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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Evaluation of the Adequacy of Selected Formal Church Programs in Preparing Male Members to Enter the United States Air Force

Palmer, James R. 01 January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Church programs in preparing young Latter-day Saint servicemen to accept and live the gospel of Jesus Christ as determined from the opinions of servicemen and bishops. The teaching programs, counseling, continual Church activity, Church publications, and the preservice and inservice Church orientations were evaluated for their effectiveness in teaching the five objectives: Testimony building; commandment living; continual activity, missionary work, and patriotism. One hundred eighteen servicemen, who had completed basic training and were attending technical training schools, along with seventy-seven bishops provided the information used in this study. The findings indicated that in the opinion of these servicemen and bishops effective training was being provided servicemen in building testimonies, living the commandments, and continuing to be active in the Church. However, missionary work and patriotism were ineffectively taught.

The School of the Prophets: Its Development and Influence in Utah Territory

Patrick, John R. 01 January 1970 (has links) (PDF)
Four separate and distinct Schools of the Prophets were organized by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Joseph Smith Jr. organized the first school in the spring of 1833, and it functioned periodically until 1837. Brigham Young organized the second school in December 1867, as a part of the University of the State of Deseret. It functioned until August of 1872 when Brigham Young disbanded it because members failed to adhere to its rules. Three months later he reorganized on a limited basis a third school in Salt Lake City. This school existed until the summer of 1874 when it became incorporated into the Salt Lake City United Order. President John Taylor organized the fourth and final school in the waning months of 1883. According to these church leaders, the authority for organizing such an institution was based upon Section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants. These schools participated actively in the educational, political, economic, military, social, and religious affairs of the Mormon Church and Utah Territory. Any understanding of Utah's development, particularly between 1867 and 1874, must be re-evaluated as to the influence these institutions exerted.

A Study of the Definition of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its Theological Implications in Latter-Day Saint Literature

Perry, David Earl 01 January 1969 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis attempts to treat four problems: What is the gospel, as defined in Latter-day Saint literature? Do ancient and modern sources agree? Has there been an historical development of the definitions? Can any disagreements be rationalized? The results of this research reveal that the gospel is complex in that it is capable of handling all the problems of eternity, yet it is simple in that it is a plan of specific principles which lead man step by step to perfection. The author determined that ancient and modern sources do agree in placing six "first principles" at the beginning of man's gospel knowledge, but they then add many advanced principles of the gospel to aid man in his climb to eternal life. In the broad sense of the term, the gospel does include all truth, but all truth in a systematic structure. There has been an historical development of the definitions, for they gradually became more explicit in including all truths and principles. The differences in definitions are apparently due to the progressive revelation of principles, and to the authors' efforts to teach the principles needed by their audiences.

Attitudes Concerning Birth Control and Abortion As Related to LDS Religiosity of Brigham Young University Students

Peterson, Erlend D. 01 January 1971 (has links) (PDF)
This study was an analysis of the relationship between LDS religiosity of college students and their attitudes concerning birth control and abortion. The respondents in this research were LDS college students attending Brigham Young University Fall Semester 1970. Goodman and Kruskal's gamma and a difference of means test were used to measure association and difference to determine the statistical significance of the responses as related to religiosity and attitudes concerning birth control and abortion. The results of the study showed that (1) there was a positive relationship between conservative attitudes toward birth control and abortion and one's degree of measured religiosity, (2) there was a significant difference between the attitude toward personal practice of birth control and abortion and the practice permitted to others outside the religious group membership, (3) attitudes toward birth control and abortion within the religious membership group were significantly more particularistic than universalistic, (4) there was a positive correlation between a person's attitude towards birth control and abortion and perception of church teachings and (5) of the cluster factor influencing the attitudes towards birth control and abortion, religion was found to be the most significant.

A Course of Study For the LDS Indian Seminary Program of Northern America for Junior High School Students

Preece, Eldred Bruce 01 January 1967 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of writing this teacher's manual was to provide a course of study for the junior high school Indian Seminary students living mainly in Northern climes of North America. In more recent years, a greater emphasis by the Church has been placed on preaching the Gospel to Northern Indian tribes, as evidenced by the organization of the Northern Indian Mission in 1964. With the conversion of hundreds of Lamanites, came also the need to provide religious education and character development for the children of these new converts and for the children of older Church members. Many non-LDS students, with parental permission, also enroll in these religion classes, in order to take advantage of the varied activities which the Indian Seminary program provides.

An Analysis of Attitudes Navajo Community Leaders Have toward a Religion Sponsored Program Based Upon Membership of that Faith and Amount of Information Attained

Rainer, Howard 01 January 1976 (has links) (PDF)
The problem is to analyze the opinions of the Navajo community leadership towards a religion sponsored program, as related to their exposure to information about the program and to othether social variables. Specifically, this study is concerned with two main questions: 1. Is the reaction among Navajo community leaders towards the LDS Indian Placement Program related to the amount of information they have available about that program? 2. Is the attitudes of Navajo community leaders concerning the Placement Program related to their social economic status of age, religious affiliation, and other such variables?

A Historical Study of the Congressional Career, John T. Caine

Roderick, Judith Ann 01 January 1959 (has links) (PDF)
John T. Caine, an adept leader in the national and local political arena, was one of the best known and most highly respected men in Utah during the territorial era. Very early in his life he assumed an active role in politics and became one of the early leaders of the Democratic Party in Utah. From the time of his initial election in 1882 as the territorial delegate until his retirement in 1893, he labored in behalf of his constituents. No task proved to be too tiresome or laborious; industry, honesty, and sober self-reliance were personal characteristics of the man and his actions. It is the purpose of this historical study to present a factual account of the congressional career of John T. Caine. In a sense, this is a pioneer work since it represents the first detailed study of the influence of Caine upon the interactions between Congress and the Territory of Utah in this decade.

An Analysis of BYU 1963 Women Graduates' Present Status as Mothers in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Roundy, Phyllis Ann 01 January 1970 (has links) (PDF)
This study was conducted to survey the practices and feelings of a selected group of young mothers concerning: (1) their family life and (2) their activity in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Epideictic Rhetoric and the Formation of Collective Identity: Nineteenth-Century Mormon Women in Praise of Polygamy

Scribner, Robbyn Thompson 01 January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, I will proceed as follows: my first chapter will be a general overview of epideictic rhetoric, focusing on the limitations of how it has traditionally been viewed and understood by theorists. At the end of that chapter I will establish a working definition of epideictic which extends traditional views about how epideictic can function in certain types of writings, focusing on the important role of the speaker in epideictic rhetoric and how it can work in enabling a community to create a collective identity. In the remainder of the thesis, I will analyze two texts in which epideictic functions in that specific way. The first is a public speech given by Artimesia Snow which was later published for a larger audience as a newspaper editorial. This speech was given in a setting which was very traditional for epideictic, and it contains many examples of epideictic elements working in recognizable ways. In my analysis, I will look at how an authoritative speaker establishes herself as a representative figure for the community which she is addressing. The second text I will analyze is an autobiography written by Martha Cox, a woman who was a devoted polygamist before the Manifesto of 1890, and who remained faithful in the church after the practice was discontinued. This autobiography is less clearly a genre in which epideictic is a useful form of rhetoric, yet throughout the text, she clearly includes epideictic elements in her rhetorical appeals. In that chapter I will examine her text, specifically looking at how epideictic works differently in nontraditional settings, and how she uses different rhetorical tools in order to invite the formation of a collective identity. Finally, I will conclude with a brief summary of my findings and a discussion of how they can help us broaden the definition of epideictic rhetoric and better understand the social and cultural function of the writings of these Mormon polygamous women.

History of the LDS Southern States Mission, 1875-1898

Seferovich, Heather M. 01 January 1996 (has links) (PDF)
This in-depth study of late nineteenth-century missionary work in the Southern States Mission examines the encounter of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the American South. It highlights some of the region's varying conditions affecting missionary work and reports the elders' responses to new and different situations, peoples, and subcultures. Examining missionary work from the elders' viewpoint creates a better understanding of what the missionaries experienced and how they reacted to new situations outside the Mormon "corridor" of settlement in the American West. The statistical analysis of the 1,689 elders in the Mission reveals new details about the type of missionaries serving in the late nineteenth-century South. Finally, a history of the Southern States Mission contributes to the general understanding of late nineteenth-century LDS missionary work.

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