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Architektonická studie sakrálního objektu Brno - Líšeň / Architectural study of the sacral object Brno - LíšeňMádr, Marián January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the diploma thesis is the design of a new Roman Catholic church with conveniences, which will be located in the city of Brno - Líšeň, in the northwestern part of the cadastral area Líšeň, on a sloping plot, between Horníkova and Molákova streets, near the youth center ("Saleska"). The church will serve the Roman Catholic Congregation of the Selesians, who are attended to the education and work with children and youth. The church will be dedicated to the third Divine Person of the Holy Spirit. The main aim of the church is to be a place of meeting in the community of believers, but also a quiet and peaceful place to meet God. The proposal will also consider the construction of a vicarage, which should be a meeting place for parishioners at various events with the possibility of accommodating the Salesians. The idea is proceeded on the main symbols of the Salesians. The design is based on the idea of a home, a circle, which symbolizes the family atmosphere. It is derived from three pillars. The sense, the religion and the kindness, standing on a triangular background that serve as points to create a community bounded by circles. This fellowship is defined by three circular segments in the form of reinforced concrete framework structures, each of them represents one of the divine persons of the Holy Trinity. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The gaps among the structures serve for such an illumination, which does not distract the attention from the church to the outside environment and preserves the peace and the spirituality in the interior.
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Měření svislých posunů kostela v Zábrdovicích / Vertical Displacement Measurements at Brno Zábrdovice ChurchBocková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with measuring height new stage of the church network in Brno Zabrdovice. Measuring by using method of precise leveling be going on with previous stage began in 2002, in order to detect vertical displacement. Processing include calculation and adjust of the heights, compare with fundamental and previous stage, interpretation and graphical form of vertical displacement. The thesis includes measuring and processing angular deflection of church towers.
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Návrh automatického pohonu kostelních zvonů / Design of automatic drive for church bellsZajíc, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The Diploma thesis describes the design, manufacture and testing of a universal automation machine for church bells. The research section summarizes the bell, way of use and properties. The drives and their starting and power switching characteristic are analyzed. The chain drive based on the selected engine and the whole assembly is designed and tested by using PLC. Unique controller based on a modular design was designed. Sensors based on magnetic rotary encoder were also created for this unit. The entire circuit was tested on three evangelical church bells in the town Klobouky u Brna.
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Pražští johanité - architektura a nástěnné malířství / Prague Johanniters in the Middle Ages - architecture and wall paintingCimler, Čestmír January 2016 (has links)
Bc. Čestmír Cimler: Prague Johanniters in the Middle Ages This thesis, named Prague Johanniters in the Middle Ages- architecture and wall painting is focusing on architecture and frescoes of Order of Malta in Prague before the break of Hussite wars. One of aims of the thesis is also to figure out typology and function of buildings of the Order, falling within the Priory of Bohemia's authority. Art production od the Orderhas not been systematically examined till today. Range of authority of the Priory overlapped the area of Bohemia into Moravia, Silesia, Hungary and Austria. The relations among commandries were quite close, most likely because of expansion of the Czech king Přemysl Otakar II. Under the autority of the Priory of Bohemia was a great amount of commandries. Several of them are preserved till today; others were partially destroyed or even damaged completely. The most important Order's seat in Bohemia was a commandry belonging to the Church of Lady beneath the Chain, founded in 60's of 12th century, developing till the first quarter of 15th century. The Church of our Lady beneath the Chain is a very significant monument because of its architecture. This church is composed of many construction phases, from Romanesque to baroque times. This thesis is focusing on medieval architectonical production...
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Římské barokní stavební prvky na kostele sv. Josefa v porovnání s ostatními středoevropskými kostely / Roman baroque building elements on St. Joseph church compared to other churches in Central EuropeŠipr, Dominik January 2017 (has links)
The master thesis "Roman baroque building elements on St. Joseph church compared to other churches in Central Europe" deals with Roman buildings features in the Carmelite nuns church of St. Joseph in the Lesser Town of Prague. It elucidates the main architectural theme, which is using the architectonic elements of the dome of St. Peter's basilica in the interior of the church of St. Joseph. The thesis sums facts about Abraham Paris - the most probable author of the ground plan. Apart from the detailed description St. Joseph church, the chapters devoted to architecture describe also some Roman churches which might have served as models for St. Joseph church. The thesis further mentions the influence of contemporary philosophical views on emerging baroque buildings in Rome and in Bohemia. The thesis also includes examples of using architectonic elements from famous Roman buildings understood as a way to communicate certain ideological intentions. Keywords Discalced Carmelite nuns, St. Joseph's church, baroque architecture in the Netherlands, Roman influence in Central Europe, oval ground plan
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Pařížská třída, historie a umělecký úděl / History of "Paris avenue" and art fateKošťálová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The main meaning and message of this intended absolvent work is primary dedicated to an understandable analyses trying to rationally concentrate on relevant artistically historical values of one of the most controversial and problematic avenue of Prague Capitol - "Paris avenue". The work tries to follow also the broader historical cultural analyses reflecting the destiny of Prague Old town since the existing Jewish City to those days of great Prague architekt transformation until the admired and also at the same time damned boulevard reflecting the Paris pattern Champs Élysées. The work also concetrate on detailed actual description of selective houses and buildings closely connected with therespective avenue.
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Umělecká tvorba malíře Jana Jiřího Heringa / The Production of Painter Jan Jiří HeringOpatrná, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Umělecká tvorba malíře Jana Jiřího Heringa. Diplomová práce. Marie Opatrná. vedoucí práce: Doc. PhDr. Martin Zlatohlávek Ph.D. - Praha, 2011 - 245 s. Abstract The theme of this thesis is The Production of Painter Jan Jiří Hering who painted during first half of the 17th century. There are described the resources and patterns of his artistic work, which technique brought to our country Italian and Netherlands artistic elements. The thesis involves all paintings and drawings, which are attributed to Hering or to his workshop, and compares them with each other.
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Jáchymov - jeden z fenoménů českého království. Sonda do poměrů města 16. století / Jáchymov- one of the phenomena of the Bohemian Kingdom. View into the conditions of the 16th century cityHuczmanová, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
The work presents a summary of the importance of mining in a specific region of the Ore Mountains and how this led to the emergence of the mining town of Jáchymov.The origins of Jáchymov agglomeration is linked to the family of Slik. The following chapters discusses their family, their asset base and foundation. The main part is devoted to the architektur. The aim of thesis is try to define building and urban development of town Jachymov in 16th century. The work presents translocation and the relocation of settlements from the center of the parish church of All Saints to St. Jáchym. The thesis should notice the time when the two churches arose by looking back at the historical situation in the 16th century Bohemia.
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Kostel svatého Mikuláše v Benešově s důrazem na kult svatého Klimenta. / Church of St. Nicholas in Benešov with attention to the cult of St. Clement.Véghová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of my work is the church of St. Nicholas in Benesov in terms of one of the monuments, which is the cycle of St. Clement Baroque painter Ignaz Raab. At the beginning shortly focus on the period of the formation and history of the church. Church on this site can be dated back to the 11th century already. It is very interesting to observe how the church was created in connection with the founding of the city. In the next part, I will study the cult of St. Clement and his association with the Czech environment. In the next chapter I will deal with the author cycle Ignaz Raab. I will be interested in what the creative period of a cycle of St. Clement, which Czech and foreign influences acting upon it, and how this inspiration reflected in his work. The last part will include individual images of the cycle, which will discuss the iconography and by comparison.
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Kostel sv. Michaela na Starém Městě pražském v době baroka / The Former Church of St. Micheal at Old Town in PragueLišková, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
The Former Church of St. Michael at Old Town in Prague This thesis deals with historical and architectural development of the St. Michael Church at Old Town of Prague. Reconstruction of church inventory, which is conected with Jahn Quirin Jahn, Ignác František Platzer and František Ignac de Prée. After it's reforms of Josef II. canceled. Finding out further history of individual work of arts, their current deposition, or effort to locate them. Keywords The Church of St. Michael - Prague - Servite order - Baroque - Jan Quirin Jahn - Ignác František Platzer - František Ignác Prée
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