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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kritiese Rasionalisme en Teologie

Maree, David J.F. January 1990 (has links)
Hierdie studie fokus op die waarde van die Kritiese Rasionalisme van Karl Popper vir die teologie. Tans staan die Kritiese Realisme as geloofwaardige denkmodel vir die teologie in die huidige teologiese diskussie onder bespreking. Hierdie studie analiseer die krities realistiese denkmodel in die teologie aan die hand van die Kritiese Rasionalisme van Popper ten einde 'n krities rasionalistiese suiwering in die krities realistiese denkmodel vir die teologie te weeg te bring. Deel I van die studie behels 'n bespreking en 'n analisering van die wetenskapsteorie van Popper. Uit hierdie bespreking blyk dit dat die wetenskap volgens Popper op 'n duidelike doel afgestem is. Wetenskap mik na waarheid en 'n verstaan van die werklikheid. Ten spyte van die intensie van die wetenskap, kan die wetenskaplike nooit met sekerheid bepaal of sy teorie wei waar is nie. Gevolglik funksioneer die waarheidsgerigtheid van die wetenskap as 'n regulatiewe beginsel. Die wetenskaplike kan van die waarheid van die doel van sy wetenskap oortuig wees, maar hierdie oortuiging en ander oortuigings met betrekking tot die waarheid of die realiteit van 'n teorie, word in die Popperiaanse beskouing van die wetenskapsproses krities gekontroleer. Popper se fallibalistiese epistemologiese beskouings word gevorm deur sy mening dat aile denkmodelle of filosofiee wat waarheid wil begrond, ongeldig is. Sy kritiek teen positivisme lei hom tot 'n omverwerping van 'n induktivistiese strategie wat oor die algemeen as die ware metode van die empiriese wetenskappe beskou word. Aangesien aile epistemiese uitsprake voorwaardelik van aard is, en uitsprake nie begrond kan word nie, stel hy 'n krities rasionalistiese denkmodel voor. Hierdie model word triadies gestruktureer: die wetenskapsproses verloop vanaf 'n identifisering van probleme na pogings om hierdie probleme op te los. Hierdie oplossings word krities getoets deur pogings om die oplossings te weerle. Op hierdie wyse kan foute uitgeskakel word en valshede vermy word. Uit die bespreking van Popper se teorie blyk dit dat die kenmerk van die krities rasionalistiese model verwoord kan word met behulp van 'n Kritiese Beginsel. Die elemente wat in Popper se Kritiese Rasionalisme ge'identifiseer is, te wete die wyse waarop oortuigings as 'n wetenskapsintensie funksioneer en krities gekontroleer word, die belang van die proses van weerlegging as kritiek in die wetenskapsproses en die nie-begrondingstruktuur van 'n geldige wetenskapsproses, word as evalueringsriglyn vir 'n krities realistiese model aangewend. Kritiese Realisme maak aanspraak op die feit dat epistemiese uitsprake inderdaad na die werklikheid verwys, ten spyte van die voorwaardelike aard van kennis. Die versoening tussen die konjekturaliteit van kennis en die werklikheid of objektiwiteit van uitsprake vind plaas deur die aanwending van 'n spesifieke modeljmetafoor-teorie. Dit blyk egter dat hierdie aanwending 'n afgeswakte vorm van verifikasie behels wat struktureel induktivisties van aard is. Voorts dui die analise van Kritiese Realisme aan dat die rol van grondverbintenisse nie voldoende deur hierdie model opgelos word nie aangesien daar steeds elemente van 'n begrondingstrategie by Kritiese Realisme teenwoordig is. Deur die Kritiese Realisme van hierdie problematiese elemente met behulp van die Kritiese Rasionalisme wyse te suiwer, kan Kritiese Realisme as 'n geloofwaardige denkmodel vir die teologie aangewend word. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1990. / gm2013 / Biblical and Religious Studies / PhD

Magersfontein, o Magersfontein! as 'n wending tot die realisme in die werk van Etienne Leroux (Afrikaans)

Korb, Johanna Adeline 30 November 2012 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Magersfontein, o Magersfontein! vertoon veral twee fasette van die realisme, naamlik kritiese realisme en sosiale realisme, met satire as die medium en ironie as die “Point of view”. Die roman teken nie alleen sekere lyne van die sosiale ontwikkelingspatroon oor geslagte heen nie, maar is ook en veral 'n aanval op bourgeois-eienskappe wat in die ontwikkelingsgang as verwerende en selfs vernietigende elemente voorkom. Sodanige eienskappe is die skyf van die satire. Die roman is gebaseer op die Slag van Magersfontein 1899, en die besoek van 'n TV-span en filmspan wat die beroemde Slag wil laat herbelewe. In gekonstrueerde ironie word die Slag, as die bovlak, teen die projekgangers as prototipes van die nageslagte van die helde van weleer, as die ondervlak gestel. As agtergrond dien die dorre vlaktes van Magersfontein, simbolies van die geestelike dood, dus die malaise van ons tyd. Die steriele karakters wat daarteen beweeg, word nie op tradisionele romanmatige wyse uitgebeeld nie, maar stel as meerkantige figure, 'n tema, 'n denkrigting, 'n groep of ‘n instelling voor, waarin bepaalde bourgeois-eienskappe voorkom wat onder die soeklig van die satire kom. Sodoende belig Leroux die oorsake van die malaise as synde kleinlikheid, selfbedrog, eiewaan, wensdenkery, snobisme, huigelary en hebsug. Die verkrummeling van die aristokrasie, een van die belangrikste oorsake van die toename in bourgeois-elemente, word in Lords Sudden en Se1dom uitgebee1d. Le Grange verteenwoordig die Staat as skepping van 'n vlytige bourgeoisie wat 'n liggaam in die lewe wou roep wat met die organisasie verbonde aan ekonomiese en tegniese vooruitgang, vir hulle tot hulp kon wees. Mr. Shipmaster, wat onder andere die organisasiemens verteenwoordig, kan ironies nie organiseer nie en 1eun a1 meer op die “Staat” dat die vir hom sy 1ewe gemak1i ker kan maak. Die satiriese spot lê in die ontaarding van die staat van ‘n geordende instelling tot ‘n burokrasie en uiteindelik tot ‘n militêre Staat. In Mr. Shipmaster word onder andere getoon hoe by gebrek aan inspanning, die leiersfiguur onder die invloed van ‘n massakultuur wat uit die bourgeoisie se massaproduksie ontstaan het, tot ‘n massamens kan degenereer. Op soortgelyke wyse word die ander karakters in die roman gebruik om op die verwerende elemente te wys. 'n Storm dreig, wat van 'n komende oordee1 getuig en die verskil1ende karakters se reaksie daarop is ook verskillend, net soos by die latere oorstromings. Die bee1d word een van 'n toenemende geeste1ike nood en die wetenskap in die persoon van die Man van Waterwese kom met sy helikopter (Tegniek) om die noodgeteisterdes te red. Die gebrek aan kommunikasie word toonbeeld van verskille in waardes; sy poging is 'n mislukking - hoe kan die wetenskap die taal van die siel in nood ken en verstaan? Intussen vorm 'n meer tussen die koppies waarop die noodgeteisterdes saamdrom. Die meer kan verstaan word as simboo1 van die psigies-herstelde mens. In die stadium tree Aristophanes Pompidous, wat as skrywer in die roman gekonstitueer is, vrywillig na vore om 'n simbo1iese sterwe-tot -die-1ewe te volvoer, ooreenkomstig die Griekse mite van Dionuses. Die waterbee1d is in die Christelike godsdiens ook ten nouste verbonde aan die aflegging van sonde in die Doop as verbond, wat wedergeboorte impliseer. Die boek eindig met die positiewe gedagte dat vo1kome herstel, dus hergeboorte wat herlewing inhou, moont1ik is uit die bee1d van 'n herstelde wêreld waarvan Lord Sudden ‘n visioen het vanuit die ballon. Die eens barre vlaktes van Magersfontein vertoon ten slotte aan hom (en die leser) die beeld van ‘n vrugbare, waterryke vallei. ENGLISH: The novel, Magersfonteint, o Magersfontein! by Etienne Leroux is an example of social realism and of critical realism, with satire as medium and irony as point of view. Thus the novel highlights the direction taken in social development in modern times, and also attacks those bourgeois characteristics that act as corrosive elements in this development. These characteristics form the butt of the satire in the novel. The novel is based on the Battle of Magersfontein 1899, and the attempt of a TV- and filmgroup to re-enact this battle on the actual terrain. Depicting the heroes who took part in the batt1e the author has pitched prototypes of the descendants of these heroes. The barren flats of Magersfontein, symbol of the malaise of our times, form the background against which these sterile characters move, partrayed as they are to represent aspects of borgeois society in themes, philosophies, groups and even institutions. In this manner Leroux exposes the causes for the existing malaise as being pettiness, self-deceit, wishful thinking, snobbery, hypocrisy and greed. The book, however, ends on a positive note, with the possibility of the complete restoration of man in a fleeting glimpse of the once desolate valley now looking fertile, filled with beauty and blessed with rain. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Curriculum implications for gender equity in human rights education /|cShan Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2013 (has links)
The Gender Equity Task Team’s (1997) report, Gender Equity in Education, recommends that further research be done to identify the practices perpetuating inequitable gender relations in classrooms and to provide guidelines for teachers and learners to understand the meaning of the gender issues presented in the curriculum (South Africa, 1997:14&16). This research study echoes some of the desires of The Gender Equity Task Team through an exploration that engages with the extent to which gender equity is enacted in Human Rights Education curricula. In particular, the aims of this research study were to; • contest and deconstruct the notion ‘gender equity’ from scholarly perspectives as well as from explicit curriculum, female teachers’ and schoolgirls’ narratives, so as to create an awareness of gender equity in society and curriculum; and • engage with Human Rights Education pedagogical approaches so as to consider the promotion of gender equity through Human Rights Education curricula. The aims of the study were explored through a theoretical framework that engaged with Human Rights Education -, curriculum -, feminist - and gender studies theories. The methodological framework was that of qualitative narrative inquiry. A purposeful sample consisting of South African national curriculum policy documents as well as secondary school female teachers and Grade 9 schoolgirls in semi-rural and inner-city environments was selected. Document research, semi-structured one-on-one interviews and narrative-photovoice were the data collection methods, and critical discourse analysis the analytical framework. These theoretical and methodological stances were purposefully selected juxtaposed to the interests of the international SANPAD (South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) project in which this research study resides, entitled: ‘Human Rights Education in diversity: Empowering girls in rural and metropolitan school environments’ (Roux, 2009). The findings and interpretations derived from the empirical data reveal that the formal Human Rights Education curriculum portrays gender and gender equity nuances as health, social and wellbeing dilemmas that have detrimental and destructive consequences on individuals and on society as a whole. The female teachers and schoolgirls experience gender equity primarily in terms of sameness and ‘being equal’. The elusive, complex nature of gender equity was not prevalent. However, the lived experiences of some female teachers and schoolgirls demonstrated the situatedness of their gender identity through the hidden curriculum and reinforced the notion of gender equity as a social construct. The findings of this research study have refined my understanding of the nuances of gender and gender equity, creating in me a deeper awareness of these concepts. This awareness permeates my vision of the curriculum in particular and the education system and society in general, and makes me want to strive toward fostering transformative curriculum spaces. Another contribution of this research study emerged from the desire to elicit schoolgirls’ narratives with the aid of photographs. By disrupting the boundaries between narrative and photovoice as data collection methods, narrative-photovoice was coined as a methodological contribution to this research study. The value of narrative-photovoice for and within gender studies research is also revealed. The third contribution of this research study emerged in response to the need to enrich the concept of gender equity within Human Rights Education. In effect, critical human rights literacy (HRLit) was conceptualized as a developing normative theory to deconstruct the discursive spaces emerging in Human Rights Education and to critically engage with their meanings. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Curriculum implications for gender equity in human rights education /|cShan Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2013 (has links)
The Gender Equity Task Team’s (1997) report, Gender Equity in Education, recommends that further research be done to identify the practices perpetuating inequitable gender relations in classrooms and to provide guidelines for teachers and learners to understand the meaning of the gender issues presented in the curriculum (South Africa, 1997:14&16). This research study echoes some of the desires of The Gender Equity Task Team through an exploration that engages with the extent to which gender equity is enacted in Human Rights Education curricula. In particular, the aims of this research study were to; • contest and deconstruct the notion ‘gender equity’ from scholarly perspectives as well as from explicit curriculum, female teachers’ and schoolgirls’ narratives, so as to create an awareness of gender equity in society and curriculum; and • engage with Human Rights Education pedagogical approaches so as to consider the promotion of gender equity through Human Rights Education curricula. The aims of the study were explored through a theoretical framework that engaged with Human Rights Education -, curriculum -, feminist - and gender studies theories. The methodological framework was that of qualitative narrative inquiry. A purposeful sample consisting of South African national curriculum policy documents as well as secondary school female teachers and Grade 9 schoolgirls in semi-rural and inner-city environments was selected. Document research, semi-structured one-on-one interviews and narrative-photovoice were the data collection methods, and critical discourse analysis the analytical framework. These theoretical and methodological stances were purposefully selected juxtaposed to the interests of the international SANPAD (South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) project in which this research study resides, entitled: ‘Human Rights Education in diversity: Empowering girls in rural and metropolitan school environments’ (Roux, 2009). The findings and interpretations derived from the empirical data reveal that the formal Human Rights Education curriculum portrays gender and gender equity nuances as health, social and wellbeing dilemmas that have detrimental and destructive consequences on individuals and on society as a whole. The female teachers and schoolgirls experience gender equity primarily in terms of sameness and ‘being equal’. The elusive, complex nature of gender equity was not prevalent. However, the lived experiences of some female teachers and schoolgirls demonstrated the situatedness of their gender identity through the hidden curriculum and reinforced the notion of gender equity as a social construct. The findings of this research study have refined my understanding of the nuances of gender and gender equity, creating in me a deeper awareness of these concepts. This awareness permeates my vision of the curriculum in particular and the education system and society in general, and makes me want to strive toward fostering transformative curriculum spaces. Another contribution of this research study emerged from the desire to elicit schoolgirls’ narratives with the aid of photographs. By disrupting the boundaries between narrative and photovoice as data collection methods, narrative-photovoice was coined as a methodological contribution to this research study. The value of narrative-photovoice for and within gender studies research is also revealed. The third contribution of this research study emerged in response to the need to enrich the concept of gender equity within Human Rights Education. In effect, critical human rights literacy (HRLit) was conceptualized as a developing normative theory to deconstruct the discursive spaces emerging in Human Rights Education and to critically engage with their meanings. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

‘n Narratief-kritiese benadering as hermeneutiese raamwerk vir ‘n vergelykende studie tussen die boeke Openbaring en The Lord of the Rings (Afrikaans)

Meylahn, Elsie Petronella 28 February 2006 (has links)
This study was motivated by a crisis in Biblical hermeneutics within postmodernity. Within postmodernity the Bible is no longer read for various reasons and therefore it has become inaccessible for many people although they own a Bible. The Biblical world is too ‘strange’ and therefore for many people it has lost its relevance to today’s challenges and daily struggles. The problem of interpretation and understanding becomes even more complicated with a book like the Revelation of John where the message is hidden behind culturally and historically conditioned symbols and metaphors. There are numerous interpretations and commentaries available to help explain these books, but through these explanations and interpretations much of the narrative and literary affect of these writings is lost. There are however books, such as J R R Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, which have a tremendous impact on millions of readers throughout the world. Tolkien’s book together with the Revelation of John, have deeply inspired me as books of comfort and strength in times of trial. The questions arose whether these two books can be compared, and secondly, whether a well-loved book like The Lord of the Rings, can be used to help readers to enter the world of a wonderful biblical book like Revelation? These two questions could not be answered with a simple comparative study, but needed to be asked within a theological hermeneutical framework which led to the hypotheses of this study: It is hermeneutically and theologically justifiable to make use of secondary, non-biblical literature which is comparable in its intent, genre, theological perspective, characters and plot, as a hermeneutical tool with which to elucidate and gain access to primary biblical literature. It was in the search for an appropriate hermeneutic which is theologically justifiable that I discovered the narrative-critical approach. The search for a hermeneutical approach which would create the necessary space for a non-biblical literary work to be used to interpret and elucidate a biblical work raised numerous theological questions, such as questions with regards to scriptural authority and the question of the relationship between revelation and scripture. I reflected on this approach theologically with regards to revelation and the authority of Scripture and discovered that this hermeneutical approach is very appropriate within a postmodern context as it aptly responds to the challenges of postmodernity. The two narratives were described within the narrative-critical approach and then compared with each other using the principle of analogy. It was discovered that these two narratives have enough important similarities with regards to intent, genre, theological perspective, characters and plot, so that the one can be used to illuminate the other. It is the conclusion of this study that the narrative critical approach is a wonderful hermeneutical tool not only to elucidate biblical books, but also to interpret and understand contexts and identity-forming stories and to bring these stories into dialogue with Scripture with the help of secular and contemporary literature where needed. / Thesis (DD (New Testament Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

Developing critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions : a conceptual framework

Terblanche, Ester Aletta Jacomina 04 November 2019 (has links)
Although the development of critical thinking in students is not an easy task, it is becoming increasingly more vital. Students need to be able to think critically to thrive in the 21st century workplace. The auditor of the future must adapt to a fast-changing, technologydriven world where critical thinking capabilities provide the ability to solve unstructured problems, analyse and interpret information, make informed decisions and interrogate information. With claims that the auditing profession is not delivering entry-level chartered accountants with the necessary skills and competencies to truly add value to auditing clients, the onus is on educators to develop critical thinking in their students. As critical thinking is a complex concept with multiple dimensions, imparting this skill to students is an intricate process. Technology-based educational interventions which include simulations, virtual reality and games can provide effective platforms for developing critical thinking. However, educators are often hesitant to use these technologies and uncertain how to instill critical thinking in students. It is therefore clear that educators need guidance and require a robust, holistic framework for critical thinking development through technology-based educational interventions. The primary objective of this study was to propose such a conceptual framework that would provide guidance to educators in addressing the growing need for auditors with welldeveloped critical thinking capabilities. To arrive at this conceptual framework, more insights into the conceptualisation and development of critical thinking were required. These insights set the foundation for a preliminary, literature-based, conceptual framework. To validate the concepts and relationships proposed in this preliminary framework and to provide insights into additional concepts and relationships, the perspectives of three groups of participants were obtained using an Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) design. Concepts in the final conceptual framework included studentrelated factors, educator-related factors, design and development considerations, technology-based enabling tools, collaboration among stakeholders and disciplines, the learning process, ethics, globalisation, auditing content, critical thinking and other learning outcomes associated with critical thinking, constructivism and characteristics of critical thinking instruction. The end product is a novel, integrated and robust conceptual framework aimed at the development of critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions. This framework provides a structure to the complex nature of critical thinking development. The acquisition of critical thinking capabilities is, however, not a once-off, linear event. The framework and its individual concepts and relationships should thus be seen as part of a continuous process of critical thinking growth. / Hoe moeilik dit ook al mag wees om studente te leer om krities te dink, dit word toenemend noodsaaklik. In die 21e eeu vereis die werkplek immers kritiese denke van studente. Die aspirantouditeur moet by ʼn snel veranderende, tegnologies gedrewe wêreld kan aanpas deur krities te dink om ongestruktureerde probleme op te los, inligting te ontleed, te vertolk en te betwyfel, en om ingeligte besluite te neem. Aangesien ouditeursfirmas kla dat jong geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters nie oor die nodige vaardighede beskik nie, het opvoeders die verantwoordelikheid om studente krities te leer dink. Omrede kritiese denke ʼn komplekse konsep met veelvuldige fasette is, is dit ʼn heel ingewikkelde proses om studente daarmee toe te rus. Tegnologiese onderrigintervensies deur onder meer nabootsings, virtuele werklikhede en speletjies kan hierin van groot nut wees. Opvoeders aarsel egter om hierdie tegnologieë aan te wend, en daarby is hulle onseker hoe om kritiese denke by studente in te skerp. Opvoeders het ongetwyfeld leiding hierin nodig, en ʼn stewige, holististiese raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke deur middel van tegnologiese onderrigintervensies is duidelik nodig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om met so ʼn konseptuele raamwerk te kom wat leiding kan gee aan opvoeders wat aspirantouditeurs moet oplei om krities te dink. Hiervoor moes groter insig in die konseptualisering en ontwikkeling van kritiese denke verkry word. Hierdie insigte het die grondslag gelê vir ʼn voorlopige konseptuele raamwerk wat op die literatuur berus. Drie groepe deelnemers is gebruik om die geldigheid van die addisionele konsepte en verbande in die voorlopige raamwerk te toets en insigte in addisionele konsepte en verbande te verkry. ʼn Interaktiewe kwalitatiewe analise (IKA) is gedoen. Die konsepte in die finale konseptuele raamwerk is onder meer studentfaktore, opvoederfaktore, oorwegings soos ontwerp en ontwikkeling, tegnologiese instrumente, samewerking tussen belanghebbers en dissiplines, die leerproses, etiek, globalisering, die ouditkunde-inhoud, kritiese denke en ander leeruitkomste wat met kritiese denke gepaard gaan, konstruktivisme en die kenmerke van onderrig in kritiese denke. Die eindproduk is ʼn nuwe, geïntegreerde en stewige konseptuele raamwerk waarmee ouditkundestudente met tegnologiese onderrigintervensies opgelei kan word om krities te dink. Hierdie raamwerk verleen struktuur aan die komplekse aard van opleiding in kritiese denke. Die verwerwing van die vermoë om krities te dink is egter nie eenmalig en lineêr nie. Hierdie raamwerk met sy afsonderlike konsepte en verbande moet beskou word as ʼn onderdeel van ʼn deurlopende proses om kritiese denke te ontwikkel. / Nakuba ukuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi kungesiwo umsebenzi olula, kuya ngokuya kubaluleka kakhulu. Abafundi kumele bakwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya ukuze baphumelele emsebenzini kwikhuluminyaka lama21. Umcwaningimabhuku wesikhathi esizayo kufanele ajwayele isimo sezwe elishintsha masinya, esiholwa ubuchwepheshe nokuyilapho ukukwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kuhlinzeka ikhono lokusombulula izinkinga ezingahlelekile, ukuhlaziya nokuhumusha imininingwane, ukuthatha izinqumo ezikahle nokuphenyisisa imininingwane. Njengoba kuthiwa umkhakha wezocwaningomabhuku awukhiqizi abagcinimabhuku bezinga lomhlaba abasaqala abanamakhono nokuqonda okufanele ukwenza umehluko kumakhasimende ocwaningomabhuku, kungumsebenzi wabafundisayo ukusungula ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi babo. Njengoba ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kungumqondo olukhuni ozigabaningi, ukudlulisela leli khono kubafundi kungumsebenzi oxakayo. Ukusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe, ezifaka kuzo ukulinganisa, okwenzeka ngempela nemidlalo, kunganikeza izinkundla ezisebenza ngempumelelo ukuthuthukisa ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Nakuba kunjalo, othisha bavame ukuba manqikanqika ukusebenzisa lobu buchwepheshe futhi abanasiqiniseko sokuthi bangakufaka kanjani ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi. Ngakho-ke kusobala ukuthi othisha badinga ukwelulekwa kanye nohlaka olunamandla olufaka konke maqondana nokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Injongo enkulu yalolu cwaningo ngukuhlongoza uhlaka lomqondo oluzohlinzeka umhlahlandlela kothisha ukubhekana nesidingo esikhulayo sabacwaningimabhuku abanamakhono athuthukile okucabanga sakuhlaziya. Ukuze kufinyelelwe kulolu hlaka, kwadingeka ulwazi olwengeziwe ekucabangeni nasekusungulweni kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Lolu lwazi lwaba yisisekelo sohlaka lomqondo lokuqala olugxile emibhalweni. Ukuze kuqinisekiswe imiqondo nobudlelwano obuhlongozwayo kulolu hlaka lokuqala futhi kuhlinzekwe ulwazi emicabangweni nasebudlelwaneni obengeziwe, imibono yamaqoqo amathathu ababambiqhaza yatholakala ngokusetshenziswa komklamo ongukuHlaziya Izingahle Ngokusebenzisana owaziwa ngokuthi yi-Interactive Qualitative Analysis (i-IQA). Imiqondo esohlakeni lomqondo lokugcina yayibandakanya okuphathelene nabafundi, okuphathelene nothisha, okumayelana nomklamo nentuthuko, amathuluzi okusiza ancike kubuchwepheshe, ukuhlanganyela phakathi kwabathintekayo nemikhakha, indlela yokufunda, okuphathelene nokulunga, ukusabalalisa umhlaba wonke, ukucwaninga imininingwane yokuqukethwe, ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kanye neminye imiphumela yokufunda ehambisana nokucabanga sakuhlaziya, nobunjalo bendlela yokufunda ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Umkhiqizo ovela ekugcineni kuba yinoveli nohlaka lomqondo olunamandla okuhloswe ngalo ukuba kuthuthukiswe ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi bezocwaningomabhuku ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Lolu hlaka luhlinzeka umumo esimweni esingaqondakali sokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Kodwa-ke, ukutholakala kwamakhono okucabanga sakuhlaziya, akusiyo into eyenzeka kanye, ngendlela efanayo. Ngakho-ke, uhlaka kanye nemiqondo yalo ngaminye nobudlelwano bayo kumele kubonakale njengengxenye yomsebenzi oqhubekayo wokukhula kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. / Taxation / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses-leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite / M.E. Welman.

Welman, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources. The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources. Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group. Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities. Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment. / Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Development))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses-leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite / M.E. Welman.

Welman, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources. The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources. Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group. Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities. Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment. / Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Development))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Apokaliptiek en Openbaring: 'n Kritiese evaluering van Malina en Pilch se “Social-Science commentary on the Book of Revelation” (Afrikaans)

Swart, Cornelius Johannes 31 July 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study is to evaluate Malina&Pilch’s Social-Science Commentary on the Book of Revelation. As stated on the cover of the book, this commentary claims to be unique: “The first social-science commentary on this extraordinary book.” The question is whether the social-scientific method enhances the understanding of Revelation for modern interpreters? The method’s relationship with traditional exegetical methods is also examined. In order to evaluate any work on Revelation, it is necessary to make a thorough study of the apocalyptic. Revelation is an apocalypse and is traditionally understood as part of the apocalyptic genre. It is also necessary to make use of findings of the historical-critical method in order to understand questions regarding the author, date and place of composition of Revelation. The social-scientific method’s presuppositions and procedures are explained, as well as criticism against this exegetical method. This is followed by a discussion of Malina&Pilch’s commentary as part of the Social-Science Commentary on…-series, as well as Malina’s original work, On the Genre and Message of Revelation. It is clear that Malina&Pilch view Revelation as astral prophecy and John as an astral prophet. They interpret Revelation in the light of the first century Mediterranean sky. A case study of Revelation 12:1-18 compares Malina’s On the Genre and Message of Revelation, with Malina&Pilch’s Social-Science Commentary on Revelation and David Aune’s Revelation. In conclusion academic reviews and comments regarding this commentary are discussed. It is my opinion that this commentary adds the best value if it is used together with traditional historical-critical commentaries. Unfortunately, Malina&Pilch has ignored modern Apocalypse scholarship in their work. Their intense focus on astrology and trying to force the whole of Revelation into an astrological mould is the greatest weakness of this work. This commentary however definitely adds a new dimension to the interpretation of Revelation. It forces an interpreter of Revelation to acknowledge the importance of John’s social situation and the first-century Mediterranean world. / Dissertation (MA (Biblical Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Biblical and Religious Studies / MA / unrestricted

A critical reflection on the curriculum praxis of classroom assessment within a higher education context / Jacqueline Slabbert-Redpath

Slabbert-Redpath, Jacqueline January 2014 (has links)
In terms of assessment practices, in all facets of education there is a strong focus on assessment at the end of learning. New trends in the literature motivate for the continuous use of assessment strategies in classrooms, with a learner-centred approach. Many questions arise on this topic: When lecturers review their own higher education classroom assessment practices, what will be the extent of their discovery? Are they still inclined to do assessment after teaching and learning has taken place? Or are they moving towards continuous classroom assessment practices in line with the new trends? Is there still a place for classroom assessment at the end of teaching and learning? Should the one or the other be used or should there be a balance between the various strategies? With students perceiving assessment as being judgemental and oppressive and as the most political of all educational processes (Reynolds et al., 2000:268), how does the power struggle unfold in the classroom? By means of participatory action research I encouraged lecturers to reflect critically on their own classroom assessment practices. The lecturers engaged in critical discourses regarding their teaching, learning and assessment strategies and subsequently engaged in transformative actions resulting from their critical reflections. The aim of the research was to determine whether an emancipatory praxis had been developed and whether their reflections had brought about change and improved their classroom assessments. I wished to understand how the changes they had experienced were infused with theories of empowerment, emancipation and liberation. The nature of curriculum praxis of classroom assessment was investigated to determine the status of classroom assessment in a specific higher education context and to see how the balanced assessment system is reflected and how classroom assessment develops as an emancipatory praxis. / MEd (Curriculum Development), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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