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Reprezentace nacionalismu ve vybraných médiích druhé republiky (1938-1939) / Representation of Nationalism in Czech journals betwen thirties and forties of 20th CenturyBOŠKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis follows few selected periodicals of the "second republic" era and their approach to acute problems of that time. It analyses the problems mainly through direct opinions and proclamations of their most influential or most important personas. The introduction includes a brief summary of the social and political atmosphere of the period and its most important issues that are analysed in following chapters of the thesis. Thesis is devided into several chapters, where crucial is the central part that includes the analysis of the selected media and their view of the time period, the way it was evolving and its important moments, topics and persons. The final chapter compares individual periodicals.
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Pražská měšťanka Johanna Barbora Englová rozená Zimmerová v odrazu rodinné korespondence 19. století / The Image of the Burgher from Prague Johanna Barbora Englová, Born Zimmerová through the Family correspondence in the 19 th centuryMAREŠOVÁ, Dana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is entitled "The Image of the Burgher from Prague Johanna Barbora Englová, Born Zimmerová through the Family correspondence in the 19 th century" and it presents J. B. Englova´s destiny (18101874) on the basis of both correspondence and some ego-documents analysis. She was Emanuel Engl´s mother (18441907) who was an early Czech politician. Thanks to her, even the Prague civic society can be observed. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. At first, the life within the House of Habsburg monarchy in the 19 th century is described. Afterwards, the thesis is being focused on the situation in Prague, the civic society and its possibilities as for the social life. The second chapter pursues Johanna Englova´s family life. The third chapter is the crucial one it presents social connections which Johanna Barbora Englová made throughout her life and which can be observed within the well-preserved correspondence. The last chapter presents the salon, balls and the society as a part of Johanna Englova´s life. The thesis is trying to present contacts, relationships and social situation on the given example of both former and new family of Johanna Barbora Englová. The part of the thesis consists of an all round analysis of chosen sources. Moreover, the thesis reflects a social upswing of Johanna Barbora Englová and the process of becoming a part of the civic smart set in Prague. The thesis is followed by the list of sources, bibliography and online sources. The diagram, table, genealogy and the part with visual materials are listed in the annexe.
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Prózy Jaroslava Vrchlického / The Novels of Jaroslav VrchlickýJOHNOVÁ, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the prosaic writing of Jaroslav Vrchlický. In the first part it monitors an extension of the reception in these novels (it analyzes their editions with the help of the database Caslin). It also observes character of the period reception from the first publication of the corresponding titles up to the year 1918 (there is a support of the database Retrobi and Lexikon české literatury). The second part of the thesis analyzes the Vrchlický's novels according to methods of naratology and literary thematology. The third part of this writing focuses on a genre and a themed characteristic of the Vrchlický's novels in the context of that period.
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České literární ceny 21. století / Czech Literary Prizes in 21th CenturySLÁDKOVÁ, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with czech literary prizes in 21th century. It creates typology of present literary awards in the Czech republic. It deals with State national award for literature, Award of Jaroslav Seifert and Magnesia Litera in detail. For these three prizes it lists their characteristics, history, the winners, the jury and the voting system. Medial reflection of the particular year is presented for each induvidual award for the period 2000-2013. The diploma thesis deals with the trends and phenomenons of these three selected awards. These trends and specific phenomenons are compared each other at the end.
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Tvorba Jaroslava Foglara jako východisko pro využití metod dramatické výchovy na první stupni ZŠ / Creation/Work of Jaroslav Foglar as a starting point for the use of dramatic education methods at the first elementary schoolSedláková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The diploma thesis deals with the possibility of using Jaroslav Foglar's work in dramatic education at elementary school.The aim of the diploma thesis is to verify the influence of methods and techniques of dramatic education through Jaroslav Foglar's texts in the form of value charts and attitudes in the life of pupils of the 5th year of primary school.How dramatic education helps with methods and techniques - first fordeepest adoption of Jaroslav Foglar's work, and second - to increase understanding and adoption of given values and attitudes.The theoretical part focuses on the personality and work of Jaroslav Foglar and his timeless message. It focuses on the concept of drama education, its aims, principles, forms, methods and techniques. At the same time, it focuses on the analysis of the work in terms of dramatic education. In the practical part of the diploma thesis, three thematic units focusing on the moral qualities of the human being, using methods and techniques of dramatic education, are elaborated on the basis of books and short stories by Jaroslav Foglar. For the experiment, two classes of the fifth year grade of elementary school were selected. In one class - test, the units were realized using methods and techniques of dramatic education. In the second class - normal, only reading...
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Václav Chaloupecký. Československý historik a archivář (1882-1951) / Václav Chaloupecký Czechoslovak historian and archivist (1882-1951)Ducháček, Milan January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the presented PhD thesis is to deal with the historiographical legacy of Czech historian Václav Chaloupecký (1882-1951), the pupil of Josef Pekař and Jaroslav Goll. During the First Czechoslovak republic Chaloupecký kept the professorship of Czechoslovak history at the newly established Comenius University in Bratislava. His historiographical work has its basis in mediaevistic studies yet it also deals with the questions of contemporary history. The roots of his creativity, however, lie in poetry. Chaloupecký's work is often marked as "czechoslovakist" and positivist and due to this fact usually viewed as methodologically and ideologically obsolete. The aim of this thesis is to rethink Chaloupecký's historiographical legacy from the non-nationalistic and ideologically open minded point of view. The core of this critical approach is to show the stereotypes bound with Chaloupecký's name and last but not least to reveal the specific ideological background of Chaloupecký's work, its roots based in his individual experience with the Czech and Slovak cultural horizon and mainly in the marriage with the Slovak modernist poet Ľudmila Groeblová. The result should show a picture of life and work of a historian which was interrupted due to three breaks - The Great War, Second World War and the...
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Helimadoe a Petrolejové lampy: genderová analýza děl Jaroslava Havlíčka / Helimadoe and Petrolejové lampy: A gender analysis of Jaroslav Havlíček's novelsTeclová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis Helimadoe and Petrolejové lampy: A Gender Analysis of Jaroslav Havlíček's Novels examines selected texts and conveys gender-focused interpretations. The analysis of both of Havlíček's novels is carried out within the context of feminist literary theories. The main methodological and theoretical foundations of the thesis are "resisting reading" as introduced by Judith Fetterly and Jonathan Culler's "reading as a woman". Since the thesis is also a qualitative sociological analysis, it uses the processes of discourse analysis as well. The text focuses on the issue of power relations and their gender dimension, on the construction of gender and gender identity of individual female and male characters, on their sexuality, on their gendered activities and on the description and interpretation of the environment that the literary characters inhabit. A special attention is primarily (but not only) paid to main female characters and their revolt against the patriarchal system of the society. In relation to this problem the thesis necessarily deals with the topic of the gender social order and it shows what influence this order has along with other factors on the lives of individual characters. Key words: feminist criticism, resisting reading, Jaroslav Havlíček, Helimadoe, Petrolejové...
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Role autora v uměleckém díle podle Jana Mukařovského se zaměřením na film / The Role of an Author in a Work of Art Based on Jan Mukařovský Focused on a FilmLavická, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
In my thesis, I focus on the role of an author in a work of art, and film in particular, based on Jan Mukařovský. Firstly, I describe Mukařovský's structuralist concept of an art work. Thus, following Ferdinand de Saussure's ideas, he views a work of art as an autonomous sign. At the same time, he uses de Saussure's terms langue and parole. In this text, I explain Mukařovský's terms of an aesthetic function, a norm and a value. I also examine the difference between an individual and a subject of art, and between intentionality and unintentionality. I compare Mukařovský's view of the author with other theorists, namely, Umberto Eco, Roland Barthes and Michael Foucault. Hence, I show historical changes within the concept of the author, and also explain Pierre Levy's cyber-cultural understanding of it. In addition, I discuss other authors, who bring together film arts and the interplay of signs. In particular, I introduce James Monaco and Jerzy Plaževski, and connect their thoughts with ideas of Mukařovský. These authors create a bridge between the concept of a film author and Mukařovský, who does not discuss this authorship in particular. The focus here is on Jaroslav Vančát's theory of a multi-layered film, examining three layers of film with different authors. Focusing on films with actual actors,...
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Prostor Ostravy v současné české literatuře / The Space of the City of Ostrava in Contemporary Czech Prose FictionJanáková, Bára January 2018 (has links)
We have been examinining the image of Ostrava on prose of six authors after 1989. Our aim was to find the function of such space in narrative - it can only play role of a scenery (Slawińsky term), sometimes more functions are added, which empasizes the importance of region in literature according to Urbanová: each region can become a theme or be transposed into author ́s aesthetic sense, influence creative method and become an inspiration in various ways. We have also evaluated how much the protagonists identify themselves with the urban space of Ostrava. This has been based on phenomenological approach of Norberg- Schultz Genius loci. In conclusion we have tried to summarize which themes regarding Ostrava become common for examined authors, whether they create a coherent literary utterance about Ostrava, which has similarities with Todorov ́s petersburg text of russian literature.
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Jaroslav Seifert a jeho vztah k výtvarnému umění / Jaroslav Seifert and his relationship to the visual artsHájková Paterová, Natálie January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with Jaroslav Seifert's relationship to visual arts and artists, for it is apparent in both his writings and his biography that this relationship was not only deep, but it also served as a powerful source of inspiration for his work. This study focuses on the works of Jan Zrzavý, Toyen and Josef Sudek, since Seifert considered them extraordinary and maintained a lifelong friendship with them. However, I also consider other artists and works that Jaroslav Seifert related to in his writings. The selected topics are followed throughout the poet's life and work, and also set in the context of the given time period and shared culture. This study brings answers to the question of the nature of Seifert's relationship to visual arts and how it is reflected in his writing, and also aims to describe the way the dialogue between Seifert's texts and arts is developed based on comparison of specific visual and literary imagination. Key words: Jaroslav Seifert, Jan Zrzavý, Toyen, Josef Sudek, friendship, dialogue, visual arts, fine arts, photography, poetry, journalism, All the Beauties of the World, imagination, Devětsil, Czech culture of the 20th century.
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