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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komplexy makrocyklických ligandů odvozených od cyklenu mající fosfinátovou pendantní skupinu / Complexes of cyclen-based macrocyclic ligands with a phosphinate pendant arm

Urbanovský, Peter January 2020 (has links)
Lanthanide(III) complexes of DOTA derivatives are utilized in the medical imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), nuclear imaging (PET and SPECT), or optical methods (luminescence). It has been shown that relaxometric parameters of the Gd(III) complexes of DOTA derivatives with a phosphinic acid pendant arm (Gd-DO3APR ) can reach optimal values (e.g. water residence time, τM, being close to ~10 ns). The relaxometric parameters can be further modified through the phosphorus substituents. It is also known that the complexes possess a high thermodynamic stability and they are kinetically inert. The main goal of this Thesis is an investigation of the effect of pendant amino group protonation in substituents bound to the phosphorus atom on properties of the complexes. Thus in this Thesis, DOTA derivatives with the phosphinic acid pendant arm with an amino group and their complexes were prepared and characterized. The complexes are intended as contrast agents for molecular imaging techniques (mainly for MRI and 31 P MRS). The first part of the Thesis introduces two new versatile "phospha-Mannich" protocols performed under mild conditions. Amino-H-phosphinic acids (AHPAs) were synthesized with excess of...

Role akumulace železa a dalších kovů v patofyziologii neurodegenerativních onemocnění / The role of accumulation of iron and other metals in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases

Mašková, Jana January 2020 (has links)
The role of metal accumulation in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases has been a hot topic in recent years due to the possibility of its treatment by chelating agents. Although the mechanisms of neurodegeneration are well known, the role of metal accumulation is still unclear. The main limitation are unsatisfactory methods for in vivo metal imaging; the most widely used technique is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our aim was to assess the possibility of using transcranial sonography (TCS) in differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases and to further explore the underlying factors of echogenicity. In the first study, using TCS fusion with MRI, we focused on location verification of the commonly assessed structures (substantia nigra and nucleus lentiformis) and exclusion of possible focal structural changes affecting the echogenicity in WD and PD patients. Moreover, obtained MRI were used for semi-quantitative comparison with TCS images. Although TCS has been confirmed to be highly beneficial in differential diagnosis of Wilson's disease and it should be recommended as a screening method for extrapyramidal patients with atypical course of the disease, the direct relationship between TCS and metal deposits could not be proven. The obtained results from the ultrasound fusion...

Enzymy kvasinky Candida tropicalis biodegradující fenol / Enzymes of Candida tropicalis yeast biodegrading phenol

Koubková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Effluents of industrial wastewaters from oil refineries, paper mills, dyes, ceramic factories, resins, textiles and plastic contain high concentrations of aromatic compounds, which are toxic to organisms. Degradation of these compounds to tolerant limits before releasing them into the environment is an urgent requirement. Candida tropicalis yeast is an important representative of eucaryotic microorganisms that are able to utilize phenol. During the first phase of phenol biodegradation, cytoplasmatic NADPH-dependent phenol hydroxylase of C. tropicatis oxidizes phenol to catechol. Catechol is in the second phase of biodegradative process oxidized to cis,cis-muconic acid by the reaction catalyzed with catechol-1,2-dioxygenase. In this diploma thesis we investigated the effect of the heavy metal ions on NADPH-dependent phenol hydroxylase and catechol-1,2-dioxygenase of C. tropicalis. Phenol hydroxylase was inhibited by Cu2+ and Pb2+ ions. Catechol dioxygenase was inhibited by all substances containing heavy metal ions (Fe2+ , Mn2+ , Cd2+ , Cu2+ and Pb2+ ), which were tested in this work. The most effective inhibition was produced by Pb2+ followed by Mn2+ , Cd2+ Fe2+ and Cu2+ ions. The higher sensitivity of catechol-1,2-dioxygenase to heavy metal ions might follow from the presence of histidine residue...

Kvantově mechanické studium stability fází v kovových systémech / QUANTUM MECHANICAL STUDY OF PHASE STABILITY IN METALLIC SYSTEMS

Káňa, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
This work presents a theoretical study of stability of phases in selected metallic systems. We propose a model of structural transformations in transition metal disilicides MoSi2, CrSi2, VSi2 and TiSi2 and in Pd thin films grown on cubic substrates W(001) and Nb(001). The obtained results yield the total energy proles for the structural transformations studied, the activation energies needed for each individual transformation and an estimate of the temperature at which the structure can transform. The total energies are calculated by full-potential linearized augmented plane waves (FLAPW) method incorporated in the WIEN2k code. Both generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and local density approximation (LDA) are employed for the exchange-correlation term. It turns out that temperatures corresponding to the activation energies of structural transformations in transition metal disilicides exceed their melting temperatures. Comparing the resulting total energy proles to those obtained by the semiempirical Bond Order interatomic potentials (BOP) substantially helps to adjust the fitting parameters of the BOPs. The estimated temperature of 168 K needed to transform the hcp structure of an innite Pd crystal into the dhcp structure explains the behavior of the Pd thin lm on W(001) and Nb(001) substrates. Pd lms deposited on W(001) substrate and thicker than about 100 monolayers undergo this transformation already at room temperature. Thinner lms need to be annealed at 400 K rst, due to their stronger interaction with the substrate. The difference between the computed result and a real temperature at which the hcp Pd lm transforms its structure to the dhcp can be explained by both the interaction between the lm and the substrate and by the inuence of the domain topology of the lm. Analyzing different models of transformation of the initial hcp Pd structure to the ground state fcc structure, we identied the optimum model that respects the domain topology of the Pd lm.

Infračervená spektroskopie s Fourierovou transformací: aplikace ve studiu nestabilních částic ve výbojovém a ablačním plazmatu / Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy: application in a study of transient species in discharge and ablation plasma

Kubelík, Petr January 2012 (has links)
The present dissertation consists of two thematically related parts. The first one (includes two publications) deals with the study of chemical pro- cesses and spectroscopy of highly reactive particles produced in the discharge plasma. This part includes the analysis of ro-vibronic CN radical transitions in the infrared region and the study of chemical reactions in pulsed dischar- ges. The discharge was used as a tool for research of decomposition of simple precursors (acetonitrile, formamide and BrCN) and the subsequent formation of intermediates and reaction products in plasma. The obtained experimental results were interpreted using a numerical model developed in context of this work and used to simulate the kinetics of the studied systems. The second part (includes seven works) is aimed at high-resolved spectro- scopy of metals in the ablation plasma. A total of six different metals were studied: Au, Ag, Cu, Cs, K and Na. The main motivation for spectroscopic research on metals in the infrared region is to obtain information on atomic metals transitions, which are particularly important for astronomical identi- fication of lines in the spectra of stars and their spectroscopic assignments. Each publication contains a summary of the analyzed atomic transitions of which a considerable portion had not...

Luminiscence polovodičů studovaná rastrovací optickou mikroskopií v blízkém poli / Luminescence of semiconductors studied by scanning near-field optical microscopy

Těšík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on the study of luminescence of atomic thin layers of transition metal chalkogenides (eg. MoS2). In the experimental part, the work deals with the preparation of atomic thin layers of semiconducting chalcogenides and the subsequent manufacturing of plasmonic interference structures around these layers. The illumination of the interference structure will create a standing plasmonic wave that will excite the photoluminescence of the semiconductor. Photoluminescence was studied both by far-field spectroscopy and near-field optical microscopy.

Nové sorpční gely pro užití v technice difúzních gradientů v tenkých filmech / New resin gels for application in DGT technique

Trávníčková, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Diffusive gradients in thin films technique (DGT) is a simple preconcetration method for in situ determination of labile metal ions in aquatic systems. It eliminates contamination problems associated with the sampling and transport into the laboratory. The DGT technique is based on a simple device that accumulates metal ions on a cation-exchange resin, immobilized in thin layer of hydrogel, after passage through the diffusion layer. The cation-exchanger, usually Chelex 100, is selective for binding free or weakly complexed metal ions in solution. This diploma thesis deals with the characterization of a new resin gel based on ion exchanger with anchored thiol-functional groups, Spheron-Thiol, for DGT technique. This new binding agent with a high selectivity for „heavy“ metal ions could provide more information on the labile metal species in water systems. The performance of DGT technique with utilization of Spheron-Thiol resin was investigated by the determination of Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb under laboratory conditions. Due to the strong adsorption of copper to the Spheron-Thiol, it is necessary to decompose the resin gel in nitric acid prior to the determination. New resin gel provides reliable information of trace metal concentrations within the pH range 6 – 8 typical for natural waters. The effect of competitive ligands, iminodiacetic and humic acids, on Cd, Cu, Ni a Pb sorption on Spheron-Thiol and Chelex 100 resin gels was determined.

Studium fotoluminiscence tenkých vrstev MoS2 / Photoluminiscence study of thin layers of MoS2

Kuba, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with study of thin layers of transition metal dichalcogenides, especially of molybdenum disulfide. Nanostructures were fabricated on two-dimensional crystals of MoS2 and WSe2. Within followed analysis attention was paid to the photoluminescence properties. In the thesis transition metal dichalcogenides are reviewed and description of the modified process of preparation by micromechanical exfoliation is given.

Mikrosenzory plynů založené na samouspořádaných 3D nanovrstvách oxidů kovů / Gas Microsensors Based on Self-Organized 3D Metal-Oxide Nanofilms

Pytlíček, Zdeněk January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation concerns the development, fabrication and integration in a gas sensing microdevice of a novel 3-dimensional (3D) nanostructured metal-oxide semiconducting film that effectively merges the benefits of inorganic nanomaterials with the simplicity offered by non-lithographic electrochemistry-based preparation techniques. The film is synthesized via the porous-anodic-alumina-assisted anodizing of an Al/Nb metal bilayer sputter-deposited on a SiO2/Si substrate and is basically composed of a 200 nm thick NbO2 layer holding an array of upright-standing spatially separated Nb2O5 nanocolumns, being 50 nm wide, up to 900 nm long and of 8109 cm2 population density. The nanocolumns work as semiconducting nano-channels, whose resistivity is greatly impacted by the surface and interface reactions. Either Pt or Au patterned electrodes are prepared on the top of the nanocolumn array using an innovative sensor design realized by means of microfabrication technology or via a direct original point electrodeposition technique, followed by selective dissolution of the alumina overlayer. For gas-sensing tests the film is mounted on a standard TO-8 package using the wire-bonding technique. Electrical characterization of the 3D niobium-oxide nanofilm reveals asymmetric electron transport properties due to a Schottky barrier that forms at the Au/Nb2O5 or Pt/Nb2O5 interface. Effects of the active film morphology, structure and composition on the electrical and gas-sensing performance focusing on sensitivity, selectivity, detection limits and response/recovery rates are explored in experimental detection of hydrogen gas and ammonia. The fast and intensive response to H2 confirms the potential of the 3D niobium-oxide nanofilm as highly appropriate active layer for sensing application. A computer-aided microfluidics simulation of gas diffusion in the 3D nanofilm predicts a possibility to substantially improve the gas-sensing performance through the formation of a perforated top electrode, optimizing the film morphology, altering the crystal structure and by introducing certain innovations in the electrode design. Preliminary experiments show that a 3D nanofilm synthesized from an alternative Al/W metal bilayer is another promising candidate for advanced sensor applications. The techniques and materials employed in this work are advantageous for developing technically simple, cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for practical micro- and nanodevices, where the well-defined nano-channels for charge carriers and surface reactions may bring unprecedented benefits.

Archeologický výzkum bojiště u Lipan 1434. Možnosti bojištní archeologie v podmínkách pozdně středověké lokality. / Archaeological Research of Lipany 1434 Battlefield. Possibilities of Battlefield Archaeology at the Late Medieval Locality.

Šámal, Zdeněk January 2020 (has links)
The submitted archeological exploration of area associated with the important battle of the Hussite wars near Lipany on May 30, 1434 was primarily focussed on searching for material remains of this short military event. The project is essentially based on field research using the methodology of battlefield archaeology - the most often research approach concerning conflicts in the early modern history both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The field research was preceded by an analysis of written and iconographic sources relating to the Battle of Lipany and Hussite Wars and by a detailed study of historical maps. The detector prospection combined with targeting the findings by GPS coordinate method for more than four years brought approximately forty findings directly or chronologically related to the event being investigated. Most of them are small militaria (crossbow bullets, projectiles for firearms, spur fragments), the set is complemented by small coins and personal items. Findings related to the battle indicate a spatial relationship, they refer to some of the terrain sites that were the scene of different phases of the conflict. The exploration presumably managed to locate the place where the wagon fort of radical Hussite was situated, other sites indicate a relation to combat maneuvers...

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