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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jato transversal de gotas: simulações por ALE/FEM e efeitos interfaciais. / Drop jet in crossflow: ALE/Finite Element Simulations and interfacial effects.

Gustavo Charles Peixoto de Oliveira 20 February 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Um código computacional para escoamentos bifásicos incorporando metodologia híbrida entre oMétodo dos Elementos Finitos e a descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana Arbitrária do movimento é usado para simular a dinâmica de um jato transversal de gotas na zona primária de quebra. Os corpos dispersos são descritos por meio de um método do tipo front-tracking que produz interfaces de espessura zero através de malhas formadas pela união de elementos adjacentes em ambas as fases e de técnicas de refinamento adaptativo. Condições de contorno periódicas são implementadas de modo variacionalmente consistente para todos os campos envolvidos nas simulações apresentadas e uma versão modificada do campo de pressão é adicionada à formulação do tipo um-fluido usada na equação da quantidade de movimento linear. Simulações numéricas diretas em três dimensões são executadas para diferentes configurações de líquidos imiscí veis compatíveis com resultados experimentais encontrados na literatura. Análises da hidrodinâmica do jato transversal de gotas nessas configurações considerando trajetórias, variação de formato de gota, espectro de pequenas perturbações, além de aspectos complementares relativos à qualidade de malha são apresentados e discutidos. / A two-phase flow computational code taking a hybrid Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian desciption of movement along with the Finite Element Method is used to simulate the dynamics of an incompressible drop jet in crossflow in the primary breakup zone. Dispersed entities are described by means of a front-tracking method which produces zero-thickness interfaces through contiguous element meshing and adaptive refinement techniques. Periodic boundary conditions are implemented in a variationally consistent way for all the scalar fields involved in the presented simulations and amodified version of the pressure field is added to the one-fluid formulation employed in the momentum equation. Three-dimensional direct numerical simulations for different flow configurations of immiscible liquids pertinent to experimental results found in literature. Analyses of the hydrodynamics of the drop jet in crossflow in these configurations considering trajectories, drop shape variations, spectrum of small disturbances, besides additional aspects relating to mesh quality are presented and discussed.

Projection based Variational Multiscale Methods for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations to Model Turbulent Flows in Time-dependent Domains

Pal, Birupaksha January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Numerical solution of differential equations having multitude of scales in the solution field is one of the most challenging research areas, but highly demanded in scientific and industrial applications. One of the natural approaches for handling such problems is to separate the scales and approximate the solution of the segregated scales with appropriate numerical method. Variational multiscale method (VMS) is a predominant method in the paradigm of scale separation schemes. In our work we have used the VMS technique to develop a numerical scheme for computations of turbulent flows in time-dependent domains. VMS allows separation of the entire range of scales in the flow field into two or three groups, thereby enabling a different numerical treatment for the different groups. In the context of computational fluid dynamics(CFD), VMS is a significant new improvement over the classical large eddy simulation (LES). VMS does away with the commutation errors arising due to filtering in LES. Further, in a three-scale VMS approach the model for the subgrid scale can be contained to only a part of the resolved scales instead of effecting the entire range of resolved scales. The projection based VMS scheme that we have developed gives a robust and efficient method for solving problems of turbulent fluid flows in deforming domains, governed by incompressible Navier {Stokes equations. In addition to the existing challenges due to turbulence, the computational complexity of the problem increases further when the considered domain is time-dependent. In this work, we have used an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) based VMS scheme to account for the domain deformation. In the proposed scheme, the large scales are represented by an additional tensor valued space. The resolved large and small scales are computed in a single unified equation, and the effect of unresolved scales is confined only to the resolved small scales, by using a projection operator. The popular Smagorinsky eddy viscosity model is used to approximate the effects of unresolved scales. The used ALE approach consists of an elastic mesh update technique. Moreover, a computationally efficient scheme is obtained by the choice of orthogonal finite element basis function for the resolved large scales, which allows to reformulate the ALE-VMS system matrix into the standard form of the NSE system matrix. Thus, any existing Navier{Stokes solver can be utilized for this scheme, with modifications. Further, the stability and error estimates of the scheme using a linear model of the NSE are also derived. Finally, the proposed scheme has been validated by a number of numerical examples over a wide range of problems.

Sobre o acoplamento fluido-casca utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / On fluid-shell coupling using the finite element method

Rodolfo André Kuche Sanches 30 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste no desenvolvimento de ferramentas computacionais para análise não linear geométrica de interação fluido-casca utilizando o Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF). O algoritmo para dinâmica dos fluidos é explícito e a integração temporal é baseada em linhas características. O código computacional é capaz de simular as equações de Navier-Stokes para escoamentos compressíveis tanto na descrição Euleriana como na descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana arbitrária (ALE), na qual é possível prescrever movimentos para a malha do fluido. A estrutura é modelada em descrição Lagrangeana total através de uma formulação de MEF para análise dinâmica não linear geométrica de cascas baseada no teorema da mínima energia potencial total escrito em função das posições nodais e vetores generalizados e não em deslocamentos e rotações. Essa característica evita o uso de aproximações de grandes rotações. Dois modelos de acoplamentos são desenvolvidos. O primeiro modelo, ideal para problemas onde a escala de deslocamentos não é muito grande comparada com as dimensões do domínio do fluido, é baseado na descrição ALE e o acoplamento entre as duas diferentes malhas é feito através do mapeamento das posições locais dos nós do contorno do fluido sobre os elementos de casca e vice-versa, evitando a necessidade de coincidência entre os nós da casca e do fluido. A malha do fluido é adaptada dinamicamente usando um procedimento simples baseado nas posições e velocidades nodais da casca. O segundo modelo de acoplamento, ideal para problemas com grande escala de deslocamentos tais como estruturas infláveis, considera a casca imersa na malha do fluido e consiste em um procedimento robusto baseado em curvas de nível da função distância assinalada do contorno, o qual integra o algoritmo Lagrangeano de casca com o Fluido em descrição Euleriana, sem necessidade de movimentação da malha do fluido, onde a representação computacional do fluido se resume a uma malha não estruturada maior ou igual ao domínio inicial do fluido e a interface fluido-casca dentro da malha do fluido é identificada por meio de curvas de nível da função distância assinalada do contorno. Ambos os modelos são testados através de exemplos numéricos mostrando robustez e eficiência. Finalmente, como uma sugestão para o futuro desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, iniciaram-se estudos relativos a funções B-splines. O uso desse tipo de funções deverá resolver problemas de estabilidade relativos a oscilações espúrias devidas ao uso de polinômios de Lagrange para a representação de descontinuidades. / This work consists of the development of computational tools for nonlinear geometric fluid-shell interaction analysis using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The fluid solver is explicit and its time integration based on characteristics. The computational code is able to simulate the Navier-Stokes equations for compressible flows written in the Eulerian description as well as in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description, enabling movements prescription for the fluid mesh. The structure is modeled in a total Lagrangian description, using a FEM formulation to deal with geometrical nonlinear dynamics of shells based on the minimum potential energy theorem written regarding nodal positions and generalized unconstrained vectors, not displacements and rotations, avoiding the use of large rotation approximations. Two partitioned coupling models are developed. The first model, ideal for simulations where the displacements scale is not very large compared to the fluid domain, is based on the ALE description and the coupling between the two different meshes is done by mapping the fluid boundary nodes local positions over the shell elements and vice-versa, avoiding the need for matching fluid and shell nodes. The fluid mesh is adapted using a simple approach based on shell nodal positions and velocities. The second model, ideal for problems with large scales of displacements such as inflatable structures, is based on immersed boundary and consists of a robust level-set based approach that integrates the Lagrangian shell finite and the Eulerian finite element high speed fluid flow solver, with no need for mesh adaptation, where the fluid representation relies on a fixed unstructured mesh larger or equal to the initial fluid domain and the fluid-shell interface inside the fluid mesh is tracked with level sets of a boundary signed distance function. Both models are tested with numerical examples, showing efficiency and robustness. Finally, as a suggestion for future development of this research, we started studies relatives to B-Spline functions. The use of this kind of functions should solve stability problems related to spurious oscillations due to the use of Lagrange polynomials for representing discontinuities.

Interação fluido-estrutura com escoamentos incompressíveis utilizando o método dos elementos finitos / Incompressible fluid-structure interaction using the finite element method

Jeferson Wilian Dossa Fernandes 01 March 2016 (has links)
A interação entre fluidos e estruturas caracteriza um problema multi-físico não linear e está presente numa grande variedade de áreas da engenharia. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvi mento de ferramentas computacionais com base no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF) para a análise de interação fluido-estrutura (IFE) considerando escoamentos com baixas velocidades. Dada a interdisciplinaridade do tema, se faz necessário o estudo em três diferentes assuntos: a dinâmica das estruturas computacional, a dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, e o problema de acoplamento. No caso da dinâmica das estruturas empregar-se um elemento finito que seja adequado para a simulação de problemas de IFE, que claramente demandam uma análise não linear geométrica, optando-se pelo emprego de uma formulação descrita em posições, a qual evita problemas relativos à aproximação de rotações finitas. Quanto à dinâmica dos fluidos computacional, é empregado um método estável e ao mesmo tempo sensível à movimentação da estrutura, utilizando a descrição Lagrangeana-Euleriana Arbitrária (ALE). Os casos considerados neste trabalho, assim como muitos dos problemas de engenharia, ocorrem com escoamentos em baixas velocidades, implicando na incompressibilidade do fluido, o que demanda, para um método estável, a utilização de elementos que atendam à condição de Ladyzhenskaya-Babuska-Brezzi (LBB). Além disso, é necessário também o emprego de métodos que consigam neutralizar as variações espúrias decorrentes da não-linearidade de possíveis escoamentos com convecção dominante e que surgem com a aplicação do processo clássico de Galerkin. Para superar esse problema, é aplicado o método Streamline-Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG), que adiciona difusividade artificial na direção do escoamento, controlando a amplitude dos termos convectivos. No que se refere ao acoplamento fluido-casca, buscam-se modularidade e versatilidade adotando-se o modelo particionado. O modelo de acoplamento implementado garante ainda a utilização de malhas do fluido e da estrutura sem a necessidade de coincidência de nós. / Interaction between fluids and structures characterizes a nonlinear multi-physics problem presente in a wide range of engineering fields. This works presets the development of computational tools based on finite element method (FEM) for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) analysis considering low speed flows (incompressible), as a great part of the engineering problems. Given the topic multidisciplinary nature, it is necessary to study three different subjects: the computational structural dynamics, the computational fluid mechanics and the coupling problem. Regarding structural mechanics, we seek to employ a finite element adequate to FSI simulation, what clearly demands a geometric nonlinear analysis. We chose to employ shell elements with formulation in terms of positions, which avoids problems related to finite rotations approximations. Concerning computational fluid dynamics, we employ a stable method, at same time sensible o structural movements, which is written in the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) description. The flow incompressibility demands, for a stable method, the use of elements according to the Ladyzhenskaya-Bbuska-Brezzi (LBB) condition. It is also necessary to employ methods able to neutralize the spurious variations that appears from convection dominated flows when applying the standard Galerking method. In order to overcome this problem, we apply the Streamline-Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) method, which adds artificial diffusivity to the streamline direction, controlling spurious variations. Considering the fluid-shell coupling, we seek modularity and versatility, adopting the partitioned model. The developed coupling model ensure the use of fluid and structure meshes with no need for matching nodes.

Simulação numérica de escoamentos bidimensionais com superfícies livres e linhas de contato dinâmicas / An arbitrary lagrangian-eulerian method for surface-tension dominated flows with contact lines

Alysson Alexander Naves Silva 26 April 2010 (has links)
Um método lagrangeano-euleriano arbitrário para a resolução de escoamentos dominados por tensão superficial é apresentado neste trabalho. Tais escoamentos são importantes em muitas aplicações, especialmente em canais capilares que frequentemente aparecem em escoamentos em microescala. A resolução deste tipo de escoamento apresenta vários desafios que são abordados neste trabalho. O escoamento é resolvido somente para a fase líquida, com condições de contorno apropriadas para a superfície livre que delimita o líquido e o gás, que é representada por arestas e vértices da malha computacional. Esta se move e se deforma, sendo que sua qualidade é mantida sob controle para não degradar a solução numérica. As equações de Navier-Stokes são discretizadas pelo método de elementos finitos em um referencial arbitrário. O método de incorporação dos efeitos de tensão superficial e linha de contato é explicado em detalhes. Validações comprovam a precisão do método proposto, com comparações através de soluções pseudo-analíticas para casos simples. Finalmente alguns resultados sobre escoamentos em capilares são apresentados / An arbitrary lagrangian-eulerian finite element method to solve surface tension dominated flows is presented. Such flows are important in many applications, particularly in capillary channels, that appear in microscale flows. The resolution of such flows presents several challenges that are addressed in this work. The flow is solved only in the liquid phase, and proper boundary conditions are applied on the free-surface, bounding the liquid and gas, which is explicitly represented by vertices and edges of the computational mesh. The mesh is moved and deformed, but its quality is kept under control in order to control errors in the numerical solution. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized by standard Galerkin finite element method in an arbitrary reference. Details of the computation of surface tension and contact line effects are presented. The methodology is validated for a number of simple test cases against known pseudo-analytical solutions, and numerical results are presented, showing the robustness and accuracy of the methodology. Finally, some results about surface-tension-driven flows in capillaries are presented

Interação fluido-estrutura no contato lubrificado entre asperezas e plano rígido via elementos finitos

Ferraz, Marcus Vinicíus de Souza 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-04-18T13:51:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marcusviniciusdesouzaferraz.pdf: 4103901 bytes, checksum: e4adcd64380c6ba8941b29bcc9d0abfd (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-04-19T17:48:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marcusviniciusdesouzaferraz.pdf: 4103901 bytes, checksum: e4adcd64380c6ba8941b29bcc9d0abfd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-19T17:48:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marcusviniciusdesouzaferraz.pdf: 4103901 bytes, checksum: e4adcd64380c6ba8941b29bcc9d0abfd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O conhecimento da topografia das superfícies e uma compreensão da interação entre elas é essencial para qualquer estudo que envolva os fenômenos de atrito, desgaste e lubrificação. O estudo da relação entre o atrito e os parâmetros de rugosidade é um problema difícil e de interesse tanto industrial como acadêmico e trabalhos experimentais e teóricos têm mostrado que uma película de fluido entre duas superfícies rugosas em movimento relativo impede o contato sólido - sólido e pode proporcionar atrito muito baixo e desgaste desprezível. A modelagem matemática utilizada neste trabalho é baseada em modelos clássicos, tais como a equação de Reynolds para a descrição dos fenômenos hidrodinâmicos e as formulações de Hertz (1896) e Greenwood e Williamson (1966) para a modelagem do contato das asperezas entre as superfícies rugosas. Para tratar a complexidade das interações entre o fluido e os pares sólidos contactados, a descrição Lagrangiana-Euleriana Arbitrária é apresentada nesta pesquisa. Através do Método dos Elementos Finitos um modelo tridimensional é gerado no Abaqus ®, a fim de identificar as pressões de contato, as tensões tangenciais e normais resultantes e os coeficientes de atrito decorrrentes do deslizamento entre uma superfície texturizada e lubrificada e um plano rígido (em analogia aos modelos de contato clássicos), cujos perfis de rugosidade são construídos a partir de informações da rugosidade média quadrática de superfícies dentárias. São avaliados também a sensibilidade de alguns parâmetros do lubrificante na determinação do coeficiente de atrito e são propostos modelos com condições de contorno distintas. Entretanto, para a verificação destes últimos busca-se reproduzir qualitativamente o resultado encontrado por Lorentz (2013) na investigação numérica de sistemas tribológicos no regime misto de lubrificação. A metodologia aqui proposta emerge como uma alternativa eficaz no campo da Tribologia, na predição do coeficiente de atrito e outras variáveis pertinentes a um fenômeno ainda pouco compreendido. Realiza-se uma análise de sensibilidade dos parâmetros de modelagem, a fim de identificar como os mesmos afetam consideravelmente o comportamento mecânico na interface de contato. / The knowledge of the topography of surfaces and an understanding of the interaction between them is essential for any study involving the phenomena of friction, wear and lubrication. The study of the relationship between friction and roughness parameters is a difficult problem of both industrial and academic interest and experimental and theoretical works have shown that a fluid film between two rough surfaces in relative motion prevents solid - solid contact and can provide very low friction and negligible wear. The mathematical modeling used in this paper is based on classical models, such as the Reynolds equation for the description of the hydrodynamic phenomena and the formulations of Hertz (1896) and Greenwood e Williamson (1966) of the contact between the asperities of rough surfaces. To address the complexity of the interactions between the fluid and the contacted solid pairs, the Lagrangian-Eulerian Arbitrary description is presented in this research. Through the Finite Element Method, a three-dimensional model is generated in Abaqus ®R to identify contact pressures, resulting tangential and normal stresses, and friction coefficients resulting from sliding between a textured and lubricated surface and a rigid plane (in analogy to classic contact models), whose roughness profiles are constructed from information on the quadratic roughness of dental surfaces. The sensitivity of some lubricant parameters in the determination of the coefficient of friction is also evaluated and models with different boundary conditions are proposed. However, for the vefrification of the latter, it is sought to qualitatively reproduce the result found by Lorentz (2013) in the numerical investigation of tribological systems without mixed lubrication regime. A methodology proposed here emerges as an effective alternative in the field of Tribology, in the prediction of the coefficient of friction and other relevant variables to a phenomenon still little understood. A sensitivity analysis of the modeling parameters is performed, in order to identify how they considerably affect the mechanical behavior at the contact interface.

Contribution to the Numerical Modeling of the VKI Longshot Hypersonic Wind Tunnel

Bensassi, Khalil 29 January 2014 (has links)
The numerical modelling of the VKI-Longshot facility remains a challeng-ing task as it requires multi-physical numerical methods in order to simulate all the components. In the current dissertation, numerical tools were developed in order to study each component of the facility separately and a deep investigations of each stage of the shot were performed. This helped to better understand the different processes involved in the flow development inside this hypersonic wind tunnel. However the numerical computation of different regions of the facility treated as independent from each others remains an approximation at best.The accuracy of the rebuilding code for determining the free stream conditions and the total enthalpy in the VKI-Longshot facility was investigated by using a series of unsteady numerical computations of axisymmetric hypersonic flow over a heat flux probe. Good agreement was obtained between the numerical results and the measured data for both the stagnation pressure and the heat flux dur- ing the useful test time.The driver-driven part of the Longshot facility was modelled using the quasi one-dimensional Lagrangian solver L1d2. The three main conditions used for the experiments —low, medium and high Reynolds number —were considered.The chambrage effect due to the junction between the driver and the driven tubes in the VKI-Longshot facility was investigated. The computation showed great ben- efit of the chambrage in increasing the speed of the piston and thus the final compression ratio of the test gas.Two dimensional simulations of the flow in the driver and the driven tube were performed using Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) solver in COOLFLuiD. A parallel multi-domain strategy was developed in order to integrate the moving piston within the computational domain.The computed pressure in the reservoir is compared to the one provided by the experiment and good agreement was obtained for both con- editions.Finally, an attempt was made to compute the starting process of the flow in the contoured nozzle. The transient computation of the flow showed how the primary shock initiates the flow in the nozzle before reaching the exit plan at time of 1.5 [ms] after the diaphragm rupture. The complex interactions of the reflected shocks in the throat raise the temperature above 9500 [K] which was not expected. Chemical dissociation of Nitrogen was not taken into account during this transient investigation which may play a key role considering the range of temperature reached near the throat. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

A Three-dimensional Bay/estuary Model To Simulate Water Quality Transport

Yu, Jing 01 January 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the development of a numerical water quality model using a general paradigm of reaction-based approaches. In a reaction-based approach, all conceptualized biogeochemical processes are transformed into a reaction network. Through the decomposition of species governing equations via Gauss-Jordan column reduction of the reaction network, (1) redundant fast reactions and irrelevant kinetic reactions are removed from the system, which alleviates the problem of unnecessary and erroneous formulation and parameterization of these reactions, and (2) fast reactions and slow reactions are decoupled, which enables robust numerical integrations. The system of species transport equations is transformed to reaction-extent transport equations, which is then approximated with two subsets: algebraic equations and kinetic-variables transport equations. As a result, the model alleviates the needs of using simple partitions for fast reactions. With the diagonalization strategy, it makes the inclusion of arbitrary number of fast and kinetic reactions relatively easy, and, more importantly, it enables the formulation and parameterization of kinetic reactions one by one. To demonstrate the general paradigm, QAUL2E was recasted in the mode of a reaction network. The model then was applied to the Loxahatchee estuary to study its response to a hypothetical biogeochemical loading from its surrounding drainage. Preliminary results indicated that the model can simulate four interacting biogeochemical processes: algae kinetics, nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, and dissolved oxygen balance.

Stabilization Schemes for Convection Dominated Scalar Problems with Different Time Discretizations in Time dependent Domains

Srivastava, Shweta January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs) in deformable domains, t Rd; d = 2; 3; are of fundamental importance in science and engineering. They are of particular relevance in the design of many engineering systems e.g., aircrafts and bridges as well as to the analysis of several biological phenomena e.g., blood ow in arteries. However, developing numerical scheme for such problems is still very challenging even when the deformation of the boundary of domain is prescribed a priori. Possibility of excessive mesh distortion is one of the major challenge when solving such problems with numerical methods using boundary tted meshes. The arbitrary Lagrangian- Eulerian (ALE) approach is a way to overcome this difficulty. Numerical simulations of convection-dominated problems have for long been the subject to many researchers. Galerkin formulations, which yield the best approximations for differential equations with high diffusivity, tend to induce spurious oscillations in the numerical solution of convection dominated equations. Though such spurious oscillations can be avoided by adaptive meshing, which is computationally very expensive on ne grids. Alternatively, stabilization methods can be used to suppress the spurious oscillations. In this work, the considered equation is designed within the framework of ALE formulation. In the first part, Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) finite element method with conservative ALE formulation is proposed. Further, the first order backward Euler and the second order Crank-Nicolson methods are used for the temporal discretization. It is shown that the stability of the semi-discrete (continuous in time) ALE-SUPG equation is independent of the mesh velocity, whereas the stability of the fully discrete problem is unconditionally stable for implicit Euler method and is only conditionally stable for Crank-Nicolson time discretization. Numerical results are presented to support the stability estimates and to show the influence of the SUPG stabilization parameter in a time-dependent domain. In the second part of this work, SUPG stabilization method with non-conservative ALE formulation is proposed. The implicit Euler, Crank-Nicolson and backward difference methods are used for the temporal discretization. At the discrete level in time, the ALE map influences the stability of the corresponding discrete scheme with different time discretizations, and it leads to schemes where conservative and non-conservative formulations are no longer equivalent. The stability of the fully discrete scheme, irrespective of the temporal discretization, is only conditionally stable. It is observed from numerical results that the Crank-Nicolson scheme induces high oscillations in the numerical solution compare to the implicit Euler and the backward difference time discretiza-tions. Moreover, the backward difference scheme is more sensitive to the stabilization parameter k than the other time discretizations. Further, the difference between the solutions obtained with the conservative and non-conservative ALE forms is significant when the deformation of domain is large, whereas it is negligible in domains with small deformation. Finally, the local projection stabilization (LPS) and the higher order dG time stepping scheme are studied for convection dominated problems. The analysis is based on the quadrature formula for approximating the integrals in time. We considered the exact integration in time, which is impractical to implement and the Radau quadrature in time, which can be used in practice. The stability and error estimates are shown for the mathematical basis of considered numerical scheme with both time integration methods. The numerical analysis reveals that the proposed stabilized scheme with exact integration in time is unconditionally stable, whereas Radau quadrature in time is conditionally stable with time-step restriction depending on the ALE map. The theoretical estimates are illustrated with appropriate numerical examples with distinct features. The second order dG(1) time discretization is unconditionally stable while Crank-Nicolson gives the conditional stable estimates only. The convergence order for dG(1) is two which supports the error estimate.

A high order Discontinuous Galerkin - Fourier incompressible 3D Navier-Stokes solver with rotating sliding meshes for simulating cross-flow turbines

Ferrer, Esteban January 2012 (has links)
This thesis details the development, verification and validation of an unsteady unstructured high order (≥ 3) h/p Discontinuous Galerkin - Fourier solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on static and rotating meshes in two and three dimensions. This general purpose solver is used to provide insight into cross-flow (wind or tidal) turbine physical phenomena. Simulation of this type of turbine for renewable energy generation needs to account for the rotational motion of the blades with respect to the fixed environment. This rotational motion implies azimuthal changes in blade aero/hydro-dynamics that result in complex flow phenomena such as stalled flows, vortex shedding and blade-vortex interactions. Simulation of these flow features necessitates the use of a high order code exhibiting low numerical errors. This thesis presents the development of such a high order solver, which has been conceived and implemented from scratch by the author during his doctoral work. To account for the relative mesh motion, the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are written in arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian form and a non-conformal Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) formulation (i.e. Symmetric Interior Penalty Galerkin) is used for spatial discretisation. The DG method, together with a novel sliding mesh technique, allows direct linking of rotating and static meshes through the numerical fluxes. This technique shows spectral accuracy and no degradation of temporal convergence rates if rotational motion is applied to a region of the mesh. In addition, analytical mappings are introduced to account for curved external boundaries representing circular shapes and NACA foils. To simulate 3D flows, the 2D DG solver is parallelised and extended using Fourier series. This extension allows for laminar and turbulent regimes to be simulated through Direct Numerical Simulation and Large Eddy Simulation (LES) type approaches. Two LES methodologies are proposed. Various 2D and 3D cases are presented for laminar and turbulent regimes. Among others, solutions for: Stokes flows, the Taylor vortex problem, flows around square and circular cylinders, flows around static and rotating NACA foils and flows through rotating cross-flow turbines, are presented.

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