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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methodologische Untersuchung zur enzymatischen Kreatinbestimmung und ihre Bedeutung für Medizin und Humanbiologie

Quester, Wulf, January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Mainz, 1980.

Har kombinationen av koffein, beta-alanin, kreatin och L-arginin någon prestationshöjande effekt på styrketränande individer? : Med en randomiserad, dubbelblind samt placebokontrollerad studiedesign.

Hedman, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag finns det en stor marknad som enbart fokuserar sig på kostillskott, vars uppgift är att få styrketränande människor att prestera maximalt. Många sätter idag sin tro på de preparat som säljs i kostillskottsbutiker, detta medför att försäljningen av kosttillskott under de senaste åren har ökat explosionsartat runt om i världen, inte minst i Sverige. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka friska, fysiskt aktiva mäns styrka, muskulära uthållighet och deras mentala tillstånd vid konsumtion av prestationshöjande preparat (PWO) med ingredienserna koffein, beta-alanin, kreatin, och L-arginin. Metod: Denna studie använde en randomiserad, dubbelblind, placebokontrollerad studiedesign där 18 fullt friska, fysiskt aktiva män deltog. Testpersonerna utförde styrketester, uthållighetstester samt tester gällande deras mentala tillstånd vid intag av PWO och placebo (PL). Testresultaten analyserades sedan i SPSS.  Resultat: Bänkpressen samt uthållighetstestet påvisade ingen signifikant skillnad (p=0,362), (p=0,195). Styrketestet i knäböj visade däremot en signifikant skillnad mellan PWO och PL (Placebo) där deltagarana presterade bättre efter PWO (p=0,007). Den mentala energinivån visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan PWO och PL (P=0,340). PWO visade dock på en signifikant förbättring av trötthetsnivå, (P=0,002), vakenhetsnivå (P=0,003) och fokuseringsnivå (P=0,002). Diskussion: Om nu PWO till förstone är anpassat och framför allt används av personer med en tydlig träningsinriktning i egenskap av att öka styrka. Prestationsökningen är något som är viktigt för inte bara personer som tränar utan även för dem som antigen rehab-tränar eller för dem som, av olika anledningar, ordineras träning av läkare. Frågan är om PWO kan användas på annat sätt än enbart för gymintresserade personer? Slutsats: PWO har en effekt att den möjliggör en förbättring av träningsresultaten på friska styrketränande individer 24 år ± 4 år

Kreatin monohydrát jako součást prevence sarkopenie u geriatrických pacientů / seniorů / Creatine monohydrate as a part of sarcopenia prevention in geriatric patients

Šaier, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Sarcopenia is a disease with a high prevalence in the elderly population and a significant negative impact on quality of life. Physical activity along with adequate nutritional intervention are key to mitigating these effects. Methods: The research was conducted using a questionnaire survey in which 113 nursing homes participated. The quality of nutritional care in these facilities was determined using a survey. Results: A total of 113 nursing homes were included in the research. Of these, 57% of facilities had a registered dietitian available. Nursing homes assess the presence of malnutrition at least 4 times a year in 74% of cases, of which they most often use changes in weight (80 %) and monitoring of food intake (70 %). Only 50 % of the facilities use validated nutritional screening tool. 83 % of the facilities apply nutritional support, most often in the form of diet modification and sipping (98 %). They use food fortifications less often, in a total of 57 % of facilities. The presence of a registered dietitian is affected by the size of the facility, with the larger ones being available to the registered dietitian at a higher frequency. The presence of a registered dietitian in the facility significantly positively affects the frequency of detection of malnutrition (P = 0.039)....

Erhöhte Anfälligkeit von Creatinkinase-defizienten Mausherzen gegenüber Ischämie und Reperfusionschaden bei veränderter Calcium-Homöostase / Creatine Kinase-Deficient Hearts exhibit Increased Susceptibility to Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury and Impaired Calcium Homeostasis

Meyer, Klaus January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Durch die Konzeption des Versuchsaufbaus und der Wahl der Komponenten konnte die aktuelle Arbeit an intakten isolierten Mäuseherzen zeigen, dass unter weitgehend physiologischen in-vitro-Bedingungen die Möglichkeit besteht, mit Hilfe des Biolumineszenzproteins Aequorin Messungen der intrazytoplasmatischen Ca2+- Konzentration während eines einzelnen Herzschlages mit einer Frequenz von 420 Schlägen pro Minute zu gewinnen und diese gleichzeitig in die linksventrikuläre Funktion integrieren zu können. Das wesentliche Ergebnis dieser Arbeit ist dabei, dass während moderater Arbeitsbelastung der Verlust eines effizienten CK-Systems transgener CK-defizienter- Herzen (CKM/Mito-/) hinsichtlich des intramyokardialem Calciumstoffwechsels und der linksventrikulären Funktion durch Adaptionsmechanismen offensichtlich gut kompensiert wird. Allerdings wird in Situationen des Ungleichgewichtes zwischen Energieversorgung und Energieverbrauch, ausgelöst durch Ischämie und anschließende Reperfusion, eine signifikante Verschlechterung der linksventrikulären Funktion und gleichzeitig der Ca2+-Homöostase sichtbar, was einen weiteren Beweis für die enge Beziehung zwischen myokardialer Energetik und des Ca2+-Haushaltes insbesondere in CK-defizienten Herzen unter metabolischem Stress darstellt. Schließlich zeigt die simultane Aufzeichnung des Ca2+-Signals und die Druckentwicklung des linken Ventrikels, dass es schon vor der Entwicklung der ischämischen Kontraktur zur intrazytoplasmatischen Veränderung der Ca2+-Homöostase kommt, die durch eine unzureichende Bereitstellung durch ATP ausgelöst wird und maßgeblich durch das Fehlen eines effizienten Energietransportsystem in Form der Kreatinkinase bedingt sein könnte. / In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that, during moderate workload, loss of an efficient CK system in transgenic CK deficient hearts is well compensated by adaptational mechanisms. However, during more pronounced mismatches in energy supply and demand, such as induced by ischemia/reperfusion injury, significant alterations in LV performance and Ca2+ homeostasis become unmasked, providing further evidence for a key function of an intact CK system for maintenance of calcium homeostasis under metabolic stress conditions.

Lokalizace cytosolických izoforem kreatin kinázy a hexokinázy v hypetrofovaném srdci / Localization of cytosolic isoforms of creatine kinase and hexokinase in hypertrophied heart

Heleš, Mário January 2017 (has links)
Hypertrophy of the heart is tightly bound to the metabolic adaptations and a cellular remodeling. An important and dynamic system contributing to the maintenance of energy homeostasis is the creatine kinase system (CK). The microcompartmentalization of CK isoforms maintains the flux of ATP between energy production and consumption sites and ensures the effectiveness of the CK system. Changes in expression and activity of CK isoforms during hypertrophy are already well described - to extend this knowledge, this thesis quantified changes in association of cytosolic CK isoforms and sarcomeres. Another essential system, maintaining homeostasis in overloaded heart is composed of the hexokinase (HK) isoforms, located also in cytosol and in mitochondrial compartment. HK1 is associated with mitochondria under physiological conditions, maintaining mitochondrial membrane potential, while HK2 is located mainly in the cytosol. Under stress conditions translocation of HK2 into mitochondrial membrane occurs, which increases the direct supply of ADP to complex V of the respiratory chain and decreases the probability of apoptosis activation. We analyzed association of individual HK isoforms with mitochondria within the second aim of this thesis. Third aim of the thesis was to characterize changes in the CK and M...

Fysträning i Svenska Hockeyligan : En kartläggning av svensk elitishockey

Gardenkrans, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Sveriges högstaliga i ishockey, Svenska Hockeyligan (SHL), omfattas av 14 lag. I inledningen av arbetet nämns några olika viktiga komponenter som krävs för att en idrottare ska kunna prestera på toppnivå i sin valda idrott. En sådan viktig komponent är fysträning. Hur ser fysträningen i SHL ut, och kan kartläggningen av den användas som ett underlag för hur fysträning ska bedrivas i ligan och i andra lägre divisioner? Undersökningens syfte var att kartlägga fysträningen i SHL för att till viss del redovisa ”den vanligaste vägen till Rom”. Studiens empiri samlades in genom intervjuer med fystränare i ligan, och diskuteras sedan för att kartlägga hur träningen med fördel borde bedrivas. Frågeställningarna som besvaras är hur tränarna periodiserar träningen i både makro, meso och mikrocykler, vilka delar av fysträningen som är viktigast för ishockey samt om spelarna använder sig av kosttillskottet kreatin. Resultatet visar att föreningarnas träning periodiseras utifrån faser som anatomisk adaption, hypertrofi, maxstyrka, power och återhämtning och beskriver även hur länge lagen befinner sig i de olika faserna. Resultatet visar även att styrketräning med fokus på maxstyrka och power är de viktigaste delarna av träningen – och att kosttillskottet kreatin är vanligt förekommande. Kartläggningen visar på att träningen är snarlik klubbarna emellan, men skiljer sig vid frågor som generell kontra specifik styrketräning och om kardiovaskulär träning borde bedrivas under säsong eller ej. Undersökningen fyller således en funktion i att vara ett underlag för hur fysträning skulle kunna bedrivas i svensk ishockey.

Úloha regulačních proteinů pro pohyblivost rybích spermií

DZYUBA, Viktoriya January 2015 (has links)
The investigation of the energetic aspects of spermatozoon motility implementation (Chapter 2) was carried out using demembranated spermatozoa of taxonomically distant fish species (common carp and sterlet). Special attention was given to the functioning of ATP regeneration systems: adenylate kinase (AK), and creatine kinase (CK). It was shown for the first time that the phosphocreatine/CK system is present in sterlet spermatozoa and plays an essential role in ATP regeneration. Spermatozoa of carp and sterlet were shown to have similar systems for ATP regeneration, while the efficacy of the studied systems differs in these species. The low baseline activity of CK in carp and AK in sterlet suggest these to be the source of the most pronounced effects of their inhibition on energy supply for flagella movement in the respective species. The presence of a maturational process during the post-testicular transit of sperm in sturgeon was recently ascertained in our laboratory (Chapter 3). This discovery prompted investigation of the factors that regulate this process including the involvement of proteolysis regulators and prooxidant-antioxidant system. As a result of this study (Chapter 3.3), we found that there was no significant difference between proteolytic profiles of seminal fluids (SF) of testicular sperm (TS) and Wolffian duct sperm (WS). It suggests that the majority of proteases present in SF of mature sperm originate in the testis. Measure of amidase and anti-proteolytic activities in the SF of sterlet sperm showed significant decrease in activities as the sperm passed through the kidneys and Wolffian ducts. Considering our observation that trypsin inhibition during in vitro TS maturation blocked the maturation process (Chapter 3.1), and based on zymography, amidase and anti-proteolytic activity determination, we think that the decrease in anti-proteolytic activity of spermatozoa surroundings during their post-testicular transit could be needed to prepare them for maturation. The present study showed that maturation of sturgeon spermatozoa and different times of storage in Wolffian ducts (in vivo storage), are accompanied by significant alterations in motility parameters as well as in SF redox balance (Chapter 4.1). A high level of TBA-reactive substances (TBARS) and a high activity of antioxidant enzymes were found in immature TS compared to those in WS. The high activity of the enzymatic antioxidant system (AOS) allows TS to cope with the deleterious effects of excessive reactive oxygen species production and to retain the ability to become motile after post-testicular transit, or after in vitro maturation. The increase in TBARS content during in vivo storage was not accompanied by a corresponding increase in activity of AOS. We suggest that extended time in the Wolffian ducts resulted in sperm oxidative damage resulting from inadequate AOS efficacy and, finally, in decreases in motility parameters. Short-term hypothermic in vitro storage of sterlet sperm resulted in a significant decrease in motility and velocity without changes of AOS activity (Chapter 4.2). It means that AOS of sterlet sperm is effective enough to prevent the development of oxidative stress during short-term storage. Short period of tench sperm exposure to hypotonic conditions was shown to induce oxidative stress and, as a result, sperm quality decline (Chapter 4.3). The combined results of the study concerning the regulation of sperm prooxidant-antioxidant status (Chapter 4) during spermatozoa maturation, motility activation and sperm in vivo and in vitro storage may confirm a dual role of reactive oxygen species (regulatory or damaging depending from the levels of their formation and elimination) in fish sperm physiology.

Potravní doplňky ve sportovní výživě a možnosti sledování jejich vlivu na výkonnost sportovce. / Dietary supplements in sport nutrition and possibilities of monitoring their effect on efficiency of sportsman.

Vlčková, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
This work deals with dietary supplements intake and its impact on the performance rise and muscle mass growth of bodybuilders. Twenty-five students (bodybuilders) were chosen for the purpose of this survey; they were divided into four groups according to the dosage of creatine and other dietary supplements (proteins and maltodextrine). Changes of the measured parameters (weight; bustline; weistline; limb girth; body lipid content; creatine and urea content in the urine) were compared during the survey. The tested dietary supplements impact on the muscle mass growth was evaluated on the basis of the acquired results.

Analýza transkriptů vybraných genů v myokardu potkana adaptovaného na chronickou hypoxii / Analysis of selected gene transcripts in the rat myocardium adaptated to chronic hypoxia

Kašparová, Dita January 2010 (has links)
Dita Kašparová Chronická hypoxie a exprese genů 4 Abstract Adaptation to chronic hypoxia (CH) is characterized by a variety of functional changes in order to maintain metabolic and energy homeostasis. It has been known for many years that both humans and animals indigenous or adapted to high-altitude hypoxia are more tolerant to an acute ischemic injury of the heart. Cardioprotective mechanisms activated by adaptive responses to chronic hypoxia can be the result of altered transcriptional regulations in left ventricles. Here we report results from the gene expression profiling of adaptive responses in three models of chronically hypoxic heart. Adult male Wistar rats were exposed for 21 days to either continuous normobaric hypoxia (CCH; 10% O2) or CCH interrupted daily by 1-hour reoxygenation (RCH) or CCH interrupted daily by 16-hour (CIH). Cardiprotective effect of CCH adaptation is abolished by brief daily reoxygenation, RCH adaptation. In the present study, we aimed to determine myocardial mRNA expression of 19 candidate genes divided into three important groups: i) Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF1α) and its prolyl and asparaginyl hyroxylases (PHDs and FIH respectively, ii) Creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes which play important role in energy homeostases of heart and iii) the group of main enzymatic...

Aplikace MR spektroskopie v neurochirurgii / The use of MR Spectroscopy in Neurosurgery

Malucelli, Alberto January 2021 (has links)
Proton MR spectroscopy is a non-invasive tool for measuring in vivo concentrations of several metabolites. The aim of this thesis was to test its applicability and reliability in neurosurgical praxis. In the first part of the study multiple MR spectroscopy methods were applied in a group of patients after surgery and oncologic treatment for high-grade glioma to test which method performed best in discriminating recurrent tumor from radionecrosis in the presence of a new enhancing lesion. The best diagnostic yield was achieved by comparison of choline, creatine and lactate between lesion and contralateral side (sensitivity 93.3%, specificity 78.6%). Creatine was significantly decreased in patients compared to controls. The inhibiting effect of ongoing oncologic treatment on cerebral and tumoral metabolism makes differential diagnosis trickier. Therefore, a diagnosis of radionecrosis assessed during ongoing radio- and chemotherapy should be confirmed after its completion. In the second part of the study MR spectroscopy data was compared with MR hippocampal volumetry and transcranial doppler examination in a cohort of patients with unilateral occlusion of the internal carotid artery. The N-acetylaspartate/choline ratio and hippocampal volume were significantly lower in both hemispheres of patients...

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