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Remitence a dopady na vybrané sociodemografické ukazatele ve zvolených zemích Latinské AmerikyHlaváčková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with remittances and their effect on chosen demographic indicators in selected countries of Latin America. Its main focus is remittances and migration, their characteristics, division and their impact on Latin America. A composite indicator was created, and together with a development index of South America, it evaluates the level of development of each country. A comparison between the calculated index and the Human Development Index is a part of this thesis.
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Tvorba kompozitního indikátoru a jeho interpretace pro region střední Afriky.Schillerová, Monika January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma Thesis is a formation of a composite indicator, its consequent interpretation and finally, drawing up of a proposal aimed at reaching a higher level of sustainable development. In the literary research part you will find all the terms related to sustainable development, composite indicators and methods used for formation of these composite indicators explained. The Diploma Thesis includes a statistical solution of the stated problems along with a graphical and table presentation of the results reached. The concluding proposal part contains recommendations directed at the most problematic or the weakest areas in the Central African countries.
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Tvorba kompozitního indikátoru a jeho interpretace pro státy regionu jižní AmerikyDolák, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma thesis is the analysis of the region of South America. This analysis is a combination of three areas of regional development: economic, social and environmental. Basic concepts of the problems characterizing the development of the region are described in the literature research part. Outputs of own analysis are the construction of a composite indicator which compares living conditions among selected countries and a cluster analysis, which shows the most similar clusters of the selected countries.
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Tvorba kompozitního indikátoru a jeho interpretace pro region západní AfrikyPochobradská, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The thesis discusses the construction of the composite indicator and its interpretation for the region of West Africa. Theoretical part describes the characteristics and pillars of sustainable development. Another chapter focuses on the characteristics of a general methodology of the construction of a composite indicator. The analytical part consists of the processing of the acquired data and evaluating the status of the countries in the West Africa region Thesis is concluded with recommendations leading to the sustainability of the region of West Africa.
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Vlastnosti lepených spojů plněných mikročásticovým plnivem / Properties of adhesive bonds filled with microparticle fillersHabrová, Karolína January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the measuring of adhesive and cohesive characteristics of composite systems filled with microparticles of glass powder.
The theoretical part describes in detail composites from their historical development
to the present, also their characteristics, general properties, distribution and types of fibers
and matrices. Emphasis is placed on composites filled with particulate filler and current researches in the field of composites with glass filler. Furthermore, the adhesion and cohesion of filled systems is described.
The experimental part of this thesis includes a methodology, which describes in detail
the used materials, methods of preparation of mechanical testing and statistical analysis. The results of mechanical tests for all three composite mixtures and evaluation of cost savings are appended to this thesis.
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Current situation of women in the workplace in ChileCábová, Helena January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the problem of the situation of women in the workplace in Chile. The thesis is divided into three parts, while each parts gradually analyses the problem of gender inequalities. Firstly, the thesis presents the overall information about the general problem of gender inequalities. It introduces the basic fragments of the issue together with the basic terminology. Secondly, a major focus is put on the Chilean regions, as it analyses gender differences of the regions in the labor market, with detailed analyses of the key occupations in each region. Thirdly, a composite indicator is introduced, composed of five selected variables, while each of the variables is further described in terms of Chile and also the Chilean regions. The final task of this thesis is to give ranking of the regions in terms of inequalities between men and women based on the results of the composite indicator and also to give certain level explanation of the results and of the situation of women in the Chilean workplace.
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Hodnocení udržitelného rozvoje vybraného regionuJanoušková, Denisa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of sustainability of eleven selected municipalities in the administrative district of the municipality with extended powers Šumperk. The indicators of sustainable development are selected in the introductory part. Then follows a theoretical overview of sustainable development. The main work includes evaluation of indicators with commentary, a summary of the results, proposals and measures to improve the situation of sustainable development and their compliance with the strategic documents and the creation of composite indicator. In conclusion of thesis is the comparison of the results of the similarly oriented thesis.
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Vybrané aspekty financování rozvojové spolupráceMokrá, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to present overview of approaches selected countries to financial contributions of development cooperation in relation to the educational levels of specific countries. The first part is dealing with basic concepts important for this topic. Described are principles of development cooperation of the chosed countries. States are compared with help of composite indicator in 2008 and 2014 in the second part. Orientation of investment based on the outcome given by composite indicators is evaluated in conclusion.
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Mechanické vlastnosti vláknových uhlíkových kompozitůZačal, Jaroslav January 2017 (has links)
Carbon fibre reinforced composites (CFRP) are construction material, which is viewed as a perspective for its ratio of mechanical properties to weight. In recent years the research was focused on implementing the carbon-based composites among smart materials. Nevertheless, extent and volume of use of these composites in technical practice is still not up to the potential, which this modern material offers. One of substantial reasons is the lack of adequate instruments for continuous manufacturing quality control and for mechanical condition monitoring of ready-made construction parts. For this reason the presented dissertation thesis is focused on effectiveness enhancement of detection of deformation response in composites subjected to mechanical loading with uniaxial tension with employment of passive acoustic emission (AE) detection, optical method for detection of surface deformation fields digital image correlation (DIC) and electron microscopy scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Combination of used methods proved as a robust instrument for identification and monitoring of entire degradation process in composite material in course of mechanical loading.
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Analýza rozvoje okresů Jihomoravského krajeDohnálková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this Diploma Thesis is evaluation of district development in South Moravian region in selected years 2011, 2014 and 2017. Development is evaluated according to the level in each pillars of sustainable development. Economic, social and environmental level of districts is rated, both individually and across the pillars. Created composite indicator serve as evaluation tool. The result is ranking of selected districts based on success rate in each pillars of development and in complex assessment. In compliance with the evaluation, certain districts were selected that would be appropriate to focus in strategic planning.
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