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Privatizace městského bytového fondu v Havlíčkově BroduŠulc, Petr January 2007 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je přiblížit čtenáři vývoj a základní charakteristiky koncepce bytové politiky ČR a dále pak způsob jakým vznikl městský bytový fond. Čtenáři této práce by měli pochopit právní koncepci privatizace obecních bytů a její aplikaci na konkrétním případu privatizace bytového fondu v Havlíčkově Brodu, kterou zde uvádím včetně jejího zhodnocení. V poslední kapitole se budu věnovat vyhodnocení výsledků dotazníků, které jsem získal na základě výběrového šetření od dotazovaného spektra lidí, jichž se privatizace týkala. Na jeho základě ověřím pomocí statistické metody Chí-kvadrat test logické hypotézy stanovené na základních ekonomických úvahách a všeobecně známých skutečnostech.
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Aktuální vývoj informačních systémů veřejné správy v ČRŠupolová, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá informačními systémy veřejné správy. Především jejich vývojem, základními dokumenty a arogány a otázkou jejich dlouhodobého řízení. Práce obsahuje návrh, jak by orgány veřejné správy mohly postupovat při tvorbě hlavního nástroje řízení ISVS, informační strategie.
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Alternativní energetická koncepce rodinného domu v podobě investičního záměru / The alternative energy concept of a selected family house as an investment purposeMusilová, Radka January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis proposes economically convenient combination of heating devices focusing to reduce the operating costs of a house. The thesis consists of three main parts. Methodology, literal review and practical part. The description of each method used in practical path is provided in methodic part. Literal review summarizes basic facts of each energetic sources alternative as well as their support from Czech government. Then, the topics: energetic consumption of a building, investment process, decision criteria and stochastic prediction are discussed. In practical part, several devices to decrease building power consumption are designed. Based on multi criterial analysis including economic aspects together with e.g. environmental policy, the fireplace stoves with heat exchange unit for heating combined with the solar collectors for heating water when stoves are not sufficient is selected as best option. Finally, this device is reviewed from economic view using dynamic methods including inflation and prediction of power sources prices.
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Výtvarná koncepce filmu "The Brigands of Rattleborge" podle scénáře S. Craig Zahler, western jako filmový žánr, historie a příklady ve světové kinematografii / THE ARTISTIC APPROACH TO THE FILM „THE BRIGANDS OF RATTLEBORGE“ BASED ON A SCRIPT BY S. CRAIG ZAHLER, A WESTERN FILM GENRE, HISTORY AND EXAMPLES OF WORLD CINEMATOGRAPHY.Strnadová, Marie January 2016 (has links)
Purpose of the thesis is a visual and theoretical approach to western genre script of movie The Brigands of Rattleborg based on a novel „The Brigands of Rattleborg“ by Craig S. Zahler. Thesis consists of two main parts, theoretical and one's own design of the visual concept. Theoretical part contains a definition of western genre and its issues, historical overview with important milestones and a list of main subgenres. The visual part contains three analysis of creative approach to western movies produced after year 2000. This part of thesis is concluded with one's own visual concept of the movie and its detailed description.
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Socioekonomická analýza rozvoje vybrané obce / Socio-economic analysis of development selected villagesJičinská, Renata January 2017 (has links)
The theme of the Diploma work is Socioeconomic analyses of development of selected village. The Diploma work presents the social and economic analyses of Opatovice nad Labem village. The Diploma work is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical parts describes methods, theoretical aspects of regional development and legislative frame of village. The practical part is dedicated to socioeconomic analyses of Opatovice nad Labem village. Particular importance, in this Diploma work, has also the survey done among village residents. The proposals of suitable options of further village development have been done based upon SWOT analyses. There are specified expected costs and benefits for residents. The final part of the Diploma work describes current status of village and presents the proposals of future village development focused on satisfaction of residents.
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Návrh koncepce uspořádání krajiny v území narušeném dálnicíSalanci, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of landscape arrangement of the model area and incorporating the selected section of the planned highway D3 in the landscape. The thesis is based on the findings of the analysis of the selected area. Literary part focuses on resources dealing with land-use and spatial planning. To process analytical work was used methodology Concept of landscape arrangement for the protection and restoration of cultural, historical and natural values of the territory (Kučera et al. 2015). The practical part analyzes the characteristics of the landscape and is based on the findings formulates principles concept landscape arrangement. The proposal section specifies in detail the possibility of integrating the highway D3 into the landscape of the area so that the disruption of the landscape is minimized as small as possible.
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Koncepce Atlasu Jihočeského kraje. / The conception of Atlas of the Southbohemian region.PEJCHAROVÁ, Soňa January 2009 (has links)
This diploma paper deals with proposing Atlas of the Southbohemian region. This thematic atlas is based on regional level. Thanks to its character the atlas permeates all important parts of geography and is getting the most important information source about the region. Opening chapters deal with aims of the paper and with scientific literature which is accessible to this topic. Other chapter is concentrated on evaluation of regional atlases which are connected to the territory of the Czech Republic. Essential part of this paper is the analysis of the data accessibility in regional level. There is introduced also the proper design of sections of the Southbohemian Atlas, together with a conception of single geographic papers. Exemplary geographic papers can help with creating visual imagination.
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Návrh koncepce IS/ICT pro Junák ČR / Information strategy draft for Junák CZPelcl, Ladislav January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of the diploma thesis is creating a draft of an information strategy for Junák -- Association Scouts and Guides CZ. The organization is a Czech NGO, focused on education of children and young people. For both these main activities and also administrative, economical and other areas, it uses IS/ICT resources. Mainly due to a lack of coordination in their past development, in many fields these don't allow the organization to work efficiently and use the current potential of IS/ICT. This leads to diminishing of the organization's competitiveness. The thesis tries to bring such a strategy, that the organization could use even in the case it needs to be modified accordingly to its priorities. The thesis tries to reach the creation of the draft through a number of steps. Following the brief description of the organization, the thesis introduces basic terms and attitudes towards the IS/ICT governance. In order to identify both weaknesses and future potential, it thoroughly describes and analyzes the current IS/ICT projects currently in use in the organization. With partial use of the "potential of improvement" method, it states reasonable degree of efficiency improvement in various key activities. Great amount of focus is being spent on proposals of new projects, that could lead the organization to efficiency or raising its competitiveness through making the most of current trends in IS/ICT. Major projects are put together out of the proposals as well as the method of their evaluation in relation to the strategic priorities of the organization. Finally, the information strategy is defined. Author's main contribution is in his capability to point out new solutions which could help to improve non-optimal processes in a way, that makes use of current potential of IS/ICT. Using his experience from both the organization itself and the IS/ICT field, he tries to create modern, tailor-made information strategy.
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Mezinárodní strategie společnosti Metro - vybrané problémy / Metro international's strategy - selected issuesZakouřilová, Eliška January 2009 (has links)
Currently, there is a clear trend of revival of small shops near the customer's home. In this context, formulated by Metro, or Macro new business idea - the concept of small shops / convenience store (ie, smaller stores with food and other basic commodities of daily use). Therefore, it was created and introduced the project Macro Small shops (where the aim is to create a "network of retail stores under the auspices of the macro) to allow the company to effectively compete with chain stores, purchasing alliances and consumer cooperatives.
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Návrh postupů a opatření pro podporu činnosti vybraného golfového hřiště v České republice / Proposal methods and measures for support activities selected golf course in the Czech republicSpilková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the golf theme. Popularity of golf is growing, and increasingly in the context of the rising new golf courses, which are competitors. The main target is to propose methods and measures to support the activities of the Golf Club Pardubice, which I chose on the basis of four years work experience. Prior to its implementation, I developed a survey of customer satisfaction. At the proposal continues marketing concept of Golf Club Pardubice. In this thesis, the emphasis is on the needs and wishes of the customer, as a key element of marketing itself.
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