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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Středotonážní spalovna odpadů - systém čištění spalin / Incineration plant of middle treatment capacity – flue gas cleaning system

Krejčí, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Analysis of the regional energy supply, shows that suitable alternative may be a combination of primary energy sources with the municipal solid waste to energy plant. Starting from the fact that the regional thermal energy needs are characterized by smaller power demand, but relatively significant seasonal fluctuations in heat supply. These factors limit the processing performance of the considered waste to energy plant that could be included in the system of regional energy supply. The aim of the thesis was to propose adequate treatment capacity for regional waste to energy plant and explore alternative solutions in off-gas cleaning for exhaust gases generated during incineration of MSW. The balance sheets of two alternative solutions off gas cleaning are part of the thesis, both in terms of material and energy consumption. Presented evaluation of economic demands alternative arrangement of off gas cleaning includes operating costs and the impact on earnings from energy production.

Výpočet kotle na hnědé uhlí pro aplikaci SCR / Calculation of Brown Coal Boiler for SCR Application

Mizerovský, Karel January 2017 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the verification calculation of boiler which burns brown coal for the application of the selective catalytic reduction method. The thesis is divided into several parts. In the first of all is performed the calculation of the furnace chamber which involves stoichiometrics calculations and enthalpy calculations of air and flue gas. In the second part the heat balance of the boiler, the boiler losses and the thermal efficiency are determined. After all the heating surfaces are calculed for the verify the dimensions. In the conclusion of the thesis we looked for the temperature range which is used for the SCR application. Then the improvements for the appropriate temperature range are designed.

Jednotka pro energetické využití kontaminováné biomasy / Unit for utilization of contaminated biomass for energy production

Votava, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to create preliminary design calculations to determine dimensions, weights and pressure losses of individual contaminated biomass combustion gas treatment nodes. The first part of the thesis deals with the definition of biomass as a fuel, legislative determination of allowed emissions and their description. Then the systems for combustion gas treatments are discussed given their brief description. The practical part focuses on shape designs, determining base dimensions of each type. Weights and pressure losses of individual versions are computed too. In the last part the individual versions are solved with real values and compared to each other.

Moderní metody denitrifikace uhelných kotlů / Modern denitrification methods of coal fired boilers

Nárovec, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
V současnosti musí velké energetické podniky k dodržení emisních předpisů, zejména pak vyžadovaných limitů NOx, uplatňovat denitrifikační metody. Tématem předkládané diplomové práce jsou moderních denitrifikační metody a jejich praktické uplatnění v lokálních poměrech uhelného kotle s parním výkonem 640 t.h-1 v elektrárně Počerady. Práce obsahuje rešerši moderních denitrifikačních metod používaných velkými uhelnými kotli se zaměřením zejména na sekundární denitrifikační metody. Jsou uvažovány dvě možné varianty denitrifikace – varianta 1 využívá selektivní katalytickou redukci (SCR) a varianta 2 selektivní nekatalytickou redukci (SNCR) společně s nízkoemisními hořáky a stupňovaným přívodem spalovacího vzduchu. Pro výběr vhodné denitrifikační metody jsou studovány investiční náklady jednotlivých variant – nižší investiční náklady (o 19.4%) slibuje varianta 2. Při srovnávání SCR se SNCR vyšlo najevo, že investiční náklady metody SNCR jsou 5krát nižší než metody SCR. V souladu s investičními náklady, s dispozicí kotle a se složitostí jeho instalace je pro navazující studium problematiky využita varianta 2. Stěžejní část práce se zabývá stanovením optimálního tzv. teplotního okna pro konkrétní metodu SNCR. Těžištěm práce je tepelný výpočet ohniště a části deskového přehříváku pro stanovený rozsah paliv a výkon kotle v rozmezí 60-100%. S uvažováním výsledků z výpočtu jsou navrženy dvě vstřikovací roviny, které mají zaručit vysokou efektivitu denitrifikačního procesu při uvažovaných provozních podmínkách kotle. Diplomová práce rovněž diskutuje obecnou vhodnost instalace SNCR a SCR ve stávajících uhelných kotlích.

Studium přípravy a katalytické aktivity dopovaných ABO3 perovskitů pro syntézu vodíku. / The study of preparation and catalytic activity of doped ABO3 perovskites for hydrogen synthesis

Dobeš, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The Master´s thesis deals with the preparation of perovskite oxides by glycine synthesis with following characterization and analysis of catalytic activity. Especially is discussed crystallographic structure. In the theoretical part were first summarized the available information of the properties and usage of perovskite oxides. In the experimental part of the work was carried out the preparation of perovskite oxides and were made chemical analysis. Moreover a catalytic activity of selected perovskites has been studied and have been illustrated their crystal structure.

Analýza hydrodynamických podmínek aparátů jednotek pro termické zpracování odpadů / Hydrodynamic analysis of basic equipment in units for the thermal processing of wastes

Říha, Kamil January 2008 (has links)
Thermal processing of wastes is a metod, when during combustion occur reduction of wastes till 10% previous volume. The main advantage of this method is possibility to heat utilization for heat and electric production. Through thermic process develops range of pollutants (NOx, CO, SO2, HCl, HF, PCDD/F) that had to be remove from off-gas or reduced to enviromental values in agreement with laws in force [16]. For this purpose are combustion units equip with range of devices for removing this pollutans. The main task of this diploma thesis is selectoin of ctirical device in term of pressure drops. The value of pressure drop stands significant part in proposition of efficiecy off-gas fan. In increase or decrease total pressure drop consumption of electrical energy of off-gas fan is rising or going down. Change of consumption in total classification is projecting in energy utilization rate of waste where is determinate if it stands of energy utilizatoin or just incineration. In first part of diploma thesis are described in detail availability methods of off-gas cleaning where is described their principle, advanteges, disadvatages and comparison of effectivity. In second part of diploma thesis is made example model about influnce technology on value of total pressure drop. There were chosen two technologies for removing dioxins (technology of catalytic filtration REMEDIA and DeNox/DeDiox). For both technologies were made detailed analysis of pressure drops single components of these technologies. Attainment results were compared and rated with one another. For analysis these two methods were designed mathematical process in software Maple 9.5.

Návrh opatření pro plnění emisních limitů u kotle bloku 210 MW / The proposal of measurements to fulfill emission limits for boiler of power unit 210 MW

Smokoň, Pavol January 2014 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with denitrification of brown coal-fired boiler of electric power plant. First chapters describe technical characteristics of the boiler and possible measurements which would lead to lowering NOx emissions. In order for boiler to meet emission standards valid from 1.1.2016 flue gas treatment by selective catalytic reduction is proposed. Main part of the thesis is thermal calculation of the boiler with modifications necessary in order to apply SCR. The aim of calculation is to determine flue gas exit temperature and temperature at catalyst area in order to assess the suitability of proposed modifications.

Katalytická oxidace VOC na komerčně dostupných katalyzátorech / Catalytic oxidation of VOC on commercially available catalysts

Osička, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is a catalytic oxidation which belongs to a group of modern technologies for removing emission of CO and VOC from waste air. In the introduction of this thesis, the basic concepts are defined. Further the legislative requirements associated with VOC emissions, emission limits and conditions are summarized. Described destructive and non-destructive methods for removing VOCs from waste gases are also briefly described. Increased attention is paid to the catalytic oxidation as the main theme of the thesis. It was searched for industrial applications where the catalytic oxidation is used. Another chapter is devoted to the theoretical analysis of kinetics of catalytic oxidation reactions. Firstly, the basic types of reactors are described and also material balance and reaction rate for the isothermal and adiabatic reactor. In the experimental part results of performed kinetic measurements on a pilot unit for catalytic commonly used organic solvents (VOCs) using commercially available catalysts were summarized. Pre-exponential factors and activation energies for sprinkling catalysts EnviCat VOC-5565 and EnviCat 55068 for substances ethanol, toluene and acetone were determined. "Light-off" curves for these substances and methane were measured and on sprinkled catalyst EnviCat 55068 and on monolithic catalyst Purelyst PH-304.

Vyhledávání enzymů v metagenomických datech / Detection of Enzymes in Metagenomic Data

Smatana, Stanislav January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents specification and implementation of a system for detection of enzymes in metagenomic data. The detection is based on a provided enzyme sequence and its goal is to search the metagenomic sample for its novel variants. In order to guarantee that found enzymes truly have the desired catalytic function, the system employs a number of catalytic function verification methods. Their specification, implementation and evaluation is one of the main contributions of this thesis. Experiments have shown, that proposed methods reach sensitivity as high as 89%, specificity of 95%, values of AUC metric above 0.9 and average throughput of 1,203 verifications per second on regular personal computer. Evaluation of the system also led to discovery of a partial sequence of novel haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme in a metagenomic sample from soil. The implementation is able to work on a personal computer as well as on a grid computing environment.

Studie potenciálu integrovaného řešení jednotky „waste-to-energy“ / Study on the potential of an integrated waste-to-energy unit

Freisleben, Vít January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the design of technological modifications of the existing industrial unit „waste-to-energy“, used for thermal treatment of process waste gases containing VOC and CO while flue gas is produced. The main objective of the existing unit modification is to improve its operating parameters considering economy, ecology and energy utilization. In the first part, the current industrial plant was presented with all necessary process data. Furthermore, all the key equipment used for the waste gases treatment or for the utilization of waste heat was identified. In the main part of the thesis there are performed modifications of the existing unit including the technology of existing heat exchangers intensification, the design of new and more efficient heat exchangers and finally the catalytic oxidation technology implementation for the decomposition of pollutants contained in the waste gas. The result of the thesis is a technical, economic and ecological comparison of the proposed technological modifications with the existing operation.

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