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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza organizační kultury doktrinálního pracoviště Armády České republiky / Analysis of Organizational Culture in Doctrine Section of Czech Armed Forces

Pohlodek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis summarizes theoretical knowledge about organizational culture, and analyzes the doctrinal department of the Czech Army. Based on analytical part doctrine centre cultural deficiencies were identified. Last part of the dissertation is oriented to proposals that should eliminate problems found. In order to improve current conditions and status of doctrine centre dissertation offers possible ways and methods. Klíčová slova

Skalka u Velimi a její zázemí ve starší a střední době bronzové / The hillfort Skalka at Velim and its background in the Early and Middle Bronze Age

Bubeníková, Simona January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the Early and Middle Bronze Age in Kolin and Poděbrady region. The main part is a catalog of findings that is included in the end. These data served for making the special maps of Únětice and Barrows culture in chosen region. The second part of my diploma is about fortified site Velim-Skalka. The first part of this chapterl is devoted to the importance of this hill top settlements and second is about

Výzkum části neolitického sídelního areálu v Chotěšově (okr. Plzeň-Jih) / The research on the part of the neolithic site in Chtěšov (Distr. of Plzeň-South)

Randová, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis summarizes the knowledge obtained by a research on the part of the Neolithic site in Chotěšov, District of Pilsen - South. The main objective of the thesis was to comment on the structure of this site, to describe particular objects, to determine and interpret mutual relations and try to ascertain their dating. The thesis concludes with a comparison of the results of this site's analysis with neolithic sites of broader West Bohemian region, primarily of those adjacent to the locality described in this work. All this should contribute to a better understanding of a way, intensity and a process of the colonization of West Bohemia in the neolithic period. Drawings and photographs of selected objects along with a completed set of typical earthenware and a neolithic stone industry of the given locality are included in the appendixes.

Svobodný duch v díle F. Nietzscheho / The Free Spirit in Nietzsche's philosophy

Hostašová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis is the analysis, characterization and emphasis of the phenomenon of Free Spirit in Nietzsche's Human, All Too Human, volumes I. and II. The thesis attempts to portray the Free Spirit as a holistic concept which, in addition, converges Nietzsche's most prevalent subjects, the criticism of religion, metaphysics and culture, and the importance of education and development. The character of Free Spirit shall be used to illustrate Nietzsche's vision of the future and the possible roads, which lead to it shall be described. In the first part of the thesis, I intend to focus on the creation of the Free Spirit with emphasis on "the great liberation" and on the circumstances from which it emerges, especially in contrast to the fettered spirit. The central motive then shifts to the importance of culture, its development and escalation and its cohesion with the Free Spirit. The final part is dedicated to the effects of the Free Spirit, its tasks and possibilities, which it has for the free ranging spirit. I shall introduce the free ranging spirit as a practical manifestation of Nietzsche's thoughts and I intend to lead my exposition in that direction. An important part of the thesis is to unveil Nietzsche's thinking as centred around researching and observing humans, which is then...

Mediální obraz kultury v týdenících Respekt a Reflex / The media reflection of culture in Czech weeklies Respekt and Reflex

Jermanová, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis "Media image of culture in the weekly Respekt and Reflex" is to use qualitative and quantitative research to describe the attitude towards culture and its relationship in the social news weekly magazines Respekt and Reflex. The theoretical part of this work is devoted to the description of the influences on the production of cultural journalism. It deals with the interpretative conception of culture, from the anthropological conception, through the conception of the Frankfurt and Birmingham schools to contemporary approaches to the attitude towards culture and the creative industries. All this is set in the context of the study of media and mass media, which is also influencing the cultural production. The results of the analytical part then present the concept of culture based on the description of editorial approaches to cultural topics and the analysis of the contents of the stated weekly magazines. In the end of the work the theoretical knowledge is connected with the results of research. Keywords Cultural journalism, culture in media, culture, media, society, cultural society, Respekt, Refex, weekly magazines.

Obraz amerických Indiánů v americké a evropské (české) kultuře: Maskoti a loga ve sportovním prostředí / Portrayal of American Indians in American and European (Czech) Culture: Sport Mascots and Logos

Purkytová, Gabriela January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the phenomenon of cultural appropriation and the use of American Indian imagery in American and European culture. In both cultures are American Indians represented by distorted image of the universal White Man's Indian, which leads to the perception of them only as relicts of the past. In the United States, Native Americans try to point out the negative impacts, which the distorted image has on them, but the dominant white society refuses to acknowledge the inappropriateness of such images. The master thesis focuses on the historical evolution of the Native American image in American and European cultures. The author explains why the image was distorted and why the distortion still remains in both cultures. Then, the master thesis examines examples of appropriation of the American Indian in contemporary culture. Considering the extensiveness of this topic, the author focuses only on one example of cultural appropriation, which is the issue of Native Americans mascots and sports logos. On the American continent, the author chose the most controversial case of the Washington football team - the Washington Redskins. Despite the long history of Native American activism against the Redskins brand, the team refuses to change their racist name and logo. In Europe, the...

Strategie platformy Netflix a návyky konzumace obsahu uživatelů / Strategy of the Netflix platform and habits of content consumption of users in the Czech Republic

Rajnohová, Dominika January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of video on demand platforms and is more closely focused on one of the main worldwide available platform managed by Netflix. The thesis describes the history of the service and the basic principles and theories on the basis of which this service works. Attention is devoted to the functioning of this platform in the Czech Republic and the development of the user interface and expansion of the catalogue in order to gain more attention from the Czech audience. The research part of the thesis provides insights into the way how the platform is used by Czech users, specifically among 20-27 years old students. The qualitative survey examined the period and ways of how Netflix became known among the users, how users gained access to video content before subscribing Netflix and how the platform influenced their series and movie consumption habits. The research also focused on the perception of the offered content, on the form and price of the subscription and on the user-friendliness and functionality of the platform. The other aim of the research was to find out how much time users spend watching movies and series and in which situations they are looking for this activity. Part of the research also looked at changes in the use of the streaming service during the...

Neolitická sídelní aglomerace v prostoru dnešního Kolína / Neolithic Settlement Agglomerations in Today's Kolín Area

Končelová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
Neolitická sídelní aglomerace v prostoru dnešního Kolína - abstrakt Disertační práce Markéta Končelová Kolínsko svou polohou i příhodnými přírodními podmínkami patří ke staré sídelní oblasti České kotliny a řadí se k nejlépe archeologicky poznaným územím u nás. I přes tuto skutečnost poskytl záchranný archeologický výzkum v trase stavby silničního obchvatu Kolína množství nových a v mnohém unikátních stop starších antropogenních aktivit. Neobyčejnou koncentraci zde vytváří půdorysy dlouhých domů neolitického stáří (kultury s keramikou lineární a vypíchanou). Především výskyt a forma pozůstatků mladoneolitických obytných struktur představuje fenomén, který nemá u nás analogie. Předmětem předkládané práce je archeologický rozbor veškerých neolitických sídlištních nálezů a chronologické zařazení dokladů těchto prozatím jedinečných obytných konstrukcí. Navíc vyhodnocení mladoneolitického sídliště doprovázeného pozůstatky domů jako chronologicko-prostorové jednotky prozatím scházelo. Důležitým úkolem do budoucna je synchronizace s nedalekým dosud nezpracovaným rondelovým komplexem a dalšími nepublikovanými areály s nálezy půdorysů jiných mladoneolitických staveb (např. v Příšovicích nebo Jaroměři). Sídliště v Kolíně je zasazeno do kontextu vývoje osídlení definovaného regionu užšího Kolínska v neolitu....

Bezpečnostní kultura: Normativní chování a Ústřední zpravodajská služba USA v Globální válce proti teroru / Securitizing Culture: Normative Behavior and the US Central Intelligence Agency in the Global War on Terror

Svítek, Filip Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Bibliographic record SVÍTEK, Filip. Securitizing Culture: Normative Behavior and the US Central Intelligence Agency in the Global War on Terror. Prague, 2016. 82 p. Diploma work (Mgr.) Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Political Studies. Department of Security Studies. Diploma work supervisor JUDr. PhDr. Tomáš Karásek, Ph.D. Abstract This monograph attempts to explore the system the intelligence community in the US from a constructivist perspective to understand domestic security policy as applied to international threats. The research questions examine how the US Central Intelligence Agency is able to functionally employ controversial tactics such as coercive interrogations and extrajudicial detention within a society that represents liberal normative democracy - one that in theory should prefer to uphold norms of human rights rather than infringe upon them. There appear to be two main concepts at play: security as an underlying culture (as a product) and security as a subjective act (as a process). Thus, this work will apply concepts of National Security Culture and securitization as product and process, respectively, using interrogations of suspected terrorists as a case example. The underlying results show that norms, rules, and culture of national security, utilized through...

Refleksija profesionalnog identiteta pedagoga u savremenoj školskoj kulturi / Reflection of pedagogue‟s professionalidentity in modern school culture

Jovanović Mira 05 February 2016 (has links)
<p>Ova doktorska disertacija bavila se utvrĊivanjem refleksije profesionalnog identiteta<br />pedagoga u savremenoj &scaron;kolskoj kulturi. TakoĊe, u ovom radu bavili smo se i profesionalnim<br />razvojem i novim ulogama pedagoga u savremenoj &scaron;koli. Ukupan uzorak u studiji sluĉaja<br />ĉinilo je 30 &scaron;kolskih pedagoga, struĉnih saradnika u osnovnoj i srednjoj &scaron;koli, sa teritorije<br />Kolubarskog okruga, 4 ispitanika i 26 ispitanica, od kojih 18 radi u gradskoj, a 12 u seoskoj<br />&scaron;koli. Pored ovih varijabli u obzir su uzete i sledeće varijable: godine radnog staţa i stepen<br />obrazovanja.<br />U kontekstu profesionalnog obrazovanja nastavnika, pojam refleksije defini&scaron;e se na<br />razliĉite naĉine. Smit i Haton (Smith &amp; Hatton, 1992) na sledeći naĉin sumiraju aktuelna<br />znaĉenja (modele) refleksije: 1.refleksija se odnosi na mi&scaron;ljenje u akciji, ali i na mi&scaron;ljenje o<br />akciji, 2.refleksija se shvata kao analitiĉki proces koji zahteva vreme, ali moţe da se shvati i<br />kao kratkotrajan, intuitivni proces koji se de&scaron;ava u akciji, 3. re&scaron;avanje problema integralni je<br />deo refleksije, ali refleksija postoji i izvan re&scaron;avanja problema, i 4.ĉesto se refleksija iscrpljuje<br />u razmi&scaron;ljanju o metodama i efektima nastavnog rada, ali moţe da ukljuĉi i &scaron;ira etiĉka i<br />socijalna pitanja obrazovanja.<br />Prouĉavanju refleksije profesionalnog identiteta &scaron;kolskog pedagoga pri&scaron;lo se iz fokusa<br />kvalitativne istraţivaĉke paradigme, a fenomen istraţivanja je posmatran u njegovom<br />prirodnom okruţenju, &scaron;koli. Ovo je kvalitativno istraţivanje, sprovedeno sa stanovi&scaron;ta<br />interpretativne paradigme iz nacrta studije sluĉaja. Kroz kvalitativni pristup, fenomen<br />profesionalnog identiteta &scaron;kolskog pedagoga ţeleli smo da sagledamo iz razliĉitih perspektiva.<br />U savremenim &scaron;kolama &quot;razvoj kompetencija pedagoga zahteva nove pedago&scaron;ke<br />poglede sve vreme, kao i percepciju i stvaranje novih radnih polja i pozitivne okoline za<br />podr&scaron;ku ostvarivanja aktivnosti pedagoga i transparentnost u procesu realizacije.&quot; (Floric,<br />2008: 6)<br />U istraţivanju je kori&scaron;ćen polustruktuirani intervju (koji je sastavio autor ovog rada za<br />potrebe istraţivanja), a koji sadrţi pitanja koja se odnose na: inicijalno obrazovanje pedagoga,<br />iskustva na poĉetku rada u &scaron;koli, mentorski rad, metodiĉki rad, saradnju sa direktorom,<br />saradnju sa nastavnicima, praćenje i vrednovanje rada &scaron;kole, trenutne izazove u radu,<br />inicijative za promenu prakse i procenu poloţaja pedagoga.<br />- VII -<br />Rezultati pokazuju da se u okviru celine koja se odnosi na inicijalno obrazovanje<br />izdvajaju odreĊene kategorije odgovora koje se, pre svega, odnose na zadovoljstvo inicijalnim<br />obrazovanjem, procenu kompetentnosti za rad kao i potrebu za promenom inicijalnog<br />obrazovanja. U vezi sa iskustvima ispitanika na poĉetku rada u &scaron;koli izdvajaju se odreĊene<br />kategorije odgovora koje se pre svega odnose na adaptaciju na radno okruţenje i uslove rada.<br />Sledeća kategorija se odnosi na mentorski rad. Ne&scaron;to vi&scaron;e od polovine ispitanika je<br />imalo priliku da im mentor pruţa struĉnu podr&scaron;ku, &scaron;to je stvorilo uslove za sticanje znanja,<br />ve&scaron;tina i sposobnosti koje su neophodne za profesionalan rad.<br />&Scaron;to se tiĉe metodiĉkog rada, pedagozi istiĉu da su se na studijama bavili metodiĉkim<br />radom pedagoga, ali ne i metodikama raznih predmeta, &scaron;to im je veoma vaţno prilikom<br />praćenja ĉasova iz razliĉitih nastavnih predmeta. Iskustva u vezi sa saradnjom sa direktorom<br />su u naĉelu pozitivna, ali ima i drugaĉijih iskustava.<br />Ne&scaron;to vi&scaron;e od polovine ispitanika istiĉe da je odnos ispunjen poverenjem i<br />po&scaron;tovanjem, dok ostali ispitanici navode da nemaju dovoljno podr&scaron;ke od strane direktora za<br />realizaciju aktivnosti koje sprovode.<br />Saradnja sa kolegama se ocenjuje kao zadovoljavajuća, ali ima dosta prostora za<br />pobolj&scaron;anje.Vaţan segment rada se odnosi i na praćenje i vrednovanje rada &scaron;kole. Svi<br />ispitanici istiĉu da su veoma aktivni, a ĉesto su i koordinatori timova za samovrednovanje i<br />razvojno planiranje. Trenutni izazovi u radu, kada govorimo o savetodavno-instruktivnom<br />radu sa nastavnicima, uĉenicima i roditeljima ogledaju se pre svega u tome &scaron;to su roditelji<br />nemotivisani i nespremni za saradnju i participiranje u radu i ţivotu &scaron;kole; u radu sa<br />nastavnicima podr&scaron;ka u vezi sa inkluzivnim obrazovanjem; u radu sa uĉenicima vr&scaron;njaĉko<br />nasilje, razvojni problemi i problemi u pona&scaron;anju.<br />Kada su u pitanju inicijative pedagoga za promenu prakse, one se najpre odnose na<br />smanjenje administrativnih poslova i povećanje vremena za savetodavni rad sa decom.<br />TakoĊe, predlaţe se da se poo&scaron;tre kriterijumi za selekciju kandidata na fakultetu, ali i prilikom<br />zapo&scaron;ljavanja.<br />Najveći broj ispitanika smatra da je poloţaj pedagoga danas lo&scaron;iji nego &scaron;to je bio<br />ranije, a obim poslova i odgovornosti je sve veće. Kao kljuĉne elemente za promenu poloţaja,<br />pedagozi navode: pobolj&scaron;anje uslova rada (prostorni i materijalni), bolju podelu poslova, veću<br />autonomiju u radu, kao i jasniju zakonsku regulativu.</p> / <p>This PhD Thesis was dealing with the problem of how to establish the pedagogue‟ s<br />professional identity in modern school culture. In this project, we, also, were occupied with<br />the pedagogue‟ s professional development and his new roles. Total sample in this study were<br />30 school pedagogues, collaborators in primary and secondary schools in Kolubara district: 4<br />men and 26 women: 18 o f them work at city schools and 12 of them at village schools. Apart<br />from these variables we also considered the years spent working at schools and the education<br />level.<br />In the context of the teachers professional education, the idea of reflexion can be<br />definied in different ways: Smit and Hatton sum up the meanings (models) of the reflexion: 1)<br />it considers not only the action but thinking of the action as well, 2) it is not only an analytical<br />process which needs certain time, but also, a short and intuitive process which occurs during<br />the action, 3) problem solution is not only an integral part of the reflexion but it exists also<br />beyond the problem solution and 4) reflexion is often found in thinking of the methods and the<br />effects of teaching process, but it can also include wider ethical and social education questions.<br />To study the reflexion of the pedagogue s professional identity we focused on the<br />quality research, and the phenomenon of the research is observed in its natural surrounding, at<br />school.This is a qualitative research, seen from the viewpoint of the interpretative paradigm<br />made of the accident study plan.<br />In modern schools the &ldquo; development of the pedagogues competences demands new<br />pedagogical visions all the time as well as perception and creation of the new workfields and<br />the positive environment for supporting the realization of the pedagogue‟ s activities and the<br />transparency in the realization process.&rdquo; (Floric, 2008: 6)<br />Through the qualitative process and different points of view we looked into the<br />phenomenon of the school pedagogue‟ s professional identity.In this research it is used the<br />halfstructured interview made by the author especially for the purposes of the research, which<br />contents the questions concerning: the &bdquo; education, his experience, his mentor &bdquo;s activity, his<br />methodical work, his cooperation with the school manager, and the other teachers,monitoring<br />and evaluation of the school function, the iniciatives for improvement and evaluation of the<br />pedagogue‟s position.<br />- IX -<br />The results show that, in the frame of the initial education, certain answers came up the<br />surface and bring satisfaction of the initial education, evaluation of the professional<br />competences and need to change that initial education.<br />In connection to the experience of people starting their jobs at school, there are certain<br />cathegories of answers concerning the adaptation to the surrounding and work conditions.<br />Next cathegory concerns mentor‟ s activity.More than a half of examined people had<br />the opportunity to have mentor‟ s support which created appropriate conditions for getting<br />more knowledge and skills to perform successful professional work.<br />Concerning methodical work, pedagogues emphasize that, during their study,they were<br />engaged in methodical work but not in the methods of different subjects,which is important<br />and needed to follow different lessons.<br />Collaboration with school manager, is mostly, good, and experiences are positive. But<br />there are,also, other experiences. More then a half of the examined, agree that the relation to<br />the manager is full of understanding and respect, while the other stress that they don‟ t have<br />manager‟s support for their activities.Interaction with the other colleagues is marked as quite<br />satisfied, but there is room for improvement.<br />Monitoring and evaluation of the school functioning is very important part. All the<br />pedagogues are very active, they are pretty often on head of the teams for selfevaluation and<br />development planning.<br />Temptations nowadays, when we talk about consulting work with pupils, teachers and<br />parents, show that parents aren‟ t motivated and prepared to collaborate and participate in the<br />school activity, teachers need support in inclusive education and pupils have problem with<br />violence and intolerance.<br />When we come to the pedagogue‟ s initiatives and practical changings, we, firstly,<br />mean to reduce unnecessary administrative job and increase work with children.<br />Also, it s suggested to raise the criteria when the students register at a university, as<br />well as they apply for work.<br />Most of examined think, that pedagogue‟s position is worse nowadays than it was<br />earlier:key elements are:improvement of the work condition (physical and financial)better job<br />division, more autonomy and clear laws</p>

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