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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vliv přímých zahraničních investic na hospodářský vývoj v zemích Jihovýchodní Asie

Joukl, Jaromír January 2008 (has links)
Práce pojednává o vlivu přímých zahraničních investic na rozvoj sedmi vybraných zemí regionu Jihovýchodní Asie a o jejich pozici v souvislosti s potenciálem příjmu FDI.

Financial derivatives as a tool for modern corporation / Financial derivatives as a tool for modern corporation

Mieszkowicz, Andrzej Paweł January 2009 (has links)
The objectives of the thesis are to describe financial derivatives in a theoretical way and the situations in which they can be applied. How multinational corporations can take advantage of them in different kind of activities. Thesis consist of three chapters. In first chapter there are considered opportunities and threats for a domestic company to expand its activities abroad. It includes the consideration of which necessary activities must be taken prior to the expansion and which most important analysis must be carried out. Finally there is presented the way of dealing with a risk of currency fluctuations and the analysis of exposures that a multinational corporation must face. The second chapter includes a theoretical description and pricing of various types of financial derivatives. It is divided into section of options, futures with forward and swaps. All derivatives type is considered as a tool for hedging and speculations. There are also presented possible outcomes of using derivatives in situations when a market is not in equilibrium and arbitrage possibilities exist. In the third chapter a practical case of a multinational corporation is used as an expample of Lufthansa Group. There are investigated the types of exposures for running a business that this multinational faces and which types of derivatives are used to deal with them. It is analyzed the value of financial derivatives in that corporation, the internal policy to use them, the prerequisites to apply them and the effect of financial derivatives on a company's profitability and financial position.

Financování transnacionálních korporací (vybrané otázky)

Šímová, Alena January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá transnacionálními korporacemi, zejména metodami jejich financování. Zaměřuje se hlavně na metody specifické pro tyto společnosti v porovnání s lokálně působícími podniky. V úvodu se zabývá obecnými charakteristikami transnacionálních korporací - jejich definováním, typy, statistickými údaji, jejich významem a vlivem na národní ekonomiky a etickými otázkami. V druhé části se zabývá strategiemi užívanými pro financování transnacionálních korporací, hlavně problematikou opatřování finančních zdrojů, centralizací finančních toků, využíváním inflačního vývoje a změn měnových kurzů a využíváním rozdílů v daňových systémech. Podrobněji je analyzována problematika multilateral nettingu, poolingu a transferových cen.

Zdanění korporací v Rakousku a daňová reforma z roku 2005 / Austrian corporate income tax and tax reform 2005

Bechyňová, Iveta January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá současným zdaněním korporací v Rakousku. První kapitola obsahuje charakteristiku daňového mixu Rakouska a analyzuje vývoj složené daňové kvóty. Druhá kapitola se věnuje konstrukci základu daně se zaměřením na tvorbu opravných položek a rezerv, odčitatelných položek v oblasti výzkumu, vývoje, investic do vzdělání a uplatnění daňové ztráty. Třetí kapitola pojednává o současných změnách, které do systému přinesla reforma z roku 2005. Těžištěm této kapitoly jsou dvě oblasti zdanění korporací, a to zdanění skupin a snížení statutární sazby daně ze zisku korporací. Čtvrtá kapitola posuzuje vliv daňové reformy na konkurenceschopnost Rakouska v oblasti zdanění korporací a na atraktivitu této země z pohledu nadnárodních korporací. I přes některé nedostatky korporativního zdanění si Rakousko udrželo konkurenceschopnost a zvýšilo svoji atraktivitu pro nadnárodní korporace a investory.

Etický aspekt v éře globálního pohybu

Skala, Michal January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá fenoménem globalizace. Hledá odpověď na otázky: Kdo je beneficientem tohoto procesu a za jakých okolností? Kdo na něj doplácí a dotuje ho? Východiskem je zejména sociologicko-ekonomický kontext, který poukazuje na rozporuplnost tohoto procesu, během kterého nadnárodní koncerny získaly značný vliv, kterým ovlivňují světovou ekonomiku a nutí státy přizpůsobovat se jejich požadavkům. Pozornost věnuje dopadu symbiotického působení firem globálního významu a institucí jako Světová obchodní organizace, Mezinárodní měnový fond či Světová banka na své okolí v nejširším smyslu slova. Dále se zabývá nástroji, kterými lze chování globálních hráčů usměrňovat.

Právní ochrana věřitele při dluhovém korporátním financování / The creditor protection law within corporate debt financing

Šubrt, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The creditor protection law within corporate debt financing Abstract In this paper I have dealt with the protection of a creditor in debt corporate financing, where the debtor is a capital company. In this case, there are relatively specific conflicts of interest between creditors on one hand and shareholders on the other. This is due, in particular, to the characteristics of a capital company where the shareholders are not liable for the liabilities of the company (or they are limited in their liability) and are not responsible for their decisions, while the assets of the company are separated from the assets of the shareholders. Shareholders and creditors thus make competition for company assets. While the shareholders want to realize their investment as quickly as possible, they stand in an imaginary queue as residual creditors of the company at the end. This may lead to their attempt to overtake fixed creditors. This motivation culminates especially in situations where the company is in financial difficulties. Shareholders are aware of the fact that in case of insolvency, no company assets will be distributed to them. In this thesis, I focus on protection of creditors of companies from opportunistic behaviour of shareholders, who may withdraw the company's assets at the expense of its creditors, i.e....

Sociální média z pohledu korporace / Corporations and social media

Pluháček, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with corporations looking at social media. It introduces an evolution of the web and the web 2.0 concept which are directly followed by social media. It defines social media and characterizes its major representatives. At the same time the thesis defines the corporation as an institute that uses social media to make a profit. This use is divided into five dimensions: brand building, customer care, sales, human resources and corporate social responsibility. Theoretical knowledge is applied to the combined research focused on the real corporation - Vodafone Czech Republic. This company is analyzed in terms of the five key dimensions of the corporation on social media, but subjects to analyze are partial social media activities of the company as well - sentiment analysis of online discussions, analysis of engagement on Facebook and analysis of key influencers on Twitter.

Povinnost péče řádného hospodáře člena voleného orgánu kapitálové obchodní společnosti a důsledky jejího porušení / Duty of due managerial care of member of an elective body of a limited company and consequences of its violation

Čopáková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Duty of due managerial care of member of an elective body of a limited company and consequences of its violation The purpose of my thesis is to analyze duty of due managerial care (hereinafter as "duty of care") of a member of an elective body of a limited company according to new legislation, which became effective in January 2014. Duty of care consist of several indefinite aspects and my aim is to define them and set boundaries in which person as a member of an elective body shall operate during performing his duties. Thesis refers to doctrinal view on this topic, offers solutions based on relevant jurisdiction and looks at consequences of violating duty of care. The thesis is composed of six followed-up chapters. Chapter One is introductory, defines basic terminology and consists of defining persons, who shall follow the rules of duty of care and consideration of liability in case of distribution of competences in collegiate body. Chapter also deals with issue brought to Czech law with integrating a monistic structure of stock company. This passage comes to conclusion that duty of care belongs to statutory director in the event of violating guidelines made by board of directors. Chapter Two is subdivided into two parts, each describing aspects of duty of care. Firstly it describes duty of loyalty...

Zastoupení obchodní korporace statutárním orgánem / Representation of a business corporation by its governing body

Lemberger, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with issues of representation of business corporation by its governing body. The thesis is composed of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. Every chapter consists of four parts. The last part of each chapter contains brief summary of the most important issues of the particular chapter. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze most important issues concerning with representation of business corporation by its governing body and to compare recent legislation with the legislation effective till the 31st December 2013. The aim of this thesis is also to evaluate the changes which occurred in accordance to the new legislation and to examine if it is possible to use former jurisprudence recently. The first chapter is considered as introductory and contains the explanation of basic terms which are important for the other parts of the thesis. The first chapter is focused on definition of business corporation and evaluation if the business corporation is capable of acquiring rights and incurring obligations or not. In the first chapter it is also described the issue of corporation's representatives and scope of their powers. The second chapter is concerned with the representation of business corporation by members of its governing body. At the beginning of this chapter...

Přenos konceptu CSR v rámci multinacionální korporace / The Transmission of CSR in Multinational Corporations

Malá, Simona January 2010 (has links)
This final thesis is dealing with transmission of CSR strategy in transnational corporations. The first theoretical part offers an introduction and explanation of CSR and several models are discussed. The transmission of the concept is analyzed in companies Tesco and Vodafone in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in the Czech Republic. At the end the primary hypothesis is confirmed, i.e. main goals and strategies are developed in a parent company and transformed to other countries with respect to the situation on the market.

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