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Activation des petites GTPases à la périphérie des membranes / Small GTPases activation at the periphery of membranesPeurois, François 12 October 2018 (has links)
Les petites GTPases sont des régulateurs majeurs de nombreux processus cellulaires. La dérégulation de l’activation des petites GTPases est à l’origine de nombreuses maladies comme, entre autres, certains diabètes et cancers. In vivo, l’activation des petites GTPases se fait par des facteurs d’échange nucléotidiques (GEF), qui interagissent avec les GTPases à la périphérie des membranes cellulaires. Au delà d’un simple lieu de co-localisation, les membranes biologiques possèdent des propriétés physico-chimiques impactant directement l’activation des petites GTPases par les GEFs. Ce projet de thèse s’articule autour de trois axes, 1) proposer une stratégie expérimentale pour mesurer quantitativement les effets des membranes dans cette activation, 2) établir un modèle d’activation à la périphérie des membranes du GEF EPAC1, cible thérapeutique de maladies cardiaques 3) caractériser des petites molécules inhibitrices connues d’ArfGEF dans un contexte membranaire. Les résultats ont montré que les membranes modifiaient l’efficacité catalytique des GEFs, et questionnait leur spécificité vis à vis des petites GTPases. Les membranes apparaissent également comme de véritables actrices de l’activation d’EPAC1 en coopération avec l’AMPc. Ces effets pourraient être expliqués par une colocalisation entre GEFs et GTPases à la surface des membranes, l’induction d’un réarrangement conformationnel du GEF par les membranes, une modification de la diffusion latérale des GEF, ou encore une géométrie catalytiquement avantageuse du complexe GEF-GTPase-membrane. Enfin comprendre et expliciter l’implication des membranes dans cette activation amène à imaginer de nouvelles stratégies d’inhibition thérapeutique. / Small GTPases are major regulators of many cellular processes. Nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) activate small GTPases. Deregulation of the activation of small GTPases is at the origin of several diseases, such as certain diabetes and cancers. GTPases and GEFs interact together at the periphery of cell membranes. Beyond a simple place of co-localization, biological membranes have physicochemical properties directly impacting the activation of small GTPases by GEFs. This thesis project is based on three axes, 1) to propose an experimental strategy to quantitatively measure the effects of membranes in this activation 2) to establish a model of the activation at the periphery of membranes of the GEF EPAC1, a therapeutic target in heart diseases, 3) to characterize known ArfGEF inhibitory small molecules in a membrane context. The results showed that membranes modified GEF catalytic efficiency, and questioned their specificity towards small GTPases. The membranes also appear as partners for the activation of EPAC1 in cooperation with cAMP. These effects could be explained by a co-localization between GEF and GTPases on the membranes surfaces, a conformational rearrangement of the GEF induced by membranes, a modification of lateral diffusion of the GEF, or a catalytically advantageous geometry of the GEF-GTPase-membrane complex. Finally, understanding the involvement of membranes in this activation leads us to imagine new therapeutic inhibition strategies.
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The regulation of the serum response network by the RGS RHOGEFS is critical for YAP1 activity and cell fate decisionsLane, Brandon S. 17 November 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The growth of mammary epithelial cells is regulated by interactions with
neighboring cells and by exposure to soluble factors including hormones and growth
factors. These cues are integrated within the cell, perpetuating changes onto the
organization of the actin cytoskeleton, resulting in altered transcriptional programs. Rho
family GTPases regulates actin dynamics that facilitate transcriptional reprogramming. In
particular, RhoA induces the formation of actin stress fibers to promote the
transcriptional co-activator YAP1 to translocate from the cytosol into the nucleus. There,
it co-activates TEAD family transcription factors to drive the expression of pro-growth
and survival genes. Rho family members are activated by guanine exchange factors
(GEF) and inhibited by GTPase activating proteins (GAP). Here, we determined the
relative effects of expression of 67 RhoGEFs and RhoGAPs on the activation of TEAD.
This revealed that regulator of G-protein signaling (RGS) domain containing ArhGEF1,
ArhGEF11 and ArhGEF12 all promoted YAP1 dependent activation of TEAD. These
RhoGEFs mediate signaling from heptahelical receptors that are stimulated by lipid
mitogens to activate the heterotrimeric G-proteins Gα12 and Gα13. Consistently, loss of
expression of ArhGEF12 and to a lesser degree ArhGEF11 prevented actin stress fiber
accumulation and activation of YAP1 mediated signaling by serum. Conversely, several
complementary experiments revealed that ArhGEF1 dominantly limits Gα13 selective
activation of YAP1 and the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades.
Furthermore excessive Gα13 activity results in both high levels of filamentous actin and arrest cells in the G1/0 phase of the cell cycle. This is likely due to the systemic inhibition
of cell cycle promoting signaling and a loss of protein translation. Further, YAP1 was
found to be essential for the survival of ArhGEF1 silenced cells. Together, these studies
define a circuit whereby the rgRhoGEFs regulate Gα 12/13-RhoA signaling flux to regulate
cellular growth that is promoted by serum factors.
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RIC-8B, um fator trocador de nucleotídeo guanina (GEF), é essencial para a embriogênese / RIC-8B, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), is essential for embryogenesisGutiyama, Luciana Mayumi 30 September 2013 (has links)
RIC-8B é uma proteína que apresenta, in vitro, atividade de fator de troca de nucleotídeos guanina (GEF). No entanto, seu papel in vivo não é conhecido. Dados anteriores do nosso laboratório demonstraram que essa proteína interage especificamente com Gαolf, que é uma proteína G exclusiva do sistema olfatório, presente nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios, onde ocorre a transdução de sinal ativada pelos odorantes. No camundongo adulto verificou-se, por meio de ensaios de hibridização in situ, que RIC-8B está presente somente em regiões de expressão de Gαolf: no epitélio olfatório maduro e no núcleo estriado do sistema nervoso central. Para avaliar a função fisiológica de RIC-8B in vivo, resolvemos gerar uma linhagem de camundongo knockout para Ric-8B. Verificamos que a linhagem é inviável devido à letalidade dos embriões já em fases precoces do desenvolvimento (por volta de E8,5 e E9,0). A coloração de embriões com X-gal mostra que RIC-8B é especificamente expressa em regiões que darão origem ao sistema nervoso, como na região ventral do tubo neural, e em regiões cefálicas. Interessantemente, mostramos que RIC-8B é expressa na placa do assoalho do tubo neural, de uma maneira muito semelhante ao padrão de expressão de Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), que apresenta um papel fundamental para a organização do sistema nervoso, entre outras funções. Nossos resultados indicam, portanto, que RIC-8B desempenha um papel crucial durante a embriogênese, e que este papel pode estar relacionado com o papel exercido por SHH. Além disso, como a via de sinalização de SHH ocorre em cílios primários nas células alvo, nossos dados levantam a interessante possibilidade de que RIC-8B apresenta funções relacionadas a cílios, tanto no camundongo adulto (neste caso nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios) como no embrião (neste caso nos cílios primários). / RIC-8B is a protein that, in vitro, acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). However, its role in vivo remains unknown. Previous data from our laboratory demonstrated that this protein is able to interact specifically with Gαolf, a G protein found only in the olfactory system. This G protein is located in the cilia from olfactory neurons, where odorant signaling occurs. In situ hybridization experiments showed that RIC-8B, in adult mice, is expressed only in regions where Gαolf is expressed, such as the olfactory epithelium and the nucleus striatum in the central nervous system. In order to determine the function of RIC-8B in vivo, we decided to generate a knockout mouse strain for Ric-8B. We found that this strain is not viable due to the lethality of embryos in the early stages of development (around days E8.5 and E9.0). X-gal staining of embryos shows that RIC-8B is specifically expressed in regions that originate the nervous system, such as the ventral neural tube and also cephalic regions. Interestingly, we show that RIC-8B is restrictedly expressed in the floor plate of the neural tube, in a pattern that is very similar to the one shown by Sonic Hedgehog (SHH). The SHH protein plays a fundamental role in the organization of the nervous system, among other functions. Therefore, our results indicate that RIC-8B plays an essential role during the embryogenesis, and that this role can be related to the role played by SHH. Furthermore, because the SHH signaling pathway occurs in primary cilia in the target cells, our data raise the interesting possibility that the role played by RIC-8B is related to ciliary functions, both in adult mice (in this case, in olfactory cilia), and in the embryo (in this case, in primary cilia)
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RIC-8B, uma GEF de sistema olfatório, é essencial para o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso / RIC-8B, an olfactory GEF, is essential for the development of the nervous systemNagai, Maíra Harume 31 October 2014 (has links)
RIC-8B é um fator trocador de nucleotídeo de guanina (GEF) predominantemente expresso em neurônios olfatórios maduros de camundongos adultos. Trabalhos desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório mostraram que RIC-8B interage com Gαolf e Gγ13, duas subunidades de proteína G que estão enriquecidas nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios, onde participam da transdução do sinal de odorantes. In vitro, RIC-8B é capaz de amplificar a sinalização de receptores olfatórios através de Gαolf, no entanto, seu papel fisiológico ainda é desconhecido. Para determinar a função desempenhada por essa proteína in vivo, nós utilizamos a tecnologia de Gene Trap com o objetivo de produzir um camundongo knockout para Ric-8B. Apesar de a expressão de Ric-8B ser restrita a poucos tecidos no camundongo adulto, descobrimos que homozigotos para a mutação em Ric-8B são inviáveis e morrem por volta do dia embrionário E10,5. Além disso, são menores e apresentam evidente falha no fechamento do tubo neural na região cranial (exencefalia). Utilizamos o gene repórter β-galactosidase expresso pelo alelo mutado para determinar o padrão de expressão de Ric-8B em embriões durante o desenvolvimento. Observamos que, no estágio E8,5, Ric-8B é expresso nas pregas neurais da região cefálica e na notocorda. De E9,5 a E12,5, a expressão de Ric-8B é detectada predominante no assoalho da placa. Esse padrão de expressão se assemelha ao de outro gene importante para a embriogênese, Sonic hedgehog (Shh). SHH é um morfógeno diretamente responsável pela padronização dorsoventral do sistema nervoso central e sua sinalização depende de cílio primário. Cílio primário é uma organela baseada em microtúbulos que se projeta da superfície da maioria das células de mamíferos e funciona como um centro de sinalização intracelular. Nossos dados mostram que fibroblastos embrionários Ric-8B-/- formam cílios primários, assim como alguns tecidos do embrião. Além disso, não encontramos alterações na sinalização de Shh em embriões homozigotos mutantes. No entanto, observamos que esses embriões apresentam apoptose aumentada em células migratórias da crista neural cranial. Shh é importante para a sobrevivência de células da crista neural migratória, sugerindo um possível papel para Ric-8B a downstream da sinalização de SHH. / Ric-8B is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) which is predominantly expressed in mature olfactory sensory neurons in adult mice. We have previously shown that RIC-8B interacts with both Gαolf and Gγ13, two G protein subunits, which are enriched in olfactory cilia and are required for odorant signal transduction. In vitro, RIC-8B is able to amplify odorant receptor signaling through Gαolf, however, its physiological role remains unknown. To determine the role played by RIC-8B in vivo we used the Gene trap technology to generate a Ric-8B knockout mouse. We found that, despite the limited distribution of Ric-8B gene expression in adult mice, Ric-8B homozygous mutants are not viable and die around the E10,5 stage. Mutant embryos are also smaller and fail to close the neural tube at the cranial region (exencephaly). We used the activity of the β-galactosidase reporter gene to determine the pattern of expression of the Ric-8B gene in heterozygous embryos. At E8,5 the Ric-8B gene is expressed in the notochord and neural folds of the cephalic regions. From E9,5 to E12,5 Ric-8B is predominantly expressed in the floor plate, in a pattern that strongly resembles the one shown by Sonic hedgehog (Shh). SHH is a morphogen directly responsible for the dorsoventral patterning of the central nervous system and its signaling depends on primary cilia. Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that protrude from the surface of mammalian cells and act as a signaling center. We show that Ric-8B-/- embryonic fibroblasts and some embryonic tissues grow primary cilia normally. In addition, we did not find alterations in the SHH signaling of homozygous mutants. Instead, we found an increased apopotosis in migratory cells of the cranial neural crest in these embryos. Shh is an important factor to survival of neural crest cells, suggesting a role for RIC-8B downstream of the SHH signaling.
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RIC-8B, um fator trocador de nucleotídeo guanina (GEF), é essencial para a embriogênese / RIC-8B, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), is essential for embryogenesisLuciana Mayumi Gutiyama 30 September 2013 (has links)
RIC-8B é uma proteína que apresenta, in vitro, atividade de fator de troca de nucleotídeos guanina (GEF). No entanto, seu papel in vivo não é conhecido. Dados anteriores do nosso laboratório demonstraram que essa proteína interage especificamente com Gαolf, que é uma proteína G exclusiva do sistema olfatório, presente nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios, onde ocorre a transdução de sinal ativada pelos odorantes. No camundongo adulto verificou-se, por meio de ensaios de hibridização in situ, que RIC-8B está presente somente em regiões de expressão de Gαolf: no epitélio olfatório maduro e no núcleo estriado do sistema nervoso central. Para avaliar a função fisiológica de RIC-8B in vivo, resolvemos gerar uma linhagem de camundongo knockout para Ric-8B. Verificamos que a linhagem é inviável devido à letalidade dos embriões já em fases precoces do desenvolvimento (por volta de E8,5 e E9,0). A coloração de embriões com X-gal mostra que RIC-8B é especificamente expressa em regiões que darão origem ao sistema nervoso, como na região ventral do tubo neural, e em regiões cefálicas. Interessantemente, mostramos que RIC-8B é expressa na placa do assoalho do tubo neural, de uma maneira muito semelhante ao padrão de expressão de Sonic Hedgehog (SHH), que apresenta um papel fundamental para a organização do sistema nervoso, entre outras funções. Nossos resultados indicam, portanto, que RIC-8B desempenha um papel crucial durante a embriogênese, e que este papel pode estar relacionado com o papel exercido por SHH. Além disso, como a via de sinalização de SHH ocorre em cílios primários nas células alvo, nossos dados levantam a interessante possibilidade de que RIC-8B apresenta funções relacionadas a cílios, tanto no camundongo adulto (neste caso nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios) como no embrião (neste caso nos cílios primários). / RIC-8B is a protein that, in vitro, acts as a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF). However, its role in vivo remains unknown. Previous data from our laboratory demonstrated that this protein is able to interact specifically with Gαolf, a G protein found only in the olfactory system. This G protein is located in the cilia from olfactory neurons, where odorant signaling occurs. In situ hybridization experiments showed that RIC-8B, in adult mice, is expressed only in regions where Gαolf is expressed, such as the olfactory epithelium and the nucleus striatum in the central nervous system. In order to determine the function of RIC-8B in vivo, we decided to generate a knockout mouse strain for Ric-8B. We found that this strain is not viable due to the lethality of embryos in the early stages of development (around days E8.5 and E9.0). X-gal staining of embryos shows that RIC-8B is specifically expressed in regions that originate the nervous system, such as the ventral neural tube and also cephalic regions. Interestingly, we show that RIC-8B is restrictedly expressed in the floor plate of the neural tube, in a pattern that is very similar to the one shown by Sonic Hedgehog (SHH). The SHH protein plays a fundamental role in the organization of the nervous system, among other functions. Therefore, our results indicate that RIC-8B plays an essential role during the embryogenesis, and that this role can be related to the role played by SHH. Furthermore, because the SHH signaling pathway occurs in primary cilia in the target cells, our data raise the interesting possibility that the role played by RIC-8B is related to ciliary functions, both in adult mice (in this case, in olfactory cilia), and in the embryo (in this case, in primary cilia)
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RIC-8B, uma GEF de sistema olfatório, é essencial para o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso / RIC-8B, an olfactory GEF, is essential for the development of the nervous systemMaíra Harume Nagai 31 October 2014 (has links)
RIC-8B é um fator trocador de nucleotídeo de guanina (GEF) predominantemente expresso em neurônios olfatórios maduros de camundongos adultos. Trabalhos desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório mostraram que RIC-8B interage com Gαolf e Gγ13, duas subunidades de proteína G que estão enriquecidas nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios, onde participam da transdução do sinal de odorantes. In vitro, RIC-8B é capaz de amplificar a sinalização de receptores olfatórios através de Gαolf, no entanto, seu papel fisiológico ainda é desconhecido. Para determinar a função desempenhada por essa proteína in vivo, nós utilizamos a tecnologia de Gene Trap com o objetivo de produzir um camundongo knockout para Ric-8B. Apesar de a expressão de Ric-8B ser restrita a poucos tecidos no camundongo adulto, descobrimos que homozigotos para a mutação em Ric-8B são inviáveis e morrem por volta do dia embrionário E10,5. Além disso, são menores e apresentam evidente falha no fechamento do tubo neural na região cranial (exencefalia). Utilizamos o gene repórter β-galactosidase expresso pelo alelo mutado para determinar o padrão de expressão de Ric-8B em embriões durante o desenvolvimento. Observamos que, no estágio E8,5, Ric-8B é expresso nas pregas neurais da região cefálica e na notocorda. De E9,5 a E12,5, a expressão de Ric-8B é detectada predominante no assoalho da placa. Esse padrão de expressão se assemelha ao de outro gene importante para a embriogênese, Sonic hedgehog (Shh). SHH é um morfógeno diretamente responsável pela padronização dorsoventral do sistema nervoso central e sua sinalização depende de cílio primário. Cílio primário é uma organela baseada em microtúbulos que se projeta da superfície da maioria das células de mamíferos e funciona como um centro de sinalização intracelular. Nossos dados mostram que fibroblastos embrionários Ric-8B-/- formam cílios primários, assim como alguns tecidos do embrião. Além disso, não encontramos alterações na sinalização de Shh em embriões homozigotos mutantes. No entanto, observamos que esses embriões apresentam apoptose aumentada em células migratórias da crista neural cranial. Shh é importante para a sobrevivência de células da crista neural migratória, sugerindo um possível papel para Ric-8B a downstream da sinalização de SHH. / Ric-8B is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) which is predominantly expressed in mature olfactory sensory neurons in adult mice. We have previously shown that RIC-8B interacts with both Gαolf and Gγ13, two G protein subunits, which are enriched in olfactory cilia and are required for odorant signal transduction. In vitro, RIC-8B is able to amplify odorant receptor signaling through Gαolf, however, its physiological role remains unknown. To determine the role played by RIC-8B in vivo we used the Gene trap technology to generate a Ric-8B knockout mouse. We found that, despite the limited distribution of Ric-8B gene expression in adult mice, Ric-8B homozygous mutants are not viable and die around the E10,5 stage. Mutant embryos are also smaller and fail to close the neural tube at the cranial region (exencephaly). We used the activity of the β-galactosidase reporter gene to determine the pattern of expression of the Ric-8B gene in heterozygous embryos. At E8,5 the Ric-8B gene is expressed in the notochord and neural folds of the cephalic regions. From E9,5 to E12,5 Ric-8B is predominantly expressed in the floor plate, in a pattern that strongly resembles the one shown by Sonic hedgehog (Shh). SHH is a morphogen directly responsible for the dorsoventral patterning of the central nervous system and its signaling depends on primary cilia. Primary cilia are microtubule-based organelles that protrude from the surface of mammalian cells and act as a signaling center. We show that Ric-8B-/- embryonic fibroblasts and some embryonic tissues grow primary cilia normally. In addition, we did not find alterations in the SHH signaling of homozygous mutants. Instead, we found an increased apopotosis in migratory cells of the cranial neural crest in these embryos. Shh is an important factor to survival of neural crest cells, suggesting a role for RIC-8B downstream of the SHH signaling.
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Analysis of various aspects of Salmonella pathogenesis / Analyse de différents aspects de la pathogenèse de SalmonellaZhao, Weidong 10 January 2014 (has links)
Salmonella Typhimurium est un pathogène intracellulaire dont la virulence repose sur l'expression de protéines effectrices qui sont transportées dans les cellules hôtes infectées. Dans la cellule cette bactérie réside dans un compartiment appelé SCV (Salmonella-containing vacuole). Au cours de l'infection, la protéine effectrice SifA est transportée du cytosol bactérien à celui de la cellule infectée. Après sa translocation SifA est retrouvée à la surface de la SCV et des tubules. Cette protéine est constituée de deux domaines distincts. Le domaine N-terminal interagit avec la protéine hôte SKIP. Le domaine C-terminal a une structure similaire à d'autres protéines bactériennes possédant une activité d'échange de nucléotide guanine (GEF). Cependant on ignore si le domaine C-terminal contribue aux fonctions de SifA dans la virulence de Salmonella et, si c'est le cas, si il exerce une activité GEF sur une protéine de l'hôte. Nous avons utilisé un modèle de souris invalidée pour SKIP pour montrer que SKIP est un médiateur du rôle de SifA dans la virulence de Salmonella et que SifA à également un rôle qui est indépendant de son interaction avec SKIP. Ce dernier est porté par le domaine C-terminal de SifA. Nous avons montré que ce domaine de SifA se lie à la petite GTPase Arl8b, une protéine lysosomale. Le domaine C-terminal de SifA et Arl8b sont importants pour le recrutement de LAMP1 sur les SCVs et les tubules associés. L'utilisation d'une lignée cellulaire invalidée pour l'expression d'Arl8b a montré une prolifération réduite de Salmonella. Ces résultats nous permettent de proposer un modèle pour le rôle du domaine C-terminal de SifA dans la virulence de Salmonella. / The virulence of the intracellular pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium relies on the expression of bacterial effector proteins that are translocated into infected host cells. This bacterium resides and proliferates in a host-cell compartment named the Salmonel-la-containing vacuole (SCV). Following translocation in the infected host cells, the effector protein SifA localizes onto the SCV and SCV-associated membrane tubules. This protein is made of two distinct domains. The SifA N-terminal domain interacts with the host-cell protein SKIP. The SifA C-terminus has a fold similar to other bacterial effector proteins having a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity. Indeed, SifA binds preferentially a GDP-bound form of RhoA but does not stimulate GDP disso-ciation. Therefore it remains unknown whether the SifA C-terminus contributes to the functions of SifA in Salmonella virulence and, if it does, whether it has a GEF activity towards a host protein. We used a model of SKIP knockout mice to show that SKIP mediates susceptibility to Salmonellosis and to establish that SifA also contributes to Salmonella virulence independently of its interaction with SKIP. We next identified that the SifA C-terminal domain supports this contribution. We have further showed that the SifA C-terminus binds the small GTPase Arl8b and that both SifA C-terminus and activated Arl8b are important for the recruitment of LAMP1 on SCVs and associated tubules. Using an Arl8b knock down cell line, we observed that the absence of Arl8b results in a reduced proliferation of wild-type Salmonella. Finally, we proposed a model for the role of the SifA C-terminus in Salmonella virulence.
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Apport de pathologies plaquettaires rares à la compréhension des rôles de CalDAG-GEFI et des kindlines dans l'activation de l'intégrine αIIbß3Ghalloussi, Dorsaf 15 March 2016 (has links)
L’étude de l’identification des défauts moléculaires mis jeu dans les pathologies héréditaires plaquettaires est d’un apport considérable pour améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes physiologiques. Durant ma thèse, j’ai étudié les plaquettes d’individus appartenant à deux familles distinctes souffrant de dysfonctions plaquettaires à l’origine d’hémorragies sévères. Par séquençage entier des exons, nous avons identifié pour la première famille une mutation du gène RASGRP2 à l’origine de la substitution Gβ48W empêchant l’activation de CalDAG-GEFI. Les plaquettes des individus porteurs de la mutation à l’état homozygote ont une capacité réduite à activer Rap1 et l’intégrine αIIbß3 en réponse à de faibles doses d'agonistes. La présence d'un allèle non muté (hétérozygotie) est suffisante pour prévenir lessaignements mais ne permet pas de rétablir totalement une fonction plaquettaire normale. La deuxième famille est porteuse d’une mutation du gène FERMT3 (pN54RfsX142) conduisant à une absence complète de kindline-3. Les plaquettes homozygotes pour cette mutation sont incapables d’activer l’intégrine αIIbß3. Elles forment des filopodes et desnodules d’actine mais ne peuvent étendre des lamellipodes même en présence de Mn2+. La kindline-3 s’est révélée essentielle à la régulation de l’activité de Cdc4β et au réarrangement au cytosquelette d'actine lors de la signalisation «outside-in» de l’intégrineαIIbß3. Seule la kindline-3 a jusqu’ici été impliquée dans l'activation des intégrinesplaquettaires. Nous mettons en évidence la présence de kindline-2 dans les plaquettes et les mégacaryocytes humains. Des localisations différentes ont été mises en évidence pour ces deux kindlines. Dans le mégacaryocyte la kindline-2 se situe dans les zones d’adhérence focales et s’associe préférentiellement avec les intégrines ß3. Dans les plaquettes, seule la kindline-3 est présente dans nodules d’actine. Ces résultats sont en faveur de rôles non redondants des kindlines-2 et -γ et d’une implication potentielle de la kindline-2 dans la mégacaryopoïèse. / Inherited platelet disorders are rare diseases that give rise to severe bleeding when platelets fail to fulfill their hemostatic function upon vessel injury. Identifying the molecular mechanisms involved brings important insight into platelet pathophysiology. During my PhD, I studied platelets isolated from members of two families suffering severe bleedings among those one had no established diagnosis. In the first family, using whole exome sequencing, we identified a RASGRP2 mutation causing a G248W substitution leaving CalDAG-GEFI inactive. Platelets from individualscarrying the mutation exhibit a reduced ability to activate Rap1 and to perform proper Inherited platelet disorders are rare diseases that give rise to severe bleeding when platelets fail to fulfill their hemostatic function upon vessel injury. Identifying the molecular mechanisms involved brings important insight into platelet pathophysiology. During my PhD, I studied platelets isolated from members of two families suffering severe bleedings among those one had no established diagnosis. In the first family, using whole exome sequencing, we identified a RASGRP2 mutation causing a G248W substitution leaving CalDAG-GEFI inactive. Platelets from individuals carrying the mutation exhibit a reduced ability to activate Rap1 and to perform proper αIIbß3 integrin inside-out signaling in response to low doses agonists. The presence of a single normal allele is sufficient to prevent bleeding but does not allow normal platelet function. integrin inside-out signaling in response to low doses agonists. The presence of a single normal allele is sufficient to prevent bleeding but does not allow normal platelet function. Members of the second family carry a FERMT3 mutation leading to a completekindlin-3 deficiency (pN54RfsX142). Platelets from the homozygous patient are unable to perform proper integrin αIIbß3 activation. We now observe that kindlin-3 deficient platelets form filipodia and actin nodules but are unable to extend lamellipodia even in presence of Mn2+. We demonstrate that kindlin-3 is essential for Cdc42 activity regulation and actincytoskeleton remodeling during αIIbß3 integrin outside-in signaling To date, only the kindlin-3 has been involved in integrin activation. We show that kindlin-2 is present in human platelets and megakaryocytes. Both kindlins exhibit distinctlocalizations. In megakaryocytes, kindlin-2 specifically localizes within focal adhesion and associates preferentially with ß3 integrins. In platelets, unlike kindline-2, kindline-3 is located in actin nodule. All together these data argue in favor of specific roles played by each kindlins and a possible implication of kindlin-2 in megakaryocytopoiesis.
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Vav guanine nucleotide exchange factors control B cell antigen receptor-induced Ca2+-signalingHitzing, Christoffer 21 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Is TD-60 a chromosomal passenger protein, a Guanine exchange factor, or both?Papini, Diana January 2014 (has links)
The Chromosomal Passenger Complex (CPC) is a major regulator of mitosis composed of the catalytic subunit Aurora B, the inner centromere protein INCENP, Survivin and Borealin/Dasra B. The CPC controls aspects of mitosis, ranging from chromosome and spindle structure to the correction of kinetochore-microtubule attachment errors, regulation of mitotic progression and completion of cytokinesis (Carmena et al., 2012). Knocking down any one CPC component induces delocalization of the others and disrupts mitotic progression (Adams et al., 2001 ; Carvalho et al., 2003; Lens et al., 2003 ; Gassmann et al., 2004; Vader et al., 2006). Telophase Disc (TD-60), also known as RCC2, is a putative Guanine Exchange Factor (GEF) that has been suggested to be involved in completion of cytokinesis through GTPase activation (Mollinari et al., 2003). However, its mechanism of action is still unclear. Interestingly, TD-60 has a typical Chromosomal Passenger Complex (CPC) localization (Andreassen et al., 1991) and its down-regulation alters CPC localisation during early mitosis. However, it is not a member of the CPC immunoprecipitated from mitotic cells (Gassmann et al., 2004). Here, I improved human TD-60 recombinant protein production by expressing a synthetic cDNA in the baculovirus expression system. This allowed me to characterize TD-60-associated GEF activity in vitro and study its possible influence on core CPC activity in vivo. I tested purified human TD-60 against a broad selection of GTPase targets, representing each GTPase family, in an established GEF assay. My data demonstrated that TD-60 has consistent high GEF activity in vitro towards the Ras-like protein A, RalA. To understand if TD-60 links RalA GTPase function to the CPC in vivo, I performed TD-60 and RalA RNAi experiments in HeLa cells. Interestingly, both TD-60 and RalA-depleted cells exhibit destabilized kinetochore fibers, a similar defective prometaphase-like bipolar spindle structure, and an abnormal centromeric accumulation of the CPC in early mitosis. In order to confirm that phenotypes seen after TD-60 depletion were due to lack of RalA activation in vivo, I generated a constitutively active RalA mutant that I transfected into TD-60- deficient cells. Strikingly, the RalA Q72L active mutant (mimicking the GTP-bound form) rescued the abnormal bipolar spindle structure, corrected the defective kinetochore-microtubules attachments, and rescued the atypical CPC distributions observed at centromeres after TD-60 depletion. These results suggest that TD-60-associated RalA GEF activity stabilizes kinetochore-microtubule attachments in early mitosis and that, TD-60 links RalA GTPase function to the CPC during mitosis.
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