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Employee well-being, turnover intention and perceived employability : a psychological contract approach / L. van der Vaart.Van der Vaart, Leoni January 2012 (has links)
The contemporary working environment is characterised by constant change and increased cognitive and emotional demands on employees. At the same time, long-term employment is no longer guaranteed and often employees are not loyal to one organisation throughout their careers. These changes alter and threaten the viability of the employment relationship. Employees still provide a competitive edge for organisations and their expectations should be managed in such a way that the current organisation remains the employee’s employer of choice. If employers fail to achieve this, employees will be less satisfied and voluntary turnover will result, with detrimental effects on the organisation, both directly and indirectly. In order to ensure the retention of valuable employees, organisations need to identify the predictors of employees’ intention to leave and the nature of the relationships between these factors.
Previous studies focused on evaluating the content of the psychological contract and its relation to employee well-being and intention to leave. However, the focus should be less on what employees expect from employers and more on whether these expectations are being fulfilled, now and in future, and whether employees perceive it as fair. Although numerous studies have been conducted on the outcomes of the psychological contract, the evaluation of the state of the psychological contract and its predictive ability remains largely unexplored. More research is also needed to identify mediators in the psychological contract domain.
Employability emerged as a coping resource for employees in times of uncertainty. Unfortunately, the more employable employees are, the more likely they will leave the organisation. Due to the assumed positive relationship between employability and performance, organisations should aim to enhance the employability of their employees but at the same time they should seek ways to retain these employees. Empirical research on the outcomes of perceived employability is limited and more research is also needed to identify moderators. The objectives of the study were 1) to determine whether the state of the psychological contract (as perceived by the employee) mediates the relationship between employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation; and 2) to determine whether the state of the psychological contract (as perceived by the employee) moderates the relationship between perceived employability and employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation, respectively. Structural equation modelling was used to establish the significance of the relationship between the variables simultaneously. Two structural models were evaluated; one with employee well-being as mediator and one with the state of the psychological contract as moderator.
The results indicated that employee well-being partially mediates the negative relationship between the state of the psychological contract and intention to leave. The state of the psychological contract played a significant role in predicting individual outcomes. The results also indicated that perceived employability had a positive relationship with intention to leave. This is in line with previous international studies. Contrary to what was expected, no significant relationship was found between perceived employability and employee well-being. Furthermore, the state of the psychological contract did not moderate the relationship between perceived employability and employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation, respectively. The results highlighted the importance of well-being as a factor in employees’ intention to leave the organisation.
Recommendations were made for organisations and futher reseach. / Thesis (MCom (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Employee well-being, turnover intention and perceived employability : a psychological contract approach / L. van der Vaart.Van der Vaart, Leoni January 2012 (has links)
The contemporary working environment is characterised by constant change and increased cognitive and emotional demands on employees. At the same time, long-term employment is no longer guaranteed and often employees are not loyal to one organisation throughout their careers. These changes alter and threaten the viability of the employment relationship. Employees still provide a competitive edge for organisations and their expectations should be managed in such a way that the current organisation remains the employee’s employer of choice. If employers fail to achieve this, employees will be less satisfied and voluntary turnover will result, with detrimental effects on the organisation, both directly and indirectly. In order to ensure the retention of valuable employees, organisations need to identify the predictors of employees’ intention to leave and the nature of the relationships between these factors.
Previous studies focused on evaluating the content of the psychological contract and its relation to employee well-being and intention to leave. However, the focus should be less on what employees expect from employers and more on whether these expectations are being fulfilled, now and in future, and whether employees perceive it as fair. Although numerous studies have been conducted on the outcomes of the psychological contract, the evaluation of the state of the psychological contract and its predictive ability remains largely unexplored. More research is also needed to identify mediators in the psychological contract domain.
Employability emerged as a coping resource for employees in times of uncertainty. Unfortunately, the more employable employees are, the more likely they will leave the organisation. Due to the assumed positive relationship between employability and performance, organisations should aim to enhance the employability of their employees but at the same time they should seek ways to retain these employees. Empirical research on the outcomes of perceived employability is limited and more research is also needed to identify moderators. The objectives of the study were 1) to determine whether the state of the psychological contract (as perceived by the employee) mediates the relationship between employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation; and 2) to determine whether the state of the psychological contract (as perceived by the employee) moderates the relationship between perceived employability and employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation, respectively. Structural equation modelling was used to establish the significance of the relationship between the variables simultaneously. Two structural models were evaluated; one with employee well-being as mediator and one with the state of the psychological contract as moderator.
The results indicated that employee well-being partially mediates the negative relationship between the state of the psychological contract and intention to leave. The state of the psychological contract played a significant role in predicting individual outcomes. The results also indicated that perceived employability had a positive relationship with intention to leave. This is in line with previous international studies. Contrary to what was expected, no significant relationship was found between perceived employability and employee well-being. Furthermore, the state of the psychological contract did not moderate the relationship between perceived employability and employees’ well-being and their intention to leave the organisation, respectively. The results highlighted the importance of well-being as a factor in employees’ intention to leave the organisation.
Recommendations were made for organisations and futher reseach. / Thesis (MCom (Human Resource Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Constructing a psychological framework for enhancing relational attitudes and behaviour in the South African employment relations contextKirsten, Monica 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English, abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research endeavoured to construct a psychological framework for enhancing relational attitudes and behaviour in a South African employment relations context by investigating the relationship dynamics between individuals’ work-related perceptions (perceived organisational support and justice) and work experiences (psychological contract violation) and their relational attitudes (organisational and union commitment) and behaviour (organisational citizenship behaviour and counterproductive work behaviour) in the workplace, as moderated by their personal dispositions (individualism/collectivism) and mediated by organisational cynicism and trust. The associations between individuals’ personal (gender, age, population group and education level) and work-related (employment status, tenure, job level and union membership) characteristics and these dispositional and relational variables were also explored. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted on a purposive sample of employed students registered at a higher education institution (n = 740). Canonical correlation analysis revealed that individuals’ work-related perceptions and work experiences as well as their sense of organisational cynicism and trust were strong predictors of their attitudinal commitment towards their organisations and their organisationally directed organisational citizenship behaviour. Structural equation modelling indicated a good fit between employees’ perceptions of the quality of their social exchange relationship with their employing organisations and their trust in and cynicism towards these organisations as antecedents of relational attitudes and behaviour. Mediation analysis indicated that individuals’ work-related perceptions and work experiences influence their attitudinal commitment to their employing organisations through their sense of organisational cynicism and trust. Moderation analysis revealed that the influence of individuals’ cynicism towards their employing organisations on their attitudinal commitment is conditional upon their level of horizontal collectivism. Multiple regression analysis showed that individuals’ gender, population group, level of education and job level explain their attitudinal and behavioural reactions to work-related perceptions and work experiences. Tests for significant mean differences revealed significant differences in terms of the biographical variables. At a theoretical level, the study extended the understanding of relational attitudes and behaviour and the antecedents thereof in the workplace. At an empirical level, the study delivered an empirically tested psychological framework for enhancing relational attitudes and behaviour. At a practical level, individual and organisational interventions in terms of the psychological framework were recommended. / Met hierdie studie is gepoog om ʼn sielkundige raamwerk daar te stel wat aangewend kan word om werknemerhoudings en -gedrag in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsverhoudinge konteks te verbeter. Met die oog hierop is ondersoek ingestel na die verhoudingsdinamiek tussen individue se werkverwante persepsies (waargenome organisasiesteun en -geregtigheid); werksbelewenisse (skending van die sielkundige kontrak); hulle houdings (organisasie- en vakbondverbondenheid); en gedrag (organisasieburgerskapgedrag en teenproduktiewe werksgedrag) by die werkplek wat deur hulle pesoonlike ingesteldheid (individualisme/ kollektivisme) beïnvloed word en deur organisasiesinisme en -vertroue bemiddel word. Die verband tussen individue se persoonlike eienskappe (hulle geslag, ouderdom, bevolkingsgroep en opleidingsvlak), werkverwante eienskappe (hulle arbeidstatus, dienstyd, posvlak en vakbondlidmaatskap) en hierdie gesindheids- en verhoudingsveranderlikes is eweneens verken. 'n Kwantitatiewe deursneeopname is gedoen met 'n doelgerigte steekproef onder werkende studente wat by 'n hoëronderwysinstelling ingeskryf is (n = 740). 'n Kanonieke korrelasieanalise het getoon dat individue se werkverwante persepsies en belewenisse sowel as hul organisasiesinisme en -vertroue 'n goeie aanduiding was van hulle houdingsverbondenheid tot hulle organisasies en van hulle burgerskapgedrag jeens hulle organisasies. Strukturele vergelykingsmodellering het groot ooreenkomste tussen werknemers se persepsies van hoe goed hulle sosiale uitruilverhouding met hul werkgewerorganisasies is asook hul vertroue in en sinisme teenoor hierdie organisasies as antesedente van hulle houdings teenoor en gedrag in hulle organisasies aan die lig gebring. Volgens 'n bemiddelingsanalise bepaal werknemers se werkverwante persepsies en werkbelewenisse hulle verbondenheid tot hulle werkgewerorganisasie op grond van hulle organisasiesinisme en -vertroue. 'n Modereringsanalise het getoon dat die invloed wat individue se sinisme teenoor hulle werkgewerorganisasies op hulle verbondenheid het, afhanklik is van hulle vlak van horisontale kollektivisme. Voorts blyk dit uit 'n meervoudige regressieanalise dat individue se geslag, bevolkingsgroep, opleiding en posvlak hulle houding- en gedragsreaksie op werkverwante persepsies en belewenisse verduidelik. Afgesien hiervan het opvallende verskille ten opsigte van die biografiese veranderlikes danksy toetse vir beduidende gemiddeldeverskille aan die lig gekom. Op teoretiese vlak het hierdie studie die kennis van werksverwante houdings en gedrag en die antesedente daarvan in die werkplek verbeter. Op empiriese vlak het hierdie studie 'n empiries getoetste sielkundige raamwerk vir die bevordering van positiewe werksverwante houdings en -gedrag tot gevolg gehad. Op praktiese vlak is individuele en organisasie-intervensies ten opsigte van die sielkundige raamwerk aanbeveel. / Lolu cwaningo luzama ukwakha uhlaka lwezengqondo lokukhulisa indlela enhle yokucabanga nokuziphatha kumqondosizinda wezindlela zokusebenza eNingizimu Afrika ngokucubungula izinguquko ebudlelwaneni phakathi kwemibono emayelana nemisebenzi yomuntu ngamunye (ukusekela nobulungiswa kwenhlangano okucatshangelwayo) nababhekana nakho emsebenzini (ukungahlonishwa kwesivumelwano sezengqondo) nendlela yabo yokucabanga (ukuzibophezela kwenhlangano nokubumbana) nendlela yokuziphatha (indlela yokuziphatha ngokobuzwe benhlangano nendlela yokuziphatha engavumelani nokwenziwa ngemfanelo komsebenzi) emsebenzini njengoba kujivazwa yindlela bona ngokwabo abaziphethe ngayo (ngokuzimela/ngokusebenzisana) futhi kugqugquzelwa ukungabaza nokungabinethemba enhlanganweni. Ubudlelwane phakathi kobunjalo bomuntu ngomuntu (ubulili, iminyaka yobudala, nokuthi ungowaliphi iqembu labantu kanye nezinga lemfundo) nokumayelana nomsebenzi (isimo sokusebenza, umsebenzi owenzayo, izinga lomsebenzi nobulungu benhlangano) izimpawu nalokhu okuguquguqukayo okuwubunjalo bomuntu nakho kwatholakala. Inhlolovo engamanani eyizigaba ezehlukene yenziwa kwisampula eyayikhethwe ngamabomu yabafundi ababhalisiwe esikhungweni semfundo ephakeme (n = 740). Ukuhlaziwa kokuhlobana okungenakuphikiswa kwaveza ukuthi izindlela zabantu ngabanye zokucabanga mayelana nomsebenzi nababhekana nakho emsebenzini kanjalo nombono wabo mayelana nokungabaza nokwethemba inhlangano kwakuyizona zinkomba ezazinamandla zokuzibophezela kwabo ngokwendlela yokucabanga ezinhlanganweni zabo kanye nendlela yabo yokuziphatha ngokwenhlangano okubhekiswe ebuzweni benhlangano. Indlela yokuqhathanisa ngokokwakheka yaveza ukuxhumana okuhle phakathi kombono wabasebenzi wezinga eliphezulu lobudlelwane babo bokuxoxisana nezinhlangano ezibaqashile kanye nokuthemba nokungabaza kwabo okwakuqondiswe kulezi zinhlangano njengesisekelo sendlela yokucabanga neyokuziphatha kwabo. Ukuhlaziywa kokuxoxisana kuveza ukuthi imibono yabantu emayelana nomsebenzi kanye nababhekana nakho emsebenzini kunomthelela ekuzibophezeleni kwabo ngokwendlela yokucabanga ezinhlanganweni ezibaqashile ngokomqondo wabo wokungabaza nokwethemba inhlangano. Ukuhlaziya okulawulekayo kwaveza ukuthi umthelela wokungabaza komumntu ngamunye mayelana nezinhlangano ezibaqashile ekuzibophezeleni kwabo ngokwendlela yokucabanga kuncike ezingeni labo lokusebenzisana ngokulinganayo. Ukuhlaziywa kokwehla ngamandla kwakhombisa ukuthi lokhu okulandelayo komuntu ngomuntu, ubulili, iqembu labantu akulona, izinga lemfundo nezinga lomsebenzi kuchaza indlela ababhekana ngayo ngokwendlela yokucabanga nokuziphatha okumayelana nomsebenzi nalokho ababhekana nakho emsebenzini. Ukuhlolwa kokusemqoka kuchaza umehluko owembula umehluko osemqoka ngokuguquguquka kwemininingwane ngomuntu. Ezingeni lethiyori, lolu cwaningo luveze ngokuthe xaxa ukuqonda indlela yokucabanga neyokuziphatha kwabantu, nezisekelo ezikhona endaweni yokusebenza. Ezingeni lokungase kubonakale kwenzeka, lesi sifundo silethe uhlaka lwezengqondo oluhlolwe njengolungase lwenzeke ukukhulisa indlela yokucabanga neyokuziphatha kwabantu. Ezingeni lokungase kwenzeke, kwancomeka ukuthi kube nokungenelela komuntu ngamunye nokwenhlangano ngokohlaka lwezengqondo. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))
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Die roeping van Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede binne 'n grondwetlike demokrasie in die lig van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis / D.F. MullerMuller, Daniel Francois January 2010 (has links)
Reformed Christians utilise article 36 of the Belgic Confession (BC) to state
the Godly calling of civil authorities. This confession may however be in
conflict with the South African constitution. According to article 36 authorities
have, in accordance with the keeping of order, a duty concerning the removal
of false religion. The constitution guarantees everyone in South Africa
freedom of religion.
This study thus investigates the following stated problem: To what does God
call South-African authorities within the constitutional democracy in the light of
art. 36 and how can they fulfil this calling? The investigation has been
undertaken in line with the argument that the principals of art. 36 are not only
Biblical but should also still be used as a starting point to identify the calling of
South African authorities concerning the keeping of order as well as the
protection of the ministry of the Holy Word and the Christian life according to
this Word. The following three investigations were then launched:
* A dogmahistorical and theological-ethical investigation
Chapter 2 focuses on the context in which the BC originated. It was drafted to
convince Roman Catholic minded authorities to stop persecuting Reformed
Christians as they - in contrast with some revolutionary Anabaptists - wanted
to obey the government. Reformed Christians wanted to live according to the
Word (which requires obedience to the authorities). If the authorities protected
the ministry of the Word, peace and order would be promoted.
Chapter 3 explains art. 36. This explanation is complicated by the fact that the
article has been changed over time. In certain instances it has been
interpreted to mean that God, in light of the close bond between church and
state at that time, calls civil authorities to persecute heretics even with force.
The article however actually calls authorities to protect the ministry of the
Word and so doing support the removal of heresy. The article takes a narrow
view of the true form of the true religion. * A constitutional investigation
Chapter 4 describes the South African constitutional democracy as well as its
origin and indicates what (sometimes unrecognised) role the Reformed
tradition played in forging constitutional democracy. Subsequently the
fundamental values and forthcoming stipulations concerning the freedom of
conscience and religion are highlighted. Although authorities do not - in a
juridical sense - contend with what would be the true form of the true religion,
this study has found the constitutional values and forthcoming stipulations
broadly agree with Biblical principles. Yet South African authorities interpret
these values and stipulations in accordance with secularist / humanistic
* A contextual investigation
This final chapter investigates how well the current constitutional framework
enables (chapter 4) South African authorities to fulfil the calling (chapter 2 and
3).The final conclusion is that this framework does indeed enable these
authorities to fulfil the calling
by recognising, protecting and expanding
the fundamental values, freedoms and rights
which have been constitutionally entrenched
in order that every one has the space and opportunity to
utilise these rights and freedoms
to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ
in all spheres of life
This task undoubtedly includes that the authorities should protect the ministry
of the Word by pertinently ensuring that churches have the opportunity to
minister the Word to everyone.
It has been found that authorities should preferably take up the attitude of the
active plural option towards religion as this option is most suitable for fulfilling
their calling. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Church and Dogma History))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Die roeping van Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede binne 'n grondwetlike demokrasie in die lig van artikel 36 van die Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis / D.F. MullerMuller, Daniel Francois January 2010 (has links)
Reformed Christians utilise article 36 of the Belgic Confession (BC) to state
the Godly calling of civil authorities. This confession may however be in
conflict with the South African constitution. According to article 36 authorities
have, in accordance with the keeping of order, a duty concerning the removal
of false religion. The constitution guarantees everyone in South Africa
freedom of religion.
This study thus investigates the following stated problem: To what does God
call South-African authorities within the constitutional democracy in the light of
art. 36 and how can they fulfil this calling? The investigation has been
undertaken in line with the argument that the principals of art. 36 are not only
Biblical but should also still be used as a starting point to identify the calling of
South African authorities concerning the keeping of order as well as the
protection of the ministry of the Holy Word and the Christian life according to
this Word. The following three investigations were then launched:
* A dogmahistorical and theological-ethical investigation
Chapter 2 focuses on the context in which the BC originated. It was drafted to
convince Roman Catholic minded authorities to stop persecuting Reformed
Christians as they - in contrast with some revolutionary Anabaptists - wanted
to obey the government. Reformed Christians wanted to live according to the
Word (which requires obedience to the authorities). If the authorities protected
the ministry of the Word, peace and order would be promoted.
Chapter 3 explains art. 36. This explanation is complicated by the fact that the
article has been changed over time. In certain instances it has been
interpreted to mean that God, in light of the close bond between church and
state at that time, calls civil authorities to persecute heretics even with force.
The article however actually calls authorities to protect the ministry of the
Word and so doing support the removal of heresy. The article takes a narrow
view of the true form of the true religion. * A constitutional investigation
Chapter 4 describes the South African constitutional democracy as well as its
origin and indicates what (sometimes unrecognised) role the Reformed
tradition played in forging constitutional democracy. Subsequently the
fundamental values and forthcoming stipulations concerning the freedom of
conscience and religion are highlighted. Although authorities do not - in a
juridical sense - contend with what would be the true form of the true religion,
this study has found the constitutional values and forthcoming stipulations
broadly agree with Biblical principles. Yet South African authorities interpret
these values and stipulations in accordance with secularist / humanistic
* A contextual investigation
This final chapter investigates how well the current constitutional framework
enables (chapter 4) South African authorities to fulfil the calling (chapter 2 and
3).The final conclusion is that this framework does indeed enable these
authorities to fulfil the calling
by recognising, protecting and expanding
the fundamental values, freedoms and rights
which have been constitutionally entrenched
in order that every one has the space and opportunity to
utilise these rights and freedoms
to live according to the gospel of Jesus Christ
in all spheres of life
This task undoubtedly includes that the authorities should protect the ministry
of the Word by pertinently ensuring that churches have the opportunity to
minister the Word to everyone.
It has been found that authorities should preferably take up the attitude of the
active plural option towards religion as this option is most suitable for fulfilling
their calling. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Church and Dogma History))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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