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Uhlalutyo lwamanqaku kalindixesha wesixhosa ngobhalo ngokudlulileyo nangobhalo olunika ingcaciso ngokubhekisele kuhlobo lwe-genre /Simayile, Thulani Alfred. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.
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Kalle Päätalon Iijoki-sarja kielielämäkertanaKeskimaa, S. (Sari) 03 October 2018 (has links)
The Iijoki series is an autobiography consisting of 26 novels in which the author Kalle Päätalo depicts his life from the childhood until becoming a writer. Päätalo has documented his own regional dialect, the language he had grown up with, described other dialects, dialectal perceptions, attitudes and language ideologies. The Iijoki series can be recognised as the language biography of the protagonist. The turning points are linked by a specific thematic plot that carries the narrative through difficulties, contradictions, insights and adaptations towards the culmination of the novel series, where the protagonist has sufficient linguistic resources as a writer.
In the study of the language biography the different trends in sociolinguistics cross over: studies in language variation, folk linguistics, and multilingualism studies. The focus of research is metalanguage. Two levels of metalanguage can be brought forth in the text: metalanguage 1, which depicts language and its phenomena, such as language patterns, features and speech, and metalanguage 2, which includes language-related values and language attitudes. The research has utilized the concepts and perspectives of literary research. The interdisciplinary approach is mainly visible at the level of interpretation.
The research consists of four articles. In the first article, I demonstrate that the variation of speech places great importance in describing the most essential relationship in the novel series. In the second article, I specify protagonist's perceptions and attitudes of dialects and look at their functions as a medium of various human emotions. In the third article, I present the turning points of the protagonist’s language biography and point out how different language ideologies create tension around the most significant theme of the novel series. The fourth article looks at the linguistic stancetaking of the protagonist of the Iijoki series in relation to the changes in social status. / Tiivistelmä
Iijoki-sarja on 26-osainen omaelämäkerrallinen teossarja, jossa kirjailija Kalle Päätalo kertoo omat vaiheensa lapsuudesta kirjailijaksi ryhtymiseen saakka. Päätalo on tallentanut kirjoihinsa kotiseutunsa kieltä sekä kuvannut monia muita suomen murteita, murrekäsityksiä ja -asenteita sekä kieli-ideologisia asetelmia. Iijoki-sarjaa voi lukea päähenkilön kielielämäkertana. Kielielämäkerran käännekohtia yhdistää juonen kannalta keskeinen temaattinen säie. Ne kuljettavat tarinaa kieleen liittyvien vaikeuksien, ristiriitojen, oivallusten ja sopeutumisten kautta kohti romaanisarjan huipennusta, jossa päähenkilöllä on kirjailijan työtä ajatellen riittävät kielelliset resurssit käytettävissään.
Kielielämäkerran tutkimuksessa risteävät sosiolingvistiikan eri suuntaukset: variaationtutkimus, kansanlingvistinen tutkimus sekä monikielisyyden tutkimus. Tutkimuksen keskiössä on metakieli. Tekstistä on nostettavissa esiin kahden eri tason metakieltä: metakieli 1:tä, joka kuvaa kieltä ja sen ilmiöitä, kuten kielimuotoja, kielenpiirteitä ja puhetapaa, sekä metakieli 2:ta, joka sisältää kieleen liittyvän arvomaailman ja kielenkäyttöä ohjailevat asenteet. Tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty kirjallisuudentutkimuksen käsitteitä ja näkökulmia. Poikkitieteellinen lähestymistapa näkyy erityisesti tulkintojen tasolla.
Tutkimus koostuu neljästä artikkelista. Artikkelissa I osoitan, että puhekielen variaatiolla on merkittävä rooli romaanisarjan keskeisimmän ihmissuhteen kuvauksessa. Toisessa artikkelissa erittelen päähenkilön murrehavaintoja ja -asenteita sekä tarkastelen niiden funktioita erilaisten tunnetilojen välittäjänä. Artikkelissa III esittelen päähenkilön kielielämäkerralliset käännekohdat ja osoitan, kuinka erilaiset kieli-ideologiat luovat jännitteen Iijoki-sarjan merkittävimmän teeman ympärille. Neljännessä artikkelissa tarkastelen Iijoki-sarjan päähenkilön kielellistä asemoitumista suhteessa sosiaalisen aseman muutokseen.
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Didactique du français langue seconde au Sénégal : le cas du français dans les établissements moyen et secondaire / Teaching French as a second language in Senegal : teaching and learning of French in college and secondary schoolsThiam, Ousseynou 13 June 2014 (has links)
Les réflexions sur le français au Sénégal sont souvent envisagées dans une perspective historique, sociolinguistique ou pédagogique. L'orientation de cette thèse est plutôt didactique. Son objectif est d'analyser l'enseignement /apprentissage du français dans les établissements moyen et secondaire. La recherche porte sur une problématique spécifique à un système institutionnel qui vise la maîtrise du français comme en situation de LM dans un cadre où cet idiome est LS. Cette attente de l'institution permet-elle une activité enseignante et une appropriation convenables de la langue, des cultures? La réponse a nécessité l'élucidation des concepts de savoir, de savoir-faire, de compétence, de langue, de culture. Nous avons caractérisé les objets, les outils, les contenus et les méthodes fondamentales. Cela dans un contexte où les biographies langagières et culturelles des apprenants se définissent par des statuts plurilingues et pluriculturels. La transposition didactique et l'action conjointe sont étudiées pour décrire les activités de classe et la circulation des savoirs. Ce travail a privilégié une approche ethnographique avec des vidéographies, des entretiens, des autoconfrontations et un recueil de productions écrites. L'analyse des résultats de cette étude empirique est présentée suivant les savoirs, les enseignants et les apprenants. Elle a vérifié l'idée que la didactique du français langue seconde permet d'élaborer des savoirs linguistiques et culturels adaptés au contexte sénégalais, de pallier les difficultés dans l'activité enseignante et de faire des apprenants les acteurs de leur apprentissage. Cette analyse est complétée par des propositions didactiques. / Reflexions on French language in Senegal are often considered from a historical, sociolinguistical or educational perspective. The orientation of this thesis is rather didactic. Its aim is to analyze the Teaching/Learning of French in college and secondary schools. The research deals with a specific problematic for an institutional system which aims at the mastery of French as a native language when this idiom is a second language. Does this expectation from the institution allow for an effective teaching activity an appropriation of the language, of the school culture and of the anthropological culture? The answer to this question has required the elucidation of the concepts of knowledge, know-how, skill, language, culture. We have characterized objects, tools, contents, and fundamental methods for teaching and learning. That, in a context where the language biographies and cultural identities of the learners are defined by multilingual and multicultural status. Didactic transposition and joint action are studied to describe teaching activities and the circulation of knowledge. This work has priviledged an ethnographical approach with videographs of classes, interviews, selfconfrontations, and a collection of written productions. The analysis of the results from this empirical study is presented around three poles: skills, teachers and learners. Eventually, it has confirmed the idea that the didactics of french as a second language helps to elaborate linguistic and cultural skills adapted to the Senegalese context, to overcome difficulties in teaching activity, to make learners the actors of their learning. This analysis is completed with didactic suggestions.
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Le "niveau-seuil" de la compréhension écrite du chinois langue seconde / The "treshold" of reading comprehension of Chinese as a second languageWang, Hong 20 June 2017 (has links)
La question abordée dans cette thèse est l’accès à la lecture autonome des apprenants de chinois langue étrangère. Pour un apprenant de langue maternelle à écriture alphabétique, le chinois est “une langue distante géographiquement, culturellement et linguistiquement” (Bellassen, 2014). Il nous a donc paru nécessaire d’examiner dans quelles conditions s’effectue cet accès, et de définir à cette occasion un “Seuil de Caractères pour Accéder à la Lecture en Autonomie” (SCALA). La présente recherche est fondée sur une enquête réalisée auprès d’un panel d’environ 300 apprenants, dont nous avons cherché à établir la biographie langagière, afin de constituer un corpus de textes authentiques lus en premier. L’analyse de ce matériau permet de mieux comprendre comment un non-lecteur devient un lecteur autonome. Ce travail ouvre en outre des perspectives pédagogiques qui ne demandent qu’à être approfondies. / The subject addressed in this research concerns access to independent reading for the learners of Chinese as a foreign language. For a learner who is a native user of alphabetical writing systems, Chinese is a “geographically, culturally and linguistically distant language” (Bellassen, 2014). Therefore, it seemed necessary to explore under which conditions a learner starts independent reading and to establish a “Threshold of characters to Access First Readings in Autonomy” (TAFRA). This study is based on an investigation conducted with a study sample consisting of over 300 learners with whom we try to establish a language biography as well as to constitute a corpus of authentic first-read texts. The analysis of this material allows to better understand how a non-reader becomes an independent reader and to establish the “TAFRA” list. This study provides interesting insight into future learning as well as pedagogy.
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A relação sujeito-língua (portuguesa): identidade em contexto de intercâmbio universitário: autobiografias linguageiras / The subject-language-identity relationship in the context of university exchange program: personal language biographyValentim, Amarílis Aurora Aparecida 16 August 2018 (has links)
Na sociedade contemporânea, mudanças tecnológicas, políticas e econômicas têm favorecido a mobilidade das pessoas, dando-lhes oportunidade de acesso à informação e à formação além-fronteiras, implicando o contato de culturas e línguas, promovendo nova configuração não apenas dos espaços como dos próprios sujeitos. A mobilidade estudantil, como ação de internacionalização do ambiente universitário, vem crescendo com a assinatura de convênios de cooperação. Diante desse cenário bastante favorável e das possíveis questões concernentes à apropriação de uma língua-cultura estrangeira, decorrentes desse deslocamento geográfico, cultural e linguístico, interessamo-nos em olhar para esse público e refletir acerca da relação sujeito-língua-identidade que se promoveria nesse contexto. Partimos da hipótese de que a língua estrangeira, ao ser vivenciada em imersão, modifica-se e modifica o próprio aprendiz. O que motiva um estudante a escolher o Brasil para intercâmbio e a aprender a língua portuguesa (LP)? Que representações tem da LP? O intercâmbio interfere nessas representações? O aprendizado da língua estrangeira interfere no processo identitário desse falante? A fim de elucidar essas questões, iniciamos pesquisa de campo junto a intercambistas francófonos na Universidade de São Paulo, indagando-os sobre sua autobiografia linguageira (BARONI e JEANNERET, 2011; BRETEGNIER, 2011; THAMIN e SIMON, 2011; JEANNERET, 2010; MOLINIÉ, 2006) por meio de questionários e entrevistas, seguindo uma abordagem compreensiva (BERTAUX, 2001; KAUFMANN, 1996). Os resultados evidenciam mudanças na identidade desses sujeitos-aprendizes por conta da vivência social da LP no contexto imersivo. O aspecto predominantemente destacado como propulsor de uma integração maior desse sujeito à língua e à cultura local foi, primeiramente, o sentimento de ser bem acolhido pelos nativos e considerado por eles como alguém que pode participar da comunidade linguística. Em seguida, uma conduta não de simples turista, mas de quem se propõe a conhecer e a se familiarizar com a língua e cultura-alvo foi também importante para essa inserção. Assim, o relacionamento positivo com o brasileiro e a tomada de decisão do EU em buscar conhecer esse Outro são cruciais para se poder falar a LP, que é, ao mesmo tempo, alvo e meio dessa interação. Poder falar significa ser autorizado pelo nativo e se autorizar a falar em primeira pessoa na língua estrangeira (REVUZ, 2001), causa e efeito da adesão à língua e do aperfeiçoamento de competências linguísticas, sociais e culturais alcançados. Benefícios esses tão caros aos aprendizes que eles temem perder, ao retorno, o que conquistaram e se sentem impulsionados a ser um propagador, um articulador entre o lá e o aqui para que outros tenham experiência semelhante. Desse modo, o intercâmbio potencializa a vivência com e por meio da língua-alvo e permite aos sujeitos serem valorados como alguém que fala português e a ocupar um entre-espaço, reconfigurando-se constantemente. Igualmente, a narração de sua autobiografia linguageira com a língua portuguesa e da experiência vivida no Brasil, permite-lhes construir uma nova percepção de si. Com isso, o intercâmbio é colocar-se em outro espaço, ver-se de outra forma pelo contato com o outro (portanto, há um deslocamento simbólico e não apenas geográfico) para o que o exercício da língua portuguesa in loco foi fundamental. / In contemporary society, technological, political and economic changes have benefited the mobility of people, providing them access to information and training across borders, implying the contact of cultures and languages, promoting a new configuration not only of the spaces as of the subjects themselves. Student mobility, as an action of internationalization at the university environment, has been growing with the signing of cooperation agreements. In view of this quite favorable context and the possible questions concerning the appropriation of a foreign language resulting from this geographic-cultural and linguistic movement, we are interested in observing this audience and reflecting on the subject-language-identity that would be risen in this perspective. Our hypothesis is that the foreign language, when being experienced in immersion, may be modified and modify the apprentice. What motivates a student to choose Brazil for exchange and to learn Portuguese (PL)? Which representations do the apprentices have of the PL? Does the exchange interfere with these representations? How does the learning of the foreign language interfere in the identity process of this speaker? In order to clarify these issues, we began field research with francophone exchange students at the University of São Paulo, asking them about their personal langage biography (BARONI e JEANNERET, 2011; BRETEGNIER, 2011; THAMIN e SIMON, 2011; JEANNERET, 2010; MOLINIÉ, 2006) through questionnaires and interviews, following a comprehensive approach (BERTAUX, 2001; KAUFMANN, 1996). The results evidenced changes in the identity of these subjects-learners because of the social experience of the PL in the immersive context. The appearance predominantly featured as the propellant for greater integration of this subject to the language and local culture was the feeling of being welcomed by the natives and considered by them as one participant in the linguistic community. A personal conduct not just as a common tourist, but of those who propose to get to know and become familiar with the target language and culture is also crucial for this insertion. Thus, the positive relationship with Brazilians and the decision-making of the University Student in seeking to know this Other are crucial to being able to speak the PL which is at the same time the target and a mean of this interaction. Being able to speak means to be authorized by the native and self-authorizing to speak in first person in the foreign language (REVUZ, 2001), cause and effect of adherence to the language and the enhancement of language skills, social and cultural competences, which are so cherished to apprentices who fear, when return home, lose what they have conquered and feel driven to be a propagator, an articulator between there and here, so that others have similar experience. The exchange enhances the experience with and through the target language, allowing the subjects to be valued as someone who \"speaks Portuguese\" and to occupy an inter-space, constantly reconfiguring themselves. By the narration of their linguistic autobiography with the PL and of their experience in Brazil, these apprentices construct a new perception of themselves. Therefore, the exchange is to put yourself in another space. It is to be seen in another way by the contact with the other (thus there is a symbolic displacement and not only a geographic one) for which the exercise of the Portuguese language in loco was essential.
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A relação sujeito-língua (portuguesa): identidade em contexto de intercâmbio universitário: autobiografias linguageiras / The subject-language-identity relationship in the context of university exchange program: personal language biographyAmarílis Aurora Aparecida Valentim 16 August 2018 (has links)
Na sociedade contemporânea, mudanças tecnológicas, políticas e econômicas têm favorecido a mobilidade das pessoas, dando-lhes oportunidade de acesso à informação e à formação além-fronteiras, implicando o contato de culturas e línguas, promovendo nova configuração não apenas dos espaços como dos próprios sujeitos. A mobilidade estudantil, como ação de internacionalização do ambiente universitário, vem crescendo com a assinatura de convênios de cooperação. Diante desse cenário bastante favorável e das possíveis questões concernentes à apropriação de uma língua-cultura estrangeira, decorrentes desse deslocamento geográfico, cultural e linguístico, interessamo-nos em olhar para esse público e refletir acerca da relação sujeito-língua-identidade que se promoveria nesse contexto. Partimos da hipótese de que a língua estrangeira, ao ser vivenciada em imersão, modifica-se e modifica o próprio aprendiz. O que motiva um estudante a escolher o Brasil para intercâmbio e a aprender a língua portuguesa (LP)? Que representações tem da LP? O intercâmbio interfere nessas representações? O aprendizado da língua estrangeira interfere no processo identitário desse falante? A fim de elucidar essas questões, iniciamos pesquisa de campo junto a intercambistas francófonos na Universidade de São Paulo, indagando-os sobre sua autobiografia linguageira (BARONI e JEANNERET, 2011; BRETEGNIER, 2011; THAMIN e SIMON, 2011; JEANNERET, 2010; MOLINIÉ, 2006) por meio de questionários e entrevistas, seguindo uma abordagem compreensiva (BERTAUX, 2001; KAUFMANN, 1996). Os resultados evidenciam mudanças na identidade desses sujeitos-aprendizes por conta da vivência social da LP no contexto imersivo. O aspecto predominantemente destacado como propulsor de uma integração maior desse sujeito à língua e à cultura local foi, primeiramente, o sentimento de ser bem acolhido pelos nativos e considerado por eles como alguém que pode participar da comunidade linguística. Em seguida, uma conduta não de simples turista, mas de quem se propõe a conhecer e a se familiarizar com a língua e cultura-alvo foi também importante para essa inserção. Assim, o relacionamento positivo com o brasileiro e a tomada de decisão do EU em buscar conhecer esse Outro são cruciais para se poder falar a LP, que é, ao mesmo tempo, alvo e meio dessa interação. Poder falar significa ser autorizado pelo nativo e se autorizar a falar em primeira pessoa na língua estrangeira (REVUZ, 2001), causa e efeito da adesão à língua e do aperfeiçoamento de competências linguísticas, sociais e culturais alcançados. Benefícios esses tão caros aos aprendizes que eles temem perder, ao retorno, o que conquistaram e se sentem impulsionados a ser um propagador, um articulador entre o lá e o aqui para que outros tenham experiência semelhante. Desse modo, o intercâmbio potencializa a vivência com e por meio da língua-alvo e permite aos sujeitos serem valorados como alguém que fala português e a ocupar um entre-espaço, reconfigurando-se constantemente. Igualmente, a narração de sua autobiografia linguageira com a língua portuguesa e da experiência vivida no Brasil, permite-lhes construir uma nova percepção de si. Com isso, o intercâmbio é colocar-se em outro espaço, ver-se de outra forma pelo contato com o outro (portanto, há um deslocamento simbólico e não apenas geográfico) para o que o exercício da língua portuguesa in loco foi fundamental. / In contemporary society, technological, political and economic changes have benefited the mobility of people, providing them access to information and training across borders, implying the contact of cultures and languages, promoting a new configuration not only of the spaces as of the subjects themselves. Student mobility, as an action of internationalization at the university environment, has been growing with the signing of cooperation agreements. In view of this quite favorable context and the possible questions concerning the appropriation of a foreign language resulting from this geographic-cultural and linguistic movement, we are interested in observing this audience and reflecting on the subject-language-identity that would be risen in this perspective. Our hypothesis is that the foreign language, when being experienced in immersion, may be modified and modify the apprentice. What motivates a student to choose Brazil for exchange and to learn Portuguese (PL)? Which representations do the apprentices have of the PL? Does the exchange interfere with these representations? How does the learning of the foreign language interfere in the identity process of this speaker? In order to clarify these issues, we began field research with francophone exchange students at the University of São Paulo, asking them about their personal langage biography (BARONI e JEANNERET, 2011; BRETEGNIER, 2011; THAMIN e SIMON, 2011; JEANNERET, 2010; MOLINIÉ, 2006) through questionnaires and interviews, following a comprehensive approach (BERTAUX, 2001; KAUFMANN, 1996). The results evidenced changes in the identity of these subjects-learners because of the social experience of the PL in the immersive context. The appearance predominantly featured as the propellant for greater integration of this subject to the language and local culture was the feeling of being welcomed by the natives and considered by them as one participant in the linguistic community. A personal conduct not just as a common tourist, but of those who propose to get to know and become familiar with the target language and culture is also crucial for this insertion. Thus, the positive relationship with Brazilians and the decision-making of the University Student in seeking to know this Other are crucial to being able to speak the PL which is at the same time the target and a mean of this interaction. Being able to speak means to be authorized by the native and self-authorizing to speak in first person in the foreign language (REVUZ, 2001), cause and effect of adherence to the language and the enhancement of language skills, social and cultural competences, which are so cherished to apprentices who fear, when return home, lose what they have conquered and feel driven to be a propagator, an articulator between there and here, so that others have similar experience. The exchange enhances the experience with and through the target language, allowing the subjects to be valued as someone who \"speaks Portuguese\" and to occupy an inter-space, constantly reconfiguring themselves. By the narration of their linguistic autobiography with the PL and of their experience in Brazil, these apprentices construct a new perception of themselves. Therefore, the exchange is to put yourself in another space. It is to be seen in another way by the contact with the other (thus there is a symbolic displacement and not only a geographic one) for which the exercise of the Portuguese language in loco was essential.
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Trilingvální Bratislava: sociolingvistický pohled / Trilingual Bratislava: A Sociolinguistic ViewSatinská, Lucia January 2011 (has links)
The M.A. thesis approaches the trilingual language situation of Bratislava via example of four case studies of old trilingual Bratislava inhabitants. The first chapter introduces the historical context of old Bratislava; it is an extended introduction to the city issues, its ethnicities and languages. The second chapter processes respondents' language biographies with regard to language acquisition, contemporary language use and transferring languages to the next generations. The third chapter is close analysis of code- switching in respondents' speeches. The fourth chapter concentrates on language ideologies connected to individual Bratislava languages and ethnicities. The last chapter describes the components of collective and individual memory of respondents, such as mental map of the city (emerging through speaking about the city promenade, confectioneries and also celebrations) and repeated stories connected to languages. The thesis contributes to the discourse about (not only) language identity of Bratislava and approaches the use of specific sociolect of the city's older generation of indigenous inhabitants.
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A study of a late antique corpus of biographies (Historia Augusta)Baker, Renan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis provides a fresh investigation of a collection of Roman imperial biographies conventionally known as the 'Historia Augusta'. The thesis supports the authenticity of the texts included in this corpus, in particular the claims they make about their dates, authorship, and scope, through philological, literary, prosopographical, and historical arguments. It shows that this corpus of texts, if the main conclusions are accepted, potentially improves our understanding of the tetrarchic-Constantinian era. It also explores the wider implications for the historiography of the fourth century; the transmission and formation of multi-author corpora in antiquity and the middle ages. It also suggests that the canon of Latin imperial biographies be widened. The thesis has two parts. Part I explores the actual state of the corpus, its textual transmission, and relation to other texts. It shows that the ancient and medieval paratexts presented the corpus as a collection of imperial biographies. The paratexts are compatible with the authorial statements in the main text. It then explores the corpus' medieval transmission, and the interest medieval scholars had in such texts. This part suggests that the corpus’s current state explains well the inconsistencies found in it. Finally, it shows that words and phrases, once thought peculiar to the corpus and the holy grail of the forgery argument, are intertextual links to earlier texts. Part II explores chronological statements and historical episodes relevant to the Diocletianic-Constantinan period. It establishes the actual dates of each author, and suggests that the confusion found in these biographies is similar to that of other contemporaries. The few apostrophes are shown to be authentic, and the historical and prosopographical passages are shown to represent, and improve our understanding of, the zeitgeist and history of the period. The final conclusion weaves the various arguments together, and emphasises the authenticity and significance of the corpus' texts. It suggests separating the composition of the texts from the disinterested formation of the corpus as a whole, as part of a new hypothesis and further lines of enquiry.
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