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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Latino Culture: A Proposed Culturally-Responsive Intervention Program for LatinasWelsh, Rochelle N 01 January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to investigate the factors that increase risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Latinos. Although the overall rates of psychiatric disorders in the Latino community are similar to Caucasian Americans, the risk for PTSD among Latinos is higher. This thesis discusses the general components of trauma and stress, as well as the prevalence of PTSD in various Latino subgroups. This thesis also covers a number of cultural-specific values, stressors, and help-seeking attitudes that increase the risk of PTSD among Latinos. Moreover, a culturally-responsive intervention program treating PTSD among Latinas who are victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) is proposed.
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Educational Future Orientation of Middle School Latino StudentsRomero, Alonso 17 May 2013 (has links)
The lack of educational attainment among Latino youth, as evidenced by high school dropout rates, is a growing and costly problem that affects not only Latinos but society as a whole. Using a sample of 139 middle school Latino students, primarily of Mexican descendant, the current study used cluster analysis to identify a typology of students based on their educational aspirations, expectations, and perceived academic competence. Three distinct profiles emerged: a college-bound-congruent group with college aspirations and similar college expectations, and high academic confidence; a college-bound-incongruent group with college aspirations but vocational expectations, and medium academic confidence; and a vocational-bound congruent group with vocational or technical school aspirations and similar expectations, and low academic confidence. Students’ relationship with teachers was a factor that helped differentiate students across the different profiles. Relationships with parents and peers were not. Students’ gender, immigration status, and ethnic identity did not contribute to the differences in profiles. The findings suggest that future educational profiles of middle school Latino students are an important component of a comprehensive “early warning system” that could help identify students who may be at risk of dropping out school.
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Latino Acculturation and Parent-Teen Sex CommunicationSchwarz, Kelsey 15 November 2012 (has links)
A greater understanding of how level of acculturation influences parent-teen sex communication is needed to implement effective teen pregnancy prevention and safer sex education. My research sought to examine how levels of acculturation into mainstream U.S. culture influence parent-teen sex communication among Latinos. I examined level of acculturation (via language preference and nativity) and gender of adolescents in relation to discussion of sex and specific sex topics with parents. More acculturated Latinos were more likely to discuss sex, STIs, saying no to sex, and condoms with their parents than those less acculturated Latinos. Greater acculturation was also associated with greater quantity of sex topics discussed with parents when compared to Latinos that preferred Spanish. Less acculturated Latinos in the sample were more likely to have never discussed sex with their parents compared to more acculturated Latinos. Latino participant’s gender was not a statistically significant predictor of parent-teen communication.
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Adaptation of a Leadership Training Program for LatinasMacias, Rosemarie L 26 April 2013 (has links)
Involving community participants in the adaptation of culturally-specific programs has the potential to greatly enhance program fit, particularly for socio-politically distinct implementation sites. Findings from a case study of a leadership-training program for Latina survivors of domestic violence in Atlanta, GA support a participant-centered approach to program adaptation and evaluation. A summary of the adaptation process and themes from a qualitative analysis of structured interviews with program facilitators are presented. Implications for the leadership program and future research in the area of program adaptation are discussed.
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A case study of the perceptions of current and former school board members of a recently annexed, rural, impoverished, South Texas, Latino school district in a high stakes accountability systemRodriguez, Claudia G. 15 May 2009 (has links)
This research study was a qualitative study involving eight current or former
school board members of a recently annexed, rural, impoverished, Latino school
district in South Texas. The purpose of this intrinsic case study was to highlight the
plight of rural education, specifically the plight of a poor school district by examining
the perceptions of the school board members. This study was organized around the
following sensitizing concerns (Blumer, 1969; Patton, 2002; Schwandt, 2001): What
were the school board members’ perceptions about the school district prior to the
annexation? What were the school board members’ perceptions of the factors that
contributed to the annexation? What were the school board members’ perceptions of
the effect of the annexation on the community?
The method of inquiry was conversational information interviews (Patton, 2002),
two unstructured interviews with each school board member, going where the
interviews took me (Fontana & Frey, 2005). The themes revealed in the research
included (1) power dynamics, with three sub-themes, (a) trusting those in power, (b) deferring to those in power, and (c) becoming those in power; (2) denial of the
obvious, and (3) unspoken paternalism—the Anglo patron system.
This study offers implications for policy, practice, and additional research in the
areas of rural communities and rural school districts, but most importantly, it provides
evidence that rural colonias located along the U.S.-Mexico border have unique
educational needs. Rural school districts located along this border need strong school
leaders with “a critical leadership of place that support community as a context for
learning, understand that schools and their local communities are inextricably linked
and that the ability of each to thrive is dependent upon the other” (Budge, 2006, p.8).
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An exploratory study of the perceptions and experiences of u.s.-born latino parents in a high-poverty urban school district in relation to their role in the education of their childrenReyna, Sylvia Ramirez 15 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative interpretive research study was to explore the
perceptions and experiences of seven second- and third-generation U.S.-born Latino
parents in a high-poverty urban school district in Texas regarding their role in their
children’s schooling. Specifically, this study was organized to understand what the
selected Latino parents perceived as parent involvement, what expectations they had
of the school and, conversely, what expectations the school personnel had of them,
and finally, what perceptions the parents held about their role in school-parent
Though parent involvement is considered to be one of the most important factors
in a child’s success in school, this study also explored the perceived chasm in the
alignment between the school and the home of the U.S.-born Latino family. The
interpretative approach and dialogical exchange, through a semi-structured interview process, provided the opportunity to add the voices of second- and third-generation
U.S.–born Latino parents to the current discourse about parent involvement.
All of the participants met a general description as a second- or third-generation
U.S.-born Latino, whose primary language is English, whose children have been
involved in the identified school system for at least five years and were academically
successful, and who the school considered to be uninvolved in the schooling process.
The data analysis process involved a methodical process of breaking down the
information presented in in-depth interview transcripts, observation, field notes,
documents, and participant and researcher texts. By using a focused coding technique,
patterns or concepts that best represented the participants’ voices surfaced. The codes
were reviewed and categories or themes were then developed.
The parents’ voices also provided information suggesting that the perceived lack
of participation in the sanctioned school activities by some U.S.–born Latino parents
stems from an apparent failure on the part of school personnel to recognize the
cultural capital and richness of the culturally diverse household. Specifically, through
the theoretical framework of funds of knowledge, the stories of the seven second- and
third-generation U.S.-born Latinos noted that Latino families have assets that
contribute to the academic success of their children, yet they are often dismissed by
school personnel.
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Diversity Distress: The Experiences of Students of Color in Higher EducationPratt, Beverly M. 2009 December 1900 (has links)
In this study, I specify the reasons why racial minority undergraduate students choose to pursue higher education studies at historically White colleges/universities, despite the schools' potential for diversity controversies. Rather than looking at why students do not attend historically White institutions, I investigate what characteristics of both the educational institutions and the students contribute to students' decisions to stay at historically White institutions despite perceived hostile environments. I also examine students' experiences at historically White institutions, including attitudes toward diversity and any discrimination that they may experience. In doing so, this study adds a fresh yet central perspective to the complex issue of diversity: the opinions of students of color themselves. Doing so may lead to more positive answers and propositions for what administrations can do to increase the percentage of racial minority students.
The study is a mixed-methods approach, including 17 semi-structured interviews with Latina/o students and a sample of 287 students who self-identify as racial minorities, including Latina/os, African Americans, and Asian Americans, at a historically White southern university.
From these mixed-method results, the following themes were found: 1) The size of a hometown has a statistically significant effect on how often discrimination is experienced, 2) Self-identifying as Black has a statistically significant effect on how often discrimination is experienced, 3) Latina/o students choose to attend SCU because of university affordability, proximity to their home towns, and the university's academic reputation, 4) Latina/o students experience racial oppression at SCU because of the lack of campus diversity, direct racist acts toward themselves and friends, and they consider transferring to more diverse educational institutions, and 5) Latina/o students remain at SCU because they want to make a difference at the university for themselves and others, certain characteristics of the university are appealing, and because of professorial mentors.
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A case study of the perceptions of current and former school board members of a recently annexed, rural, impoverished, South Texas, Latino school district in a high stakes accountability systemRodriguez, Claudia G. 10 October 2008 (has links)
This research study was a qualitative study involving eight current or former
school board members of a recently annexed, rural, impoverished, Latino school
district in South Texas. The purpose of this intrinsic case study was to highlight the
plight of rural education, specifically the plight of a poor school district by examining
the perceptions of the school board members. This study was organized around the
following sensitizing concerns (Blumer, 1969; Patton, 2002; Schwandt, 2001): What
were the school board members' perceptions about the school district prior to the
annexation? What were the school board members' perceptions of the factors that
contributed to the annexation? What were the school board members' perceptions of
the effect of the annexation on the community?
The method of inquiry was conversational information interviews (Patton, 2002),
two unstructured interviews with each school board member, going where the
interviews took me (Fontana & Frey, 2005). The themes revealed in the research
included (1) power dynamics, with three sub-themes, (a) trusting those in power, (b) deferring to those in power, and (c) becoming those in power; (2) denial of the
obvious, and (3) unspoken paternalism-the Anglo patron system.
This study offers implications for policy, practice, and additional research in the
areas of rural communities and rural school districts, but most importantly, it provides
evidence that rural colonias located along the U.S.-Mexico border have unique
educational needs. Rural school districts located along this border need strong school
leaders with "a critical leadership of place that support community as a context for
learning, understand that schools and their local communities are inextricably linked
and that the ability of each to thrive is dependent upon the other" (Budge, 2006, p.8).
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Spanish-speaking patients’ satisfaction with clinical pharmacists’ communication skills and demonstration of cultural sensitivityKim-Romo, Dawn Nicole 02 August 2012 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to assess Spanish-speaking patients’ satisfaction with their clinical pharmacists’ communication skills and demonstration of cultural sensitivity and to determine their association with Spanish-speaking patients’ socio-demographic, clinical, and communication factors, as well as pharmacists’ Spanish proficiency, cultural rapport, knowledge of complementary and alternative medicines, and race/ethnicity. A self-administered survey was designed to assess the study objectives, and a convenience sample of 93 adult (≥18 years) Spanish speakers with limited English proficiency was obtained from five CommUnityCare Health Centers in Austin, Texas. Satisfaction with communication skills and satisfaction with cultural sensitivity were measured as a 6-item construct and a 4-item construct, respectively, where Spanish-speaking patients rated their satisfaction using a 4-point Likert scale (1=extremely dissatisfied, 2=dissatisfied, 3=satisfied, 4=extremely satisfied). The participants’ mean age was 52.0±14.3 years, where respondents primarily were female (65.9%), utilized publicly-funded insurance (100%), received less than a high school education (86.9%), and reported a “fair” health status (64.8%). Spanish-speaking participants reported overall satisfaction with their clinical pharmacists’ communication skills (3.6±0.5) and demonstration of cultural sensitivity (3.6±0.5). Study participants also indicated items within the cultural rapport subscale were generally important characteristics to Spanish speakers (3.5±0.5). The cultural rapport subscale instructed participants to rate the importance of pharmacists’ specific characteristics (i.e., speaks Spanish, is Latino, provides written information in Spanish, is respectful, is kind, is friendly, and understandings the importance of family opinion in healthcare decisions) on a 4-point Likert scale, where 1=not at all important, 2=somewhat important, 3=important, 4=very important. Multiple linear regression analyses showed that cultural rapport was the only significant predictor of Spanish speakers’ satisfaction with their clinical pharmacists’ communication skills (p<0.01) and demonstration of cultural sensitivity (p<0.001). The results of this study may be instrumental in understanding the communication-related and cultural sensitivity-related needs of Spanish speakers in relation to pharmacists’ cultural rapport and may help initiate future initiatives and interventions involving pharmacists and Spanish-speaking patients with limited English proficiency. / text
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A political and critical study on the factors that affect Latino enrollment and engagement in advanced placement coursesMarks-Arias, Desirée Elyse 01 February 2013 (has links)
Advanced placement courses are designed to be innovative and rigorous and also encourage and promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Currently, most high schools across the United States offer advanced placement courses with the intent that students enrolled in such courses will be prepared for entering and completing college courses. While advanced placement courses are intended to promote enriched learning experiences for all students, the enrollment of Latino students in high school advanced placement courses is low as compared to other student groups excluding African American students (College Board, 2010). Despite reports, studies, and literature surrounding equity and access in the advanced placement program, research and literature is limited with respect to identifying factors that influence the enrollment in advanced placement courses in high schools from the perspective of Latino students.
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence Latino students in their decision to enroll and participate in advanced placement courses in high schools. Moreover, identifying factors that influence enrollment in advanced placement courses from the perspective of the Latino student was critical to analyzing current practice and informing future strategies for increasing enrollment in high school advanced placement courses.
This qualitative case study provided rich, descriptive data drawn from student experiences and perceptions from individual interviews that allowed for flexibility and opportunities for further exploration of topics or ideas that emerged from the research to best identify the factors that influence enrollment in advanced placement courses. / text
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