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Vztah exteriéru prvotelek k výkonnosti a dlouhověkosti dojnic českého strakatého plemene / The relationship of exterior of first calved to the performance and longevity of Czech Fleckvieh cowsNOVOTNÝ, Luboš January 2019 (has links)
Genetic relationship was analyzed between type traits and longevity measures in dual-purpose cattle. Data from 91 486 Czech Fleckvieh cows first calved between 2003 and 2009 were used. Longevity was defined as the actual number of lactations initiated per cow and also as functional longevity, which incorporated an adjustment to account for variation in voluntary culling based upon milk production. Lifetime performance was defined as cumulative milk production through the 6th parity. All cows were scored for conformation traits during their first lactation. Genetic correlations between these traits and longevity measures were estimated by bivariate analysis using the DMU variance component program package. Type trait heritabilities ranged from 0.30 to 0.59, while heritabilities for longevity and functional longevity were 0.06 and 0.05, respectively. Heritability of lifetime performance was 0.08. Genetic correlations between type traits and longevity measures ranged from low to intermediate values. Genetic correlations of the measured body size traits to the real and functional longevity ranged from ?0.06 to ?0.29, for udder traits from ?0.02 to 0.33, and for foot and leg traits from ?0.03 to 0.17. Genetic correlations between the measured body size traits and lifetime performance ranged from ?0.03 to ?0.30, for udder traits from 0.05 to 0.47, for foot and leg traits from ?0.07 to 0.15. Genetic correlations of composite trait scores for frame, muscularity, feet and legs, and udder with longevity traits ranged from ?0.20 to 0.41 and for lifetime performance ?0.14 to 0.51. The highest genetic correlations between a type trait and functional longevity were for composite udder score (0.25), feet and legs (0.26), and udder depth (0.33), suggesting that these traits could serve as indicators of functional longevity. We conclude that selection based upon easily and inexpensively measured type traits could improve functional longevity of cows as well as lifetime milk production.
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Vybrané problémy finančních časových řad / Selected problems of financial time series modellingHendrych, Radek January 2015 (has links)
Title: Selected problems of financial time series modelling Author: Radek Hendrych Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (DPMS) Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Tomáš Cipra, DrSc., DPMS Abstract: The present dissertation thesis deals with selected problems of financial time series analysis. In particular, it focuses on two fundamental aspects of condi- tional heteroscedasticity modelling. The first part of the thesis introduces and discusses self-weighted recursive estimation algorithms for several classic univariate conditional heteroscedasticity models, namely for the ARCH, GARCH, RiskMetrics EWMA, and GJR-GARCH processes. Their numerical capabilities are demonstrated by Monte Carlo experiments and real data examples. The second part of the thesis proposes a novel approach to conditional covariance (correlation) modelling. The suggested modelling technique has been inspired by the essential idea of the multivariate orthogonal GARCH method. It is based on a suitable type of linear time-varying orthogonal transformation, which enables to employ the constant conditional correlation scheme. The correspond- ing model is implemented by using a nonlinear discrete-time state space representation. The proposed approach is compared with other commonly applied models. It demon- strates its...
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Vývoj trhu kreditních derivátů v období krize a jeho možná predikceDokulil, Miloš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the credit derivatives market. The aim is to identify and quantify the causal dependence of the development of credit derivatives market in relation to the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators and on this basis the possible prediction. At first, it shows with the help of literature review of their present and history and gives a better look to the different types of credit derivatives. The following section deals with the use of these underlying instruments in practice, their possible trading, insurance, or speculation, whether on the OTC markets or organized exchanges. The following describes the events in the capital and commercial markets during the financial crisis that is between the years 2005-2010, from which are taken the data for the empirical part. The empirical part is based on correlation analysis (multiple regression model) of a few selected and described macroeconomic indicators enriched with Granger causality test. In the conclusion may be find the discussion of the results and possible recommendations for potential investors.
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Zmapování toku řeky Želivky v rámci studia ekologických invazí a invazních netýkavek (\kur{Impatiens glandulifera} a \kur{I. parviflora}) / Mapping the banks of the Želivka river within the framework of studying ecological invasions and invasive species \kur{I. glandulifera} and \kur{I. parviflora}URBAN, Miroslav January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the study was to study the invasion ecology and the to study the invasion of two species of the genus Impatiens, namely I. glandulifera and I. parviflora. I then chose the right bank of the Želivka river in the Czech-Bohemian highlands to study and survey the plant association and population of two mentioned species. Consequently I focused my study on the river biotope and the role of invasive species in it. Further I have worked up a research summary on the ecology of the invasion and the role of the above mentioned species in the riparian biotopes.
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The correlation between Employee Engagement and Service Quality. Case study in Order Management, Customer Logistics / Korelace mezi zapojením zaměstnanců a kvalitou služeb, Case Study,Order Management,Zákaznická LogistikaEl, Dolores January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the presented research is to identify these of the areas that significantly matter for the strong positive correlation between the Employee Enagement and the Service Quality in a particular business case concerning business process improvement of an order management team in a multinational company. The significant areas are identified through a correlation analysis of the answers to an online survey. The results are used for further Measurement, Analysis, Improvement and Control of the key areas identified. The main findings are aimed to serve as a scientifically validated plan of action for the group in charge for the business process improvement in the order management team which is studied. Particularly, recommendations are provided how to increase the First Time Right performance metrics of the order management team through focus on the Define part of the DMAIC model in the Six Sigma methodology for business process improvement. Main findins: there is evidence for strong significant positive correlation between the employee engagement and the service quality factors in the answers of the respondents to the online survey questions; the team members' perception of the leadership style is positively correlated with their perception of the service quality.
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Faktory ovlivňující využitelnost nervového ovládání počítače v oblasti informačního managementu / Factors influencing usability of nervous control of the computer in the information managementŽivkov, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with areas of brain--computer interface (BCI). There is theoretical background described because of the research in the first part. The chapter "Analýza technologie (EEG, EMG)" is conceived generally and clarifies basic theory of EEG and EMG. Chapter "Popis zařízení EPOC neuroheadset" examines specific device used in research especially on the technical and functional side. Section "Analýza praktického využití BCI zařízení Emotiv EPOC neuroheadset" is self-explanatory. The focus of the practical part is influence of factors on the usability of BCI neuroheadset EPOC in the field of information management. These factors have been organized and analyzed. Group of factors connected with humans (physical and psychical) was chosen for the application of the research in which was investigated correlation with the ability to learn how to use neuroheadset EPOC, respectively its BCI element. For the research was used experimental method when a sample of volunteers was tested, undergone questionnaire investigation for acquiring human factors and repeatedly tested for the ability to use BCI element of neuroheadset EPOC. There was found out that the ability to learn how to use BCI correlates with optimism (Pearson's correlation coefficient 0,731 [Pkk] on the level of significance 0,01), stability (|0,648| Pkk on the level of significance 0,01), concentration (|0,638| Pkk on the level of significance 0,01 ), self-efficacy (0,549 Pkk on the level of significance 0,05), spatial perception (0,426 Pkk on the level of significance 0,01) in the research part.
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Využití opční metodologie při oceňování ručení / Application of the Option Methodology to Guarantee ValuationHruboň, Lukaš January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on guarantees with a special emphasis on the option method of guarantee valuation. The existing domestic and international literature does not present a comprehensive debate on guarantee valuation with a sufficient discussion of the role of the guarantor. In addition, a minimal number of sources are devoted to the option valuation of guarantees applied to non-traded companies (and their structures) typical for the Czech Republic, which might inter alia have led to the marginal practical experience of the Czech valuation experts with the method. Following the identified blind spots of the current knowledge, the thesis primarily (i) presents coherent theoretical underpinnings of guarantee valuation, (ii) provides a proposed option valuation approach to guarantee valuation and (iii) demonstrates through a case study of the HAME holding an application of the proposed approach, including an evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses. Based on an analysis and synthesis of the domestic and international literature, a poll among the Czech valuation institutes and a numerical application on the historic HAME holding case, the author observes the following main findings: (i) on a theoretical bases, the option guarantee valuation method presents a plausible way of analysis, (ii) the proposed option valuation approach is applicable in the Czech praxis. Despite these positive prima facie findings, the option valuation approach shall be subject to further testing, comparisons with competing methods and improvements resulting from an increased number of its practical applications.
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Akustická detekce pozice řečníka pomocí mikrofonního pole / Acoustic Detection of Speaker Position Using Microphone ArrayPelz, Zdeněk January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores problematics of speaker localization using microphone array. Aim of this thesis is implementation of algorithms for speaker localization and experiments with those algorithms. Calculation of TDOA was done using cross-correlation and hyperbolic method was used to calculate position estimation. Finished microphone array is able to locate speaker within certain variance. Results of this thesis allow reader to make assumptions regarding accuracy of localisation using microphone array and ARM kit with limited performance. Precision of position estimation using microphone array reached several decimeters, but this precision is dependent on distance from microphone array.
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Automatické zarovnání CT skenu hlavy / Automatic rotational alignment of head CT scansKarmazinová, Inna January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is automatic alignment of head CT scan. Currently, the alignment is performed manually by an expert, however this process is time consuming. Therefore, methods for automatization of this process are being developed. Two algorithms for alignment in axial and coronal plane were designed based on bilateral symmetry of head. Following an algorithm for alignment in sagittal plane which uses CG-TOB reference line for rotation angle detection. Algorithms were implemented in MATLAB and tested and validated using a database of manually annotated head CT scans.
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Diverzifikace portfolia prostřednictvím investic do burzovních indexů / Portfolio Diversification through Investment in Stock IndicesKřižka, Adam January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the design of suitable stock exchange indices for portfolio diversification. The essence and principle of functioning of financial markets and investment funds is presented. According to suitable indicators, stock exchange indices are analyzed and compared with the market. Suitable indices are verified by means of correlation analysis and subsequently recommended to diversify the portfolios of investment funds managed through the investment company.
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