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Stanovení charakteristik spreje pomocí optických měřících metod / Measurement of spray characteristics using optical measurement methodsĎurdina, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá měřením charakteristik sprejů dvou tlakových vířivých trysek pro spalovací komoru malého turbínového motoru na zkušebním stavu za studena pomocí metod Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) a fázové Dopplerovské anemometrie (PDA). Cílem měření bylo stanovit a porovnat charakteristiky sprejů obou trysek. Výsledky měření mají objasnit rozdílnost chování trysek za provozu a možný dopad na proces spalování. Úvodní teoretická část pojednává o základních fyzikálních principech atomizace kapalin, konstrukci a oblasti uplatnění tlakových vířivých trysek a o principech laserových diagnostických metod použitých při experimentálním měření. Nasledující část popisuje návrh a montáž zkušební trati a dalších zařízení navržených pro experimentální měření v této práci. Experimentální část se zabývá nastavením parametrů měřícího systému a zpracováním dat. Výsledky měření zahrnují vektorová rychlostní pole, axiální rychlostní profily a distribuce velikosti kapek pro různé provozní podmínky obou trysek.
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Návrh úprav biomasového kotle pro velmi vlhká paliva / Re-design of biomass boiler for very wet fuelZbořil, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to calculate the stoichiometric balance of boilers and boiler fuel for normal monture to 60%. Determine the monture, content depending on the conditions of the fuel in the combustion chamber and conditions of combustion. Experimental analysis of the current state of the boiler ZKG measurements using this device and propose modifications and solutions.
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Návrh spalovací komory 30 kW pro plynná paliva / Design of combustion chamber 30 kW for gaseous fuelsRychter, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis deals with design of combusting chamber for gaseous fuels with predicted thermal output less than 30 kilowatts. Designed equipment will be used as a generator of flue gases with required parameters further used for experimental catalytic unit. Due to the need of draft creation inside the combustion chamber and exhaust pipe is master thesis also deals with design of ejector nozzle, which will be used for this purpose. Opening chapters of this work, considering a theoretical part, are focused on basic classification of combustion chambers and industrial burners. Next and main chapter is dedicated to main goal of this work, which is combustion chamber design, containing necessary calculations divided into balance calculation and construction design. Final chapters deals with above mentioned calculation of ejector nozzle ensuring sufficient draft and also sufficient cooling of flue gases incoming from catalytic unit.
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Návrh komory výměníku tepla / Design of heat exchanger chamberHorník, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on the field of heat exchangers. Theoretical part makes the reader familiar with heat exchangers. Practical part is focused on design of chamber, which is part of heat exchanger. Practical part consists of strength calculation by standard ČSN EN 13445. Dimensions of tube sheet are gained in program Visual vessel design. Those parameters are used for creating of 3D model with accurate dimensions which is analyzed in ANSYS Workbench. Output of this analysis is evaluation by stress classification. Practical part is supplemented by drawing of heat exchanger.
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Počítačové řízení klimatické komory / Computerized Climatic Test Chamber ControlPálka, Václav January 2017 (has links)
Diplom work describes a proposal and the design of the device for controlling the temperature test in a climatic chamber Heraeus and the creation of software for operating equipment. Work describes in detail the design and construction interface for the climate chamber, with which will be able to run automated test sequences and the development of the firmware and the operating software to start the temperature test.
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Na okraji vojenské společnosti. Vojenští invalidé, zběhové a delikventi v císařsko-královské armádě za sedmileté války / On the Edge of the Military Society. Military Invalids, Deserters and Delinquents in the Imperial-Royal Army in the Seven Years' WarŠvehelka, Ondřej January 2017 (has links)
This thesis concerns military invalids, deserters and delinquents in the Imperial-Royal Army during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763). Its essence lies in the research of documents originated from the activity of the Representations and Chambers, the supreme representative offices in Bohemia and Moravia. The elementary methodological approach comes from a positivist conception, therefore it interprets the information found within the sources as a story (in a certain sense of word) based on the reality which is recorded by them. The theoretical part is enhanced by the outcomes of study of auxiliary books called Elenchs that provide information even about such sources that have not been preserved till today. Thus, I try to answer the question to which extent it is still possible to use them. The main component of the work is formed by three chapters which are dedicated to particular categories of the military persons in an order stated above. Within them, I present the results of the source research that, in the case of the invalids, concern notably their economic security and utilization for the Habsburg Monarchy's war effort. The chapter about the military deserters continues my previous research and amends it (among else) with newly found facts within the sphere of the enlightened-absolutist...
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Česko-německá obchodní a průmyslová komora a její postavení v německém systému podpory vnějších ekonomických vztahů / Czech-german chamber of commerce nad its position in the German system of support of the external commertial relationsVaculík, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
In Germany so-called three pillar system of export support has developed over the centuries. The Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a part of the Foreign Chambers of Commerce, which is one of the key institutions of the system. It has become, over more than 20 years of its operation, the most important bilateral chamber of commerce in the Czech Republic. Institutions that are participating in the system of export support are encouraging elimination of obstacles, which are preventing entrepreneurs in their expansion to foreign markets. By offering of counseling and analytical services, the Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry aims small businessmen, and tries to minimize the obstacles of their participation on the Czech-German economic exchange. By using the foundations of institutional economy and with the help of sources and literature defines this thesis the placement of the Czech-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the German system of export support. Alongside, it tries to prove the key position of the Chamber in the system of export support by analyzing competence, organizational structure and suggested services of other actors that are involved in the system of export support.
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Podpora exportu z pohledu vybrané firmy / Export promotion from the perspective of the selected companyBUČILOVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The main objective was to investigate the possibility of export promotion for Czech companies, namely Kovohutě Příbram nástupnická, a. s., Products Division. To evaluate the use of the possibilities of export promotion from the perspective of the selected company and propose measures to improve the opportunities.As a secondary objective was determined using the potential to promote exports in selected sectors and appreciation of the use of export promotion. The final output of this work was a recommendation for the company in promoting exports. Because the company does not have a good opinion on a range of support services exports, this recommendation has been prepared only for those services with which the company has a positive experience.
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Specifika nastavení řešiče v systému Ansys Fluent pro nízké tlaky v EREM / Specifications of the Ansys Fluent Solution Solver for low pressures in EREMŠimík, Marcel January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focused on electron microscopy which issue is discussed at the beginning of work. The main attention is dedicated to the Environmental electron microscope, especially the differentially pumped chamber, which the thesis deals with. There is a production of an experimental chamber for analysis of shock waves on going therefore main goal of this thesis was to analyze the flow pattern in this chamber. Using the Ansys Fluent program, simulations of the characteristic flow that arises from the pumping of the vacuum chambers namely the ultrasonic flow at low pressures on which the most suitable turbulent module was applied as well as the degree of discretization was performed. The final analysis of this flow pattern is primarily focused on the localization of the shock wave which experimental evidence is to be lodged by shadow optical method as a part of the new concept of the chamber. The basis for the simulation of the chamber was taken over by Dr. Danilatos, with which the results were compared.
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Most na silnici I/44 / Bridge on the I/44 roadMajer, David January 2018 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the design and analysis of five-span bridge construction across the railway on the route Zábřeh - Šumperk and the Morava river. There will be made separated bridge for each direction, only right bridge is considered in the thesis. Object is located to 1st class road I/44 on the route between Mohelnice and Jeseník. Three variants were designed - two prestressed chamber girders, one prestressed chamber girder with prefabricated consoles and construction of concrete slab mixed with two steel girders. After these variants were weigh up and the first one, with the length of cantilevered construction 235,6 m and maximum lenght of span 60 m, was chosen for analysis. Calculation of load effects was made by software Scia Engineering 2013 and the analysis was made according to current standards by manual calculation depending on limit states and their influence on the design as well. Drawing documentation and visualization are also part of the thesis.
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