmt.
101 Gene werden nach Genisteinzugabe induziert. NodW ist der Hauptaktivator der Genistein-induzierbaren Gene, welche zum Großteil kein nod-Box-Motiv in der Promotorregion aufweisen. Einzig acht Gene, wovon sieben für Transportersysteme kodieren, zeigen in der NodW-Mutante 613 nach Genisteinzugabe weiterhin ein erhöhtes Expressionsniveau. In weiterführenden Arbeiten konnte für zumindest ein Transportersystem (Bll4319/Bll4320/Bll4321) neben der Genistein-Abhängigkeit auch eine Regulation durch den Genistein-abhängigen TetR-Regulator FrrA nachgewiesen werden [Günther 2007; Bhandari 2008]. Dies zeigt, dass NodW in weiterführende Regulationskaskaden eingebunden sein muss, wobei diese in der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht näher charakterisiert wurden. Die Mikroarraydaten geben lediglich Hinweise auf mögliche Regulationskaskaden. Anhand der Mikroarraydaten liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass die Transkriptionsaktivierung des lateralen Flagellenclusters ebenfalls einer indirekten NodW-abhängigen Regulation unterliegt. Durch Pflanzentests war bekannt, dass es B. japonicum 901 möglich ist, den NodW-Defekt bei der Nodulation der Wirtspflanzen zu überwinden [Grob et al. 1993]. Dies beruht auf die Überexpression des 2-Komponentenregulators NwsB. So können Symbiose-relevante Gene wie die nod-Box-assoziierten Gene ähnlich dem Wildtyp nach Genistein-Zugabe induziert werden. NwsB ist aber nicht in der Lage, das Flagellarcluster der lateralen Flagellen (bis auf blr6846) nach Genistein-Zugabe zu induzieren. Dies bedeutet, dass trotz der hohen Ähnlichkeit zwischen den 2-Komponentenregulatoren NodW und NwsB, die Bindestellen in der Promotorregion der Genistein-induzierbaren Genen nicht identisch sind. Die NodD1-Mutante 1267 ist in der Lage, weiterhin Knöllchen mit allen Wirtspflanzen von B. japonicum zu bilden [Göttfert et al. 1992], was wahrscheinlich auf ein funktionelles NodW als Hauptaktivator der nodYABC-Operons zurückzuführen ist. Anhand der Mikroarraydaten ist festzustellen, dass kein weiteres nod-Box-assoziiertes Operon in der NodD1-Mutante 1267 verstärkt exprimiert vorliegt. Dies könnte bedeuten, dass NodW die Transkription von nodD1 und des nodYABC-Operons startet und später durch NodD1 in der Aktivierung der nod-Box-assoziierten Gene unterstützt wird.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die transkriptionelle Stressantwort von B. japonicum hinsichtlich pH 4, pH 8, 80 mM NaCl, Hitzeschock und Temperaturstress analysiert. Dabei konnten sowohl Aussagen über Gene, welche in die allgemeine als auch in die spezifische Stressantwort eingebunden sind, getroffen werden. Die transkriptionelle Antwort auf pH 8 war mit 1636 differenziell exprimierten Genen die umfangreichste Stressantwort der vorliegenden Arbeit. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, dass B. japonicum bei pH-Stress besonders Gene der pHi-Homöostase aktiviert. Dies umfasst sowohl Transportergene als auch enzymatische Gene. Interessant waren die differenziell exprimierten Gene, welche bei pH 8 verstärkt und bei pH 4 verringert exprimiert vorlagen. Diese Gene besitzen im Promotorbereich eine RegR-Box und sind in der transkriptionellen Aktivierung von RegR abhängig [Lindemann et al. 2007]. Aufgrund der Homologie des RegSR-Systems von B. japonicum mit dem pH-abhängigen ActSR-System von S. meliloti besteht die Möglichkeit, dass RegSR ebenfalls in die pH-abhängige Regulation dieser Gene eingebunden ist. Neben solch spezifischen Stressantworten konnte auch eine allgemeine Stressantwort ermittelt werden. So weisen fünf Gene ein gleiches Expressionsmuster in den untersuchten Stressanalysen dieser Arbeit auf. blr5264 kodiert hierbei für einen 2-Komponenten-Hybridsensor und -Regulator und könnte als Regulator in die allgemeine Stressantwort von B. japonicum eingebunden sein. Aus diesem Grund wurde Blr5264 in GscR (general stress control regulator) umbenannt. Mittels Mutagenese von gscR wurde B. japonicum D826 erzeugt, dessen Transkriptom bezüglich Salzstress und Hitzeschock verifiziert wurde. Es wurden 87 Gene identifiziert, welche bei Stresseinfluss von GscR abhängig sind. Hierunter sind sieben verringert exprimierte Gene, welche bei Stress im Wildtyp verstärkt exprimiert vorliegen. Diese scheinen demzufolge bei Stress durch GscR transkriptionell aktiviert zu werden. Das interessanteste Gen war hierbei blr7881, welches für einen ArsR-Typ-Regulator kodiert und einen weiteren Schritt in der allgemeinen Stressantwort von B. japonicum sein könnte.
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Tratamento de sementes de soja com molibdênio e inoculante: desempenho agronômico e atividade da nitrato redutase / Treatment of soybean seeds with molybdenum and inoculant: agronomic performance and activity of nitrate reductaseGewehr, Ewerton 02 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Gabriela Lopes (gmachadolopesufpel@gmail.com) on 2018-07-03T17:08:29Z
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Dissertação Final Ewerton Gewehr.pdf: 999222 bytes, checksum: f1b7c9952c0b914fad5652702ae2a3c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o efeito da aplicação do molibdênio associado ao inoculante via tratamento de sementes em soja e sua função nos caracteres agronômicos, qualidade fisiológica e atividade da enzima nitrato redutase. O experimento foi em delineamento de blocos casualizados em um modelo bifatorial com quatro repetições, onde o primeiro fator de tratamento foram as doses de molibdênio (Mo) utilizando como fonte molibdato de Sódio (solução 127g.L-1). As doses que constituíram os tratamentos foram: zero; 16; 32; 48; 64 g.100kg-1 de sementes combinadas com o segundo fator de tratamento que foi a presença e a ausência de inoculante, via tratamento de sementes em soja, no período de safra 2013/2014. No primeiro trabalho o experimento foi conduzido até a fase de maturação de campo, sendo posteriormente realizado a avalição dos caracteres agronômicos e a qualidade fisiológica das sementes produzidas. No segundo trabalho, durante a condução do experimento, foram realizadas coletas de folhas em diferentes estádios fenológicos para avaliação da atividade de enzima nitrato redutase. Os resultados das analise da atividade da nitrato redutase foi correlacionada com os dados de caracteres agronômicos e de qualidade fisiológica de sementes obtidos no primeiro capitulo. No primeiro trabalho, verificou-se, que a adição de inoculante proporciona uma melhora na qualidade fisiológica de sementes, em relação ao vigor das sementes produzidas, evidenciado uma maior porcentagem no teste de envelhecimento acelerado, além de proporcionar um aumento no comprimento e massa seca de parte aérea e de raiz. Também influenciou positivamente na altura de planta, numero de legumes por planta, numero de sementes por planta e peso de mil sementes. As sementes produzidas mediante a aplicação de molibdênio na semeadura, também promoveu benefícios no vigor das sementes, contribuindo para um crescimento linear do comprimento e massa seca de parte aérea e raiz, conforme o aumento da dose. Além disso, o aumento da dose de molibdênio afetou de forma benéfica os caracteres agronômicos, comprovando um maior peso de mil semente ao final do ciclo da cultura, e uma maior altura de planta. No segundo trabalho, verificou-se que o molibdênio com a presença de inoculante influencia positivamente na atividade da enzima nitrato redutase, tanto no estádio vegetativo como no reprodutivo. As doses de molibdênio sem a presença do inoculante proporcionam um aumento crescente da atividade da enzima nitrato redutase ate a maior dose (64 g Mo. 100 kg-1 de semente). A atividade da enzima nitrato redutase apresenta uma correlação positiva com os testes de vigor e com os caracteres agronômicos. / The objectives of this work were to analyze and compare the effects of molybdenum associated with inoculant as seed treatment in soybeans and its role in agronomic performance, physiological quality and nitrate reductase enzymeactivity . The experiment was arranged with in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments were set up in a factorial design, where the first treatment factor were the doses of molybdenum (Mo) from source of sodium molybdate (127g.L-1 solution). The following doses were used: zero; 16; 32; 48; 64 g.100kg-1 and these doses were combined with the second seed treatment factor. Therefore, the second factor was the presence and absence of inoculant via soybean seed treatment in the crop season 2013/2014. In the first study, the experiment was conducted until crop maturation phase, and subsequently were performed evaluation of agronomic performance and physiological seed quality. In the second study, during the experiment, leaf samples were taken at different growth stages to evaluate the nitrate reductase enzyme activity. The results of nitrate reductase activity were correlated with the data of agronomic performance and physiological quality of seeds obtained in the first chapter. In the first study, it was found that the addition of inoculant provides an improvement in the physiological quality of seed vigor compared to seeds produced, increase percentage of germinated seeds in the accelerated aging test as well as providing an increase in the length and mass of shoot and root. Also had a positive effect on plant height, number of pods per plant, seed number per plant and thousand seed weight. The seeds produced by molybdenum application at sowing also promoted benefits in seed vigor, contributing to a linear increase in length and dry weight of shoot and root, with increasing dose. Furthermore, increasing doses of molybdenum provide beneficial effects on agronomic characters, showing a higher thousand seed weight at the end of the cycle, and a larger plant height. In the second study, it was found that molybdenum in the presence of inoculant show positive influence on the nitrate reductase enzyme activity in the vegetative and reproductive stages. The molybdenum doses without the presence of inoculant provide a growing increase in nitrate reductase activity up to the highest dose (64 g Mo. 100 kg-1 seed). The nitrate reductase activity show a positive correlation with vigor tests and agronomic characters.
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