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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigating the Impact of Habitat Disturbance and the Role of Functional Traits in a Tropical Butterfly Assemblage

Suman, Attiwilli January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Tropical habitats face a diverse range of anthropogenic threats. Two common and important threats to tropical biodiversity are invasive species and roads. Invasive plants are proposed to be a major threat to biodiversity worldwide, yet not much is known about their impacts on higher trophic levels, such as insects. Roads and other linear intrusions, such as power lines and railway tracks, are another common aspect of human disturbance in natural landscapes, including tropical forests, and are often linked to the spread of invasive plants. I studied impacts of these two important proximate drivers of habitat disturbance, namely invasive plant species and roads, on habitat use by butterflies in a tropical moist deciduous forest in Western Ghats of India. Invasive plants and roads are expected to modify micro-habitat structure, resources and other aspects of ecology of butterflies and thereby influence how they use space (i.e., micro-habitats within the larger habitat). Because systematic ecological information on tropical butterflies is comparatively limited, I adopted a multi-species approach. I examined space use responses of butterflies to a gradient of lantana cover in the forest and to a road passing through forest. The abundance of different species of butterflies in different micro-habitats was taken as a measure of habitat use. Data was collected over two seasons and at two spatial scales. The two habitat disturbances were found to influence local habitat use by butterflies. But interestingly, species appeared to respond differently, with some showing positive, others negative and some no clear association with road verge or lantana gradient. I then examined whether this variation in response could be understood in terms of species-specific functional traits. Correlating the responses of species to a habitat disturbance with functional traits may provide a way of arriving at general patterns and increase the ability of studies to predict responses. Species with similar trait values are expected to respond similarly to a habitat change driver. I measured morphological traits in 254 butterfly species from India and classified them according to their habitat preferences (based on expert opinion). I first examined relationships between morphological traits, habitat preferences and evolutionary relatedness. I then examined patterns of correlation between these traits and responses to the two habitat disturbances and found that certain traits can help predict responses. Overall, my study suggests that butterfly space use is influenced by roads and lantana, but the response varies across species. These changes in habitat use might have important population or community-level consequences, such as population declines and shifts in community structure and composition; these need to be further examined.

Molecular ecology and invasive species management: unravelling the dynamics of Lantana camara invasions in the Kruger National Park, South Africa using a molecular approach

Vardien, Waafeka 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Non-native species are recognized as a major component of global environmental change. Their ecological impacts are numerous and include the alteration of whole ecosystem processes as well as the loss of native biodiversity. As such, understanding the processes that drive the invasion of non-native species is essential for the control and management thereof. Numerous research approaches have been used to provide insight on the history and ecology of non-native species invasions. However, recent approaches employing molecular techniques have greatly helped in solving taxonomic issues associated with some of these species; identifying sources of invasions; and shedding light on colonization dynamics. Lantana camara, a globally invasive and highly variable species complex, is one of the most notorious plant invaders in South Africa. The species has been associated with negative impacts in agricultural areas, decreased invertebrate diversity, livestock mortality, and where it occurs along riparian areas- decreased water quality and obstruction to accessing water sources. This project aimed to review L. camara invasions in South Africa and to unravel patterns of spread in L. camara along the Sabie-Sand catchment in South Africa’s flagship protected area, the Kruger National Park, using a molecular approach. The findings of the first part of the study highlight that L. camara has successfully spread across South Africa with only four known introduction events, and this can be attributed to the species’ broad ecological tolerance, its use in the horticultural industry, and a variety of dispersal vectors (birds, humans and rivers). Furthermore, although sale of the species is prohibited in the country, it will continue to spread naturally and also has the potential to expand its distribution under changing climate scenarios. The second part of the study highlights that spread along the Sabie-Sand catchment is primarily river-driven and that the Sand tributary is the invasion source in the system. Because the Sand tributary originates outside the Kruger National Park, and only a small portion is under park management, the implications for spread are important. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nie-inheemse spesies word erken as 'n belangrike komponent van die globale omgewing verandering. Hulle ekologiese impak is talle en sluit in die verandering van ekosisteem prosesse asook die verlies van inheemse biodiversiteit. As sodanig, die begrip van die prosesse wat lei tot die inval van 'n nie-inheemse spesies is noodsaaklik vir die beheer en bestuur daarvan. Talle navorsingsbenaderings is gebruik om insig te gee oor die geskiedenis en ekologie van nie-inheemse spesies invalle. Onlangse benaderings soos die gebruik van molekulêre tegnieke, help in die oplossing van taksonomiese kwessies wat verband hou met 'n paar van hierdie spesies,in die identifisering van bronne van invalle, en om lig te werp op die kolonisasie dinamika. Lantana camara, 'n wêreldwye indringende en spesie kompleks, is een van die mees berugte plantindringer in Suid-Afrika. Die spesie is geassosieer met negatiewe gevolge in landbou gebiede, afgeneem ongewerwelde diversiteit, vee mortaliteit, en waar dit voorkom saam oewer gebiede - afgeneem kwaliteit van die water en obstruksie tot waterbronne. Hierdie projek is daarop gemik om om L. camara invalle in Suid-Afrika te hersien en patrone van verspreiding te ontrafel in L. camara langs die Sabie-Sand-opvanggebied in Suid-Afrika se vlagskip beskermde gebied, die Kruger Nasionale Park, met behulp van 'n molekulêre benadering. Die bevindinge van die eerste deel van die studie wys dat L. camara het suksesvol versprei oor die hele Suid-Afrika met slegs vier bekende inleiding gebeure, en dit kan toegeskryf word aan die spesie se breë ekologiese verdraagsaamheid, die gebruik daarvan in die hortologie bedryf, en 'n verskeidenheid van die verspreiding vektore (voëls, mens en riviere). Verder, hoewel die verkoop van die spesie in die land verbied word, sal dit natuurlik voortgaan om te versprei en het ook die potensiaal om uit te brui onder veranderende klimaat scenario's. Die tweede deel van die studie wys dat versprei langs die Sabie-Sandopvanggebied hoofsaaklik rivier-gedrewe is en dat die Sand sytak die inval bron is. Omdat die Sand sytak buite die Kruger Nasionale Park ontstaan, en slegs 'n klein gedeelte onder park bestuur is, is die implikasies vir verspreiding belangrik. / Financial support from the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology and the Working for Water (WfW) Programme through their collaborative project on “Research for Integrated Management of Invasive Alien Species” and Stellenbosch University’s Subcommittee B Young Researcher's Fund

Impact des métaux lourds sur les interactions plante/ ver de terre/ microflore tellurique

Huynh, Thi My Dung 22 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce travail était d'étudier les interactions entre une plante « phytoremédiatrice », Lantana camara (Verbenaceae), le ver de terre, Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae) et les microorganismes telluriques d'un sol pollué au plomb. Dans un premier temps, il apparaît que dans les sols contaminés, la présence de ver conduit à un accroissement de la biomasse des parties aériennes et racinaires des plantes ainsi qu'à une augmentation de l'absorption de plomb. La caractérisation physico-chimique des agrégats racinaires a montré que l'activité des vers augmente le taux de matière organique, la capacité d'échange cationique ainsi que l'azote total, le potassium total et disponible. De plus, la présence des vers augmente certaines activités enzymatiques de la rhizosphère. La croissance accrue de L. camara pourrait résulter de ces différentes actions. L'action des vers de terre sur les plantes se ferait via les communautés microbiennes telluriques. Ainsi, la biomasse des microorganismes, bactéries et champignons, des agrégats racinaires augmente en présence de vers. La PCR-DGGE n'a pas permis de mettre en évidence de modifications de la structure taxonomique des communautés bactériennes sous l'influence du Pb et/ou du vers, par contre l'analyse des profils physiologiques par plaques Biolog montre clairement une diversification fonctionnelle bactérienne. Les communautés fongiques voient, elles, leur diversité taxonomique, augmenter sous l'action des vers. La restructuration des populations microbiennes, en présence de vers, des agrégats racinaires élaborés par les plantes en milieu pollué au plomb est l'élément déterminant pour la compréhension de l'impact de P. corethrurus sur la croissance et la phytoremédiation de L. camara. L'association de ces deux organismes aurait donc un potentiel considérable pour le traitement de sites industriels pollués au plomb

Shipping and nitrogen toning effects on postharvest shelf life of vegetative annuals

Beach, Shannon Elizabeth 30 October 2006 (has links)
Vegetative annuals are currently popular in the ornamental horticulture industry. Many crops are newly domesticated species and little is known about how they perform during shipping or in the retail environment. Nine species and 21 cultivars were grown and underwent simulated shipping after harvest or nitrogen toning two weeks before harvest. Shipping was not found to affect the number of flowers on all but two cultivars post ship. Nitrogen toning affected vegetative growth of most Bracteantha bracteata (bracteantha) cultivars at harvest. All species had an effect due to toning postharvest. Bractenatha and Diascia ×hybrida (diascia) were chosen for further study due to their performance during these experiments. The effect of thidiazuron (TDZ) as a foliar spray and nitrogen toning on leaf yellowing and plant growth of bracteantha were evaluated. The two treatments were then combined to see how the two treatments worked together. It was found TDZ decreased leaf yellowing but its effects can be negated if the plants were not toned. Nitrogen toning reduced vegetative growth of the bracteantha without affecting the number of flowers on the plants. Diascia was found to have flower abscission in response to shipping. Further trials were conducted using 1- methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) an ethylene inhibitor. The effects of shipping duration and temperature were investigated. 1-MCP was found to hold flowers on treated plants longer postharvest than those not treated. Plants shipped for one day had no differences from the control but shipping for two days had a negative effect on plant quality. Postharvest shelf life was decreased when diascia was shipped at 24 °C when compared to cooler shipping temperatures. These results indicate shipping for no longer than one day and at less than 24 °C is recommended for diascia.

Establishment and impact of the sap-sucking mirid, Falconia intermedia (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae) on Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) varieties in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

Heshula, Unathi-Nkosi Lelethu Peter January 2005 (has links)
The biological control of the weedy complex Lantana camara (L.) (Verbenaceae) has been ongoing in South Africa for over 40 years. Despite this, the weed is still not under sufficient control and continues to invade new territories in the country. The biological control programme needs to be bolstered with releases of new and potentially damaging biological control agents. A promising biological control agent endemic to Central America, Falconia intermedia (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae), was imported into quarantine from Jamaica in 1994. This agent was released on sites in KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces of South Africa in 1999. Even though it initially established and damaged L. camara, populations died out at most of the release sites. As varietal difference and adverse climate have been cited as the reason for non-establishment and ineffective control in L. camara biocontrol programmes worldwide, this study attempts to investigate the role that these two factors play in this weed herbivore relationship. Laboratory no-choice trials were conducted to determine the varietal performance of F intermedia, among five Eastern Cape varieties of the weed from East London, Whitney Farm, Heather Glen Farm, Port Alfred and Lyndhurst Farm, and a variety from the Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI), Pretoria. However, there were differences in performance as the adult mirids performed better on white-pink varieties from Whitney Farm and Heather Glen Farm. To test varietal preference in field conditions, field releases of F intermedia were also made at East London, Whitney Farm, Heather Glen Farm, Port Alfred and Lyndhurst Farm. Post release evaluations were conducted monthly for two years (2002 and 2003). The insect established at East London and Whitney Farm, both of which have white-pink varieties. Insect populations quickly died out at the Lyndhurst Farm and Port Alfred sites, which have dark pink varieties. It is suggested that field conditions may have resulted in poor plant quality and led indirectly to varietal preference, and to non-establishment at these two sites. With the onset of cooler weather, populations disappeared at Heather Glen Farm. This suggested that F. intermedia was suitable for release in more subtropical areas within South Africa where climatic conditions would be suitable throughout the year. The mirid performed well at Whitney Farm, resulting in significant reduction in plant growth parameters such as height and percentage cover, and increasing the cover of other flora growing beneath L. camara plants. Finally, ways to improve the efficacy of this agent are considered in an effort towards better control of L. camara in South Africa.

Laboratory and field host utilization by established biological control agents of Lantana camara L. in South Africa

Heystek, Fritz January 2006 (has links)
Varieties of Lantana camara (lantana) have been introduced into many countries of the world as ornamental plants and have become invasive weeds in many countries including South Africa. In South Africa, it mostly invades the sub-tropical eastern and northern range. Mechanical and chemical control options are expensive and ineffective. A biocontrol programme was initiated in South Africa in 1961. To date, 22 insect species, and a fungus have been introduced, of these 10, and the fungus have established. Three indigenous lepidopteran species and an exotic generalist pest mealybug are also associated with the weed. The variable success of some of the agents released on L. camara worldwide has been ascribed to a few factors. One important aspect is the large range of varieties encountered in the field. It is therefore essential to be able to predict the possible establishment and impact of agents on many varieties. Laboratory trials on five of the established agents showed clear varietal preferences. In the field, most of the biocontrol agents had limited geographic ranges, linked to altitudinal conditions, as higher populations were recorded at low lying warm summer rainfall areas. A pink and orange flower corolla lobe and throat colour combination and plants with few to medium leaf hairs were most abundant in South Africa. Most of the agent species had individual preferences towards different flower colour combinations, as the agents built up different population levels on varieties in the field, within the suitable geographic region for the insect species. Eight agents preferred smooth leaved varieties, while three preferred hairy leaves, and three had no specific preference to leaf hairiness. Varietal preferences thus did play a significant role in agent populations and accompanied impact achieved in the field. New candidate agents need to be proven specific under quarantine conditions and the results extrapolated to predict specificity in the field, while avoiding potential non-target effects. Many authors have questioned the validity of laboratory host specificity trials. The conventional wisdom is that insects portray a far wider host range in the laboratory than what they would do in the field. In other words, laboratory studies measure the physiological host range of an agent and are conservative and usually don’t reflect the ecological host range of agents in the field. To avoid unnecessary rejections of biocontrol agents, this study has made a retrospective study of the host specificity of agents established in the field. Their laboratory and field host ranges were compared and it was found that virtually all the agents reflect similar or less non-target effects in the field than predicted during multiple choice trials. Of the 14 agents, only one introduced species, Teleonemia scrupulosa, and the indigenous species, Hypena laceratalis and Aristea onychote were able to sustain populations on non-target species in the field in the absence of L. camara. Insect populations on non-target species were much reduced compared to that on L. camara. Furthermore non-target effects were only recorded on plant species closely related to the target weed. The multiple choice trials therefore predict field non-target effects accurately. Predictions of non-target effects of candidate agents can therefore be accurately predicted by laboratory studies, in terms of species likely to be affected and to what extent. One field that need further study though is the impact of non-target effects, especially on Lippia species by L. camara biocontrol agents.

Induced plant responses of different Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) varieties to herbivory by Falconia intermedia (distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae)

Heshula, Unathi-Nkosi Lelethu Peter January 2010 (has links)
A highly variable invasive shrub, Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae), has been notoriously difficult to control thus far despite a well established biological control programme in South Africa. A promising leaf-feeding biological control agent, Falconia intermedia (Distant) (Hemiptera: Miridae), released to control this invasive plant eventually crashed at three out of five sites in the Eastern Cape Province. In the Mpumalanga Province, after initially colonising and building up high numbers on the L. camara stands the agent populations crashed. Several reasons for these population crashes have been suggested, but induced plant defences have not been investigated. Although plants face the challenge of herbivory by various organisms while remaining immobile, some plants may possess the ability to induce physical and/or chemical defensive responses following feeding and thus prevent further plant tissue damage and loss. Laboratory trials were conducted to determine the existence, nature and effect of physical and chemical feeding-induced responses of L. camara on the performance of the leaf-feeding biological control agent, F. intermedia. Lantana camara plants used in the study were obtained from five localities in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, while the insect culture was established from field populations. Plants from all varieties on which F. intermedia was released significantly increased the toughness of their leaves compared to control treatment plants. In addition, plants from three localities: Lyndhurst Farm, East London and Port Alfred, significantly increased trichome density after prolonged feeding by F. intermedia. On the three varieties showing increases in these two factors (i.e. leaf toughness and trichome density), oviposition, survival and feeding damage by the mirid agent was significantly lower on previously damaged plants. A significant negative correlation between trichome density and population numbers was found (R²= 0.52, p < 0.0003), suggesting that an increase in trichome density strongly contributes to a reduction in F. intermedia's growth. The growth and reproduction of the resistant plants was not significantly impacted by F. intermedia feeding. The defensive responses were found to be plant systemic and rapidly induced as they were elicited and expressed throughout the plant in both damaged and undamaged leaves within five weeks after insect release. Leaf toughness and trichome density were not significantly increased after feeding on plants from Whitney Farm and Heather Glen Farm. On the contrary, mirid individuals performed significantly better on plants from Whitney Farm and Heather Glen Farm than on plants of other varieties, indicating their susceptibility and suitability to the agent and the lack of induced resistance against the agent. Plants from all localities besides East London showed some level of tolerance and overcompensated for feeding damage by increasing plant growth and reproductive factors on plants fed upon. This was however only significant in two variables of the more susceptible localities, Whitney Farm and Heather Glen Farm. This increase in plant fitness did however indicate an induced defence response by these plants to feeding, a response designed to lessen the effects of agent feeding. Headspace volatile analysis was used to investigate any volatile chemical responses by L. camara due to F. intermedia feeding at two of the five localities chosen: East London and Whitney Farm. There was no significant difference in headspace volatiles emitted by leaves of plants from the East London insect infested and control treatment plants. On the Whitney Farm damaged plants however there was a 2.5 fold increase in the emission intensity of one of the three main compounds, later identified as Beta-caryophyllene. Three major chemical constituents which were found to be common to leaf volatiles of the two varieties were identified through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) from the damaged and undamaged leaves of these two varieties. The methods used in collecting leaf volatiles were shown to be significant in the strength of chromatogram peaks. Using general authentication methods and purified standards, one of these was identified as the sesquiterpene, Beta-caryophyllene (C₁₅H₂₄). This compound is one of the major constituents found in isolations of L. camara varieties worldwide. This is the first such work done on a variety of L. camara in South Africa, and hopefully the beginning of more in-depth studies of the volatile organic chemicals from the numerous naturalised varieties of L. camara. It is suggested that the sum of these responses may play a role bigger than is currently understood in this plant-insect relationship. It is also argued that feeding induced plant defences may play an important role in attempts to control alien plants using insect agents.

Caractérisation par CPG/IK, CPG/SM et RMN du carbone-13 d'huiles essentielles de Madagascar

CAVALLI, Jean-François 17 October 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Cette étude a pour objectif d'une part, de développer une méthode d'analyse des huiles essentielles basée sur la combinaison du couplage CPG/SM et de la RMN du carbone-13, avec ou sans fractionnement, en utilisant les données de la littérature, en reconstruisant les spectres de molécules absentes de nos bibliothèques et d'autre part, de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de l'huile essentielle de diverses plantes de Madagascar, endémiques ou introduites, en les caractérisant et en décrivant une éventuelle variabilité chimique. Ces analyses nous ont permis d'identifier efficacement des composés délicats à analyser par les techniques conventionnelles (stéréoisomères, molécules thermosensibles). Nous avons également étudié six échantillons de Cedrelopsis grevei et réalisé un fractionnement poussé de l'un d'entre eux, ce qui nous a permis d'identifier de très nombreux sesquiterpènes. Enfin, nous avons montré la variabilité interspécifique des huiles essentielles du genre Helichrysum.

Effects of ant predation on the efficacy of biological control agents Hypena Laceratalis Walker (Lepidoptera : noctuirdae) ; Falconia intermedia Distant (Hemiptera : Miridae and Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae) on Lantana Camara (Verbenaceae) in South Africa

Tourle, Robyn January 2010 (has links)
Lantana camara L. (Verbenaceae) remains a highly invasive and ecologically damaging weed in South Africa, despite some 50 years of biological control efforts. Lack of success has been ascribed to varietal differences, climate and predation of agents but these have not been tested. In this study, the effects of ant predation were tested on populations of three biological control agents for L. camara. Colonies of two species, Crematogaster sp. 1 and 2 were investigated. Crematogaster sp. 1 colonies were offered no choice between immature stages of the agents Hypena laceratalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Falconia intermedia Distant (Hemiptera: Miridae) or Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål (Hemiptera: Tingidae) on lantana shoots. Density-dependent predation on F. intermedia and T. scrupulosa nymphs on lantana shoots was tested using Crematogaster sp. 2 colonies. In choice experiments Crematogaster sp. 2 colonies were offered F. intermedia or T. scrupulosa nymphs on potted lantana plants. Preliminary food trials confirmed that colonies foraged for protein, thereby validating results of no-choice experiments. Crematogaster sp.1 foragers removed 50% of F. intermedia nymphs, followed by 45% of H. laceratalis larvae and only 9% of T. scrupulosa nymphs. Foragers recruited most actively to H. laceratalis larvae and significantly more H. laceratalis biomass was removed than either F. intermedia or T. scrupulosa. A trade-off existed in prey size selection because larger larvae provided considerably more biomass but required forager cooperation and a longer time to subdue than did smaller prey. This increases both forager energy expense and mortality risk by other predators. This study showed that all Crematogaster sp. 1 colonies removed small (≤10mm) H. laceratalis larvae more frequently than larvae larger than 10mm. Thus, of these biological control agents, predators probably prefer small H. laceratalis larvae. Significantly more F. intermedia than T. scrupulosa nymphs were removed by Crematogaster sp. 1, while Crematogaster sp. 2 colonies removed comparable numbers of both agent species. Falconia intermedia nymphs' fast movement triggered a predatory response by these ant species. In contrast, the relatively immobile behaviour of T. scrupulosa nymphs was identified as a highly effective predator avoidance strategy. Since T. scrupulosa nymphs are unable to escape predators by moving, they appear to depend on the presence of alternative prey attracting predator attention. At high agent and/or forager density, T. scrupulosa nymphs attempted escape, but foragers identified them as prey once they moved and caught them. Predation on F. intermedia was also density dependent in that at high nymph and/or forager densities, escape routes were congested and nymphs were more easily caught. Survival of F. intermedia and T. scrupulosa nymphs in particular was low on ant-accessed shrubs in choice experiments and high on ant-excluded shrubs. It is likely that ants significantly depress F. intermedia populations in the field since besides predation, ant foragers probably interrupt F. intermedia feeding and ovipositioning. The combination of parasitism and predation on early instar larvae may explain why H. laceratalis occurs across lantana's range in South Africa but populations remain low. It is unlikely that T. scrupulosa nymphs are habitually preyed on by ant species unless they attract attention by being mobile. Although biological control of L. camara is influenced by climate and physiological defence mechanisms, this study has shown that predation by two ant species severely impacts leaf-feeding agents for L. camara. Thus, it is recommended that future selection of additional agents to control lantana should exclude leaf-feeding .

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