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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proces institucionálních reforem EU vzhledem k jejímu rozšíření / Process of Institutional Reforms of European Union in Light of its Enlargement

Pohunková, Hana January 2008 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the Process of institutional reforms of EU in light of its enlargement. The thesis is divided into two parts -- theoretical part and practical part. Theoretical part talks about European treaties that founded or reformed five main European institutions -- Parliament, Council, Commission, Court of Justice and Court of Auditors. In separate chapter the thesis talks about Lisbon Treaty and this chapter is followed by description of the main institutions. Practical part was based on original research in which almost two hundred respondents took part and which was focused on the knowledge of respondets of the administration of EU. The results of the research were analysed in form of commented graphs and tables. Based on the research, last chapter provides recommendations that should help increase the knowledge of Czechs of the EU administration.

Regulace reklamy se zaměřením na zobrazování žen / Regulation of advertising, focus on portrayal of women

Ficová, Klára January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with self-regulation in the advertising, especially image of women in advertising. The main theme focuses on portrayal of women in advertising, gender stereotypes, and sexism. The practical part examines the available studies on women's image and analyzes advertising dealt with Arbitration Commission of Advertising Council in period 2005 - 2009. In conclusion there is a set of recommendations for self-regulatin in advertising.

Autorské právo v Evropské unii: vliv zájmových skupin při tvorbě směrnice o kolektivní správě práv / Copyright in the European Union: Influence of Interest Groups during the Creation of the Collective Rights Management Directive

Slabyhoudek, Václav January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis focuses on the influence of interest groups during the creation of the 2012 Proposal for a Directive on collective rights management. In particular, the thesis deals with the pre-legislative phase of the legislative process, which began in April 2004. The theoretical framework includes conceptualization of interest groups, lobbying and influence. The mechanisms of influence are analysed using two theories - rational choice theory and rational choice institutionalism. The thesis utilizes process tracing - theory testing as a main methodological approach. Empirical evidence is investigated by analysing primary sources. The main subjects of the analysis are the most relevant documents from the European Commission concerning the pre-legislative phase. Four semi-structured interviews with selected relevant actors were also conducted. The thesis concludes by confirming/ disproving of the main hypothesis: Specific interest groups succeeded in influencing the text of the proposal for a directive on the collective management of copyright.

Lustrační zákony na Ukrajině: Mezi post-komunismem a post-autotarismem / Lustration laws in Ukraine: Between post-communism and post-authoritarianism

Srb, Jáchym January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis examines the phenomenon of lustration laws in Ukraine as a legal measure of transitional justice. It maps the history of unsuccessful attempts to adopt lustration laws from the independence in 1991 until the Euromaidan revolution in winter 2014. It then analyses the two lustration laws adopted in 2014 and their implementation between years 2014 and 2017. Finally it analyses the legal review that the laws have faced or are likely to face in the future. It comes to a conclusion that Ukrainian laws were not adopted after the independence in 1991 because of structural reasons and after the Orange Revolution in 2004 due to a lack of political will. In the second part, the thesis concludes that Ukrainian lustration laws adopted after Euromaidan were some of the most extensive ones in the region of post-communist Europe. Nevertheless, their implementation fell short of meeting most of their goals. In the third part, the thesis concludes that the laws might be spared constitutional review, but they are likely to face a negative scrutiny before the European Court of Human Rights.

Vývoj vnímání odkazu druhé světové války ve Švýcarsku / The Evolution of Historical Memory of World War Two in Switzerland

Müller, Joseph January 2018 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is an analysis of how the official Swiss institutions worked with the reference of World War II, thus contributing to the formation of collective memory of the Second World War in Switzerland. World War II and, above all, Switzerland's role in it, was covered in myths by official institutions in order to maintain a positive attitude towards the actions of Switzerland during the Second World War until the second half of the 1990s. For this purpose, three major myths were made during the war and post-war years in Switzerland around which the official remembrance of World War II was build - the myth of Réduit Alpin, the myth of neutrality and the myth of Swiss solidarity. Main institutions that influenced collective memory in Switzerland during World War II and subsequently in the post-war years were the army headed by General Henri Guisan and the Swiss government. This diploma thesis analyzes the evolution of the perception of the legacy of World War II in Switzerland in two periods. The first one is the period of the Second World War and immediately afterwards. The second one is the period from the second half of the 1990s, when the International Commission of Experts was established which was an important milestone in the debate on the Swiss role in the Second...

Redistricing ve Spojených státech: instituce, možné reformy - aktuální stav a budoucí vývoj / Redistricting Bodies and Redistricting Reform in the U.S.: Where Are We Now and the Way Forward

Šára, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
While drawing electoral districts and its special type called gerrymandering (redistricting with a certain purpose in mind) has been present in American politics since the founding of the United States, it has recently received a lot of attention and criticism. Gerrymandering has been accused of ruining electoral competition, contributing to the gridlock in Congress, and hampering the spirit of American democracy. Moreover, legislators responsible for redistricting are frowned upon for choosing their own voters and thus ruining the purpose of the electoral process. Redistricting currently follows certain principles, the most important of which and the only two recognized at the federal level are population equality and minority representation. These principles were designed to limit the redistricting bodies when drawing districts. State legislatures remain the most common redistricting institution. However, for the criticism that they face various redistricting commissions with different powers were established. The current trend in the redistricting reform is to delegate the redistricting power to independent commissions which can adopt a redistricting plan without the consent of a legislature and whose members have no connections to politics. Competition and partisanship are the two most discussed...

Třeboňský archivář Antonín Markus a historik umění Zdeněk Wirth - rozbor a výběrová edice vzájemné korespondence / Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence

HOMEROVÁ, Libuše January 2013 (has links)
As it is obvious from the title of the graduate work "Antonín Markus, the archivist of the town of Třeboň, and Zdeněk Wirth, the arthistorian - analysis and selective edition of the common correspondence, the authoress primary intended to prepare the analysis and elaboration of the edition of the unique epistular collection, which covers almost a half of century of the mutual friendship and cooperation of the two important representatives of the Czech cultural scene of the first and the beginning of the second half of the 20th century. The editated correspondence is a part of the personal inheritances of the both mentioned men which is saved in the State region archive in Třeboň (Antonín Markus) and in the Institute of the history of art of the Academy of sciences of the Czech republic (Zdeněk Wirth).The first part of the diploma work brings the general essay on the correspondence as an object of the scientist´s interest and the survey of the authors of the certain works on the edition analysis of correspondence of the various personalities. Next chapter introduces the used sources and special literature which the authoress used. The life stories of Antonín Markus, the longtime archivist of the Třeboň Schwarzenberg´s archive, and Zdeněk Wirth, our eminent arthistorian and organizator of the monument preservation, are presented in the individual biographies. Next part of the work shows the analysis of the correspondence from the view of the condition and amount, kind of communication, frequence of answering and the outer look of the individual documents, which is ensembled with the topic analysis of it´s content. The commented selected edition is followed by the editing notice and the name index. Other part brings of course the list of sources and used literature. The end of the diploma work includes the visual enclosures which suitably enrich the written part.

Gustáv Husák. Politická biografie se zvláštním zřetelem k česko-slovenským vztahům ve 20. století / Gustav Husák. A Political Biography with Special Emphasis on Czech-Slovak Relations in 20th Century

Macháček, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Bibliographic record: Michal MACHÁČEK: Gustáv Husák. A Political Biography with Special Emphasis on Czech-Slovak Relations in 20th Century, PhD. thesis, The Faculty of Arts at Charles University 2017, 476pp. [784 standard pages]. Abstract The dissertation thesis discusses public activities, thoughts and the political life of JUDr. Gustáv Husák, CSc. (1913-1991), who was involved in the Czech-Slovak public space for sixty years with a significant footprint even today. The text is based on a thorough research and is chronologically structured, intertwined with thematic areas, however an analytical approach prevails. The first chapter focuses on Husák's youth, the factors that led him to the communist movement, and his early activism. This is followed by a portrayal of the Husák's activities during the Second World War, his role in the resistance, participation in a propaganda trip to the Nazi conquered Ukraine, and his vision of Slovakia as a republic of the Soviet Union. His later involvement in the Slovak National Uprising provided the legitimacy of his later political career in the post-war era, when he successfully led the struggle for the communist monopoly of political power in Czechoslovakia and attempts to present the Communist Party of Slovakia as a national party. Next two chapters show the origins...

Podíl laického prvku na rozhodování v trestním řízení / The sahre of civil element in criminal decision making procedure

Reterová, Sylvie January 2011 (has links)
The Share of the Civil Element in the Criminal Decision-Making Procedure Key words: civil element, Comission for Conditional Release (parole), Ministry of Justice, probation and mediation service, assessors, associate judges, criminal proceedings This paper examines the share of the civil element in the criminal decision-making procedure. The aim is to introduce and analyze the institute that has been introduced in the Czech judiciary in the mid-19th -century - the associate judge, as well as the new institute, under which civil representatives can assess applications for release on probation. It further focuses on the Ministry of Justice's intention to introduce the Parole Board, which could single handedly decide about probation in the future. The paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter offers a historical exposé of the institute of the associate judge, devoting particular attention to the reasons which led the legislative authority to implement this civil element. The second chapter discusses the current status quo, the system, and the benefits of associate judges. Accent is placed on the legislative enactment of the share of the civil element in the criminal decision- making procedure and then on the merits and importance of their judicial participation in criminal matters. The...

Řízení o rozkladu / Remonstrance Proceedings

Adamec, Martin January 2015 (has links)
- Remonstrance Proceedings The thesis is focused on the remonstrance and the following special administrative proceedings. The remosntrance represents an ordinary appeal, which can be used to challenge the first instance decision that has not already become enforceable and has been issued by the central administrative office, by the minister or by the director of other central administrative office eventually by the state secretary. Whereas there is no existence of the superior administrative authoritites in the organizational structure of the state administration, the same body that issued challenged decision decides on it. It is obvious, that appeal procedure contains a lot of variances and peculiarities, which the thesis points out, compared to the appeal procedure. The remostrance is limited to one paragraph and its five sections by the valid and effective legislation of the Administrative Code. The more this relatively brief provision often remains unkonwn to the general public, the more attention it attracts among the experts. The thesis aims to give a comprehensive explanation of the remonstrance and its proceedings and subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of the applicable legislation and to suggest own creative solution of the examined subject. Further, this thesis aims to answer the...

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