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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Současné trendy ve vzdělávání a jejich aplikace v kvalifikačním studiu učitelů angličtiny / Current trends in education and their application in lifelong education of English teachers

Dvořák, Bohuslav January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with lifelong education, specifically a programme provided by the Department of English Language and Literature at Charles University, Prague. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and research. In the theoretical part, the theoretical basis of lifelong education is analysed, as well as trends in selected aspects of it. In the research part, data about appropriate programmes from other European countries as well as curricula from other universities and colleges in the Czech Republic and from abroad are analysed. The results of the pilot stage, the questionnaire distributed among the successful participants of the lifelong education programme, which are followed by semi-structured interviews, are presented and compared. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers teaching in this programme. Content analysis is used to process, compare and interpret the collected data with regard to the programme in question and to the aims of the thesis. The main aims of the dissertation thesis are to find out how similar programmes are structured in the Czech Republic and abroad, what expectations the participants had before starting the programme at Charles University and the extent to which they were met, and whether or not they regard the...

Vzdělávání učitelů hudební výchovy 1. stupně základní školy v kontextu školské reformy / Music Education of Primary School Teachers in the context of school reforms

Šobáňová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation introduces the knowledge of the child's ontogenetic development in the early school age and at the beginning of pubescence in connection with a musical development. It also deals with the emotional importance of music in the child's personal development. The following part is devoted to music education at primary schools, their aims, historical context and the current position of music education in the Czech curriculum together with foreign influences. The third chapter focuses on the ongoing structure of music education given in the study programmes for the teaching qualification at the national pedagogical faculties in the Czech Republic. The research part scrutinizes the contemporary situation of music education at primary schools from teachers' point of view and with regards to their undergraduate training. The research concentrates on the experience of teachers who have undergone undergraduate training in the last decade. The aim is also to find out how the situation is perceived by university music lecturers who train future teachers. The questionnaire survey and interviews reveal problems in music education at the elementary schools and also in undergraduate training at pedagogical faculties.

Klíčové kompetence pro udržitelné jednání v kurikulu preprimárního vzdělávání / Key competencies for sustainable action in early education curriculum

Vošahlíková, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Pedagogická fakulta ABSTRACT KEY COMPETENCIES FOR SUSTAINABLE ACTION IN EARLY EDUCATION CURRICULUM PhDr. Tereza Vošahlíková Vedoucí práce Doc. RNDr. Vasilis Teodoridis, Ph.D. Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií Pedf UK Doktorský studijní program pedagogika Externí konzultantka Prof. dr. Ute Stoltenberg Institut für integrative Studien, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg Praha 2012 The thesis introduces environmentally oriented concepts in early education curriculum with one leading point of view: key competences for sustainable action. Key competences represent new, open ended form of educational goals. Early education curriculum defined broadly as all educational content (planned, realized and hidden) presents a field of study of this thesis. In this field, a new concept, education for sustainable development, should be implemented worldwide. The question is, how far and how successfully can this concept be introduced in the early education curriculum on the level of educational goals. There are many general strategies and models of curriculum revision. In order to structure the empirical study, a hierarchical model of macro-, meso- and micro level of curriculum was established. This model allows examination of two ways of education for sustainable development implementation,...

Genderová analýza učebnic "Občanské výchovy" (ve vztahu k povolání) / Gender analysis of Civics textbooks (in relation to choice of profession)

Lojková, Hana January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis "Gender analysis of textbooks" (in relation to choice of profession) is to introduce a gender analysis of three textbooks "Civics Education" used in the 8th grade of primary schools. I focus on presence of gender stereotypes and gender prejudice that could influence a choice of further education of schoolboys and schoolgirls and therefore their choice of future profession. In the thesis I consider the general education system as one of the crucial socialization tool of the society. It represents an institution that keeps power to maintain gender stereotypes and at the same time has got the power to change them. I examine illustrations and texts of mentioned textbooks through gender optics, and using qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Предшколски програм у Републици Српској као чинилац учења и развоја дјеце / Predškolski program u Republici Srpskoj kao činilac učenja i razvoja djece / Preschool program in the Republic of Srpska asa factor in the process of early learning anddevelopment of children

Cvijanović Nataša 02 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Рад је настао као резултат теоријског и ем-<br />пиријског истраживања ефекта похађања<br />предшколског програма у Републици Срп-<br />ској на учење и развој дјеце предшколског<br />узраста.<br />У теоријском дијелу разматрају се питања о<br />предшколском програму као основи инсти-<br />туционалног предшколског васпитања и об-<br />разовања, о појмовном разграничењу појмо-<br />ва програм и курикулум, (о одређењу) тради-<br />ционалног наспрам савременог предшкол-<br />ског програма/курикулума, систему пред-<br />школског васпитања и образовања у Репу-<br />блици Српској, као и о односу програма и<br />васпитне праксе. Такође, посматрана су и<br />питања која се односе на рано учење, почев<br />од тога шта је рано учење и како га дефини-<br />сати, преко схватања о раном учењу кроз<br />историју, карактеристика раног учења, одно-<br />са раног учења и васпитања, те друштвене<br />парадигме раног васпитања, као и питања<br />која се односе на везу дјечје активности,<br />игре и раног учења, па све до значаја и кори-<br />сти од раног учења за појединца и друштво.<br />У дијелу рада који се односи на емпиријски<br />приступ проблему истраживања приказани<br />су резултати истраживања и налази добијени<br />испитивањем међузависности похађања про-<br />грама предшколског васпитања и образова-<br />ња и развоја предшколске дјеце посматраног<br />кроз физички, социо-емоционални, интелек-<br />туални развој и развој говора, комуникације<br />и стваралаштва.<br />Истраживање се темељи на хипотези да из-<br />међу похађања предшколског програма и ра-<br />ног учења постоји значајна и изражена међу-<br />зависност. Другим ријечима, истраживањем<br />смо хтјели утврдити да ли похађање пред-<br />школског програма детерминише рано уче-<br />ње код дјеце. Постављени циљеви и задаци истраживања</p><p>реализовани су, како смо већ рекли, кроз те-<br />оријско истраживање, али и кроз емпиријско<br />неекспериментално истраживање, примје-<br />ном инструмената који су конструисани за<br />потребе овог рада. Први инструмент односи<br />се на утврђивање испољености развојних<br />аспеката дјеце, док се други инструмент од-<br />носи на прикупљање података о односу по-<br />родичних прилика и развојних аспеката дје-<br />це. Први инструмент био је намијењен учи-<br />тељима, а други родитељима.<br />Узорак је обухватио 1.439 дјеце која су кре-<br />нула у први разред (шест година), и то: дјецу<br />која су похађала неку предшколску установу<br />и дјецу која нису похађала предшколску<br />установу нити су била укључена у неки об-<br />лик предшколског васпитања и образовања.<br />Исто тако, у истраживању су учествовали и<br />родитељи испитиване дјеце, од којих смо до-<br />били податке о социјалном статусу породице<br />дјетета и њиховој посвећености родитељ-<br />ству.<br />Резултати које смо добили дијелом су потвр-<br />дили хипотезе које смо поставили, а тиме<br />нас и усмјерили на додатна размишљања о<br />ефектима похађања предшколског програма<br />на све аспекте развоја, понајвише на социо-<br />емоционални развој, јер је овај аспект разво-<br />ја високо развијен код обје групе дјеце: која<br />су похађала предшколски програм и која га<br />нису похађала.</p> / <p>Rad je nastao kao rezultat teorijskog i em-<br />pirijskog istraživanja efekta pohađanja<br />predškolskog programa u Republici Srp-<br />skoj na učenje i razvoj djece predškolskog<br />uzrasta.<br />U teorijskom dijelu razmatraju se pitanja o<br />predškolskom programu kao osnovi insti-<br />tucionalnog predškolskog vaspitanja i ob-<br />razovanja, o pojmovnom razgraničenju pojmo-<br />va program i kurikulum, (o određenju) tradi-<br />cionalnog naspram savremenog predškol-<br />skog programa/kurikuluma, sistemu pred-<br />školskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u Repu-<br />blici Srpskoj, kao i o odnosu programa i<br />vaspitne prakse. Takođe, posmatrana su i<br />pitanja koja se odnose na rano učenje, počev<br />od toga šta je rano učenje i kako ga defini-<br />sati, preko shvatanja o ranom učenju kroz<br />istoriju, karakteristika ranog učenja, odno-<br />sa ranog učenja i vaspitanja, te društvene<br />paradigme ranog vaspitanja, kao i pitanja<br />koja se odnose na vezu dječje aktivnosti,<br />igre i ranog učenja, pa sve do značaja i kori-<br />sti od ranog učenja za pojedinca i društvo.<br />U dijelu rada koji se odnosi na empirijski<br />pristup problemu istraživanja prikazani<br />su rezultati istraživanja i nalazi dobijeni<br />ispitivanjem međuzavisnosti pohađanja pro-<br />grama predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazova-<br />nja i razvoja predškolske djece posmatranog<br />kroz fizički, socio-emocionalni, intelek-<br />tualni razvoj i razvoj govora, komunikacije<br />i stvaralaštva.<br />Istraživanje se temelji na hipotezi da iz-<br />među pohađanja predškolskog programa i ra-<br />nog učenja postoji značajna i izražena među-<br />zavisnost. Drugim riječima, istraživanjem<br />smo htjeli utvrditi da li pohađanje pred-<br />školskog programa determiniše rano uče-<br />nje kod djece. Postavljeni ciljevi i zadaci istraživanja</p><p>realizovani su, kako smo već rekli, kroz te-<br />orijsko istraživanje, ali i kroz empirijsko<br />neeksperimentalno istraživanje, primje-<br />nom instrumenata koji su konstruisani za<br />potrebe ovog rada. Prvi instrument odnosi<br />se na utvrđivanje ispoljenosti razvojnih<br />aspekata djece, dok se drugi instrument od-<br />nosi na prikupljanje podataka o odnosu po-<br />rodičnih prilika i razvojnih aspekata dje-<br />ce. Prvi instrument bio je namijenjen uči-<br />teljima, a drugi roditeljima.<br />Uzorak je obuhvatio 1.439 djece koja su kre-<br />nula u prvi razred (šest godina), i to: djecu<br />koja su pohađala neku predškolsku ustanovu<br />i djecu koja nisu pohađala predškolsku<br />ustanovu niti su bila uključena u neki ob-<br />lik predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja.<br />Isto tako, u istraživanju su učestvovali i<br />roditelji ispitivane djece, od kojih smo do-<br />bili podatke o socijalnom statusu porodice<br />djeteta i njihovoj posvećenosti roditelj-<br />stvu.<br />Rezultati koje smo dobili dijelom su potvr-<br />dili hipoteze koje smo postavili, a time<br />nas i usmjerili na dodatna razmišljanja o<br />efektima pohađanja predškolskog programa<br />na sve aspekte razvoja, ponajviše na socio-<br />emocionalni razvoj, jer je ovaj aspekt razvo-<br />ja visoko razvijen kod obje grupe djece: koja<br />su pohađala predškolski program i koja ga<br />nisu pohađala.</p> / <p>In search of the new answers to already known<br />questions concerned with discovering the causes<br />of different development of certain abilities in<br />children, this study ideas are focused on the interdependence<br />of stimulating learning environment<br />and early learning for children. This study<br />is a result of theoretical and empirical research<br />of the effect of attending preschool programme<br />in Republic of Srpska on learning and development<br />of children of preschool age.<br />The theoretical part investigates questions on<br />preschool programme as the foundation of institutional<br />preschool education, concept delimitation<br />of programme and curriculum, (definition<br />of) traditional versus contemporary preschool<br />programme/curriculum, system of preschool<br />education in Republic of Srpska, as well as questions<br />about relationship between children&rsquo;s activities,<br />play and early learning. Furthermore,<br />this paper investigates questions related to early<br />learning, starting from the notion of early learning<br />and how to define it, the understanding of<br />early learning throughout history, early learning<br />characteristics, the relationship of early learning<br />and education as well as social paradigm of<br />early education, questions related to the relationship<br />between children&rsquo;s activities, play and<br />early learning, to the importance and benefits of<br />early learning for an individual and a society.<br />A part of the study related to the empirical approach<br />to the research topic presents the research<br />results and findings obtained by examination<br />of the interdependence of attending the<br />preschool education and development of<br />preschool children, observed through physical<br />and socio-emotional development and development<br />of speech, communication and creativity.<br />This study is based on the hypothesis that there<br />is a significant and profound interdependence<br />between attending a preschool programme and<br />13<br />early learning. In other words, our intention was<br />to establish whether attending a preschool programme<br />determines early learning for children.<br />As mentioned before, the established research<br />goals and objectives have been accomplished<br />through theoretical research but also through<br />non-experimental empirical research, using instruments<br />constructed for this study. First instrument<br />refers to the expression of developmental<br />aspects of children while the second instrument<br />refers to data collection on relationship<br />between family context and developmental<br />aspects of children. First instrument was intended<br />for teachers and second one for parents.<br />The sample included 1 439 children who started<br />first grade (6 years) as follows: children who attended<br />a preschool institution and children who<br />did not attend preschool institutions nor were<br />involved in any form of preschool education.<br />Furthermore, the research included children&rsquo;s<br />parents who provided the information on child&rsquo;s<br />family social status and their own devotion to<br />parenthood.<br />The results obtained have partly confirmed the<br />hypothesis set and therefore directed us to further<br />reflection on the effects of attending a preschool<br />program on all aspects of development,<br />especially socio-emotional development since<br />this aspect is highly developed with both groups<br />of children: those who attended a preschoolprogramme and those who did not.</p>

Jazyková analýza předpovědi počasí jako informačního komunikátu. Akční výzkum / Linguistic analysis of weather forecasts as an informative text. Action research

Zítka, Martin January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT This thesis is named Linguistic Analysis of weather forecasts and is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. In the first part of this thesis readers can find general knowledge of field of media: the term media communication is defined, specifics are described, it is talked about a media product, content and meaning. After that we mention media audience with respect to the pupil as a special type of recipient. The following is a characteristic of television weather forecasts within the media communication and analysis of its typical means of expression. The last part of this section is the description of the school curriculum, especially the media education, because the research was made in the schools and the main goals of this thesis were based on requirements of curricula of the Czech Republic. The second part presents the motivation of investigation and the method of the action research that was chosen. The largest part of this section is the part containing the whole evaluation and interpretation of the results of particular activities, both propaedeutic and proactive with the media product. The main goals of this thesis are the development and subsequent application of an action plan with projected activities for the Czech language teachers at primary school, especially in the...

Centrum pro předškolní děti / Child care centre

Beranová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with newly emerging forms of public preschool education. The research objective was to describe and evaluate the Center for preschool children, to characterize and compare it with the system of education in nursery schools. Evaluate their contribution to society and educational effects. Monitor vision and expectations of parents. To identify the necessary information, I used methods of observation of the educational conditions, observation of the work educator, interview with a educator, interview with the head of the Center and questionnaire for parents.

Respektování potřeb předškolních dětí v mateřských školách pracujících dle různých kurikul / Respecting needs of preschool children in nursery schools operating under different curricula

Haová, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
The Thesis is devoted to the comparison of respecting children needs in Czech nursery schools and British nursery schools in the Czech Republic. It is concerned with the Czech statutory framework called Rámcový vzdělávací program pro předškolní vzdělávání and the British document called the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Using content analysis the work examines both the documents and determines their approaches to satisfy needs of children. The second part of the research, conducted through observation, is figuring out how needs according to the Maslow A. are met in the practise of these nurseries. The content analysis and observation is used to discern whether the practise of the nurseries corresponds with their educational program in the area of satisfying children needs.

Spolupráce učitelů jako základ edukačního procesu / Teacher cooperation as the basis of the educational process

Rukavička, Radek January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is divided in two parts. The first theoretical part defines the term cooperation and deals with the question of cooperation and individualism in school environment. It also reflects the documents where cooperation is explicitly mentioned. It shows the influence of school culture and climate on the development of cooperation, and it studies the climate of teacher-staff, and the role of the leadership in teachers' cooperation. The thesis further tries to map the reasons for refusing cooperation and define the environment that would encourage and support cooperation among teachers. At the same time, it identifies obstacles that prevent cooperation. It is aimed at mapping the areas and forms of cooperation used in school systems and various levels in which the teachers are wiling to cooperate. The practical part contains an exploratory study aimed at discovering the actual situation in teachers' cooperation in Primary/Lower Secondary Schools in the capital city Prague and a good practice examples that present options of cooperation among teachers in a Primary and Lower Secondary School in Prague 2.

Jezuitská kolej v Českém Krumlově Možnosti edukačního využití regionální památky ve školní výuce i mimo ni / The Jesuit College in Český Krumlov Options for educational use of regional monument in the classroom and in leisure time

ŠTĚDRÁ, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to prepare a creative project in cooperation of primary schools and Gymnasium in Český Krumlov with the National Heritage Institute in České Budějovice. In the project I am going to outline the great educational potential which that discipline may offer to schools. I am going to introduce the educational possibilities of using one monument within the city of Český Krumlov. I am going to link my experience and knowledge with the experience and knowledge of teachers (lecturers who teach history). I am going to proceed from the literature of pedagogy and monument care, regional history, the curriculum, the research and the results of which are published on the website. The project is going to be focused on complementing and diversification of the curriculum, which is discussed in schools and it/the project will contribute not only to the effective presentation of heritage values, but also to the development of education, creativity, and value orientation of the target groups in favour of the voluntary and sustainable care of the cultural heritage.

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