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The Final Phase of Tropical Lowland Conditions in the Axial Zone of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Evidence From Three Palynological RecordsOchoa, D., Hoorn, C., Jaramillo, C., Bayona, G., Parra, M., De la Parra, F. 01 November 2012 (has links)
Deformation of the Eastern Cordillera, as a double-verging thrust belt that separates the Magdalena Valley from the Llanos Basin, is a defining moment in the history of the northern Andes in South America. Here we examine the age and depositional setting of the youngest stratigraphic unit in three sectors of the Eastern Cordillera: (i) the Santa Teresa Formation (western flank), (ii) the Usme Formation (southern central axis), and (iii) the Concentración Formation (northeastern central axis). These units were deposited prior to the main Neogene deformation events. They represent the last preserved record of lowland conditions in the Eastern Cordillera, and they are coeval with a thick syn-orogenic deposition reported in the Llanos Basin and Magdalena Valley. Based on palynological data, we conclude that the upper Usme Formation was deposited during the Bartonian-earliest Rupelian? (Late Eocene-earliest Oligocene?); the Concentración Formation was deposited during the Late Lutetian-Early Rupelian (Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene), and the upper Santa Teresa Formation was accumulated during the Burdigalian (Early Miocene). These ages, together with considerations on maximum post-depositional burial, provide important time differences for the age of initial uplift and exhumation along the axial zone and western foothills of the Eastern Cordillera. The switch from sediment accumulation to erosion in the southern axial zone of the Eastern Cordillera occurred during the Rupelian-Early Chattian (Oligocene, ca 30 to ca 26 Ma), and in the northeastern axial zone occurred prior to the latest Chattian-Aquitanian (latest Oligocene-Early Miocene ca 23 Ma). In contrast, in the western flank, the switch occurred during the Tortonian (Late Miocene, ca 10 Ma). In addition, we detected a marine transgression affecting the Usme and Concentración formations during the Late Eocene; coeval marine transgression has been also documented in the Central Llanos Foothills and Llanos Basin, as evidenced by the similarity in floras, but not in the western foothills. Our dataset supports previous sedimentological, geochemical and thermochronological works, which indicated that (i) deformation in the Eastern Cordillera was a diachronous process, (ii) the sedimentation along the axial zone stopped first in the south and then in the north during the Oligocene, (iii) depositional systems of the axial zone and central Llanos Foothills kept partly connected at least until the Late Eocene, and (iv) Miocene strata were only recorded in adjacent foothills as well as the Magdalena and Llanos basins.
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Late Eocene through Oligocene calcareous nannofossils from the paleo-equatorial Pacific Ocean – taxonomy, preservation history, biochronology and evolutionBlaj, Teodora January 2009 (has links)
This study aims to unravel the ecological and evolutionary dynamics within the calcareous nannofossil communities at the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) transition and during the Oligocene time when Cenozoic 'icehouse' conditions were established. The main question this study aims to answer is whether the changes in the nannofossil assemblages were controlled by intrinsic evolutionary trends or if the changes were controlled by environmental factors such as changes in temperature and nutrient availability in the surface water. These questions are addressed with detailed analyses of the taxonomy, biostratigraphy and fluctuations in abundance and diversity of calcareous nannofossil assemblages from a continuous latest Eocene through Oligocene sediment section from the ODP Site 1218 (8°53.38´N, 135°22.00´W), paleo-equatorial Pacific Ocean. An improved nannofossil taxonomy and biostratigraphy has been established. At the E/O transition, changes in the nannofossil preservation mimics changes in calcium carbonate content. A detailed investigation of late Eocene and Oligocene sediments yields age estimates for ten nannofossil bioevents. Morphometric studies of the Reticulofenestra umbilicus-R. hillae show that these cannot be subdivided into two different morphospecies. Based on different morphometry and stratigraphic ranges, the Oligocene Sphenolithus lineage appears to be the result of a combined anagenetic and cladogenetic evolution. A new nannolith species is described: Triquetrorhabdulus longus. High-resolution nannofossil data indicate changes in the composition, abundance and diversity of the mid-Oligocene assemblages. Intervals of high diversity index coincide with Oi-glaciation events. However, visual examination of the variations in abundance of nannofossil taxa do not appear to correlate with changes in either oxygen or carbon isotopes. This presumably indicates that a dynamic equilibrium did not exist between these Oligocene nannoplankton assemblages and changes in surface water temperature or productivity conditions. / Doctoral Thesis in Marine Geoscience at Stockholm University, Sweden 2009
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Sedimentological and ichnological characteristics of Dur At Tallah siliciclastic rock sequence, and their significance in the depositional environment interpretation of tidal-fluvial system (Upper Eocene, Sirt Basin, Libya)Abouessa, Ashour 19 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dur At Talah sedimentary sequence, located at the southern side of the Sirt Basin in central Libya, is composed of 150 m thick of mainly siliciclastic rocks. The importance of this sequence is linked to the importance of the Sirt Basin as one of large hydrocarbon reservoirs in Libya. The sequence is also an excellent site for vertebrate fossils of Late Eocene, the age of the sequence. Previous studies, though very limited compared to the importance of this area, are focused on its paleontological content. Sedimentology received only scant attention before this project. This thesis is an outcrop based study in which the focus is given to the sedimentary and biogenic (trace fossils) structures, aiming at defining and interpreting depositional facies which building up the sequence. The study is mainly based on field data which are analyzed on the light of related published literature and on the comparison with modern sedimentary environments. Results of facies analysis have led to splitting the entire sequence into three genetically related intervals. The oldest, we called the New Idam Unit (around 80m), is composed of very fine sandstones to mudstones. New Idam Unit is unconformably overlain by the Sarir Unit (around 50m), composed of medium grained cross bedded sandstones (the lower 25-30 m) changes up to very coarse and microconglomeratic sandstone (the upper 20-30 m). Thus, the Sarir Unit is split into the lower Sarir Subunit and upper Sarir subunit. The New Idam Unit presents both classical and unusual sedimentary and biogenic indicators that attribute this unit to estuarine depositional environment. It starts with outer estuarine (the lower 35 m) and ends up with inner estuarine (the upper 45 m). Maximum flooding surface is located in between. Above this surface the fluvial indicators increase and tidal indicators decrease, thus providing clue for basinward (North) migration of the shoreline. The lower Sarir subunit which was previously interpreted as fluvial deposits, preserves multi-scale sedimentary structures that undoubtedly belong to tidal processes. This is especially evidenced at the lower part of the lower Sarir Subunit (LLS). Fluvial indications over dominates the tidal ones in the upper part of the lower Sarir (ULS). Due to this configuration the whole lower Sarir subunit is interpreted as shallow marine, deltaic, depositional system, occurred during sea level ¨normal¨ regression. This time, maximum flooding surface is located between the LLS and ULS. The lower Sarir subunit is terminated by subaerial unconformity, with evidences of subaerial exposure preserved at the top of the ULS. These are intruded by the upper Sarir subunit which presents clear evidences of strictly fluvial environment of deposition. The deposits of the upper Sarir subunit record the low stand system tract part of the Dur At Talah sequence. In addition to the outlined results, the sequential pattern of the depositional events is suggested for the entire sequence of Dur At Talah. This study provides a valuable information regarding the depositional and sequential aspects of the Sirt Basin during the late Eocene, it also provide an unique case study for the better understanding of the shallow marine tidal deposits.
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Sedimentological and ichnological characteristics of Dur At Tallah siliciclastic rock sequence, and their significance in the depositional environment interpretation of tidal-fluvial system (Upper Eocene, Sirt Basin, Libya) / Caractéristiques sédimentologiques et ichnologiques de la séquence silicoclastique du Dur At Talah : importance dans l'interprétation des séries tidales et fluviatiles (Eocène supérieur, le bassin de Syrte, Libye)Abouessa, Ashour 19 December 2013 (has links)
La séquence sédimentaire du Dur At-Talah, située dans la partie sud du bassin de Syrte au centre de la Libye, est composée de 150 m d'épaisseur de roches principalement siliciclastiques (grès, siltites et argiles). L'importance de cette séquence est liée en partie à l'importance du bassin de Sirt qui est un des plus grands réservoirs d'hydrocarbures de Libye. La séquence est également un des plus important site de fossiles de vertébrés de l’Eocène supérieur, l'âge de la séquence. Les études antérieures, bien que très limitées par rapport à l'importance de cette zone, se sont concentrées principalement sur le contenu paléontologique de la séquence. L’étude sédimentologique n’avait été jusqu’à ce jour que très peu abordée. Cette thèse est un travail basé sur l’examen des affleurements et où l'accent est mis sur les structures sédimentaires et biogéniques (traces fossiles), visant à définir et à interpréter les faciès sédimentaires qui ont construit la séquence du Dur At Talah. L’ étude de la séquence a conduit à diviser la totalité de l’affleurement en trois intervalles génétiquement liés. Le plus ancien que nous avons appelé la « New Idam Unit » (environ 80 m d’épaisseur), est composé de grès très fins, de siltites et d’argiles. Cette unité (New Idam Unit) est recouverte en discordance par la « Sarir Unit » (environ 50 m d’épaisseur), composée de grès fins à moyens à faisceaux de litages entrecroisées dans sa partie inférieure (environ 25-30 m d’épaisseur) et de grès grossiers à microconglomératiques dans sa partie supérieure (environ 20-30 m d’épaisseur). La « Sarir Unit » est ainsi divisée en « Sarir inférieur » et « Sarir supérieur ». La « New Idam Unit » présente des dépôts qui sont attribués à un milieu main estuarien. La série débute par des dépôts d’environ 35 m d’épaisseur typiques d’un estuaire externe. Les 45 mètres qui lui font suite passent progressivement à des dépôts tidaux caractéristiques d’un estuaire interne. La Surface d'inondation maximale se situe entre les deux intervalles. Au-dessus de cette surface les indicateurs fluviaux augmentent et les indicateurs de marées diminuent progressivement, offrant ainsi un indice pour la migration de la rive de rivage vers le bassin (vers le Nord). La sous-unité du Sarir inférieur qui avait été interprétée avant ce travail comme dépôts fluviatiles, préserve pourtant des structures sédimentaires multi-échelles qui sont le résultat incontestable de processus de marée. Ceci est particulièrement évident dans la partie inférieure de l’unité « Sarir inférieur » (la Lower Lower Sarir Unit ; LLS). Dans la partie supérieure de l’unité Sarir inférieur (Upper Lower Sarir; ULS), les indicateurs de dynamique fluviale dominent largement sur ceux de la marée. Le Sarir inférieur est donc interprété comme un système deltaique mis en place lors d’une régression normale. Cette fois-ci, la surface maximale d'inondation se situe entre le LLS et ULS. Le « Upper Lower Sarir » (ULS) se terminée par une discordance subaérienne, avec de nombreuses traces d’émersion conservées au sommet de l'ULS. Celles-ci sont recoupées par le « Upper Sarir » qui montre des marqueurs fiables d'environnement de dépôt strictement fluvials. Les dépôts du « Upper Sarir » enregistre la séquence de bas niveau marin. Cette étude fournit des informations précieuses concernant le dépôt des séquences dans le bassin de Syrte au cours de la fin de l'Éocène. Elle fournit également une étude originale sur la dynamique tidale dans des milieux marins margino-littoraux. / Dur At Talah sedimentary sequence, located at the southern side of the Sirt Basin in central Libya, is composed of 150 m thick of mainly siliciclastic rocks. The importance of this sequence is linked to the importance of the Sirt Basin as one of large hydrocarbon reservoirs in Libya. The sequence is also an excellent site for vertebrate fossils of Late Eocene, the age of the sequence. Previous studies, though very limited compared to the importance of this area, are focused on its paleontological content. Sedimentology received only scant attention before this project. This thesis is an outcrop based study in which the focus is given to the sedimentary and biogenic (trace fossils) structures, aiming at defining and interpreting depositional facies which building up the sequence. The study is mainly based on field data which are analyzed on the light of related published literature and on the comparison with modern sedimentary environments. Results of facies analysis have led to splitting the entire sequence into three genetically related intervals. The oldest, we called the New Idam Unit (around 80m), is composed of very fine sandstones to mudstones. New Idam Unit is unconformably overlain by the Sarir Unit (around 50m), composed of medium grained cross bedded sandstones (the lower 25-30 m) changes up to very coarse and microconglomeratic sandstone (the upper 20-30 m). Thus, the Sarir Unit is split into the lower Sarir Subunit and upper Sarir subunit. The New Idam Unit presents both classical and unusual sedimentary and biogenic indicators that attribute this unit to estuarine depositional environment. It starts with outer estuarine (the lower 35 m) and ends up with inner estuarine (the upper 45 m). Maximum flooding surface is located in between. Above this surface the fluvial indicators increase and tidal indicators decrease, thus providing clue for basinward (North) migration of the shoreline. The lower Sarir subunit which was previously interpreted as fluvial deposits, preserves multi-scale sedimentary structures that undoubtedly belong to tidal processes. This is especially evidenced at the lower part of the lower Sarir Subunit (LLS). Fluvial indications over dominates the tidal ones in the upper part of the lower Sarir (ULS). Due to this configuration the whole lower Sarir subunit is interpreted as shallow marine, deltaic, depositional system, occurred during sea level ¨normal¨ regression. This time, maximum flooding surface is located between the LLS and ULS. The lower Sarir subunit is terminated by subaerial unconformity, with evidences of subaerial exposure preserved at the top of the ULS. These are intruded by the upper Sarir subunit which presents clear evidences of strictly fluvial environment of deposition. The deposits of the upper Sarir subunit record the low stand system tract part of the Dur At Talah sequence. In addition to the outlined results, the sequential pattern of the depositional events is suggested for the entire sequence of Dur At Talah. This study provides a valuable information regarding the depositional and sequential aspects of the Sirt Basin during the late Eocene, it also provide an unique case study for the better understanding of the shallow marine tidal deposits.
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