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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metabolismo de serina: caracterização de serina hidroximetiltransferase de Trypanosoma cruzi. / Metabolism of serine: characterization of serine hydroxymethyltransferase of Trypanosoma cruzi.

Carlos Gustavo Baptista 29 March 2017 (has links)
A doença de Chagas é uma doença causada pelo protozoário parasita Trypanosoma cruzi, que afeta cerca de 10 milhões de pessoas, principalmente nas Américas. O T. cruzi utiliza aminoácidos como importante fonte de energia e em vários processos biológicos como diferenciação, resistência a condições de estresse e invasão de células hospedeiras. A serina está envolvida em muitas vias biosintéticas. Uma das funções relevantes da serina é a formação de compostos C1 para a biossíntese de nucleotídeos. O uso de serina para esse fim é iniciado pela Serina Hidroximetiltransferase, cuja atividade foi detectada em T. cruzi, mas seu papel na biologia do parasita permanece pouco explorado. Neste trabalho, identificamos um gene que codifica uma Serina Hidroximetiltransferase putativa com dupla localização (citoplasmática e mitocondrial). Por recombinação homóloga, obtemos parasitas knockouts heterozigotos nos quais um alelo de SHMT foi substituído pelo gene da neomicina fosfotransferase. Os parasitas knockouts não mostraram diferenças na taxa de crescimento das formas epimastigotas ou na metaciclogênese in vitro. Porém, os parasitas knockouts mostraram uma diminuição significativa tanto no índice de infecção como no número de tripomastigotas liberados de células CHO-K1 infectadas com formas metacíclicas knockout. / Chagas disease is a disorder caused by the protozoa parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which affects about 10 million people, mainly in the Americas. T. cruzi uses amino acids as an important energy source and in several biological processes such as differentiation, resistance to stress conditions and in the host-cell invasion. Serine is involved in many biosynthetic pathways. One of the relevant functions of serine is the formation of C1 compounds for the biosynthesis of nucleotides. The use of serine for that purpose is initiated by Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase, whose activity was detected in T. cruzi but its role in the biology of parasite remains poorly explored. In this work we identified a putative gene encoding a SHMT with dual localization, cytoplasmic and mitochondrial. We generated a single knockout cell line by homologous recombination in which one allele of SHMT was replaced by the neomycin phosphotransferase gene. Knockout parasites showed no difference in epimastigote growth rate or in in vitro metacyclogenesis. However, knockout parasites showed a significant decrease in both, infection index and in the number of trypomastigotes released from CHO-K1cells infected with knockout metacyclic forms.

RIC-8B, um fator trocador de nucleotídeo guanina (GEF), é essencial para a embriogênese / RIC-8B, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), is essential for embryogenesis

Luciana Mayumi Gutiyama 30 September 2013 (has links)
RIC-8B é uma proteína que apresenta, in vitro, atividade de fator de troca de nucleotídeos guanina (GEF). No entanto, seu papel in vivo não é conhecido. Dados anteriores do nosso laboratório demonstraram que essa proteína interage especificamente com Gαolf, que é uma proteína G exclusiva do sistema olfatório, presente nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios, onde ocorre a transdução de sinal ativada pelos odorantes. No camundongo adulto verificou-se, por meio de ensaios de hibridização in situ, que RIC-8B está presente somente em regiões de expressão de Gαolf: no epitélio olfatório maduro e no núcleo estriado do sistema nervoso central. Para avaliar a função fisiológica de RIC-8B in vivo, resolvemos gerar uma linhagem de camundongo knockout para Ric-8B. Verificamos que a linhagem é inviável devido à letalidade dos embriões já em fases precoces do desenvolvimento (por volta de E8,5 e E9,0). A coloração de embriões com X-gal mostra que RIC-8B é especificamente expressa em regiões que darão origem ao sistema nervoso, como na região ventral do tubo neural, e em regiões cefálicas. Interessantemente, mostramos que RIC-8B é expressa na placa do assoalho do tubo neural, de uma maneira muito semelhante ao padrão de expressão de Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), que apresenta um papel fundamental para a organização do sistema nervoso, entre outras funções. Nossos resultados indicam, portanto, que RIC-8B desempenha um papel crucial durante a embriogênese, e que este papel pode estar relacionado com o papel exercido por SHH. Além disso, como a via de sinalização de SHH ocorre em cílios primários nas células alvo, nossos dados levantam a interessante possibilidade de que RIC-8B apresenta funções relacionadas a cílios, tanto no camundongo adulto (neste caso nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios) como no embrião (neste caso nos cílios primários). / RIC-8B is a protein that, in vitro, acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). However, its role in vivo remains unknown. Previous data from our laboratory demonstrated that this protein is able to interact specifically with Gαolf, a G protein found only in the olfactory system. This G protein is located in the cilia from olfactory neurons, where odorant signaling occurs. In situ hybridization experiments showed that RIC-8B, in adult mice, is expressed only in regions where Gαolf is expressed, such as the olfactory epithelium and the nucleus striatum in the central nervous system. In order to determine the function of RIC-8B in vivo, we decided to generate a knockout mouse strain for Ric-8B. We found that this strain is not viable due to the lethality of embryos in the early stages of development (around days E8.5 and E9.0). X-gal staining of embryos shows that RIC-8B is specifically expressed in regions that originate the nervous system, such as the ventral neural tube and also cephalic regions. Interestingly, we show that RIC-8B is restrictedly expressed in the floor plate of the neural tube, in a pattern that is very similar to the one shown by Sonic Hedgehog (SHH). The SHH protein plays a fundamental role in the organization of the nervous system, among other functions. Therefore, our results indicate that RIC-8B plays an essential role during the embryogenesis, and that this role can be related to the role played by SHH. Furthermore, because the SHH signaling pathway occurs in primary cilia in the target cells, our data raise the interesting possibility that the role played by RIC-8B is related to ciliary functions, both in adult mice (in this case, in olfactory cilia), and in the embryo (in this case, in primary cilia)

RIC-8B, uma GEF de sistema olfatório, é essencial para o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso / RIC-8B, an olfactory GEF, is essential for the development of the nervous system

Maíra Harume Nagai 31 October 2014 (has links)
RIC-8B é um fator trocador de nucleotídeo de guanina (GEF) predominantemente expresso em neurônios olfatórios maduros de camundongos adultos. Trabalhos desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório mostraram que RIC-8B interage com Gαolf e Gγ13, duas subunidades de proteína G que estão enriquecidas nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios, onde participam da transdução do sinal de odorantes. In vitro, RIC-8B é capaz de amplificar a sinalização de receptores olfatórios através de Gαolf, no entanto, seu papel fisiológico ainda é desconhecido. Para determinar a função desempenhada por essa proteína in vivo, nós utilizamos a tecnologia de Gene Trap com o objetivo de produzir um camundongo knockout para Ric-8B. Apesar de a expressão de Ric-8B ser restrita a poucos tecidos no camundongo adulto, descobrimos que homozigotos para a mutação em Ric-8B são inviáveis e morrem por volta do dia embrionário E10,5. Além disso, são menores e apresentam evidente falha no fechamento do tubo neural na região cranial (exencefalia). Utilizamos o gene repórter β-galactosidase expresso pelo alelo mutado para determinar o padrão de expressão de Ric-8B em embriões durante o desenvolvimento. Observamos que, no estágio E8,5, Ric-8B é expresso nas pregas neurais da região cefálica e na notocorda. De E9,5 a E12,5, a expressão de Ric-8B é detectada predominante no assoalho da placa. Esse padrão de expressão se assemelha ao de outro gene importante para a embriogênese, Sonic hedgehog (Shh). SHH é um morfógeno diretamente responsável pela padronização dorsoventral do sistema nervoso central e sua sinalização depende de cílio primário. Cílio primário é uma organela baseada em microtúbulos que se projeta da superfície da maioria das células de mamíferos e funciona como um centro de sinalização intracelular. Nossos dados mostram que fibroblastos embrionários Ric-8B-/- formam cílios primários, assim como alguns tecidos do embrião. Além disso, não encontramos alterações na sinalização de Shh em embriões homozigotos mutantes. No entanto, observamos que esses embriões apresentam apoptose aumentada em células migratórias da crista neural cranial. Shh é importante para a sobrevivência de células da crista neural migratória, sugerindo um possível papel para Ric-8B a downstream da sinalização de SHH. / Ric-8B is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) which is predominantly expressed in mature olfactory sensory neurons in adult mice. We have previously shown that RIC-8B interacts with both Gαolf and Gγ13, two G protein subunits, which are enriched in olfactory cilia and are required for odorant signal transduction. In vitro, RIC-8B is able to amplify odorant receptor signaling through Gαolf, however, its physiological role remains unknown. To determine the role played by RIC-8B in vivo we used the Gene trap technology to generate a Ric-8B knockout mouse. We found that, despite the limited distribution of Ric-8B gene expression in adult mice, Ric-8B homozygous mutants are not viable and die around the E10,5 stage. Mutant embryos are also smaller and fail to close the neural tube at the cranial region (exencephaly). We used the activity of the β-galactosidase reporter gene to determine the pattern of expression of the Ric-8B gene in heterozygous embryos. At E8,5 the Ric-8B gene is expressed in the notochord and neural folds of the cephalic regions. From E9,5 to E12,5 Ric-8B is predominantly expressed in the floor plate, in a pattern that strongly resembles the one shown by Sonic hedgehog (Shh). SHH is a morphogen directly responsible for the dorsoventral patterning of the central nervous system and its signaling depends on primary cilia. Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that protrude from the surface of mammalian cells and act as a signaling center. We show that Ric-8B-/- embryonic fibroblasts and some embryonic tissues grow primary cilia normally. In addition, we did not find alterations in the SHH signaling of homozygous mutants. Instead, we found an increased apopotosis in migratory cells of the cranial neural crest in these embryos. Shh is an important factor to survival of neural crest cells, suggesting a role for RIC-8B downstream of the SHH signaling.

Studie vztahující se k biologické funkci E3 ligázy Rnf121 in vivo a in vitro / Studies towards biological function of ubiquitin E3 ligase Rnf121 in vivo and in vitro

Škarabellová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Although the RING finger protein 121 (RNF121) is a highly conserved E3 ubiquitin ligase from Caenorhabditis elegans to human, its function is poorly understood and in higher eukaryotes it has been studied only at in vitro level. RNF121 has been described to have various functions: i) it was ascribed to function as a broad regulator of NF-κB activation, ii) it was shown to control intracellular trafficking of various membrane proteins, and iii) its downregulation leads to apoptosis. Moreover, RNF121 might have a role in cancer as its expression was found to be 16.4-fold higher in patients suffering from Barrett esophagus (precancerous lesion of esophageal adenocarcinoma) and was even more increased in esophageal adenocarcinoma comparing to healthy population. In addition, RNF121 gene is localized in the candidate region containing breast cancer susceptibility genes. To gain insight into physiological functions of RNF121, Rnf121 knockout mice (Rnf121tm1b(EUCOMM)Hmgu ) were generated in the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics and further studied in our laboratory. Rnf121+ /- intercross breedings showed a prenatal lethal phenotype of Rnf121-/- embryos, which were dying prior embryonic day (E) 11.5. Preliminary experiments carried out in our laboratory showed numerous vascular defects in null mutant embryo,...

Étude fonctionnelle et structurale des spectrines - <br />Découverte de l'hepcidine, une nouvelle hormone de l'homéostasie du fer

Nicolas, Gaël 22 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Mes premiers travaux de recherche, me permettant de soutenir une thèse de doctorat en décembre 1999, ont été effectués au sein du laboratoire du professeur Bernard GRANDCHAMP (unité 409 de l'INSERM) sous la direction du docteur Marie-Christine LECOMTE. Mon travail s'est intégré dans l'étude fonctionnelle et structurale de certains domaines des spectrines érythroïdes et non érythroïdes, principalement le site de tétramérisation et le domaine SH3. Concernant la tétramérisation de la spectrine érythroïde j'ai identifié les régions minimales nécessaires et suffisantes pour former le tétramère puis j'ai mis en évidence une relation entre certaines mutations de la spectrine associées à des anomalies membranaires du globule rouge et la sévérité du défaut de formation du tétramère. J'ai ensuite identifié plusieurs ligands du domaine SH3 de la spectrine non érythroïde. L'un d'entre eux m'a permis de définir une régulation de la protéolyse ciblée de cette spectrine faisant intervenir un mécanisme de phosphorylation/déphosphorylation. Ma formation initiale fut donc celle d'un biochimiste que j'ai étendue peu à peu vers la biologie moléculaire et la biologie cellulaire.<br />Puis, souhaitant acquérir les connaissances nécessaires au développement de modèles murins, j'ai décidé d'effectuer mon stage post-doctoral à l'Institut COCHIN (unité 567 de l'INSERM) dans une équipe co-dirigée par le docteur Sophie VAULONT et le professeur Axel KAHN. Je me suis ainsi familiarisé avec la souris comme « outil » de recherche (gestion d'un élevage, établissement de nouvelles lignées, génotypage, phénotypage). Je travaillais initialement sur le métabolisme du glucose mais j'ai complètement réorienté ma thématique de recherche au bout d'un an pour finalement identifier et caractériser une hormone, l'hepcidine, contrôlant l'homéostasie du fer.<br />J'ai été nommé chargé de recherche de grade 2 dans l'unité 409 de l'INSERM en octobre 2002 pour y développer une souche de souris exprimant une spectrine non érythroïde résistante à des mécanismes de protéolyse ciblée. Il s'agit donc toujours d'appréhender certaines fonctions des spectrines mais dans un contexte in vivo. En janvier 2005 j'ai intégré l'unité 665 de l'INSERM dirigée par Yves COLIN afin de poursuivre ce projet. Aujourd'hui, je suis chargé de recherche de grade 1.<br />Le chapitre scientifique de ce mémoire est divisé en deux parties distinctes : la première traite de mon travail sur la spectrine tandis que la seconde porte sur l'hepcidine. Chaque partie est composée d'une introduction au sujet suivie d'un résumé des travaux que j'ai effectués et/ou dirigés.


Xie, Linying 01 December 2008 (has links)
Abstract: Folylpoly-γ-glutamate synthetase (FPGS) catalyzes the formation of polyglutamate forms of the reduced folates and antifolates such as methotrexate (MTX) and pemetrexed; this allows the retention of folates and antifolate cancer drugs inside the cell. The enzyme activity of FPGS is essential for cell proliferation and survival. The mouse fpgs gene contains two promoters spaced 10 kb apart which are activated in a tissue-specific manner. The upstream promoter (P1) and exons A1a and A1b are used in some differentiated tissues, mainly liver and kidney, whereas the downstream promoter (P2) and exon 1 are used in rapidly dividing cells. In contrast, the human fpgs gene expresses virtually all transcripts from the downstream promoter. In order to more faithfully mimic human folate metabolism in the mouse, we have deleted the upstream promoter and the associated two small exons of fpgs in the mouse genome by homologous recombination. Homozygous deletion mice survive embryonic development, grow to adulthood, and reproduce through several generations, they appear to be normal. The results of Q-RT-PCR analysis on RNA from adult mouse liver of three different genotypes (A1aA1b +/+, +/-, -/-) indicated that deletion of P1 results in the release of promoter interference of P2, and activation of the downstream P2 promoter is increased by 3-5 fold. Interestingly, the total FPGS mRNA expression in KO mouse liver is 20-100 fold lower than in liver from wild-type mice. However when the FPGS activity was measured using an FPGS enzyme assay, the liver of knockout mice appeared to have only 2 fold lower enzyme activity than liver from wild-type mice. In conclusion, we have successfully generated a mouse which reflects human folate metabolism much closer than seen in wild type mice. The FPGS- humanized mouse liver model would be an appropriate in vivo tool for the study of the antifolate drug toxicity and inhibition.

Sensitivity to Dopamine D1/D2 Receptor Stimulation in Mice Lacking Connexin-32 or Connexin-36

McKenna, James 21 May 2004 (has links)
Previous work has shown D1/D2 requisite synergism can still occur in the striatum in the absence of action potentials. Some nonclassical communication such as gap junctions may be allowing the segregated dopamine (DA) receptors to interact to produce stereotyped motor activity. Connexin-32 (Cx32) and connexin-36 (Cx36) were targeted for study due to their abundance in neural tissues and presence in the striatum. Mice lacking either the Cx32 or Cx36 gene and their respective wildtype littermates were compared on a climbing behavior task used to gauge their dopaminergic activity after receiving either saline, D1 agonist, D2 agonist, or both D1 and D2 agonists. The results showed that D1/D2 requisite synergism was still intact in both strains of mice. The Cx32 WT mice displayed significantly greater scores than the KO mice in the D1/D2 treatment. The Cx36 mice did not display a significant genotype difference, but a trend was observed with the KO females having larger scores relative to WT females or to males of either genotype.

Speed Performance Comparison of JavaScript MVC Frameworks

Alexander, Svensson January 2015 (has links)
ABSTRACT   Context: Many websites today are very interactive and the users are getting used to sites that change hundreds of elements every second. Often a JavaScript framework is used to build the web site and with many changing elements on the site the need for a JavaScript framework that can handle the fast changes are needed. Each frameworks do it differently to achieving this but most of them do some manipulation with the Document Object Model (DOM).     Objectives: This research will show how fast the selected MCV like JavaScript frameworks (AngularJs, AngularJs 2.0, Aurelia, Backbone, Ember, Knockout, Mithril, Vue) can create, delete and update HTML elements on the screen.     Methods: This research have used Google Chromes TimeLine tool to measure the speed of the frameworks. The test involves creating a HTML table and fill it with a thousand rows of data with six columns. The tables content are tested to see how fast the frameworks can create, update and remove the elements.       Conclusions: Angular 2.0 almost achieved first place in all tests. Angular 1.5 did very good in the update tests and was good in the create elements test. Backbone and Ember did not do so well in the create and update tests but Backbone was the best framework in one of the delete tests. Aurelia got very good results and so did Vue which almost had the same values as Aurelia throughout the tests. Mithril and Knockout performed well in the create test which placed them in the middle among all the selected frameworks. When it came to the update tests Mithril and Knockout also found them self in the middle positions of all the frameworks.          Key Words: JavaScript, Framework, performance, Angular, Aurelia, Backbone,  Ember, Knockout, Mithril, Vue.

Characterization of genes differentially regulated after bile acid exposure in Campylobacter jejuni

Imada Minatelli, Sabrina Yuri 03 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Charakterisierung des Mitochondrialen Tumorsuppressor-Gens 1 (MTUS1) anhand von In-vitro-Untersuchungen und Etablierung eines Knockout-Maus-Modells / Characterisation of the Mitochondrial Tumor Suppressor Gene 1 (MTUS1) using in vitro investigations and generation of a knock out mouse

Zürn, Christina Anika January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Das kürzlich publizierte MTUS1-Gen zeigt Eigenschaften eines Tumorsuppressor-Gens. So liegt die MTUS1-Expression in verschiedenen Tumorzelllinien vermindert vor und bei rekombinanter Expression in der schnell wachsenden Pankreaskarzinomzelllinie MiaPaCa-2 konnte die Proliferation signifikant reduziert werden. Darüber hinaus interagiert MTUS1 mit dem AT2-Rezeptor und scheint durch die Inhibierung des RTK-Signalwegs die Zellproliferation zu regulieren. Nach den Untersuchungen der MiaPaCa-2-Zelllinie konnte eine Mutation in der Exonsequenz und der vorhergesagten Promotorregion als Ursache der niedrigen MTUS1-Expression ausgeschlossen werden. Die Analyse des Promotorbereichs hinsichtlich des Methylierungsmusters der CpG- und CpNpG-Inseln brachte deutliche Methylierungsunterschiede in den CpNpG-Inseln der MiaPaCa-2-Zellen gegenüber HUVEC-Zellen zu Tage. Die anschließende Untersuchung der vorhergesagten Promotorregion mit Hilfe eines Promotor-Assays brachte die Gewissheit, dass es sich bei der untersuchten Sequenz um einen Transkription regulierenden Genabschnitt handelt. Durch die Transfektion von HUVEC-Zellen mit MTUS1-siRNA konnten nachweislich Zellen mit einem funktionellen MTUS1-Knockout hergestellt werden. Diese Zellen zeigten mit der verminderten MTUS1-Expression ein signifikant erhöhtes Wachstum. Die Ergebnisse der Zellversuche legen die Vermutung nahe, dass MTUS1 deshalb als Tumorsuppressor-Gen agieren kann, weil es die Zellproliferation reguliert und so der funktionelle MTUS1-Knockout mit einem erhöhten Zellwachstum einhergeht. Als Mechanismus der Geninaktivierung kommt die Hypomethylierung der vorhergesagten Promotorsequenz in Frage. Die Untersuchung der Colontumorgewebe und Normalgewebe von zehn Patienten mit Colonkarzinom zeigte eine deutliche Reduktion der MTUS1-Protein-Expression in 50% der Tumorgewebe. Bei diesen Patienten konnte ebenfalls eine signifikant reduzierte mRNA-Expression nachgewiesen werden. Wie bereits bei den MiaPaCa-2-Zellen nachgewiesen, zeigte sich eine Hypomethylierung der CpNpG-Inseln in den Geweben mit geringer MTUS1-Expression. Diese veränderte Methylierung könnte die Erklärung für die verminderte Transkription des MTUS1-Gens sein. Mit dem MTUS1-Knockout-Maus-Modell wurde die Grundlage für das bessere Verständnis der Funktion von MTUS1 in vivo geschaffen. Nach erfolgreicher Blastozysteninjektion und Zucht der homozygoten Knockout-Mäuse, konnte auf DNA-, mRNA- und Protein-Ebene die geglückte Ausschaltung des MTUS1-Gens bestätigt werden. Bei der Langzeituntersuchung der Tiere zeigten sich vor allem Abweichungen im Blutbild, wonach die homozygoten und heterozygoten Tiere auffallend hohe Werte an Leukozyten und Lymphozyten aufwiesen. Durch die pathologische Untersuchung konnte eine extramedulläre Hämatopoese und lymphatische Infiltrate in verschiedenen Organen nachgewiesen werden und gaben Hinweise auf eine Bluterkrankung. Nach diesen pathologischen Ergebnissen zeigten 23% der homozygoten und 17% der heterozygoten Tiere Symptome eines B-Zell-Lymphoms. Bei den Wildtyp-Tieren konnten keine pathologischen Auffälligkeiten gezeigt werden. Fast ein Viertel der homozygoten Mäuse wiesen eine Herzhypertrophie auf, oft einhergehend mit einer chronischen Glomerulonephritis und einer Atelektase der Lunge. Eine denkbare Erklärung für die blutdruckunabhängige Entstehung der Herzhypertrophie wäre eine Beeinflussung von Wachstumsfaktoren, da bereits nachgewiesen wurde, dass eine durch MTUS1 vermittelte Inhibierung von Insulin-, bFGF- und EGF-gesteuerten Signalkaskaden eine Inaktivierung von ERK2 zur Folge hatte. Mit Hilfe einer X-Gal-Färbung von verschiedenen Organen einer Wildtyp-, heterozygoten und homozygoten Maus konnten Erkenntnisse über die Genaktivität von MTUS1 in den verschiedenen Organen gewonnen werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich von einer hohen MTUS1-Expression in den meisten Epithelzellen und Endothelzellen sprechen, außerdem weisen die Kardiomyozyten im Herz und die Purkinjefasern im Gehirn eine hohe Expression auf. Bei der Untersuchung von homozygoten und Wildtyp-Bauchhautfibroblasten wurde schließlich eine geringere Zellgröße der homozygoten Fibroblasten festgestellt. Mit der X-Gal-Färbung konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass das MTUS1-Protein vorwiegend in der Nähe des Zellkerns lokalisiert ist. Eine der untersuchten homozygoten Fibroblastenlinien zeigte gegenüber den anderen Fibroblasten eine deutlich erhöhte Proliferation. Das könnte ein Hinweis auf eine antiproliferative Wirkung von MTUS1 und eine Erklärung für die kleinere Zellgröße der homozygoten Fibroblasten sein. Als Zusammenfassung aller hier gezeigten Ergebnisse konnte die Hypothese untermauert werden, dass es sich bei MTUS1 um ein Tumorsuppressor-Gen handelt, das seine antiproliferativen Eigenschaften wahrscheinlich in Kooperation mit dem AT2-Rezeptor durch die Inhibierung des RTK-Signalwegs vermittelt. / The recently published MTUS1 gene exhibits characteristics of a tumor suppressor gene. Thus the MTUS1 expression is decreased in different tumor cell lines and the recombinant expression of MTUS1 could reduce the proliferation in the fast growing pancreatic tumor cell line MiaPaCa-2. Beyond that, MTUS1 interacts with the AT2 receptor and seems to regulate the cell proliferation by the inhibition of the RTK signaling pathway. After the investigations of the MiaPaCa-2 cell line, a mutation in the exon sequence or the predicted promoter region could be excluded as a cause of the low MTUS1 expression. The analysis of the promoter range regarding the methylation pattern of the CpG and CpNpG islands did not reveal differences in the methylation of the CpG islands, but clear discrepancies in the CpNpG islands of the MiaPaCa-2 cells in contrast to the HUVEC cells. The subsequent investigation of the predicted promoter sequence with a promoter assay approved the hypothesis that the examined sequence has properties for the regulation of gene transcription. HUVEC cells with a functional MTUS1 knockout could be obtained by the transfection with MTUS1 siRNA. The experiment with these cells exhibited that cells without MTUS1 expression can proliferate significantly faster. The assumption that MTUS1 could act like a tumor suppressor gene by affecting the regulation of the cell proliferation is thereby confirmed. The investigation of the tumor tissue and normal tissue of ten patients with colorectal carcinoma revealed a clear reduction of the MTUS1 protein expression in 50% of the tumor tissues. In these tissues a significantly reduced MTUS1 mRNA expression could also be proven. The methylation pattern of the CpG islands showed no differences between tumor and normal tissue, but there was a hypomethylation of the CpNpG islands in the tissue with less MTUS1 Expression. This methylation pattern could be the explanation for the decreased transcription of the MTUS1 gene. With the MTUS1 knockout mouse model the basis for a better understanding of the MTUS1 function in vivo has been created. After successful injection of stem cells into blastocysts and breeding of the homozygote knockout mice, the elimination of the MTUS1 gene could be proven on DNA, mRNA and protein level. The long-term investigation showed discrepancies in the haemogram of the wildtype, heterozygote and homozygote mice. The homozygote and heterozygote animals had remarkably high values of leukocytes and lymphocytes, while the values of the erythrocytes and the thrombocytes decreased. The pathological investigation could detect extramedullary haematopoiesis in spleen, lymph node and kidneys of the heterozygote and homozygote mice, in addition lymphocytic infiltrates in spleen, kidneys, lung, liver, lymph node and salivary gland were discovered, probably referring to a blood illness. To these pathological results 23% of the homozygote and 17% of the heterozygote animals showed symptoms of a B-cell-lymphoma. The wildtype animals showed no abnormality regarding the extramedullary haematopoiesis or the lymphocytic infiltration in organs. Nearly a quarter of the homozygote mice exhibited a hypertrophy of the heart, often accompanied with a chronic glomerulonephritis and an atelectasis of the lung. The interaction with growth factors could be an explanation for the blood pressure independent hypertrophy because MTUS1 can inhibit the insulin, bFGF and EGF signaling cascades. With the help of the X-gal staining of different organs from wildtype, heterozygote and homozygote mice, informations about the MTUS1 activity could be gathered. In summary MTUS1 showed a high expression in epithelial and endothelial cells, in the cardiomyocytes in the heart and the pukinje cells in the brain. During the analysis of the homozygote and wildtype fibroblasts a smaller height of the homozygote fibroblasts was determined. With the X-gal staining it could be proven that the MTUS1 protein is located predominantly in the perinuclear region. One of the examined homozygote fibroblast lines showed a significant higher proliferation rate in comparison to the wildtype and two other homozygote fibroblast lines. This could be again a reference of the antiproliferative effect of MTUS1 and an explanation for the smaller cell height of the homozygote fibroblasts. The summary of all results supports the hypothesis that MTUS1 has characteristics of a tumor suppressor gene. For the antiproliferative effect MTUS1 seems to cooperate with the AT2 receptor to inhibit the RTK signaling pathway.

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