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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation, assessment, and determination of risk to high trophic level piscivores in the Mid-Atlantic: A spatial, biological, and comparative case study of mercury in Virginia bald eagle populations

Kramar, David E. 08 May 2014 (has links)
This research is focused on explaining the concentrations of mercury found in juvenile bald eagles (Halieattus leucocephallus) as a function of the physical and anthropogenic landscape. Due to it's location in the food chain this species is susceptible to a wide range of contaminants (xenobiotics), particularly those that bioaccumulate and biomagnify as they move through the food chain. Previous research has indicated that areas in coastal environments are less susceptible to methylation than those in freshwater environments. Sampling efforts for this research were conducted in such a manner as to obtain an equivalent number of samples from the coastal plain (expected to be low mercury) and the inland regions (expected to be statistically significantly higher). In all cases, results indicated that both feather and blood mercury concentrations were higher in the inland population (Blood: Prob > t = 0.0003, Feather: Prob > t = 0.0002). Utilizing classification and regression tree models (CART), we were able to relate metrics such as the percent of deciduous forest, percent of mixed forest, percent of pasture, and percent of wetland to measured blood mercury concentrations. We also found that the best models were produced using the USGS HUC 12 watersheds (the smallest watershed produced by the USGS). Moreover, we found that metrics describing the amount and type of fragmentation within the watersheds exhibited a significant influence on measured blood mercury concentrations. Contrary to previous research, we found wetlands to be negatively associated with higher blood mercury, whereas the abundance of core forest and a larger patch density (PD) in the deciduous and mixed land cover classes was positively associated with higher blood mercury concentrations. We also found that a higher percentage of pasture was associated with higher blood mercury. / Ph. D.

Vascular plant species richness at the landscape scale: Patterns and processes

Schmiedel, Inga 18 December 2014 (has links)
Die auf verschiedenen Skalen-Ebenen heterogene Verteilung des Artenreichtums fasziniert Naturforscher und Biologen seit Jahrhunderten, so dass eine Vielzahl von Hypothesen zur Erklärung dieser Muster aufgestellt wurde. Es besteht breiter Konsens darüber, dass eine Vielzahl verschiedener Prozesse für die Variation des Artenreichtums verantwortlich ist. Je nachdem welche Taxa, welche Orte und welche räumlichen und zeitlichen Skalen betrachtet werden, wird den verschiedenen Faktoren dabei eine unterschiedlich große Bedeutung zugemessen. Umweltgradienten gelten in diesem Zusammenhang als die wichtigsten, den Artenreichtum bestimmende Faktoren. Da jedoch die Landschaften und damit Habitate der Arten weltweit und vor allem in Mitteleuropa stark anthropogen überprägt sind, sollte der auf den Artenreichtum wirkende Einfluss anthropogener Interventionen in diesem Zusammenhang nicht vernachlässigt werden. Die durch den Menschen und seine Aktivitäten verursachten Landnutzungsänderungen, eine steigende Landschaftsfragmentierung und -degradation sowie die Intensivierung der Landnutzung haben sich bereits im Verlust (halb-)natürlicher Landschaftselemente, dem Rückgang der Biodiversität und der Verschlechterung von Ökosystemfunktionen niedergeschlagen; eine weitere Verschlechterung der Zustände wird vorhergesagt. In diesem Zusammenhang dient die Ausweisung von Schutzgebieten vielfach dazu, den auf die Arten und ihre Habitate wirkenden Druck zu vermindern. Da die Lage dieser Gebiete jedoch häufig nicht auf Grundlage der Kenntnis über das Vorkommen von Arten bestimmt wurde, dürfte die Effektivität der Schutzgebiete für den Artenschutz vielfach eingeschränkt sein. Die vorliegende, die norddeutschen Bundesländer Niedersachsen und Bremen umfassende Arbeit untersucht 1.) die Muster des Artenreichtums der Gefäßpflanzenarten in den beiden Ländern; 2.) die Effektivität des Schutzgebietsnetzwerks des norddeutschen Tieflands für den Schutz seltener und bedrohter Gefäßpflanzenarten und 3.) den Zusammenhang zwischen Mustern des Artenreichtums und den ihnen zugrundeliegenden Prozessen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des anthropogenen Einflusses. Die Arbeit basiert auf einem umfangreichen, im Rahmen des Niedersächsischen Pflanzenartenerfassungsprogramms (NLWKN 1982-2003) erhobenen Datensatzes, der räumlich explizite Informationen zur Verbreitung aller in den Bundesländern vorkommenden Arten liefert. Die floristischen Daten wurden für die durchgeführten Analysen mit hochaufgelösten Daten zu Landbedeckung und Umweltbedingungen kombiniert. Damit repräsentiert die vorliegende Arbeit die erste umfassende Auswertung des umfangreichen floristischen Datensatzes. Für die Untersuchung der Muster des Gefäßpflanzenreichtums innerhalb der Untersuchungsregion wurden für die Gesamtzahl der Arten sowie für fünf auf Grundlage des floristischen Status’ und des Gefährdungsgrades der Arten zusammengestellte Untergruppen der Artenreichtum pro Landschaftseinheit (1.762 Messtischblatt-Quadranten à ca. 30 km²) berechnet. Der Artenreichtum aller Gruppen zeigte eine heterogene Verteilung in der Untersuchungsregion, wobei eine Zunahme der Artenzahlen von Nord nach Süd und zum Teil auch von West nach Ost erkennbar war. Die Zentren hoher Artenvielfalt der verschiedenen Gruppen korrelierten miteinander. Die Analyse der Effektivität der Schutzgebiete für den Schutz der seltenen und bedrohten Gefäßpflanzenarten zeigte, dass die Artvorkommen im niedersächsischen Tiefland zu einem relativ hohen Anteil durch Naturschutz- und Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Gebiete abgedeckt sind, wobei letztere Gebiete die erstgenannten sinnvoll ergänzten. Im Rahmen der Analyse konnte jedoch nicht untersucht werden, inwiefern sich der nachgewiesene effektive Gebietsschutz in einem effektiven Artenschutz niederschlägt. Der anthropogene Einfluss auf die Landschaft der Untersuchungsregion wurde im Rahmen zweier separater Analysen untersucht, wobei der Zusammenhang zwischen Artenreichtum und Landschaftsfragmentierung einerseits und dem Grad der Landschaftsmodifikation andererseits analysiert wurde. Die Landschaftsfragmentierung wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit mittels des Landschaftsmaßes der 'Effektiven Maschenweite' (meff; engl. Effective Mesh Size Index) untersucht. Der Zusammenhang zwischen meff und dem Artenreichtum aller Gefäßpflanzenarten sowie fünf weiteren nach ihrem floristischen bzw. Gefährdungsstatus definierten Gruppen wurde mittels einer Varianzpartitionierung ermittelt, die die Effekte der Landschaftsfragmentierung von den durch Umweltvariablen und räumliche Autokorrelation der Daten verursachten Effekten separiert. Der Grad der Landschaftsfragmentierung erklärte einen signifikanten, jedoch unterschiedlich großen Anteil des Artenreichtums aller untersuchten Gruppen, wobei der stärkste Effekt für die Gruppe der Neophyten und der geringste für die Gruppe der seltenen und bedrohten Arten erkennbar waren. Eine Cluster-Analyse auf Grundlage verschiedener, die Komposition und Konfiguration der Landschaft beschreibender Landschaftsmaße identifizierte für die Modellregion einen sechsstufigen 'Landschaftsmodifikations'-Gradienten. Dieser Gradient reichte von stark fragmentierten urbanen hin zu wenig fragmentierten Landschaften mit hohem Waldanteil. Der Gesamtartenreichtum sowie die Artenzahlen von sieben verschiedenen, nach ihrem floristischen Status, ihrer Gefährdung bzw. ihrer Habitat-Bindung bestimmten Artengruppen zeigten signifikante Unterschiede entlang des Gradienten. Die Gesamtartenzahl wie auch der Reichtum der indigenen, der bedrohten sowie der an Waldlebensräume und nährstoffarme Habitate gebundenen Arten war jeweils an den Enden des Gradienten am höchsten. Der Reichtum der Neophyten sowie der an urbane Räume und nährstoffreiche Habitate gebundenen Arten nahm dagegen von den urbanen zu den wenig beeinflussten Landschaften hin ab. Die im Rahmen der Arbeit erhaltenen Ergebnisse können zukünftig als Grundlage für naturschutzfachliche Planungen in der Untersuchungsregion dienen, indem sie die Ausweisung von für den Naturschutz relevante Landschaftsräume unterstützen. Sofern entsprechende, qualitativ mit denen der vorliegenden Arbeit vergleichbare Grundlagendaten vorliegen, eignen sich die im Rahmen der Arbeit angewendeten und entwickelten Methoden, um auf andere Regionen übertragen zu werden und auch dort naturschutzfachliche und landschaftsplanerische Prozesse zu unterstützen.

Hodnocení fragmentace krajiny ve vztahu k dálkovým migracím / Assessment of landscape fragmentation in relation to long-distance migration

Šťovíčková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the fragmentation of the landscape as a result of highway infrastructure and human settlement. The aim is to analyze the current level of fragmentation and permeability of the landscape for large mammals in the region of Moravska Brana, which is a significant migration area between the West Carpathian and Hercynian sub-provinces. The results confirm the increased degree of fragmentation in this area due to the accumulation of several line barriers from the Northeast to the Southwest, and it particularly shows the negative impact of Highway D1. By comparing the degree of fragmentation with supra- regional corridors, this thesis evaluates the Territorial system of ecological stability (TSES) and the habitat model of large carnivores. This thesis shows that the current migration corridors provide only a fragmented landscape with unsuitable habitat. While making a comprehensive analysis of the permeability of the D1 motorway, the effectiveness of the migration corridor between Klimkovice and Dolni Ujezd was evaluated with an emphasis on monitoring the ecoduct of Suchdol nad Odrou, which is used primarily by medium-sized mammals. The results show that large mammals in this area have found the most appropriate migration corridor a long elevated road through the river valleys. Key...

Fragmentace krajiny ČR dopravními stavbami - vývoj, současný stav a priority územní ochrany / Landscape fragmentation by line barriers in the Czech Republic - development, state of the art and priorities of territorial protection

Zýka, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
Landscape fragmentation by line barriers in the Czech Republic - development, state of the art and priorities of territorial protection Abstract This paper deals with the problem of landscape fragmentation by linear structures and changes in land cover printed in Europe and the Czech Republic. The development of the fragmentation geometry consisting of transport infrastructure and urban areas is described in detail in the years 1920-2020. In this time boundary the development of measure of landscape fragmentation in the Czech Republic is evaluated. This paper examines also the quality of the current unfragmented landscape. The degree of landscape fragmentation refills the value of ecological integrity (according to Burkhard et al., 2009). The results of gap analysis define the most valuable areas of the Czech countryside, which are not covered by existing special protection area (NP, CHKO, Natura 2000). The resulting areas are also compared to the territorial system of ecological stability and migration important area for the large mammals. Keywords landscape fragmentation - landscape connectivity - ecological integrity - gap analysis of landscape protection

Prostupnost krajiny v kontextu její fragmentace dopravní infrastrukturou a sub/urbánní výstavbou / Landscape permeability in context of it's fragmentation by traffic and suburbanization

Štambergová, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
Landscape permeability is currently significantly decreasing mainly due to anthropogenic barriers - transportation infrastructure and sub/urban development. The construction of these barriers has various environmental impacts on animals that differ among taxa. Ensuring a certain degree of permeability of the landscape is crucial for the survival of many species of organisms. Effective tools for the planning protection and restoration of the permeability of the landscape are series of models, whose theoretical framework and practical use are described in this thesis. The practical part deals with the modeling of changes in landscape permeability in the southern hinterlands of Prague. The effectiveness of the implemeted mitigation measures is also evaluated. Keywords: landscape fragmentation, landscape permeability, ecoducts, mitigation measures, suburbanization

Landschaftszerschneidung : Anwendung und Vergleich verschiedener methodischer Varianten am Beispiel des Landkreises Havelland (Brandenburg) / Landscape dissection : application and comparison of different methodical variants as example for the county Havelland

Clausing, Thomas January 2006 (has links)
Analyse der Landschaftszerschneidung und -fragmentierung, Untersuchung und Anwendung verschiedener Zerschneidungsgeometrien und deren Implementierung für unterschiedliche Indikatoren. Die Ergebnisse des methodischen Vergleiches für den Landkreis Havelland sollen die Grundlage für die Auswahl der geeignetesten Methode bei einer landesweite Untersuchung in Brandenburg liefern. / Analysis of landscape fragmentation and dissection using different dissection geometries and application to different indicators. The comparison of different methods for the Havelland county will be used as the base to choose the best method for a statewide analysis in Brandenburg.

Integrovaný management ochrany přírody na Šumavě / Integrative management of nature conservation in Šumava - case study of Lipno nad Vltavou and Kovářov

FLEISCHMANNOVÁ, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with current issues in the field of nature conservation, t. i. landscape fragmentation due to transport infrastructure in selected model areas in the Czech Republic. The project also evaluates the issue of landscape structure and its development with a focus on individual landscape elements and their characteristics. The thesis focuses on the impact of landscape fragmentation on dimensionally small organisms. Model locations are cadastral areas of two popular tourist destinations in the South Bohemian Region at Lipensko site. The target organisms were invertebrates, common representatives of families Carabidae and Formicidae. Occurence of those species is typical for these areas. Landscape structure of the two areas and its changes during a period of sixty years has been defined by analyzing the document. Existence of suitable habitat for various kinds of target species was calculated through Meff index. Obtained values represent a numerical expression of the existence of suitable areas for the studied organisms in both locations. Interviews conducted in model areas also pointed out to a very low public awareness of the issue of landscape fragmentation.

Alternativa metodológica para alocação de corredores ecológicos utilizando modelagem ambiental / Methodological alternative for ecological corridors allocation using environmental modeling

Santos, Carla Rodrigues [UNESP] 17 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by CARLA RODRIGUES SANTOS null (carlars2013@gmail.com) on 2017-05-02T16:54:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CARLA RODRIGUES SANTOS.pdf: 6359871 bytes, checksum: 7e7df5bd470eb31cee3ed687d2773fd1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-05-03T20:36:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_cr_dr_prud.pdf: 6359871 bytes, checksum: 7e7df5bd470eb31cee3ed687d2773fd1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-03T20:36:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_cr_dr_prud.pdf: 6359871 bytes, checksum: 7e7df5bd470eb31cee3ed687d2773fd1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-17 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / A Mata Atlântica, bioma que cobria grande parte do território paulista, hoje é composta por um mosaico de fragmentos florestais ameaçados pela ocupação antrópica. Dessa forma, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi elaborar um modelo ambiental destinado a encontrar alternativas espaciais para implantação de corredores ecológicos, baseado em princípios da Ecologia da Paisagem e na avaliação do estado ecológico do meio ambiente, com o suporte de geotecnologias. Escolheu-se como área de estudo a região Oeste de São Paulo, no entorno das Bacias Hidrográficas dos Rios Paranapanema, Santo Anastácio, Aguapeí e do Peixe. Os dados da pesquisa foram extraídos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), do Instituto Geográfico e Geológico (IGG), do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transporte (DNIT), do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT), dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas do Rio Paranapanema (CBH-PP) e dos Rios Aguapeí e do Peixe (CBH-AP). Também foram utilizadas imagens de satélite Landsat1/MSS e Alos, sensor Avnir, e dados SRTM/NASA. Na análise do meio físico e da cobertura da terra, verificou-se que a área pesquisada apresenta relevo suave e ondulado, com solos de baixa fertilidade, praticamente ocupados por agricultura e pastagem. A quantificação dos fragmentos da paisagem evidencia a relevância deles para formação de corredores ecológicos e para possíveis conexões entre diversas Unidades de Conservação. Constatou-se, através da métrica, que a fragmentação da paisagem é expressiva; o tamanho médio das manchas (MPS) é maior na classe de pastagem, com 755,78ha, e o alto índice de MSI nas áreas úmidas é fundamental para a paisagem local, pois favorece a formação de corredores ecológicos. A avaliação integrada dos dados espaciais, utilizando multicritérios e lógica fuzzy, permitiu verificar que: 1) as planícies fluviais são de extrema importância para a conservação da biodiversidade; 2) os índices de dissecação Dc 13, Dc 23 e Dt 13 correspondem às áreas com fortes perturbações antrópicas; 3) as distâncias propostas e analisadas contribuíram para a ligação transversal entre as Unidades de Conservação, as quais oferecem alto fator de proteção para os recursos ambientais. Além disso, diagnosticou-se que os melhores locais para a implementação de corredores ecológicos estão nas classes de potencialidade extremamente alta (3,3%), muito alta (4,5%), alta (6,9%) e média alta (11%). Somadas, essas classes representam 25,8% da área de estudo e estão próximas às drenagens, nascentes e áreas úmidas. Os cenários alternativos de corredores mostraram que o Oeste paulista tem potencialidade para a delimitação de três corredores ecológicos: o primeiro, ligando o Parque Estadual Aguapeí ao Parque Estadual do Rio do Peixe (CEAP); o segundo, entre o Parque Estadual do Rio do Peixe e o Rio Santo Anastácio (CEPSA), e o terceiro, entre o Rio Santo Anastácio e o Córrego Anhumas (CESAA). Concluiu-se que os três corredores permitiriam significativas conexões transversais entre os fragmentos florestais, e sua implementação resultaria na recuperação de aproximadamente 14% da paisagem degradada. / The Atlantic Forest biome which covered great part of São Paulo state territory today is composed by a mosaic of forest fragments threaten by anthropic occupation. Thus the objective of this research was to elaborate an environmental model aiming to find spatial alternatives to install ecological corridors based on the principle of Landscape Ecology and the evaluation of the ecological state of the environment through the support of geotechnologies. For the development and application of the methodology the research area was chosen in the West region of São Paulo in the surroundings of the river basins of the rivers Paranapanema, Santo Anastácio, Aguapeí and Peixe. The data used for the research were extracted from IBGE, IGG, DNIT, IPT, IF/SP, ICMBIO and the following committees: Paranapanema Rirver Basin (CBH-PP), Aguapeí river and Peixe River (CBH-AP), besides the Landsat1/MSS satellite images, Alos satellite images, AVNIR sensor and data from SRTM/NASA. In the analysis of the physical environment and land coverage it was verified that the research area has denudational reliefs, with wide and low hills, besides river terraces plains. It presents altimetric dimensions which vary from 220 meters to 480 meter and little dissected. The most expressive declivity can be found in the classes from 3 – 12%, where smooth slopes are seen and of easy mechanization. The soils are of low fertility and are practically occupied by agriculture and pasture. Across the area we verified the presence of several species of the wildlife and several erosive processes caused by the fragility of the environment, due to the occupation process. The quantification of the landscape fragments evidence the importance they possess in the ecological corridors formation and in the connection possibilities among several Conservation Unities. It was found the fragmented of the landscape through the metric allowed us to verify that the landscape fragmentation is significant, we verified that the average size of the stains (MPS) is bigger in the class of pasture with 755.78ha and that the high index of MSI for the humid areas is of extreme importance to the local landscape, because it becomes a favorable environment to the formation of ecological corridors. The integrated evaluation of spatial data using fuzzy multicriteria and logic made it possible to verify that the river plain (Apf) are considered of extreme importance to the biodiversity conservation, in which the dissection indexes Dc13, Dc23 and Dt13 are the areas which receive strong anthropic disturbances; that the proposed and analyzed distances contributed so the connection among the Conservation Unities could happen in a transversal way, given its high protection factor to environmental resources. We verified that the best locations to the ecological corridors implementation are in classes of extremely high potentialities (3.3%), very high (4.5%), high (6.9%), high average (11%) and that, summed up, they can reach 25.8% of the studied area. The alternative sceneries of corridors showed that the research area has potentiality to the delimitation of three ecological corridors, among them the Aguapeí State Park corridor until Rio do Peixe State Park (CEAP); Rio do Peixe State Park corridor until Santo Anastácio River (CEPSA), and Santo Anastácio River corridor until Anhumas Stream (CESAA), these corridors interconnect the existing fragments across its path. However the connection of the fragments only by themselves isn’t totally possible, it’s necessary to resort to other uses, such as humid, pastures and agricultures areas. It was possible to verify that the priority potentialities are next to the drainages, river springs and wet areas. Therefore, we concluded that the results presented in the three delimitated corridors allowed significant transversal connections between the forest fragments. And the possibility of its implementation would result in the recovery of about 14% of the degraded landscape. The results showed that the proposed methodology was satisfactory, because it allowed the transversal connection of the Conservation Unities with some forest fragments. / CNPq: 167704/2014-1

Hodnocení fragmentace krajiny Západních Karpat ve vztahu k výskytu velkých šelem / Assessment of landscape fragmentation of Western Carpathians in relation to occurrence of large carnivores

Vlková, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the landscape fragmentation in relation to the spatial and migration requirements of large carnivores in Western Carpathians region. Based on the data of the model species (Lynx Lynx) occurrence and selected environmental factors, the habitat suitability for Lynx Lynx is discussed using the Maxent habitat model. Employing the Effective Mesh Size method, the current landscape fragmentation caused by the transport infrastructure and urban development is studied in detail in terms of the fragmentation geometry. In addition to the analysis of measure of the current fragmentation, this thesis also includes a prediction of development of the landscape fragmentation in relation to the planned large transport constructions up to the year 2030. Comparing the habitat suitability model with the measure of current landscape fragmentation, the areas with the greatest potential of the Lynx Lynx permanent occurrence as well as the problematic areas in view of the dispersion and individuals migration are determined. Comparing the habitat suitability model with the prognosis of development of the landscape fragmentation, the impact of the planned road constructions on the suitable habitat is assessed.

Les paysages culturels de l’élevage de rennes en Scandinavie face au changement global : une approche multi-scalaire (Laponie suédoise, Sud norvégien) / Cultural landscapes of the Scandinavian reindeer herding facing the global change : a multi-scalar approach (Swedish Lappland, southern Norway)

Courault, Romain 05 December 2018 (has links)
Les régions subarctiques font face aux effets interconnectés et pluri-scalaires du changement global (amplification des extrêmes bioclimatiques et intensification dans l’utilisation des sols). Le renne, Rangifer tarandus est un grand herbivore qui migre annuellement sur de grands espaces pour ses besoins biologiques. L’ongulé cristallise de nombreux enjeux paysagers pour les pastoralismes saamis. Plusieurs populations de rennes seront étudiées dans un suivi multi-scalaire. Nous évaluons les effets directs du changement global (fragmentation paysagère et changements climatiques) sur les paysages culturels de Scandinavie en lien avec la démographie des rennes. Par la suite, la descente en échelle géographique nous permet de caractériser via satellite et relevés floristiques les effets du changement global sur les paysages végétaux de la communauté montagnarde d’éleveurs Gabna, dans le nord de la Suède. Nous étudions ensuite les comportements migratoires des rennes sauvages norvégiens, pour appréhender les liens entre variabilité bioclimatique et écologie spatiale de l’herbivore. Les résultats principaux rejoignent ceux de la littérature scientifique, appliqués aux espaces étudiés : régionalement, changement des climats et pertes significatives en pâturages ; localement, boréalisation et embroussaillement des paysages migratoires. Les liens forts entre une partie des effets cumulés du changement global et la biogéographie scandinave de Rangifer tarandus sont ainsi discutés. L’approche paysagère dans les problématiques environnementales complexes (revendication territoriale) a révélé l’importance de l’éthique dans le dialogue science/minorités. / Les régions subarctiques font face aux effets interconnectés et pluri-scalaires du changement global (amplification des extrêmes bioclimatiques et intensification dans l’utilisation des sols). Le renne, Rangifer tarandus est un grand herbivore qui migre annuellement sur de grands espaces pour ses besoins biologiques. L’ongulé cristallise de nombreux enjeux paysagers pour les pastoralismes saamis. Plusieurs populations de rennes seront étudiées dans un suivi multi-scalaire. Nous évaluons les effets directs du changement global (fragmentation paysagère et changements climatiques) sur les paysages culturels de Scandinavie en lien avec la démographie des rennes. Par la suite, la descente en échelle géographique nous permet de caractériser via satellite et relevés floristiques les effets du changement global sur les paysages végétaux de la communauté montagnarde d’éleveurs Gabna, dans le nord de la Suède. Nous étudions ensuite les comportements migratoires des rennes sauvages norvégiens, pour appréhender les liens entre variabilité bioclimatique et écologie spatiale de l’herbivore. Les résultats principaux rejoignent ceux de la littérature scientifique, appliqués aux espaces étudiés : régionalement, changement des climats et pertes significatives en pâturages ; localement, boréalisation et embroussaillement des paysages migratoires. Les liens forts entre une partie des effets cumulés du changement global et la biogéographie scandinave de Rangifer tarandus sont ainsi discutés. L’approche paysagère dans les problématiques environnementales complexes (revendication territoriale) a révélé l’importance de l’éthique dans le dialogue science/minorités.

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