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Kauno aerodromo ir Lietuvos aeroklubo istorija 1918–1940 metais / Kaunas airfield and Lithuania Aero Club history in 1918-1940Valionis, Valentas 02 June 2014 (has links)
Kauno S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno aerodromas buvo pirmasis Lietuvos aviacijos židinys bei vienas seniausių aerodromų Europoje. Nuo Kauno aerodromo įkūrimo pradžios (1915 m.) prasidėjo Lietuvos aviacijos vystymasis. Pirmosios Lietuvos Respublikos metais Kauno S. Dariaus ir S. Girėno aerodromas suklestėjo. Aerodromas pradėjo plėstis, jame atsirado naujų pastatų, aviacijos įrenginių, įsikūrė karo aviacijos mokykla, karo aviacijos dirbtuvės. Be to, tuo metu Kauno aerodrome taip pat atsirado ir civilinės aviacijos užuomazgos, kurios paskatino Lietuvos aeroklubo (LAK) įkūrimą. LAK savo organizuojamomis šventėmis aviaciją padarė visuomenės traukos centru.
Iki LAK atsiradimo Lietuvos visuomenė mažai domėjosi aviacija ir, apskritai, neturėjo galimybės su ja susipažinti. Įsikūręs 1927 metais, Lietuvos aeroklubas ėmėsi propaguoti civilinę bei sportinę aviaciją Lietuvos visuomenėje. Jis įvairiuose Lietuvos miestuose organizavo aviacijos šventes, propagavo aviaciją spaudoje, skatino žmones dalyvauti LAK rengiamose loterijose, tapti šio klubo nariais. LAK savo veiklą vykdė ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir už jos ribų.
Lietuvos visuomenei vis labiau įsitraukiant į aviaciją, Lietuvos aeroklubo rengiamos aviacijos šventės tapo Lietuvos visuomenės dėmesio, diskusijų ir kalbų objektu. Spaudoje nuolatos pasirodydavo straipsnių, kuriuose pagrindinis akcentas ir dėmesys buvo skiriamas aviacijos šventėms, švenčių dalyviams, lakūnams, akrobatiniams lėktuvų viražams. Labiausiai sportinės aviacijos mėgėjų dėmesį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Kaunas S. Darius and S. Girėnas airfield was the first Lithuanian aviation place and one of the oldest airfields in Europe. Lithuanian aviation development started in 1915 when Kaunas airfield was established. Kaunas S. Darius and S. Girėnas airfield flourished during the period of First Republic of Lithuania. The airfield began to expand: new buildings, aviation facilities appeared. Military aviation school and military aviation workshop were also established. In addition, at the same time the rudiments of civil aviation appeared in Kaunas airfield. They led to the establishment of the Lithuanian Aero Club (LAC). LAC organized plenty of festivals which brought aviation to public’s attention.
Until the establishment of LAC, Lithuanian society has had a little interest in aviation and had no access to it. Lithuanian Aero Club (founded in 1927) took the action in Lithuanian society; it promoted civil and sport aviation. LAC organized aviation festivals in various Lithuanian cities and towns, promoted aviation in press, encouraged people to participate in a lottery (organized by LAC) and become members of the club. LAC activities were carried out not only in Lithuania but also abroad.
Aviation festivals organized by Lithuanian Aero Club became an object of Lithuanian public attention and discussion. In the press constantly appeared articles where the main attention was given to: aviation celebrations, participants of the festivals, pilots, fluttering of acrobatic planes... [to full text]
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Dipole city – Vilnius + Kaunas. Case study of urban agglomeration development between two major cities in LithuaniaMaciulevičius, Karolis January 2009 (has links)
Our thesis are focused on analyzing urban development of two major cities in Lithuania Vilnius and Kaunas. We analyse evolution and development of the cities focusing on the last 20 year period in the country, based on the urban agglomeration development models and evolution theory, planning experience around the world. By looking at the urban development indicators like built up area density, population, people mobility and change of different statistical data over time we try to understand development of these cities. Our main goal is based on these data to make a vision for future urban development of the Vilnius and Kaunas. During our work we found that over past 20 Vilnius has experienced fast change which have elements of uncontrolled expansion. Furthermore, planning problems in Vilnius are similar to cities of fast metropolitan development, but with unique historically shaped features. Based on analysis strategic planning, regional development, urban development of these two cities, we conclude that urban and strategic planning measures in Vilnius and Kaunas should be focused to bringing these similar sized cities together. In our vision of the region we suggest to aim at creating one structure of these two cites by linking them and incorporating smaller towns in between them into the functional region of growing metropolis. / Karolis Maciulevičius Phone: +37061282346 Email: kaarolis@gmail.com Vilnius, Lithuania
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