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Estudo comparativo dos efeitos dos exercícios de força e de resistência muscular na osteoartrose de joelho / Comparative study of the effects of strength exercises and muscular resistance exercises on knee osteoarthritisFernandes, Ariane Fiorelini 18 November 2009 (has links)
Introdução: Exercícios têm sido usados no tratamento funcional de pacientes com osteoartrose (OA) de joelho. Porém, muitas questões permanecem sem esclarecimentos. Objetivo: avaliar, de forma comparativa, os efeitos dos exercícios de resistência muscular e exercícios de força muscular em pacientes com OA primária de joelho. Métodos: Foram selecionadas 11 pacientes do gênero feminino, com média de idade entre 45 e 70 anos, para realizarem exercícios na bicicleta estacionária (grupo BIKE) ou exercícios resistidos (grupo MECANO), duas vezes por semana durante, 12 semanas. Outras seis pacientes formaram o grupo CONTROLE. Foram realizadas duas avaliações compostas de testes funcionais, teste isocinético e dois questionários (SF-36 e KOOS). Resultados: Houve melhora significativa para os valores de velocidade média de marcha, tempo de descer escada e atividade de vida diária no grupo BIKE, quando comparados os valores obtidos na avaliação inicial e final. Quando comparados ao CONTROLE, houve melhora no tempo de subir, no trabalho total dos extensores, em AVD, esporte, vitalidade e aspectos emocionais no grupo MECANO e nos valores de tempo de subir, capacidade funcional e saúde geral no grupo BIKE. Conclusão: Apenas os exercícios de resistência muscular mostraram efeitos na função física de pacientes com osteoartrose primária de joelho na amostra estudada / Introduction: Exercises have been used in the functional treatment of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, yet many issues remain without clarification. Objective: To comparatively evaluate the effects of muscular resistance exercises and muscular force exercises on patients with primary knee OA. Methods: A group of 11 female patients with mean age between 45 and 70 years was selected to perform exercises on the stationary bicycle (BIKE group) or resisted exercises (MECANO group) twice a week for 12 weeks. Another six patients formed the CONTROL group. Two evaluations were performed consisting of functional tests, isokinetic test and two questionnaires (SF-36 and KOOS). Results: There was significant improvement for the values of average gait speed, stair descent time and daily life activity in the BIKE group when comparing the values obtained in the initial and final evaluation. When compared with the CONTROL group, there was an improvement in the ascent time, in the total effort of the extensor muscles, in DLA, sport, vitality and emotional aspects in the MECANO group and in the ascent time, functional capacity and general health values in the BIKE group. Conclusion: Only the muscular resistance exercises showed effects on the physical function of patients with primary knee osteoarthritis in the sample studied
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Rehabilitation of anterior cruciate ligament injuries.January 1989 (has links)
by Raymond Che Tin Li. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1989. / Bibliography: leaves 149-168.
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A study of landing from vertical jump amongst ballet dancers.January 1996 (has links)
by Fu Siu Ngor. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-124). / abstract --- p.I / acknowledgments --- p.III / contents --- p.V / list of figures --- p.VII / list of tables --- p.VIII / Chapter chapter 1: --- introduction / Chapter 1.1 --- Dance and jump --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Research objectives --- p.4 / Chapter 1.3 --- Research hypothesis --- p.5 / Chapter 1.4 --- Definition of terms --- p.7 / Chapter chapter 2 : --- dance injuries / Chapter 2.1 --- Epidemiology of dance injuries --- p.12 / Chapter 2.2 --- Etiology of dance injuries --- p.19 / Chapter 2.3 --- Implication to this study --- p.30 / Chapter chapter 3 : --- biomechanical studies on landing from vertical jumps / Chapter 3.1 --- Biomechanics on landing from vertical jumps --- p.31 / Chapter 3.2 --- Biomechanical studies on ballet jumps --- p.46 / Chapter 3.3 --- Kinetics and kinematics studies on jumping sports --- p.49 / Chapter 3.4 --- Implication to this study --- p.57 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 : --- MATERIAL AND METHOD / Chapter 4.1 --- Study design --- p.58 / Chapter 4.2 --- Subject and sampling method --- p.58 / Chapter 4.3 --- Instrumentation --- p.60 / Chapter 4.4 --- Method --- p.70 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 : --- RESULTS / Chapter 5.1 --- Demographic characteristics --- p.79 / Chapter 5.2 --- "kinetic and kinematics changes on landing with ""pull-up""" --- p.82 / Chapter 5.3 --- "kinetics and kinematics changes on landing with and without ""pull-up""" --- p.92 / Chapter CHAPTER 6 : --- DISCUSSION / Chapter 6.1 --- Kinetic changes --- p.96 / Chapter 6.2 --- Kinematics changes --- p.102 / Chapter 6.3 --- Correlation between kinetics and kinematics --- p.105 / Chapter 6.4 --- "Effects of'pull-up""" --- p.107 / Chapter 6.5 --- Limitation of the study --- p.108 / Chapter 6.6 --- Suggestion for future studies --- p.110 / Chapter 6.7 --- Implication of this study --- p.112 / Chapter CHAPTER 7 : --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.115 / REFERENCES --- p.117-124 / APPENDIX 1 : Demographic characteristics --- p.i / APPENDIX 2 : Kinetic data --- p.v / APPENDIX 3 : Kinematics data --- p.x / APPENDIX 4 : Summary of kinetic and kinematics results --- p.xiv / APPENDIX 5 : Statistical results --- p.xv
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Avaliação dos resultados a longo prazo da capsulotomia posterior do joelho realizada em pacientes com síndrome patelar do flexo mínimoLeie, Murilo Anderson January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a ausência de extensão completa do joelho é uma condição limitante que algumas vezes precisa ser tratada invasivamente através da realização da capsulotomia posterior do joelho, uma vez que medidas conservadoras tenham sido esgotadas previamente. No entanto, mesmo com a literatura vigente, ainda não está claro se o procedimento para aquisição de extensão do membro inferior está associado á melhora funcional de pacientes com contratura em flexão do joelho e queixas de dor anterior, bem como se este ganho de extensão pode ser mantido ao longo do tempo. Métodos: nós conduzimos um estudo de coorte retrospectivo de 21 pacientes com contratura em flexão mínima do joelho os quais foram submetidos à capsulotomia posterior do joelho por técnica aberta entre 1990 e 2010. Após 9.19 ± 6.68 anos de follow-up, os níveis funcionais do joelho e média de ângulo de contratura em flexão foram comparados com os dados pré-operatórios e a taxa de recorrência pôde ser estimada. Complicações investigadas incluíram instabilidade do joelho secundária ao procedimento e danos neurovasculares. Resultados: pré-operatoriamente, todos os pacientes (100%) apresentavam scores funcionais de Lysholm classificados como regular ou ruim (média absoluta do score 58.66 ± 13.87, 95%CI 52.35–64.98), e 15 pacientes (72%) apresentaram melhora funcional, com scores bom ou excelente (média de score de Lysholm 87.61 ± 8.81, 95%CI 83.60–91.63) após o período de follow-up. A média pré-operatória do ângulo de flexão do joelho foi de 25.04 ± 9.15 graus (95%CI 20.88–29.21) e diminuiu para 4.28 ± 4.18 graus (95CI% 2.38 – 6.19). Nenhum paciente apresentou complicações relacionadas ao procedimento Conclusão: baseado em nossos resultados, nós concluímos que a capsulotomia posterior do joelho parece ser um procedimento seguro e efetivo para tratar adequadamente pacientes com joelhos dolorosos secundários a contraturas em flexão, com uma baixa taxa de recorrência mesmo após 9.19 anos em média de seguimento. / Background: lack of full extension of the knee is a disabling condition that sometimes needs to be treated invasively by a posterior capsulotomy of the knee, since conservative treatments have been exhaustively attempted. However, it is not clear if the procedure is able to improve anterior symptoms on the knee of patients with flexion contracture and if the full extension acquired can be kept throughout long-time follow-up. Methods: we conducted a retrospective cohort study of 21 patients diagnosed with minimal flexion contracture of the knee who underwent open posterior capsulotomy between 1990 and 2010. After 9.19 ± 6.68 years of follow-up, knee function and mean angle of fixed knee flexion were compared to baseline data and the recurrence rate was estimated. Complications investigated included knee instability and neurovascular damages. Results: all patients (100%) presented with a preoperative Lysholm score classified as poor or fair (mean, 58.66 ± 13.87, 95%CI 52.35–64.98), but 15 patients (72%) experienced an improvement to good or excellent scores (mean, 87.61 ± 8.81, 95%CI 83.60–91.63) after long-time follow-up. The mean preoperative angle of fixed flexion was 25.04 ± 9.15 degrees (95%CI 20.88–29.21) and it decreased to 4.28 ± 4.18 degrees (95CI% 2.38 – 6.19, after the follow-up. Conclusion: Based on these results, we conclude that posterior capsulotomy of the knee proved to be a safe and effective procedure to treat properly patients with painful knees secondary to lack of full extension with a low rate of recurrence even after a long-term follow-up.
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Feasibility and design study for a motorized A/K prosthesis.Medina, Rafael Roberto January 1978 (has links)
Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1978. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / B.S.
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A community nurse-led protocol for clinical knee osteoarthritis in older persons.January 2003 (has links)
Tsang Kam Wing, Edwin. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 145-151). / Abstracts in English and Chinese ; questionnaire also in Chinese. / Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter CHAPTER2 --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.6 / Anatomy and Physiology of Knee --- p.6 / Anatomy and Physiology of Knee Osteoarthritis --- p.8 / Clinical KOA in Older Persons --- p.10 / Consequence of Clinical KOA --- p.13 / Management of Clinical KOA --- p.15 / Role of Knee Exercise in Clinical KOA --- p.18 / Goal of Treatment of Clinical KOA --- p.18 / Function of Knee Exercise --- p.18 / Physiological and Psychological Effect of Knee Exercise --- p.21 / Knee Exercise for Clinical KOA --- p.23 / Knee Exercise for Older Persons --- p.25 / Role of Health Education for Treatment of Clinical KOA --- p.27 / Community Nurse-Led Care for Clinical KOA --- p.29 / Nurse-Led Care in Community --- p.31 / Summary --- p.37 / Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- method --- p.39 / Aim and Hypotheses of the Study --- p.39 / Aim of the Study --- p.39 / Objectives of the Study --- p.40 / Null Hypotheses --- p.40 / Research Design --- p.42 / Diagnostic Criteria of Clinical KOA --- p.43 / Sample --- p.44 / Inclusion Criteria --- p.45 / Exclusion Criteria --- p.45 / Sample Size --- p.45 / Sample Recruitment --- p.47 / Intervention: community nurse-led protocol for clinical KOA --- p.48 / Treatment group --- p.49 / Control Group --- p.50 / Data Collection Procedure --- p.54 / Pre-test Assessment --- p.54 / Post-test Assessment --- p.55 / Outcome Measures --- p.56 / Disease-Specific Health Status Assessment: Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index: Hong Kong VA 3.0- Cantonese ( WO MAC) --- p.56 / Score management and Interpretation --- p.58 / General health status assessment: the Chinese ( HK) Version of the Medical Outcome Survey ( MOS SF-36 ) --- p.60 / Score management and Interpretation --- p.62 / Specific physical function Assessment --- p.68 / Chair Rising --- p.68 / Timed performance test of mobility --- p.68 / Data Analysis --- p.69 / Ethical Consideration --- p.70 / Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- RESULTS --- p.71 / Subjects Characteristics --- p.71 / Demographic Profile --- p.72 / Baseline Assessment --- p.77 / Normality of Study Outcome --- p.84 / "Treatment Effect on WOMAC, MOS SF-36 and Specific Physical Function" --- p.86 / Disease-specific health status ( WOMAC) --- p.86 / General health status (MOS SF-36) --- p.88 / MOS SF-36 Reported-Health Transition --- p.93 / Specific Physical Function Performance --- p.95 / Chair-rise --- p.97 / Comfort-walk --- p.98 / Fast-walk --- p.99 / Documentation of the Treatment Process --- p.99 / Summary --- p.103 / Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION --- p.104 / Disease-specific Health Status --- p.106 / General Health Status --- p.108 / Pain and Physical Function Performances --- p.111 / MOS SF-36 Versus WOMAC --- p.114 / Service Collaboration --- p.118 / Effectiveness of the Protocol --- p.121 / Limitation --- p.125 / Recommendations and Implications for Future Studies --- p.133 / Implication to Practice --- p.139 / Conclusion --- p.142 / REFERENCES --- p.145 / APPENDIX I --- p.152 / Community Nurse-Led Protocol for Clinical Knee Osteoarthritis in Older Persons --- p.152 / HEALTH EDUCATION --- p.154 / Home Exercise --- p.154 / Daily Activities Involving the Knee Joints --- p.154 / Sitting and Stretching Exercise --- p.155 / Strengthening Exercise --- p.156 / APPENDIX II --- p.159 / Community Nurse-Led Protocol for Clinical Knee Osteoarthritis in Older Persons ( Chinese ) --- p.159 / 骨關節炎家居運動治療的健康教育 --- p.160 / 家居運動治療須知 --- p.160 / 影響膝蓋關節的日常活動包括 --- p.161 / 坐式伸展運動練習 --- p.161 / 張力運動練習 --- p.164 / APPENDIX III --- p.167 / Western Ontario and Mcmaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index: Hong Kong 226}0ؤ ( Questions in English ) --- p.167 / APPENDIX IV --- p.171 / Western Ontario and Mcmaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index: Hong Kong - Cantonese --- p.171 / APPENDIX V --- p.178 / Medical Outcome Survey SF-36 (MOS SF 226}0ؤ 36) ( English Version ) --- p.178 / APPENDIX VI --- p.184 / 簡明健康狀況調查表(MOS SF-36) --- p.184 / APPENDIX VII --- p.190 / Community-Based-Care of the --- p.190 / Usual Home-Help Teams --- p.190 / APPENDIX VIII --- p.192 / """Information on Right & Obligatiońح and" --- p.192 / """Consent Form""" --- p.192 / APPENDIX IX --- p.203 / Research Schedule --- p.203 / APPENDIX X --- p.205 / Letter for Institutional Approval for the Study --- p.205
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The double capstan as a position controller.Freeman, Janet Elizabeth January 1978 (has links)
Thesis (B.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 1978. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / B.S.
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Mensuração do torque nos movimento de flexão e extensão do joelho submetido a uma resistência / Fabricio Duarte de Almeida. -Almeida, Fabricio Duarte de. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Araildo Lima da Silva / Banca: Tamotsu Hirata / Banca: Luis Alberto Batista / Resumo: Os conseqüentes avanços na medicina esportiva incluem a busca por novos métodos tecnológicos que viabilizam uma melhor e mais eficaz avaliação muscular e articular no corpo humano. Associados a isso, a grande ocorrência de lesões de membros inferiores em especial aquelas da articulação do joelho, faz com que a procura por novos métodos de avaliação seja incentivada. Um recurso valioso consiste num método auxiliar de avaliação das lesões esportivas onde o exame deverá ser realizado através da aplicação de uma resistência constante. Na prática esportiva, há por um lado a importância da proporção do equilíbrio muscular agonista/antagonista, ou seja, do equilíbrio flexor/extensor representado, respectivamente, pelos isquiotibiais/quadríceps da coxa. De outro, a comparação dos valores absolutos da função muscular dos membros inferiores, quer seja para o quadríceps, ou para os isquiotibiais. Resultados alterados podem estar relacionados às lesões esportivas ou suas seqüelas. De interesse para o atleta e para a equipe multidisciplinar é poder dispor de um método de avaliação funcional muscular objetivo e seguro, que forneça dados confiáveis e reprodutíveis. Neste contexto um estudo foi desenvolvido objetivando-se a avaliação dos valores de torque bidirecional (flexão-extensão), potência, tempo e trabalho muscular do joelho quando submetido a uma resistência constante. Para tanto um dispositivo capaz de avaliar esses parâmetros foi desenvolvido no laboratório de biomecânica do Departamento de Mecânica da Unesp de Guaratinguetá, para gerar dados que caracterizem o estado físico e o desempenho dos indivíduos avaliados. Foram utilizados no estudo 19 voluntários do sexo masculino com idade entre 20-30 anos sem histórico de lesão na articulação do joelho, que foram submetidos a exercícios de flexão e extensão com amplitude de movimentos de 90 a 180° durante 40 segundos. / Abstract: The consequent advances in sports medicine include the search for new technological methods that permit a more efficient evaluation of the musculature and joints of the human body. The search for new methods of evaluation has been stimulated by the increased occurrence of injuries to inferior members and in particular knee articulation. A valuable approach consists of an auxiliary method of evaluation of sportive injuries. This examination is carried out through the application of a constant resistance. In sports practice, the agonist / antagonist muscle balance, that is, the flexor/extensor balance represented, respectively, by the hamstring muscle/quadriceps femuris, plays an important role. On the other hand, the comparison between the absolute values of the inferior members is also relevant. Changed results usually relate to sports lesions or their sequels. The development of an objective and safe method to evaluate muscular functionality will provide for reliable and reproducible results of the utmost importance to athletes and multidisciplinary teams. Therefore, a study was carried out proposing to evaluate values of bi-directional torque (flexion-extension), power, time and muscular effort of the knee when submitted to a constant resistance. To accomplish this, a device capable of evaluating these parameters was developed in the biomechanics laboratory of the Department of Mechanics at UNESP - Guaratinguetá. This device generated data that characterized the physical state and performance of the evaluated individuals. The apparatus was used in the study of 19 male volunteers, 20 - 30 years old without pathological history of joint injuries. These volunteers performed flexion and extension exercises during 40 seconds, with an amplitude of movements from 90 to 180°. From these results, a minimum performance standard was determined that characterized good performance among individuals evaluated by the system. / Mestre
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The relationship between isokinetic knee extensor and flexor muscle strength and vertical jump performance in university rugby union players of the North-West UniversityKruger, Esti 11 September 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Rugby is a professional sport which places emphasises on strength, power, speed and endurance. Therefore the accurate assessment of rugby performance is very important for sports and exercise therapists to enable peak performance for the players. Lower limb strength is often tested by means of isokinetic testing, whilst functional power is tested by means of the vertical jump test. Sophisticated equipment used in the measurement of performance indicators, are often not available in smaller communities and rural areas. A good correlation between laboratory testing and functional testing could be of great value for determining performance in less fortunate communities.
Aim of Study: To determine the relationship between isokinetic strength testing of the quadriceps and hamstring muscle groups and vertical jump performance in rugby players.
Methods: Fifty one male, rugby players who were part of the Varsity Cup Tournament in (2011) participated in this study. Ethical approval was given by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of the University of Witwatersrand. Height and weight were measured. Isokinetic knee extensor and flexor strength was tested (Biodex system 4 dynamometer TM ) at 60˚/sec (5 repetitions), 180˚/sec (10 repetitions) and 300˚/sec (15 repetitions). A single leg vertical jump was done using the Vertec and the performance was assessed as maximal height jump in centimetres. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) are reported for all outcomes. The SPSS software (IBM. SPSS version 21) was used for analysis. A Pearson's Product Moment Correlation coefficient was calculated between the isokinetic parameters of quadriceps and hamstring muscles and the vertical jump height and power (watts). An independent t-test and a paired t-test were used to calculate the differences between the forward and backline players and the dominant (Dom) and non-dominant (ND) legs.
Results: The mean age of the participants was 21.4 ± 1.2 years; they were 1.83 ± 7.4m tall and weighed 99.3 ± 13.8kg. There were 26 forward players (mean height of 1.88 ± 7.2m and mean weight of 109.9 ± 10.3kg) and 25 backline players (mean height of 1.80 ± 5.5m and mean weight of 88.3 ± 6.1kg). The forwards were significantly taller and heavier than the backline players (p = 0.0001). The forwards produced significant greater peak power in the vertical jump than the backline players in both the dominant and non-dominant legs (p=0.0001). The PT (Nm) decreased as the angular velocity increased from 60˚/sec to 300˚/sec. A significant negative correlation (r = - 0.313; p = 0.025) between peak torque (PT) concentric strength from the hamstrings at 60º/sec and the vertical jump height on the non-dominant side were found. Quadriceps PT to vertical power at the higher velocities showed significant correlations at 180º/sec (dominant: r = 0.294; p = 0.011)
and 300º/sec (dominant: r = 0.352; p = 0.011; non-dominant: r = 0.293; p = 0.037). No significant correlations were found between peak torque and vertical jump height when corrected for body weight. When correlating PT and vertical jump power corrected for body weight significant negative correlations was found at 180º/sec (dominant: r = 0.319; p = 0.022; non-dominant: r = 0.305; p = 0.030) for the hamstrings.
Conclusion: The findings from the presented study found no significant correlation between lower limb isokinetic knee muscle torque parameters and vertical jump performance in rugby union players. Future research should investigate the relationship between isokinetic testing and vertical jump height by including the parameters of a multi joint mechanism.
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The Effects of Neoprene Sleeve Application on Knee Joint Proprioception in Adolescent Female Athletes.Barrett, George Ballou 13 December 2003 (has links)
Fifteen female subjects ages 13-16 were recruited to determine if differences exist in knee joint proprioception, with and without application of a neoprene knee sleeve (NKS), when performing reproduction of target angle test (RTA), movement sensation test (MS) using a Biodex testing machine, and single leg standing test. Ten subjects had not worn a NKS and five subjects had worn a NKS.
After completing all IRB approved documentation subjects underwent a test trial of each of the three testing methods. Subjects were randomly assigned a number that determined if the subject began the test trial with or without a NKS. Three starting angles were identified for the MS and the RTA tests; error was used to determine accuracy in both tests. The single leg stand tests consisted of the test subject closing her eyes and standing for as long as possible, no longer than five minutes, on her dominant leg.
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