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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistické analýzy požárů v přírodním prostředí za období 2008 - 2017 v Jihočeském kraji / Statistical analyzes of fires in the natural environment during the period 2008 - 2017 in the South Bohemian Region

ŠVEHLA, Oto January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the work was to perform a statistical analisys of fires in the declared II. the degree of fire alarm (based on selected parameters "damage", "protected value", "direct cost") and in carrying out a systematic analisys of the economic aspects of fire exits in declared II. fire alarm level. The first objective (statistical analisys) was fulfilled by the verification of partial hypotheses H21 to H24, which were created by dividing the H2 hypothesis (the division of the H2 hypothesis into partial hypotheses was generated by defining the current state of the solved problem). The second objective (systemic analisys of economic aspects) was fulfilled by the verification of the H1 hypothesis, on the basis of the algorithm of economic aspects of exits to the outdoor fires, it was possible to quantify the direct exit costs. The hypotheses and their verification were as follows: H1: On the basis of equipment, deployment of forces and means at the exit of the unit, it will be possible to develop a table algorithm for calculating the detailed price of exit costs The assumption of the hypothesis can be illustrated by the relationship for the calculation of direct costs: Xpn =((V Sv)/100) Xphm+(Sm Mth) Xphm+(Xtc Xo)Xpm H2: The selected unit exit parameters will be regression in the selected period and correlation relationship H21 Regression and correlation results can be expected by examining the amount of damage related to individual fires in the period under review, indicating a significant role of lower and medium damage (accepting the hypothesis as evidenced by the shape of the regression line) H22 Investigating the values of values saved in relation to individual fires a regression and correlation result can be expected in the period under review, indicating a significant role of the lower and middle value saved (the hypothesis is supported by the shape of the regression line) H23 Regression and correlation results can be expected by examining the amount of direct costs in relation to individual fires in the period under review, indicating a significant role for direct costs of lower and medium costs (hypothesis assumed by the shape of the regression line) H24 Due to the choice of only three parameters of the examined outdoor fires regression and correlation results between pairs of statistical traits can be expected only at the level of very weak positive or negative correlation in the monitored period (acceptance of the hypothesis is evidenced by the shape of the regression line (the hypothesis is confirmed by defining weak positive and negative correlations, often the results were close to non-correlation) The thesis has theoretical benefits (eg operability of two-dimensional regression and correlations made without scaling and scaling) and practical (defining the formula for calculating direct costs). It was also proposed to continue with follow-up research - to use homogenized sets of fires (harvesting fire, harvested field fires, fodder fires and forest fires) for research, eg on a nationwide scale.

Četnost výskytu fertilních a sterilních populací hasivky orličí \kur{(Pteridium aquilinum)} s porovnáním jednotlivých cytotypů

PODROUŽEK, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The data from public herbal collections were used to determine the frequency of the occurence of fertile bracken populations. Samples of bracken were collected to assess the degree of fertility and also to reveal the frequency of both diploid and triploid cytotypes using flow cytometry. Collected samples were also used for SSR analysis to characterize the population structure of both cytotypes and the propagation of triploid plants of bracken.

Analýza deformace dřeva s imperfekcí na základě srovnání jednoduchého numerického modelu s optickou metodou DIC

Klvač, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
This work is devoted to the analysis of wood with imperfection in tension, digital image correlation method and finite element method. It is investigated the comparability of the results of these two methods on the example of behaving of the wood in tension with imperfection. The imperfection could be for example any weakening of the wood structure. It could be natural (knots, cracks and so on). The example of artificial imperfection here is a drilled hole. In this work an experiment with plastic sample in the same manner was also conducted in order to validate the analytical procedure for calculating the stress and practically demonstrate the difference between isotropic and anisotropic material. The work also includes general information from the literature, theoretical assumptions, methodologies, measured results and the comparison of these results each other and with the literature. The result of this work is to evaluate the behavior of wood with a hole in the tension and the comparison of these two methods of measuring deformation. In the end there are the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Statistické vyhodnocení experimentálních dat / Statistical processing of experimental data

NAVRÁTIL, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains theory of probability and statistical sets. Solved and unsolved problems of probability, random variable and distributions random variable, random vector, statistical sets, regression and correlation analysis. Unsolved problems contains solutions.

Zhodnocení cenového vývoje hovězího masa ve vybraných státech EU / Evaluation of the Beef Price Developments in Selected EU Countries

PANGRÁCOVÁ, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this work is to evaluate the dependency of the price of beef in the income of households. For the six selected EU will be examined twelve consecutive period from 2001 to 2012 will be used for the calculation of trend analysis, the coefficient of elasticity and correlation index. On the basis of these results was to confirm that the four selected countries dependence prices of beef in the income of households. These states are the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany and Austria. In Poland and Hungary dependence was refuted.

Odhad genetické variance užitkových vlastností kapra obecného s cílem předpovědět potenciál selekčního šlechtění v rybničních podmínkách chovu

PRCHAL, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis was to study the genetic variation of several performance traits under pond management conditions and to estimate future perspective of sustainable selective breeding program in common carp. In the present study, Amur mirror carp (AM) and Hungarian synthetic mirror carp (HSM) were used. Most of the studied performance traits showed sufficient genetic variation (h2 = 0.12 1.0), suggesting a good potential for genetic improvement of the traits through selective breeding. It was shown that selection of common carp under pond management conditions should be optimally applied after the second overwintering. Winter survival is often a bottleneck for common carp production. As a result, the genetic background of winter survival and traits that might be correlated to the survival was studied. Main focus was given to the muscle fat and body weight and their dynamics through winter period and successive third growing period. It was found that selection for i) lower fat content before and after winter, ii) lower decrease in muscle fat content and/or body weight during winter, iii) higher condition factor may lead to better survival during both winter and third growing period and growth of fish during the third growing season. Unfortunately, direct selection for slaughter yields is impossible on live breeding candidates. Therefore, morphological predictors that can be measured in vivo are considered as an interesting alternative. As a result, external and internal measures were combined on 1553 fish by linear regression to predict log-log residuals (Logr) of slaughter yields. It was found that the accuracy of the prediction of slaughter yields may be solid. From the genetic point of view, model-predicted (h2 = 0.48 0.63) and even individual predictors (h2 = 0.34 0.72) of slaughter yields were highly heritable and favourably genetically correlated to the Logr yields. Hence, selection on trait predictors has an interesting perspective for genetic improvement of slaughter yields in common carp. Furthermore, genetic parameters of fillet fatty acid content and performance traits in market size common carp cultured under semi-intensive pond conditions were estimated. For flesh FA composition analysis 158 individuals were processed. Heritability estimates of total muscle fat, some FA groups and most performance traits were moderate to high (0.23 0.62). Interestingly, genetic correlations showed that genetic improvement of growth via selective breeding under Central European pond conditions without changing the production technology would very likely negatively affect carp flesh quality with respect to FA composition. Finally, restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing (Rad-seq) was used to identify and genotype single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for subsequent parentage assignment, construction of a medium density genetic map (12,311 SNPs), and testing of efficiency of marker-assisted (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) for growth and Koi herpes virus (KHV) resistance. No genome-wide significant QTL was identified for growth. However, genomic prediction of its breeding value may outperform the traditional pedigree-based prediction, resulting in an 18% improvement in prediction accuracy. On the other hand, genome-wide significant QTL affecting resistance to KHV was identified on linkage group (LG) 44 explaining approximately 7% of the additive genetic variation. The presented results add further evidence supporting the application of selective breeding in common carp cultured even under traditional pond management conditions. However, it is evident that the rearing technology will need suitable modifications. In addition, real economic impact of selective breeding on carp culture should be verified by calculation of realized heritabilities, real genetic gains and the total fish biomass yield of genetically improved stocks from a pond area unit.

Manažerské rozhodování o vnějších vztazích střední školy / Managerial decision making about external relationships of high school

Rampír, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis acquants reader about decision problems at Střední odborné škola informatika a spojů a Střední odborné učiliště Kolín. Chosen problem are desribed and analysed, but also variants of solution are created, so tehy can be used as an support to decision making for school manager. These problems are about getting new students, usage of unused rooms of dorm and school cafeteria. For creating variant of solutions Cobb-Douglas utility function is used, moreover the thesis teaches reader how to work with it, so a manager of school can use it for his own decision making proces. Diploma thesis was created by request of a principal Ing. Miloš Hölzl as he is awaiting the results.

Analýza vzájomnej previazanosti vybraných európskych burzových trhov a tendencia k ich integrácii / Analysis of interconnection of selected European stock markets and their tendency towards integration

Polák, Michal January 2009 (has links)
This article compares the stock exchanges in Vienna, Budapest, Frankfurt and Milan. It settles basic information about their development, the subject of exchange and the classification of market segments. This work also characterizes the trade system of each of the stock exchanges and the liquidity of spot market, with particular emphasis on stock market. A part of this analysis is the comparison of markets based on aspects such as market capitalization, trade volume or the quantity of trade. Last chapter is devoted to the interconnection of stock markets, which is explored by the means of correlation coefficient among different indexes. These indexes show a strong link of the markets and through splitting the timeframe into periods of (2000-2004 - before Hungary's EU entry and after - 2004-2009), a stronger correlation was discovered during the period of index growth (after the Hungary's EU entry). By creating a more autoregressive model VAR, which describes individual processes among stock indexes and the direction of dependency, the hypothesis of strong interconnection of stock markets was proven. VAR model verified one-sided reliance among indexes and the rising level of integration of world markets.

Fenomén korupce - metody měření / Phenomena of corruption. Methods of measuring

Putryk, Maria January 2015 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with the phenomena of corruption and its methods of measuring. The objective of this thesis was to fully analyze the problem of corruption, its types, causes and consequences. This work describes organizations that measure corruption and the methods of its measuring. Most of the methods are based on the soft data gained in opinion polls. That is why the aim of this thesis was to link Corruption Perception Index with the truly measurable data as world tax index and size of shadow economy. The main finding of the work is negative correlation between world tax index and CPI and positive correlation between size of shadow economy and CPI.

Creating a prediction model for weather forecasting based on artificial neural network supported by association rules mining / Vytvoření predikčního modelu předpovědi počasí pomocí neuronové sítě a asociačních pravidel

Kadlec, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis introduces three different methods of creating a neural network binary classifier for the purpose of automated weather prediction with attribute pre-selection using association rules and correlation patters mining by the LISp-Miner system. First part of the thesis consists of collection of theoretical knowledge enabling the creation of such predictive model, whereas the second part describes the creation of the model itself using the CRISP-DM methodology. Final part of the thesis analyses the performance of created classifiers and concludes the proposed methods and their possible benefits over training the network without attribute pre-selection.

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