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Kontrola fúzí z pohledu ochrany hospodářské soutěže v EU a USA / Merger control in EU and USAVentová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to compare the approaches of EU and USA to the merger control from the point of view of the competition policy. Its goal is to confirm the hypothesis that both these approaches converge, but there are still significant differences. The comparative method was used to achieve this goal. The necessary information was gained from law regulations, academic papers and books. The results is that in the last years, mainly after the reform of merger control in EU in 2004, the definition of the lessening of the effective competition has been converged and the same happened in the field of horizontal mergers. However there are still significant differences in the area of non-horizontal mergers, mainly because the approach of USA is based on the ideas of Chicago school, but the approach of EU is rather based on the post-Chicago economics. Other differences can be found in the fact, that US merger control system is judicial but in EU it is administrative. Apart of that the US antitrust authorities use more economics and econometrics. These findings are also proved by the arguments of EU and USA in the cases GE/Honeywell and DB/NYX, in which both jurisdictions decided differently.
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Dohled nad finančním trhem / Supervision over the financial marketValentová, Irena January 2011 (has links)
Resumé Irena Valentová Financial Markets Supervision Fragmented, and therefore insufficient, and ineffective regulation of and supervision over financial markets was blamed to be one of the main sources of the recent economic crisis, that manifested in 2008. The main theme of the present thesis consists of the changes in the institutional framework of financial markets supervision in the European Union introduced as a reaction to the recent economic crisis. The first part of the present thesis composed of chapters two, three, and four, deals with definition of some expressions used in the second part of the thesis, namely: financial markets, regulation and supervision of financial markets. The concept of financial market is explained, its components as well as structure described. Next, several reasons leading to need of effective regulation are brought and discussed and, finally, the concept of supervision as used in the context of financial markets is established. The second part of the thesis composed of chapters five and six, describes the current status of institutional framework of financial markets supervision. First, in chapter five, current situation in the Czech republic is briefly described. Chapter six, in turn, deals with the naissance of European System of Financial Supervision. The...
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Ochrana kytovců v mezinárodním právu / Protection of cetaceans in international lawMilcová, Renata January 2015 (has links)
In four chapters that this thesis consists of is presented the protection provided to cetaceans by international law. The first chapter gives insight into the biology of cetaceans, names facts relevant to their conservation and its legal basis. The second chapter deals with legal regulation of whaling. It analyzes the history and current situation in the International Whaling Commission as the only global organization to manage the exploitation of large cetaceans, particularly in terms of adopting protective measures for the recovery and conservation of whale stocks. The third chapter focuses on the species approach in protection of cetaceans as endangered animals. The fourth chapter addresses the protection of cetaceans' environment. First it deals with the protection of marine environment in general and then with the protection of cetacean habitats.
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Ochrana hospodářské soutěže v EU a její aplikace pro odvětví informačních technologií / Protection of competition in the EU and its use in the IT industryWeber, Jan January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to evaluate the protection of competition in the European Union. For this purpose in EU serves competition policy, whose application is in charge of the European Commission. During my research I chose to examine the IT industry, particularly on the Microsoft case, which became one of the most significant antitrust disputes over the past years. In the thesis I compare competition policy framework with the theoretical approaches of various economic schools. Then I monitor the Commission's investigation and I discuss the legitimacy of the accusations and actions. I conclude that the EU competition policy has significant flaws in its application. I find that the European Commission is trying to reduce Microsoft's market power at all costs because when I compare Commission's attitude to other companies with identical behavior, it is completely different.
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Právní povaha posudků lékařské posudkové služby / Legal basis of the medical review service assessmentsŠIMKOVSKÁ, Irena January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the legal nature assessments of medical assessment service. The medical assesment service has seen many changes over the course of history, and its competence is constantly changing and evolving. Unfortunately, the nature of the assesment service is sometimes ambiguous for the non-professional public and is thus viewed very skeptically. Nowadays, only a few experts are dedicated to this topic, so I decided to unify the information and summarize the main objectives of the medical assessment service. In order to better understand and illustrate the rights and duties of this service, I also looked into history. Given the nature of the work, I decided to work on theoretical work, which points out not only the historical development in the Czech Republic, but also in Slovak Republic, further it focuses on the current state and definition of terms necessary for understanding the work of the medical assessment service. The objective of the work is to map the system of medical assessment service and work is thus a summary of information not only for the non-professional public, but also for study purposes and awareness of social workers who meet daily with many questions on this topic. The medical assessment service affects many human life stages, so it is not only about assessing health status for pension insurance, but also for health insurance or ensure the social services. Since many authors are not concerned with the topic, it is sometimes quite difficult to find a clear definition of the legal nature of individual assessments. However, the legal nature of the assessments is enshrined in the law, and also affects other life stages of the person that being assessed and claims not only for financial but also for social security, and it is therefore important to deal with this topic and its changes and submit new and comprehensive information.
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Evropská politika zaměstnanosti ve vybrané instituci EU / European employment policy in the chosen EU institutionEclerová, Petra Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Na počátku nového tisíciletí se členské státy Evropské unie dohodly na novém strategickém cíli Evropské unie pro následující desetiletí, stát se ve světovém měřítku nejvíce konkurenceschopnou a dynamickou ekonomikou založenou na znalostech, schopnou udržitelného hospodářského růstu s větším počtem a lepší kvalitou pracovních míst a vyšší sociální soudružností. Diplomová práce se věnuje tématu naplňování cílů evropské politiky zaměstnanosti v Evropské komisi. Ta hraje klíčovou roli při tvorbě politiky zaměstnanosti, ale také je sama významným zaměstnavatelem v rámci Evropské unie. Práce podává odpověď na otázku, jak jsou na půdě Evropské komise naplňovány cíle evropské politiky zaměstnanosti, na jejichž tvorbě se Evropská komise podílí. Předmětem zkoumání jsou dvě oblasti vztahující se k problematice politiky zaměstnanosti, a to kvalita pracovních míst a upevňování politiky rovných příležitostí v rámci Evropské komise.
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Kárné případy auditorů v USA a ČR / Auditor's diciplinary proceedings in USA and the Czech RepublicČervinková, Karla January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is comparison of approach to auditor's disciplinary orders in USA and in the Czech republic. The main part describes disciplinary proceedings and possible settled disciplinary orders in both countries. One chapter is about chosen PCAOB disciplinary proceedings in USA. In case of the Czech republic, the most frequent suggestion for disciplinary proceedings are analysed. Finally, the deficiencie and settled disciplinary orders are summarised and compared.
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An analysis of the state interventions into a broadcasting market will be the aim of this thesis. A state is in the most of countries represented by a special broadcasting market commission. In my thesis I will focus on the commission's behaviour. In the first part of my thesis I would like to consider a theoretical background, history and actual legislation of the electromagnetic spectrum regulation, particularly the legislation of both types of regulation -- structural and content regulation. Conclusions reached will be applied to the situation in the Czech Republic. The thesis should answer questions as whether the members of the commissions are objective, independent in their decision-making and behave within the defined legal frame. Acting of the Czech commission will be analyzed on the example of "Radio Wave affair". This radio station was taken from analog broadcast after the pressure from the Council of the Czech Radio.
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Rozpočtové hospodaření Evropské unie / Budget management of the European UnionPejchová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Thesis "Budget management of the European Union" analyzes the process of budget management on the European Union (EU) level highlighting the changes brought to this area by the Lisbon Treaty. Moreover, it explores proposals submitted by the European Commission during the preliminary discussions about the nature of the future EU Multiannual financial framework (MFF) 2014-2020 in the cohesion policy. The EU budget mirrors predominantly political dimension of the European integration and reflects the MFF as an important medium-term instrument for expenditures planning of the EU. The thesis is composed of two major chapters. First part examines the EU budget in the framework of budgeting processes on the national and international level. It reviews as well the most important changes being made in this policy area since 2009, when the Lisbon Treaty entered into force. Second part shifts the focus on the more specific issue - on the future of the EU cohesion policy in the next seven-year expenditures term. Thesis author investigates the European Commission's proposal for this area, suggests changes and makes recommendation for the Czech position during uneasy negotiations to come. The author argues, that the new category of "transition regions" and the whole "partnership contracts" as proposed in the...
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Přínos Benátské komise v oblasti rozvoje a ochrany základních lidských práv / Venice Commission's Contribution to Development and Protection of Fundamental Human RightsIllková, Natalie January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is European Commission for Democracy through Law, i.e. Venice Commission, and its work. The Venice Commission is an advisory body on constitutional matters of the Council of Europe. The Commission provides legal advice to its member states in the fields of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. The goal of this thesis is to determine whether Venice Commission's human rights agenda makes a substantial contribution to the human rights protection and if it does, then in what ways, i.e. what means it uses and to what extent are they effective. This diploma thesis is divided into seven parts, which are then further subdivided into chapters. In Part 1, the Venice Commission is introduced - with an emphasis on its structure and members. The following part continues to describe the different types of Venice Commission's activities and authored documents. In these documents, the Venice Commission provides states with legal advice on how to unify their legislation with the European standards of human rights protection. Part 3 records the 30-year development of this international body. In the next parts, the work focuses on the Venice Commission's activity in Europe and other regions. The text analyzes which systems of human rights protection are deployed in different...
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