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Vliv mikrofinancování na vybrané ukazatele socioekonomického rozvoje v subsaharské AfriceŠtěpáníková, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the impact of microfinance on selected socio-economic development indicators in Sub-Saharan Africa. Research was examined through panel data analysis from 2009 to 2014. The theoretical part provides an overview about sub-Saharan Africa, microfinance and its principles, socio-economic development, exploratory indicators and about statistical methods. The analytical part analyses research data through deviate test, descriptive characteristics, cluster analysis and canonical correlation analysis.
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Identification of factors of business cycle synchronization within the EUIrmann, David January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to assess business cycle correlation and convergence in the European Union. The thesis also examines the effect of structural conver-gence, intra-industry trade intensity and other factors upon the above mentioned convergence of economic activities. For this purpose, the correlation analysis and panel data regression analysis are implemented. The results show positive influence of intra-industry trade intensity, whereas structural convergence indices report ra-ther unstable and heterogeneous outcomes.
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Numerické metody registrace obrazů s využitím nelineární geometrické transformace / Numerical Method of Image Registration Using Nonlinear Geometric TransformStodola, Jakub Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to find general nonlinear geometric transformation, which compensates irregular deformation of images, so that they could be registered. In the introductory part, necessary mathematical tools are stated, especially convolution, correlation and Fourier transform. In the next part, method of phase correlation is stated, followed by algorithms used for finding the geometric transformation. Those algorithms are implemented in computer program, that is included.
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Evropské realitní investiční trusty: Analýza korelace za použití DCC- GARCH modelu / European Real Estate Investment Trusts: Analyzing Correlation with a DCC-GARCH ModelJílek, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Bibliographic Record JÍLEK, Jiří. European Real Estate Investment Trusts: Analyzing Correlation with a DCC- GARCH Model. Prague, 2012. 50 p. Master thesis (Mgr.) Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies. Supervisor: Tomáš Jandík MA MSc MRICS. Abstract The main goal of this thesis is to study the interdependencies between returns of European real estate investment trusts (REITs) and other investment asset classes such as European equities, government bonds and commodities. The thesis is divided into two parts: in the first part, we describe the necessary background that led to the emergence of first REIT structures and also provide an overview of the European REITs market. In the second part, we apply the Dynamic Conditional Correlation GARCH (DCC-GARCH) model to examine correlations between the above mentioned asset classes. The general understanding of real estate is that it provides diversification benefits to a diversified portfolio. However, our results suggest that returns of European REITs and stocks show a relatively high correlation and more importantly, the correlation increases in time. These findings have significant implications for investors and portfolio managers who seek protection for their portfolios in time of market downturns. Our results...
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Tok vlhkosti a atmosférické srážky v Evropě / Moisture fluxes and precipitation in EuropeLemarie, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the influnence of moisture flux and variables, it is derived from, on rainfall in Europe. Sources of this thesis are the NCAR/NCEP and the ERA-40 reanalysis and the GPCC and the ECA&D rainfall databases. A western moisture flux prevails on studied 850 hPa isobaric level, it reaches the highest intensities over the Atlantic around 55th parallel of latitude. There is the highest correlation between moisture flux magnitude and monthly rainfall in winter on the western coast of Europe and it decreases in summer and eastwards. The correlation is very weak or none in some parts of Europe, especially in the eastern Mediterranean. Extremely wet months are related with different intensive moisture flux directions in different parts of Europe, for example there is the highest correlation of monthly rainfall with the northern moisture flux in the Czech Republic. Several selected heavy precipitation episodes in Europe are presented in this thesis - during them the moisture flux anomaly is observed, but it differs in orientation and intensity. A high wind speed causes this anomaly more frequently than a humidity. This does not apply to every event, furher research is needed to draw general patterns of moisture flux during high precipitation events.
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Pasivní radiolokace / Passive emitter trackingHrach, Jan January 2019 (has links)
We have implemented a TDOA multilateration of transmitters on an unmodified rtl-sdr receiver using transmitters with known location as a timing reference. We present a brief theoretical background and describe the measurement process which includes several approaches that correct the timing and frequency errors between the receivers. Additionally, we have implemented an angle of arrival direction finder using coherent rtl-sdr.
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Modelování společného pohybu cen na energetickém trhu / Crude oil co-movement with other representatives of energy and non-energy commodity marketsMustivaya, Julia January 2012 (has links)
Financialization of crude oil and its frequent inclusion into investment portfo- lios raise the demand for proper correlation estimates of this commodity and other financial assets. This thesis particularly examines the co-movement of crude oil price with prices of four other representatives of commodity market (gasoline, natural gas, gold and Industrials Index). It contributes to the exist- ing literature by the results obtained from application of wavelet coherence, which allows uncovering dynamics of interconnection between commodity prices in time as well as over different frequencies. Analysis brings many in- teresting findings and practical implications. Among others, it specifies the investment horizons that should be considered to maximize diversification properties of studied commodities. 1
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Komunikace centrální banky a korelace finančních trhů: Evidence z eurozóny / Central Bank Communication and Correlation between Financial Markets: Evidence from the Euro AreaKučera, Milan January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the effect of ECB's communication on financial market co- movements between Italy, Spain, Germany and France using MGARCH family of models. Author addresses partially the potential problem of endogeneity of central bank communication by using Composite indicator of systemic stress and excess liquidity. The author estimates the impact of ECB's communication on correlations of government bond yield changes using daily data from 2008 to 2014. For this purpose author employs bivariate diagonal BEKK(1,1) and bivariate scalar BEKK(1,1) with surprises of macroeconomic announcements under control. The results are consistent and robust for all models, the results suggest that communication does not have statistically significant effect on financial market correlations in the Euro area. Furthermore, author defines delta functions which describe and quantify the immediate and full effect of explanatory variables on conditional correlations in bivariate diagonal BEKK(1,1) and bivariate scalar BEKK(1,1). To the best of author's knowledge this thesis is the only one in the literature which examines this effect of ECB's communication by MGARCH models. Keywords: Financial markets, central bank communication, correlation, MGARCH, BEKK Author's e-mail: milankucera1@seznam.cz...
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Studium klimatických změn v České republiceOsičková, Renata January 2014 (has links)
In my Diploma Thesis are processed and analyzed values of average monthly temperatures recorded in 34 meteorological stations that are uniformly distributed in the territory of the Czech Republic. Recorded data are approximated by a series regression function F(t, x, y, h), which is based on a model . This function describe the dependence of temperature T [°C] on time t [year], geographical position x, y [km] and altitude h [m]. Unknown coefficients of the linear functions were calculated using a Maple application based on the method of least squares. The author calculated coefficients of linear correlation for each meteorological station and also the time development of the coefficient of linear correlation for the whole territory of the Czech Republic. The calculated average values for individual stations and for the whole territory were 0.97 and 0.92, respectively. This result indicates a very high standard of the developed model and the model itself indicates that the average temperatures are decreasing in approximately 80 % of the territory of the Czech Republic.
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Změny daňových systémů ČR a zemí Evropy v důsledku finanční krizeUkuš, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis is dealing with evaluation of changes in tax systems of European countries in the time of 2000-2012. Especially it focuses on changes in the tax systems of European states occurred after the outbreak of the financial crisis, using cluster analysis are explored similarities in the tax systems of European countries. Another part is trying to capture the effect of parameters of the tax systems on selected macroeconomic indicators (GDP, investment, savings, foreign direct investment).
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