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NEDÁME SE! - Působení Mladého hlasatele v letech 1937-1938 a jeho role při obraně republiky / WE WON'T RESIGN! - The magazine Mladý hlasatel 1937-1938 and his role in the defence of the Czechoslovakia.Nožička, Josef January 2013 (has links)
This graduation thesis is focused on the children's magazine "Mladý hlasatel", which was published by "Melantrich" publishing house during 1935-1941, and his role from September 1937 to September 1938. This thesis would like to analyse principal aspects of its history, especially its influence on readers' interest in issues of active national and state defence. The branches of this analysis are these: current news, belletristic, instructional and educational articles. It also tried to describe the relationship between "Mladý hlasatel" and the other newaspapers and magazines published by "Melantrich", to compile the c. v. of Břetislav Mencák, editor of "Mladý hlasatel". At the same time it found and rebutted many mistakes and inaccuracies, which were unknown. It essentially made visual available this otherwise hard accessible magazine. This thesis would like to be a contribution to the history of "Mladý hlasatel", and to the history of Czech children's magazines and point to the neglected problem of a children's role and potentialities during the Czechoslovak crisis 1938.
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Jaroslav Průšek a československá sinologie. Mezi politikou, vědou a fascinací. / Jaroslav Průšek and Czechoslovak Sinology. Between politics, science and fascination.Zádrapová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Jaroslav Průšek and Czechoslovak Sinology. Between politics, Science and Fascination. Abstract This thesis deals with the beginnings of Czechoslovak Sinology in the context of the political and social situation during the post-War period, posing the question: what factors played a decisive role in that process? The study focuses on a few main areas: Jaroslav Průšek, the founder of Czechoslovak Sinology, as an individual actor whose personality combined an engaged approach to social affairs with intellectual honesty based on direct contact with the culture under study (especially its language and literature), and his contribution to building Sinology as a scientific discipline. Of necessity, that was explicitly tied to the contemporary political situation, which shaped scientific practice through the cooperation of all loyal actors, at the ideological as well as institutional and personal level. Through a discourse analysis of contemporary texts, mainly by Průšek, we follow these continuities diachronically: the development of Průšek's thought on China from his student days in the 1920s, through his stay in China and Japan in the 1930s and the particular war years, until the post-War (and post-1948) period; as well as synchronically: the links to the period's mentality, created by shared values. We further...
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Rajonizace rožmberských vodních mlýnů na panství Třeboň po roce 1590: Mýtus nebo skutečnost? / The Zoning of Rozmberk's Water Mills on Třeboň estate after 1590: Myth or Fact?Škudrnová, Jaroslava January 2014 (has links)
At the end of 16th century an unique document had been preparing on the Rozmberk's estates. The Description of Mills from the year 1590 registers all Rozmberk's water mills in the south part of Bohemia. Thanks to this Description Jaroslav Honc published in 1959 an article that dealt with the concept of zoning of Rozmberk's milling in 1590. The main goal of the master's thesis is presentation of this very interesting source and comparison reformative Rozmberk's officers' ideas with the fact emerged from the study of accounting books of Třeboň estate between years 1550 and 1615.
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Kocianova houslová soutěž v Ústí nad Orlicí / Kocian Violin Competition in Ústí nad OrlicíBoušková, Pavlína January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis titled "Kocian Violin Competition in Usti nad Orlici" outlines in brief the life of violinist Jaroslav Kocian. Usti nad Orlici native. It concerns the competition beginnings, ongoings of all recent yearly undertakings, international participants, winning participants, obligatory compositions, influence of external and internal factors on KVC participants. The analysis was based on personal survey, future trends and changes which occured in KVC. The purpose of the thesis was to summarize the ongoings and progress of KVC, in detail analyze and compare international and local participation, selection of compulsory composition and also to characterize KVC laureates in terms of age and gender. Also, the aim of the thesis was to analyze the purpose, quality, origin and overal competiton character in relation with Jaroslav Kocian personality within Usti nad Orlici culturel environment. Master thesis informs about artistic paths of Czech KVC winners who with their art of playing violin achieved worldwide success. This success was also a proof of very high level of this violin competition.
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Jindřich Freiwald a česká meziválečná divadelní architektura / Jindřich Freiwald and Czech Interwar Theatre ArchitectureJankulíková, Alžběta January 2014 (has links)
(in English) The subject of the present thesis is a complex of realizations and projects of Czech architect Jindřich Freiwald (1890-1945) in the field of theatre architecture and its putting into context of Czech interwar theatre architecture. The initial part outlines theatre building as a specific architectonic problem and shows the important moments of its evolution. The subsequent chapter focuses on the situation of Czech theatre architecture between the World Wars and presents briefly the constituent realizations of individual theatre buildings with their promoters, interior organization and outer form. The next part of the thesis deals with the personality of Jindřich Freiwald, his works and production of the Freiwald & Böhm studio. Subsequently, the crucial part of this thesis presents executed theatre buildings by Jindřich Freiwald - Jirásek Theatre in Hronov, Karel Pippich Theatre in Chrudim, Municipal Theatre in Kolín, item project of the Jiřík Theatre in Poděbrady, placing of the Theatre Na kovárně in Poděbrady, project of reconstruction of the Dusík Theatre in Čáslav and project of theatre in Čelákovice . The study of theatre in Malé Svatoňovice and Freiwald's part in completion of the Public Theatre in Tehran are also mentioned. Key words: Jindřich Freiwald, Jaroslav Böhm, Hronov,...
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Německo-česká setkávání v díle Martina Beckera a Jaroslava Rudiše / German-Czech meetings in books written by Martin Becker and Jaroslav RudišMrázková, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: German-Czech meetings in books written by Martin Becker and Jaroslav Rudiš SUMMARY: The subject of this thesis is the analysis of the collective literary output of the two young authors - German writer Martin Becker and his Czech friend Jaroslav Rudiš. A part of my thesis concerns also with their lives and their works. The object is to find Czech motives in the work and life of Martin Becker and influence of German culture on the books of Jaroslav Rudiš, to concern on typical characteristics and analysis of their collective works. In my thesis I arrive at the conclusion that the Czech stay, interest in Czech language and literature reflect in works of Becker, in the similar way are books of Rudiš influenced by his interest in German authors, art, history, German language and other. In collective work are these moments interwoven and supplemented. KEYWORDS: Martin Becker, Jaroslav Rudiš, radio play, operetta, story, collective work, novel
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Medializace Rusalky - jazyková sémioza opery a muzikálu (komparativní sémiotická analýza) / The Mediatization of Rusalka - A Language Semiosis of the Opera and the Musical (A Comparative Semiotic Analysis)Pavézková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
In this Master's thesis, I attempt to capture the disparate semiosis of two musical genres - a traditional opera, Rusalka, which has a unique position in Czech national music, and a musical of the same name. On the basis of theoretical findings from semiotics as a science, from the approaches of F. de Saussure, C. S. Peirce and R. Barthes, and by means of semiotic analysis, the thesis unravels semantic elements that are specific for theatrical art. Attention is directed at the symbol as a major tool for semiosis and the classification of symbols on the basis of Peirce's three ontological categories. The analysis focuses on decoding the semiotic systems used in the two genres (the libretto, the music, the characters, the story, and the technical and symbolic means that are employed). The analysis also deals with the question of intertextuality and the ideological background of the text, and attempts in this way to compare the differences and/or the similarities of diverse semiotic codes of the same class, and to capture their originality and specificity. At the same time, the thesis is focused on the dominant semiotic code of the two genres. This is, on the one hand, determined by the systemic distinctions between opera and musical theatre, while, on the other hand, it is primarily predetermined by...
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Motivace jednání postav v Durychových povídkách a novelách / Motivation to Action of Characters in Durych´s Short Novels and Short StoriesHRMA, Josef January 2013 (has links)
The diploma work Motivation to action of characters in Durych´s short novels and short stories deals with prosaic production of Jaroslav Durych with the intention to find and to understand the motivation to action of charakters in short novels and short stories. The chracters of the stories represents singificant elements and so this diploma work is focus to factors that influence a decision of the characterers in Durych?s short stories and novel stories. Some of the characters at the first look seems irrationally, but we can discover the course of actions that explain their action. The better understand of motivation can help to more accurate the interpretation of short stories and short novels and identify of sence.
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Víra v síti vztahů (Slaný 1610-1635) / Religion in the social system (Slaný 1610-1635)KADEŘÁBEK, Josef January 2008 (has links)
Religion in the social system (Slaný 1610-1635) Annotation This diploma work tries to describe administrative, social and religious situation in royal and later servile town Slaný at the beginning of the 17th century. It focuses on the functioning of the important town administrative units. It tries to represent day-to-day running of these administrative bodies. It describes the social realations between the members of the most important town self-governing unit, the town council. It attends to godfatherly relationships and the impact of catholicization on the change of the social structures made by these relations. It concentrates on the process of the proper catolicization in its last part. It endeavours to catch the influence of the Slaný citizens on this process.
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Dopisy Jakuba Demla Jaroslavu Durychovi / The Letters by Jakub Deml to Jaroslav DurychStaňková, Vladimíra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis contains an annotated edition of the letters of Jakub Deml (1878-1961) of his long- time friend and writer Jaroslav Durych (1886-1962). More than 150 letters and dozens of postcards document the relationship between the two writers in two periods (years 1906-1909 and 1916-1959). The first era of correspondence documents their translation cooperation and own production and views on contemporary literary and social conditions as well. The literary studies connected to the edition also describes two major differences between these creators. In the second period was the most intense correspondence in the twenties of the 20th century. The authors worked closely together and share in the correspondence also events of their personal lives. In 1931 My testimony about Otokar Březina caused a split among friends. Then the correspondence has never fully restored. The dispute was then moved to the pages of periodicals and books, about which one of the chapters of the study inform. The edition is accompanied by editorial comment, an inventory sheet, an index of names and explanations, in which the reader reads some of Durych's reactions and learn other relevant circumstances correspondence.
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