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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die ontwikkeling van 'n innoverende kurrikulum vir die opleiding van tandheelkundiges

Snyman, Willem Diederik January 1993 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / SUMMARY This study has shown that the environment in which a dentist receives his training, has, over the past decades, changed drastically, and is still changing. Also, that the existing curriculum model, in use in most dental faculties, is an anachronism and that the sands of time for a paradigm shift in terms of the curriculum, are fast running out. It follows, therefore, that the curriculum, training and evaluation programmes will, without delay, have to undergo changes in order to fulfil the requirements of the community in general and the clients of the Faculty in particular. In addition, adjustments in terms of the numbers and types of dental manpower to be trained, will have to be made. The purpose of this study was to investigate the management of dental education as a critical performance area and to develop a curriculum at the macro-level for three cadres of dental manpower, which will fulfil certain identified requirements. The curriculum model used in this study, should ideally fit in with the organisational structure of the Faculty. Therefore, this organisational structure was investigated and found to consist of a mixture of a "machine" and a "professional bureaucracy". It was also demonstrated that the disadvantages of this bureaucratic hybrid could be counteracted, whilst still retaining the advantages of the existing system, by the implementation of an "adhocracy" in the form of a matrix-functioning system. A management manual, essential for the effective functioning of a matrix system, which had already been developed for the management of teaching in the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Pretoria, was found to be suitable, not only for this purpose, but also as a basis for future strategic planning in teaching. The rationale for the necessity of altering the traditional dental curriculum is given in the thesis and three strategies are recommended for solving the problem. Curriculum designs were carefully scrutinized and the most important of these relating to dental education, as well as the ideal positioning in terms of the SPICES curriculum strategy, have been indicated. Basic premises, with their priorities and weighted values, developed for this study were utilised in comparing the traditional model with the proposed diagonally-layered curriculum design. This proposed curriculum design, and subject structure, is illustrated in detail with the aid of diagrams. An empirical comparison showed that the proposed diagonally-layered curriculum would be an improvement on the traditional curriculum in terms of: professional and market orientation, the promotion of meta-learning, the support of teaching and evaluation, the early exposure of students to preventive clinical dentistry, the promotion of horizontal and vertical integration of various subjects and courses, rationalisation of the curriculum, easier "through-flow" possibilities for oral hygienists and dental therapists, as well as practical implementation and cost effectiveness.

'n Ondersoek na die behoeffes van studentverpleegkundiges met betrekking tot die ontwikkeling van basiese studievaardighede.

Fischer, Marie January 1997 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Die grondgedagte vir hierdie studie spruit voort uit die verantwoordelikheid van die verpleegdosente om die vermoëns van studentverpleegkundiges tot selfgerigte studie te ontwikkel. Selfgerigte studie vereis onder andere, die vermoë om inligting te kan vind, te verwerk, en toe te pas in die praktyk. Hierdie vaardighede is essensiële voorvereistes vir onafhanklike professionele praktisering. Die ontwikkeling van die genoemde vaardighede impliseer 'n multi-dimensionele benadering wat die student in totaliteit aanspreek. Voorts vereis dit nougesette betrokkenheid van die student by sy/ haar studies. Laasgenoemde veronderstel, onder andere, egter dat studente oor sekere essensiële vaardighede, in verband met leer en studie, beskik. Uit die literatuur blyk dit duidelik dat sekondêre onderwys, oor die algemeen, studente nie voldoende voorberei vir tersiêre onderwys nie. Deur middel van hierdie studie wou die navorser dus antwoorde probeer vind op die vraag of studenteverpleegkundiges behoeftes ervaar aan leiding met betrekking tot spesifiek geïdentifiseer studievaardighede, die leiding wat verskaf word en of daar leemtes bestaan in die leiding wat studente reeds ontvang. Nadat die studieterrein afgebaken is, is verskillende terme en begrippe, grondliggend tot die studie, omskryf en in perspektief gestel. Hoofstuk twee is gewyaan 'n bespreking van die konsepte leer, -probleme en studie binne die perspektief van hierdie studie, asook verbandhoudend relevante begrippe. Aandag is in die daaropvolgende twee hoofstukke geskenk aan, onderskeidelik, spesifieke stud ievaardighede verbandhoudend tot die versameling van inligting en studievaardighede verbandhoudend tot die benutting van inligting.

Die impak van onderwysers se identiteitsbasis op hul ontvang en implementering van kurrikulum 2005 in sekere verafgeleë skole van die Wes-Kaap

Visagie, Clarence Vernon January 2006 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Hierdie tesis was onderneem as 'n empiriese studie wat fokus op kurrikulumimplementering in 'n afgesonderde geografiese streek in post-apartheid Suid-Afrika, bekend as die Overberg. Die identiteitsbasis waarvolgens onderwysers Kurrikulum 2005 ontvang en implementeer, dien as die sentrale fokus vir 'n onderneming van hierdie studie. My sleutelbevindinge het ek geneem op die basis van empiries- interpretatiewe tegnieke, wat insluit observasies en semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Hiervolgens het ek bevind dat die persoonlike, ontologiese, kontekstuele, opleiding, professionele en pedagogiese invloede, 'n impak gehad het op die samestelling van identiteitsbasis van onderwysers in die Overbergstreek. Dié onderwysers het Kurrikulum 2005 ontvang en geïmplementeer in die lig van hul vorige identiteite. Ek het die empiriese resultate van dié studie vergelyk met die konseptuele raamwerk van my literatuur studies. Dié resultate het aangedui dat daar 'n gaping tussen 'n kurrikulumformulering en 'n kurrikulum-implementering bestaan. Dié gaping verwys na die behoefte om die 'stemme' van onderwysers op die vlak van 'n kurrikulumbeleidformulering, aan te hoor en te verreken. Die studie benut dus kwalitatiewe en interpretiewe metodes, sodat die institusionele gedrag en stem-identiteite van onderwysers verstaan kan word. Die studie stel voor dat die impak van die onderwyser se sosio-kulturele konteks soos ingebed in hul biografieë, primêr is die vorming van hul professionele identiteitsbasis. Relevant tot dié studie, is hoe onderwysers op Kurrikulum 2005 respondeer op die basis van hul identiteite.

Die implementering van _ professionele ontwikkelingsprogram in stralingsveiligheid vir werknemers van kleindier veterinêre praktyke

Hanekom, Elizabeth Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
Tydens my loopbaan as diereverpleegster aan die Universiteit van Pretoria en in privaat veterinêre fasiliteite en as dosent aan die Fakulteit Veeartsenykunde, heg ek groot waarde aan voortgesette professionele ontwikkeling. In my huidige posisie as dosent in veterinêre radiografie het ek bewus geword van die behoefte in veterinêre fasiliteite om beter stralingsveiligheidspraktyke te beoefen. Hierdie behoefte het vir my die geleentheid geskep om _ wetenskaplik-gefundeerde nie-formele voortgesette professionele ontwikkelingsprogram te ontwerp en te ontwikkel ten opsigte van die bewusmaking en vestiging van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur onder veterinêre werkers in kleindier veterinêre fasiliteite. Die projek het eerstens ten doel om _ bydrae te lewer tot my persoonlike professionele ontwikkeling as fasiliteerder van leer en om moontlike onderrigstrategieë te identifiseer wat _ positiewe bydrae gelewer het tot die skep van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur in die deelnemende veterinêre fasiliteite. Tweedens, die professionele ontwikkeling van die deelnemende veterinêre werkers en die evaluasie van veranderde praktyke ten opsigte van die skep van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur binne die werkplek. Die ontwerp en ontwikkeling van die uitkomsgebaseerde kurrikulum is begrond in die sosio-konstruktivistiese leerteorie. Ander onderwyskundige konstrukte wat gebruik is tot die wetenskaplike benadering van die kurrikulum sluit Knowles se aannames en beginsels ten opsigte van volwasse leerders (andragogie) in, die Herrmann heelbreinleermodel, opvoedkundige eienskappe (bydraes) van die 21ste eeu en formatiewe assessering met betekenisvolle terugvoer. Kleinskaalse deelnemende aksienavorsingsbenadering is gebruik om die proses van professionele ontwikkeling, die implementering en verbetering van die nie-formele professionele ontwikkelingsprogram, evaluasie van die implementering van stralingsveiligheidsbeginsels en die identifisering van fasiliteringstrategieë wat moontlike bygedra het tot die skep van _ stralingsveiligheidskultuur, in drie kleindier veterinêre fasiliteite in Pretoria te ondersoek. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Humanities Education / MEd / Unrestricted

Onderwyseresse se verwagtinge van tweede of addisionele taal graad R-leerders se kommunikasievaardighede in 'n bepaalde geografiese area van Bloemfontein (Afrikaans)

Harmse, Ottilie Henriette 16 April 2007 (has links)
Abstract in Afrikaans Onderwyseresse is dikwels onseker oor die wyse waarop hulle tweede of addisionele taal graad R-leerders behoort te onderrig. Gevolglik stel hulle dieselfde kommunikasie-eise en op dieselfde wyse aan tweede taal leerders as aan moedertaalleerders. `n Groot aantal Suid-Afrikaanse graad R-leerders se basiese interaktiewe taalvaardighede in Engels as onderrigtaal, is dikwels nie op peil aan die einde van graad R nie, omdat hulle nie Engels magtig is by toetrede tot graad R nie. Gevolglik kan hierdie leerders se kognitiewe akademiese taalvaardighede nie toereikend ontwikkel in Engels nie en beskik hulle nie aan die einde van graad R oor doeltreffende kommunikasievaardighede vir skool-gereedheid nie. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is daar spesifiek gefokus op graad R-onderwyseresse asook op leerders se kommunikasievaardighede vir skoolgereedheid. `n Transformerend-opeenvolgende ontwerp bestaande uit `n gemengde metodiek van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe benaderings in drie fases is vir die uitvoer van die studie geselekteer. Fase een het bestaan uit `n literatuurstudie, vir fase twee is graad R-onderwyseresse as deelnemers geselekteer en by fase drie is data van fases een en twee met mekaar vergelyk. Data-insameling het deur middel van vraelyste, `n onderhoudskedule vir semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, en `n skedule vir die fokusgroepbespreking geskied. `n Omvattende ontwikkelingsgebaseerde lys voorvereistes van kommunikasievaardighede (die lys), is in die literatuur vir spraak-taalpatologie geïdentifiseer asook kommunikasievaardighede wat deur die amptelike graad R-kurrikulum geïmpliseer word. Resultate van fase twee het getoon dat graad R-onderwyseresse nie al die kommunikasievaardighede van graad R-leerders in ooreenstemming met die lys vereis het nie. Volgens fase drie se bevindinge het die onderwyseresse meer kommunikasievaardighede van leerders verwag as wat deur die graad R-kurrikulum geïmpliseer word. Die kliniese waarde van die studie is geleë in die feit dat riglyne verskaf word vir interaksie tussen graad R-onderwysers en leerders vir die fasilitering van taalontwikkeling by die leerders. Die navorsingsbevindinge beaam vorige bevindinge dat graad R-onderwysers kan baat by addisionele opleiding oor spraak-taalontwikkeling en kommunikasievaardighede vir skoolgereedheid. Hierdie addisionele opleiding kan gesamentlik volgens die model van samewerkende dienslewering deur die onderwysers en die spraak-taalterapeut beplan word. Die navorsingsresultate kan aangewend word as uitgangspunt vir toekomstige navorsing oor die problematiek wat deur hierdie navorsing geïdentifiseer is. Op grond van die gevolgtrekkings is kliniese implikasies en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing geïdentifiseer. Die data wat tydens die navorsing ingesamel is, word as betekenisvol beskou vir die ontwikkeling van `n aanvullende program vir onderwysers om jong kinders se taalontwikkeling te fasiliteer. / Dissertation (Master of Communication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted

Curriculum and intra-dialogic spaces: consciousness and becoming in identity construction based on human rights values / J.A. Becker

Becker, Josephine Annie January 2013 (has links)
The growing marketisation of education has resulted in curriculum being conceptualised as a predesigned means to an end. Many South African scholars such as Jansen, (1999, 2009, 2011) and Du Preez (2009, 2011, 2012) have critiqued the instrumental nature of the post-apartheid curriculum and pleaded for an ethical perspective on curriculum conceptualisation that would encourage the construction of dialogic spaces in curriculum. This study questions technical and critical approaches to curriculum conceptualisation and advocates a reflexive conceptualisation of curriculum, intra-dialogue, identity construction, consciousness, becoming and human rights values within an ethical perspective to curriculum conceptualisation in the post-structural paradigm. The central theme of this reflexive reconceptualisation is the hope of continual revolutionary new beginnings by which identity construction (who we are) and the realisation of human rights values in the ethical relation self:other can be re-imagined. This hope has also been central to the (re)structuring of the post-apartheid curriculum premised on the values of The South African Constitution and Bill of Rights (1996). Curriculum, structured within a predesigned market-related and instrumental approach to curriculum, can however not aid identity construction, re-imagine a new society or realise human rights values. A new society is re-imagined between teacher:child, disrupting how and what they know of self:other and re-imagining new ways of knowing and being with self:other rooted in human rights values. The conditions for intra-dialogue, namely the ethical relation self:other and spaces of togetherness, are also interrelated elements in intra-dialogic curriculum spaces. The ethical relation teacher:child roots intra-dialogic curriculum spaces in human rights values and the consciousness of responsibility for self:other. Spaces of togetherness situate teacher:child in specific and non-linear space and time in which they narrate their different life experiences from which identity is constructed. Intra-dialogue is the disruptive, revolutionary and intentional action between self:other as simultaneously singular in equal difference and together in a shared humanity. Human rights values are dialogic, relational and revolutionary in nature. Human rights values are realised when teacher:child within intra-dialogic curriculum spaces premised on equal difference, freely confess autobiography and continually (re)construct identity and the relation self:other. In equal difference teacher:child are received and defined as someone – unique, dignified and irreplaceable. As equal and irreplaceable partners teacher:child disrupt, deconstruct and re-imagine the ethical relation self:other. Within intra-dialogic curriculum spaces, teacher:child can reclaim the revolutionary capacity of curriculum and revolutionise self, self:other, education and society in continual becoming. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Curriculum implications for gender equity in human rights education /|cShan Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2013 (has links)
The Gender Equity Task Team’s (1997) report, Gender Equity in Education, recommends that further research be done to identify the practices perpetuating inequitable gender relations in classrooms and to provide guidelines for teachers and learners to understand the meaning of the gender issues presented in the curriculum (South Africa, 1997:14&16). This research study echoes some of the desires of The Gender Equity Task Team through an exploration that engages with the extent to which gender equity is enacted in Human Rights Education curricula. In particular, the aims of this research study were to; • contest and deconstruct the notion ‘gender equity’ from scholarly perspectives as well as from explicit curriculum, female teachers’ and schoolgirls’ narratives, so as to create an awareness of gender equity in society and curriculum; and • engage with Human Rights Education pedagogical approaches so as to consider the promotion of gender equity through Human Rights Education curricula. The aims of the study were explored through a theoretical framework that engaged with Human Rights Education -, curriculum -, feminist - and gender studies theories. The methodological framework was that of qualitative narrative inquiry. A purposeful sample consisting of South African national curriculum policy documents as well as secondary school female teachers and Grade 9 schoolgirls in semi-rural and inner-city environments was selected. Document research, semi-structured one-on-one interviews and narrative-photovoice were the data collection methods, and critical discourse analysis the analytical framework. These theoretical and methodological stances were purposefully selected juxtaposed to the interests of the international SANPAD (South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) project in which this research study resides, entitled: ‘Human Rights Education in diversity: Empowering girls in rural and metropolitan school environments’ (Roux, 2009). The findings and interpretations derived from the empirical data reveal that the formal Human Rights Education curriculum portrays gender and gender equity nuances as health, social and wellbeing dilemmas that have detrimental and destructive consequences on individuals and on society as a whole. The female teachers and schoolgirls experience gender equity primarily in terms of sameness and ‘being equal’. The elusive, complex nature of gender equity was not prevalent. However, the lived experiences of some female teachers and schoolgirls demonstrated the situatedness of their gender identity through the hidden curriculum and reinforced the notion of gender equity as a social construct. The findings of this research study have refined my understanding of the nuances of gender and gender equity, creating in me a deeper awareness of these concepts. This awareness permeates my vision of the curriculum in particular and the education system and society in general, and makes me want to strive toward fostering transformative curriculum spaces. Another contribution of this research study emerged from the desire to elicit schoolgirls’ narratives with the aid of photographs. By disrupting the boundaries between narrative and photovoice as data collection methods, narrative-photovoice was coined as a methodological contribution to this research study. The value of narrative-photovoice for and within gender studies research is also revealed. The third contribution of this research study emerged in response to the need to enrich the concept of gender equity within Human Rights Education. In effect, critical human rights literacy (HRLit) was conceptualized as a developing normative theory to deconstruct the discursive spaces emerging in Human Rights Education and to critically engage with their meanings. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Curriculum and intra-dialogic spaces: consciousness and becoming in identity construction based on human rights values / J.A. Becker

Becker, Josephine Annie January 2013 (has links)
The growing marketisation of education has resulted in curriculum being conceptualised as a predesigned means to an end. Many South African scholars such as Jansen, (1999, 2009, 2011) and Du Preez (2009, 2011, 2012) have critiqued the instrumental nature of the post-apartheid curriculum and pleaded for an ethical perspective on curriculum conceptualisation that would encourage the construction of dialogic spaces in curriculum. This study questions technical and critical approaches to curriculum conceptualisation and advocates a reflexive conceptualisation of curriculum, intra-dialogue, identity construction, consciousness, becoming and human rights values within an ethical perspective to curriculum conceptualisation in the post-structural paradigm. The central theme of this reflexive reconceptualisation is the hope of continual revolutionary new beginnings by which identity construction (who we are) and the realisation of human rights values in the ethical relation self:other can be re-imagined. This hope has also been central to the (re)structuring of the post-apartheid curriculum premised on the values of The South African Constitution and Bill of Rights (1996). Curriculum, structured within a predesigned market-related and instrumental approach to curriculum, can however not aid identity construction, re-imagine a new society or realise human rights values. A new society is re-imagined between teacher:child, disrupting how and what they know of self:other and re-imagining new ways of knowing and being with self:other rooted in human rights values. The conditions for intra-dialogue, namely the ethical relation self:other and spaces of togetherness, are also interrelated elements in intra-dialogic curriculum spaces. The ethical relation teacher:child roots intra-dialogic curriculum spaces in human rights values and the consciousness of responsibility for self:other. Spaces of togetherness situate teacher:child in specific and non-linear space and time in which they narrate their different life experiences from which identity is constructed. Intra-dialogue is the disruptive, revolutionary and intentional action between self:other as simultaneously singular in equal difference and together in a shared humanity. Human rights values are dialogic, relational and revolutionary in nature. Human rights values are realised when teacher:child within intra-dialogic curriculum spaces premised on equal difference, freely confess autobiography and continually (re)construct identity and the relation self:other. In equal difference teacher:child are received and defined as someone – unique, dignified and irreplaceable. As equal and irreplaceable partners teacher:child disrupt, deconstruct and re-imagine the ethical relation self:other. Within intra-dialogic curriculum spaces, teacher:child can reclaim the revolutionary capacity of curriculum and revolutionise self, self:other, education and society in continual becoming. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

Curriculum implications for gender equity in human rights education /|cShan Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2013 (has links)
The Gender Equity Task Team’s (1997) report, Gender Equity in Education, recommends that further research be done to identify the practices perpetuating inequitable gender relations in classrooms and to provide guidelines for teachers and learners to understand the meaning of the gender issues presented in the curriculum (South Africa, 1997:14&16). This research study echoes some of the desires of The Gender Equity Task Team through an exploration that engages with the extent to which gender equity is enacted in Human Rights Education curricula. In particular, the aims of this research study were to; • contest and deconstruct the notion ‘gender equity’ from scholarly perspectives as well as from explicit curriculum, female teachers’ and schoolgirls’ narratives, so as to create an awareness of gender equity in society and curriculum; and • engage with Human Rights Education pedagogical approaches so as to consider the promotion of gender equity through Human Rights Education curricula. The aims of the study were explored through a theoretical framework that engaged with Human Rights Education -, curriculum -, feminist - and gender studies theories. The methodological framework was that of qualitative narrative inquiry. A purposeful sample consisting of South African national curriculum policy documents as well as secondary school female teachers and Grade 9 schoolgirls in semi-rural and inner-city environments was selected. Document research, semi-structured one-on-one interviews and narrative-photovoice were the data collection methods, and critical discourse analysis the analytical framework. These theoretical and methodological stances were purposefully selected juxtaposed to the interests of the international SANPAD (South Africa Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) project in which this research study resides, entitled: ‘Human Rights Education in diversity: Empowering girls in rural and metropolitan school environments’ (Roux, 2009). The findings and interpretations derived from the empirical data reveal that the formal Human Rights Education curriculum portrays gender and gender equity nuances as health, social and wellbeing dilemmas that have detrimental and destructive consequences on individuals and on society as a whole. The female teachers and schoolgirls experience gender equity primarily in terms of sameness and ‘being equal’. The elusive, complex nature of gender equity was not prevalent. However, the lived experiences of some female teachers and schoolgirls demonstrated the situatedness of their gender identity through the hidden curriculum and reinforced the notion of gender equity as a social construct. The findings of this research study have refined my understanding of the nuances of gender and gender equity, creating in me a deeper awareness of these concepts. This awareness permeates my vision of the curriculum in particular and the education system and society in general, and makes me want to strive toward fostering transformative curriculum spaces. Another contribution of this research study emerged from the desire to elicit schoolgirls’ narratives with the aid of photographs. By disrupting the boundaries between narrative and photovoice as data collection methods, narrative-photovoice was coined as a methodological contribution to this research study. The value of narrative-photovoice for and within gender studies research is also revealed. The third contribution of this research study emerged in response to the need to enrich the concept of gender equity within Human Rights Education. In effect, critical human rights literacy (HRLit) was conceptualized as a developing normative theory to deconstruct the discursive spaces emerging in Human Rights Education and to critically engage with their meanings. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Primary school learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice / S.R. Simmonds.

Simmonds, Shan Robyn January 2010 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (2002), in line with the South African Constitution (1996), views human rights, inclusivity and social justice as priorities in all learning areas of the curriculum. However, a document such as the Manifesto on Values, Education and Democracy (2001) illustrates the complexities of addressing this in practice. One of the reasons is that there are misconceptions about how the concept of 'human rights' should be interpreted in the educational realm. This study sets out to explore how primary school learners understand human rights teaching-and-learning (from a moral and value stance) and what factors influence this. The intention is to rethink and redefine human rights teaching-and-learning from a learner's perspective as well as to investigate the notion that regards human rights as 'misunderstood'. This research offers a new perspective on human rights in that it focuses on primary school learners. Therefore this study will provide another lens through which to consider human rights teaching-and-learning in classroom practice. A literature study and empirical research have been undertaken to investigate how learners understand human rights teaching-and-learning. The literature study explores ontological, epistemological and methodological perspectives of human rights teaching-and-learning. Qualitative observation, written narratives and focus-group interviews formed the bases of this empirical research. Ongoing triangulation is used to ensure that the research findings are valid and trustworthy. It seems that primary school learners do have an understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning, which is characterized by an emphasis on legal rights and the contextualisation of human rights within South African, value and educational contexts. Educational and societal factors are two of the factors that influence this understanding. It is clear that learners' understanding of human rights teaching-and-learning is not one-dimensional. However, there are certain ontological ambiguities in the views that learners hold of the significance of human rights teaching-and-learning -both within and beyond the curriculum. An indication of this is that learners' responses reveal that they are often uncertain about why they have to learn about human rights and the contexts and/or learning areas (other than Life Orientation) in which human rights teaching-and-learning should take place. Recommendations highlight the need to gain a better understanding of classroom practices so that teaching-and-learning can infuse a culture of human rights; to acknowledge that human rights teaching-and-learning should be more flexible; to use an implicit way of generating an understanding of human rights; to make human rights teaching and learning in classroom practice more authentic; and to consider 'a human rights beyond the curriculum approach'. This study also identifies areas in which further research should be done. / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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