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Mapování kontroverze o množství uhlí v Dolech Nástup Tušimice / Mapping of controversy on the amount of brown coal in Doly Nástup TušimicePecka, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The research utilizes 'actor-network' theory to analyze debates in the media on the socio-technical controversy on the topic of the amount of coal in the Nástup Tušimice mines. Theoretical part describes its own place in the sociological tradition and theoretical presuppositions of actor-network theory. My conclusion is that, the controversy is being developed alongside several lines, which remain relatively autonomous. Empirical part of this study analyzes dynamics of the conflict and the strategies employed by both sides in the argument over seemingly unequivocal fact. The conclusion focuses on questionable areas of ANT; especially on it's application in research of conflicts in public space which is different from its use in sociology of science where ANT originated. Problematic point seems to be utilization of management of transparency, which is employed by the alliance of companies to sustain their version of reality. Emphasis of ANT on observable aspects of controversies seems to be obstacle for fruitful use of ANT, because it probably misses the crucial areas where the controversies are being developed.
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Poselská služba Dvora Králové n. L. v raném novověku / Courier Service in Dvůr Králové n. L. in the Early Modern PeriodIša, František January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the issue of oral and written communication through the groups of couriers, who mediated between smaller royal dowry town Dvůr Králové nad Labem and its own villages as well as another distant locations situated in another dominion. Diploma thesis applies to region called Podkrkonoší in the advanced Early Modern Period, describes and analyses some of the preserved archival primary sources of knowledge dedicated to the courier services in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. It mentions the enviroment in which the gateke- epers and other couriers fulfilled their services. This thesis attempts to define the relationship between the distance and courier's income in Dvůr Králové nad Labem's domain and outside of it. In the context of diverse contents of oral and written messages the thesis mentions sever- al other topics, for example the actual filling work of corvée (or statute labour), showing by gatekeepers the way to hussar-soldier at surveying, transport of beggars and vagabonds and even the beginning of postal services in this area. Working method is based on detailed archival probe into rarely preserved municipal bookkeeping, especially into records of gate- keeper's courier services and records of other settled couriers both from the year 1740 and 1768. Results are presented...
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Znázornění času v kartografických dílech na příkladu map historických bitev / Representation of time in cartographic works on the example of maps of historical battlesVít, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
Representation of time in cartographic works on the example of maps of historical battles Abstract This study contains an in-depth analysis of possible graphical presentation of the fourth cartographic dimension (time) and utilizes the acquired findings in prototypical animated maps of historical battles. The initial chapter reflects cartography in general, later, the area of animated maps is in focus. The first part of the text is dedicated to the connection of cartography and time. Practical means of time representation are described. Further, a recommended general pattern is specified for design and development of time legend, so that time presentation suits the nature of the depicted theme. Consecutively, this general pattern is applied to a set of pieces of cartographical work depicting (historical) battles. The tangible result of this work is an interactive cartographic animation presenting the battle of Gettysburg and preceding events. Keywords: time, cartography, temporal legend, animated map, battle
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Geografická radiální anamorfóza v prostředí GIS / Geographic unipolar anamorphosis with the use of GISŽáková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to propose an algorithm for visualization of spatial digital geographic data, including both thematic and topographic content of a map, using unipolar anamorphosis method with the use of GIS. Three different approaches for transformation of topographic content of a map are discussed. In addition to the algorithm, a methodology of displaying spatial data using this method is presented. The problems associated with the use of geographic unipolar anamorphosis are described, geographic phenomena which can be visualized by this method are determined, and requirements for digital data input are defined. The practical output of this thesis is a toolbox for the ArcGIS software by ESRI which serves to visualize geographic data by unipolar anamorphosis method.
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Vizualizace prostorových dat v prostředí augmentované reality / Augmented reality visualization of spatial dataKryshenyk, Pavlo January 2016 (has links)
Augmented reality visualization of spatial data Abstract The thesis deals with issues of visualization of spatial data using augmented reality technology. The main goal of the thesis was to develop certain visualization rules and functions, based on proposed visualization parameters. The approach was based on developing of the augmented reality data layer of ATMs and then applying the developed functions of object selection, indexed data filtering and transformation functions for map symbols on the following layer. The work also deals with graphical solutions of the map symbols for augmented reality environment. The testing of the developed layer and the visualization rules system was held in the test sites on the territory of three municipal districts of Prague. Visualization outcomes from different test sites are evaluated in the thesis conclusion. The thesis proposes an approach for improving the quality of virtual elements visualization in augmented reality with the emphasis on overlap reducing, perspective perception and depth of virtual elements. Keywords: augmented reality, Layar, visualization, POI, mobile applications, web cartography, SAR.
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Vývoj kartografie z pohledu českých kartografů / The development of cartography from the perspective of Czech cartographersJELÍNKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to prepare an overview of major and lesser-known Czech cartographers, who went down the history with their important cartographic works in our country, or, conversely, contributed to the discovery of new worlds. The first part focuses on the explanation of terms connected with this topic. The development of cartography which is divided into individual periods follows. Each of these periods includes a brief description of the development of cartography in the Czech lands and a summary of significant cartographers for this period. In each section there is a detailed description of the life and work of a particular cartographer, who made history. Map works by these cartographers can be found in the text as images and more significant works are presented in the Appendix. Next section explains the aims and methodology. The practical part of the thesis contains an analysis of selected cartographic works. The final section is devoted to a discussion about the authors and their different views of the map works, and a summary of significant works and our most famous cartographers. It also shows the importance and benefits of cartographic creation for our present and future.
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Prostorová analýza pro účely optimalizace zadání studentských prací z kartografie / Spatial analysis for optimization of student assignments in cartographyFenclová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
Spatial analysis for optimization of student assignments in cartography Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis is to perform a multi-criteria analysis of large spatial data, which will result in the identification of a predetermined number of the variants of the territory, which are optimal for creating the student assignments. The main part of the thesis is to design and to calculate the spatial evaluation criteria. In the theoretical part, a theory of multi-criteria analysis and examples of its use in general in geoinformatics and assessment of landscape potential are presented. The practical part is devoted to the design of own methodology for assessment of the territory from the point of view of suitability for processing of student tasks, including its application over the territory of the Czechia in order to obtain information about the territory. Multi-criteria analysis was divided into two steps: pre-selection of the territory based on Boolean evaluation and subsequent sorting of the variants from the most suitable to the least appropriate using the TOPSIS method. The scales of the individual criteria were determined by the scoring method. The main result of the thesis is a new set of the variants of the territory, which are comparable with their processing demands. Keywords Spatial analysis,...
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Tvorba kartograficky správných vrstevnic z dat LLS v rovinatém terénu / Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrainPicek, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Production of cartographically correct countour lines from airborne laserscanning data in flat terrain Abstract The thesis is dedicated to the creation of contour lines from the data of airborne laserscanning in flat areas. For creation of contour lines in these parts is necessary specific generalization, that smooths unwanted artifacts, but does not delete the shapes, which are characteristic for the relief. The first part of the thesis is to serve as a short insight into the areas on which it is built, this thesis: the principle of airborne laserscanning and basic information on the contour line model. On the basis of technical literature are defined the requirements for the correct representation of the contour and cartographicly presented the different types of the DEM and generalization of contours. The main aim of this work is to design an algorithm that will combine several methods of generalization of contour while maintaining altitude accuracy as well as other requirements on their cartographicly the right terms, and to test this approach in several territories. In conclusion, the results of the methods of work and its implementation critically evaluated and outlined other possible developments of this issue. Keywords hypsography, airborne laserscanning, digital cartography, contour lines,...
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Automatická klasifikace vybraných terénních tvarů z jejich kartografické reprezentace / Automated recognition of selected terrain features from their cartographic representationSykora, Matúš January 2021 (has links)
Automated recognition of selected terrain features from their cartographic representation. This diploma thesis is dedicated to automatic classification of selected terrain shapes and their cartographic representation. The main aim of this thesis is to design methodological approach for automatic recognition of terrain shapes (hills and valleys) with the use of Machine Learning (Deep Learning). The first part of suggested method divides rough terrain segmentation into two categories, which will be then classified with convolutional neural network. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the very classification of pre-segmented terrain shapes using Machine Learning. Both parts of the processing are using photos SRTM30 as an input data. The whole proposed method was developed in Python programming language with the usage of Arcpy, TensorFlow and Keras libraries. Keywords: Digital cartography, GIS, terrain shapes, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, recognition, classification, segmentation
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Evaluierung und prototypische Realisierung von Algorithmen zur Kartografie von Innenräumen durch mobile RoboterplattformenHähner, Eric 10 January 2022 (has links)
In der heutigen Zeit werden autonome Roboter in sehr vielen Bereichen eingesetzt. Wichtige Voraussetzungen für viele dieser Einsatzbereiche sind die Kartierung einer Umgebung sowie die autonome Navigation und Orientierung innerhalb dieser Karte. Dafür kann SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) eingesetzt werden. Der Google Cartographer ist eine Software, die solche Funktionen bereitstellt. Diese Arbeit gibt zu Beginn einen grundlegenden Überblick über die vielseitigen Anwendungsgebiete und unterschiedlichen Funktionsweisen von SLAM. Im Weiteren wurden einzelne Algorithmen des Google Cartographers analysiert, sowie die Ergebnisse und deren Genauigkeit mit einem anderen SLAM Algorithmus verglichen. Weiterhin zeigt die Arbeit eine mögliche Anbindung des in C++ entwickelten Google Cartographers an Java über JNI (Java Native Interface). Abschließend wurden die Ergebnisse der Arbeit und der Nutzen der aus der Arbeit entstandenen Erkenntnisse und des entwickelten JNI ausgewertet. / In today's world, autonomous robots are used in many areas. Important requirements for many of these fields of application are the mapping of an environment as well as autonomous navigation and orientation within this map. SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) can be used for this purpose. The Google Cartographer is a software that provides such functions. At the beginning, this thesis gives a basic overview of the versatile application areas and different functionalities of SLAM. Furthermore, individual algorithms of the Google Cartographer were analyzed and results and accuracy were compared with another SLAM algorithm. Furthermore the thesis shows a possible connection of the Google Cartographers developed in C++ to Java over JNI (Java Native Interface). Finally, the results and the benefits of the knowledge, gained from the thesis and the developed JNI, were evaluated.
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