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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jaroslav Šalda. Portrét titána tisku / Jaroslav Salda. Portrait of Print Titan

Škrabalová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
Abstract in English language This work depicts the life story story of a "self-made man" Jaroslav Salda, the creator and director of the Melantrich, the biggest printing company in Czechoslovak time of so called First Republic. It is doing so by compiling interviews with period witnesses, archival documents and literary sources. Each chapter is a part of the answer to the question: How is it possible that the illegitimate child without funds and university education had become the man with extensive expertise, the frequent guest of Ministers and the President and the powerful head of the media industry? This text as a whole, firmly tied to the history of the Czech nation and Melantrich, reflects the experience of the man who dedicated his life to building, because he considered the constructive, innovative, diligent and hard work the main means of fulfillment in life and the key to success. It shows a person which embodies the adage: Where there is a will, there is a way. Key words Jaroslav Salda, Melantrich, Czech National Socialist Party, Ceske slovo, Svobodne slovo, Hvezda, Vaclavske namesti, a time of so called First Republic, capitalism, business, director, print, newspapers, Publishing Company, resistance activity.

Alexandr Blok v českých překladech. Překlad poémy Dvanáct / Czech Translations of Alexander Blok's Poem The Twelve

Oganesjanová, Lena January 2014 (has links)
The detailed comparative analysis of four Czech translations of Alexander Blok's poem The twelve is at the crux of this diploma thesis. Concurrently, it sets the assessment of translation mastery of each translation based on criteria of poetry translation as defined by the signifiant Czech theorecian Jiří Levý. Aesthetic interpretaton of the poem and the description of distinctive features of Block's poetry precede the main part of the thesis. The author comes to a conclusion only two of the translations can be called acceptable to present-day readers (Vojtěch Jestřáb's and Václav Daněk's translations). Nevertheless, the translation by Bohumil Mathesius has a certain aesthetic quality, and if it is looked at from a historical perspective it can be appraised as succeful translation work. The very first translation by young Czech poet Jaroslav Seifert satisfies current poetry translation criteria the least. But there is also an another reason for it: both the Seifert's and Mathesius's translations are greatly influenced by the former language standard (the language obsolescence manifests itself at differet levels). Yet, the latest translations differ too. Jestřáb's method focuses upon stressing exotisicm in his translation, whereas Daněk concentrates on naturalisation. Considering the fact that both...

Vliv literárních cen na mediální obraz oceněných knih (2012) / Impact of literary prizes awarded to the media image of books

Linhart, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis researches the impact of a literary prize on the media image of the awarded book in 2012. More precisely I pursue these awards and winning titles: Jaroslav Seifert Prize (Vladimír Binar: Číňanova pěna), Jiří Orten Award (Vratislav Maňák: Šaty z igelitu), Josef Škvorecký Award (Kateřina Tučková: Žítkovské bohyně), Magnesia Litera - The Book of the Year (Michal Ajvaz: Lucemburská zahrada). First I analyse the change of the quantity (the number of references and the share within the text), then I focus on the modification of the journalistic assessment of the title (on the scale positive - neutral - negative). In first case I use a quantitative analysis of media content, in the second case I use a comparative semiotic analysis. My sample are these Czech periodicals, in alphabetical order: A2, Aktuálně.cz, Hospodářské noviny, Host, iDnes.cz, Lidové noviny, Literární noviny, Reflex, Respekt, Tvar. The main output is a discovery, how the Czech print and online written media reflect the results of the literary prizes, also I (try to) determine the media power of each award.

Písmo a obraz v českom a slovenskom umení 50. a 60. rokov 20. storočia / Word and Image in Czech and Slovak Art in the 50's and 60's of 20th Century

Hachlincová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
(in English) This dissertation paper deals with the transformation of the relationship letter and image in the Czechsoslovakian art in the 1950s and 1960s, interpreted from the point of view of the cultural and social events not as the history of art, but history of reality representation. The objective of the paper is to create a more complex view of various levels of integration of letter and image in domestic environment, so it approaches the phenomena of letter and image from a specific interpretation point of view based on three main lines. Mapping the phenomena of letter and image in the context of that period in Czechoslovakia, which preceded work structuralizing, was the base of the first interpretation line which bases the core of work on four social "activators", which, in the mind of an artist, activated the need to incarnate letter and image. Since the subject of the paper is the letter as a material manifestation of the language, the second interpretations line follows the purposeful modification of the language structure between the signifiant and signifié, which occurs in visual imaging. The third interpretation line puts the first two into a broader, aesthetic and philosophical context due to which, more complex language structures entering the art of work can be identified. Using...

"...moje srdce nelétá". Jiří Orten v knižní ilustraci. / "...my heart does not fly". Jiří orten in book illustration.

KOLÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis titled ``my heart does not fly{\crq}{\crq} Jiří Orten in book illustration deals with the poetic works of Jiří Orten from the viewpoint of illustrating Orten{\crq}s poetry. The theoretical part of the thesis includes Orten{\crq}s biography and the description of his poetic works, which are important for the interpretation of the illustrations. An interview with Jaroslav Šerých, who is one of the illustrators of Orten{\crq}s poetry, has been made for a deeper understanding of the issue of illustrating Orten{\crq}s poems. The practical part of the thesis consists in creating collections of illustrations inspired by some Orten{\crq}s poems. The final versions of the illustrations are completed in typography. The main aim of this thesis is a creation of author{\crq}s own illustrations for Orten{\crq}s poems and writing an essay about it.

Architekt Jaroslav Čermák a jeho vztah k sakrální architektuře na příkladu stavby kostela sv. Jana Nepomuckého v Praze - Košířích / Architect Jaroslav Čermák and his relation to sacred architecture on the example of the Church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Prague - Košíře

Boušová, Petra January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis " Architect Jaroslav Čermák and his relation to sacred architecture on the example of the Church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Prague - Košíře" in its first part presents the cultural-historical context of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century in the Czech lands. It also deals with the work of Czech architects in the first half of the 20th century and the issue of sacral architecture. Subsequently, the hitherto minimally known biography of Jaroslav Čermák and his work is reconstructed in the context of the time. Čermák's work is described primarily on the example of the construction of the church of Saint John of Nepomuk in Prague-Košíře, which is subjected to a thorough analysis and interpretation of the means of expression, that where used. The urban context is also observed. The thesis elaborates with the reasons for the need to establish a new church in Košíře and with dificulities, that came during the construction of the church, which was affected by the Second World War and the coup in February 1948 in Czechoslovakia. Part of the work is a pictorial supplement, which is primarily related to the construction of the building and the current state of the church of Saint John of Nepomuk.

Oslněni helénským sluncem. Recepce antiky v české literatuře v letech 1880-1910 / Dazzled by the Hellenic Sun: Reception of the Classical Antiquality in the Czech Literature Between 1880 and 1910

Čadková, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
The theme of the dissertation is the reception of the Classical Antiquity in the Czech Literature between 1880 and 1910. The aim was to analyse the ways in which Czech culture related to the Classical Antiquity in the period of increased concern with Classical topics, motifs and forms. The first, largest part, methodologically inspired by the demythicizing perspective of Vladimír Macura and Jiří Rak, concerns with stereotypical views of the Classical Antiquity particularly prominent in the contemporary discourse: the antithetical image of noble Greece and corrupted Rome, the topos of bright Hellenic Sun and clear Sky, the ideology behind the common opinion that Ancient sculptures were all white (and the reactions to the discovery that they were, in fact, polychrome), the topos of a Greek athletic body and its employment in the policy of the Czech sports movement 'Sokol' (Falcon), and last but not least the topos of a man unspoilt by civilization and living in accordance with the Nature. Separate chapters are also devoted to two then important intermediaries of reception, grammar schools and translation. In the second part, attention is drawn to the representation of the Classical Antiquity in dramatic plays by Jaroslav Vrchlický, especially the dramatic trilogy Hippodamie, and their reception in...

Jaroslav Michal - portrét kanonisty / Jaroslav Michal

Jiranová, Marie January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis I describe the life, work and personality of professor Jaroslav Michal, a prominent professor of canon law. I deal with his childhood, studies, priesthood and mailnly padagogical work at the Roman Catholic St. Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty in Prague, based in Litoměřice. I also focus on his scientific and publishing activities, especially monographs intended for listeners of canon law lectures, journal studies in the Spirit Shepherd, and articles in the Catholic newspapers. I mention a general overview of its publibshing aktivities and a brief comment on individual monographs and studies. His personality is characterized by testimonies of person, whether relatives, students or friends and based on materisls from the National Archive and the Archive of Charles University.

České drama v době moderny: obrazy vůdce / Czech Drama in Early Modernism: The Portrayal of Leaders

Pospíšil, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The thesis constitutes the analysis of selected Czech dramas from the beginning of the 20th century representing various portrayals of national leaders. In my view, the dramas are Apollonian images of a kind representing the dreams of their creators about the strength and greatness, both individual and national. That is because, on one hand, the national leader is an exceptional individual, an exquisite human specimen and as such he or she corresponds to Nietzsche's characterization of a tragic hero as the highest phenomenon of the will. But at the same time, he or she is a national educator. Individual works represent various forms of how the leader educates and edifies the nation and whether he or she leads by command or by example. The dramas show us the leaders, who not only tame, purify, but also urge to growth those, whom they lead. The approach of the Czech playwrights is essentially mythopoetic. Their works constitute contributions to the creation or re-creation of national mythology, in other words, they deal with the meaning of the existence of the nation, or the national condition. They represent a dialogue or a polemic with one particular national mythology formed at the time that of T. G. Masaryk as he stated it in his works Česká otázka (1895), Naše nynější krise (1895), and Jan Hus...

Normalizační politické procesy v divadelním světě / The ‚Normalization' Political Lawsuits in The Theatre World

Chocholoušová, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The Abstract This diploma thesis discusses three lawsuits at the period of normalization, when participants were sued and later sentenced for provocation and denigration of the Czechoslovak Socialistic Republic and its representatives during their theatre activity or improvisation with theatrical elements. The first from three lawsuits had been taking place during 1971 and 1972 in Ostrava. There was a parody of the novel called Son polka by Valentin Katajev put on stage in the Waterloo Theatre in 1969. The production was banned after several repetitions. Some participants were involved in producing the Tramp magazine which was unwanted and watched by the state authority. There was and editorial board organized by this magazine like a tramp party where besides other songs Son polka's songs were sung. Shortly after those events the members from the Waterloo Theatre: Petr Podhrázký, Ivan Binar, Josef Frais, Petr Ullmann, Edvard Schiffauer a Tomáš Sláma were arrested and sentenced to jail. The second case took place in Kroměříž in 1974. A group of friends led by an amateur puppeteer Emil Hauptmann had staged an improvised presentation during the Hostýn pilgrimage. Playing the puppets Emil Hauptmann committed lots of utterances which were considered as provocations according to an actual penal code and that is...

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